Body Temperature Regulation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the world warms, it will be tempting to relate the biological responses of terrestrial animals to air temperature. But air temperature typically plays a lesser role in the heat exchange of those animals than does radiant heat. Under radiant load, animals can gain heat even when body surface temperature exceeds air temperature. However, animals can buffer the impacts of radiant heat exposure: burrows and other refuges may block solar radiant heat fully, but trees and agricultural shelters provide only partial relief. For animals that can do so effectively, evaporative cooling will be used to dissipate body heat. Evaporative cooling is dependent directly on the water vapour pressure difference between the body surface and immediate surroundings, but only indirectly on relative humidity. High relative humidity at high air temperature implies a high water vapour pressure, but evaporation into air with 100% relative humidity is not impossible. Evaporation is enhanced by wind, but the wind speed reported by meteorological services is not that experienced by animals; instead, the wind, air temperature, humidity and radiation experienced is that of the animal\'s microclimate. In this Commentary, we discuss how microclimate should be quantified to ensure accurate assessment of an animal\'s thermal environment. We propose that the microclimate metric of dry heat load to which the biological responses of animals should be related is black-globe temperature measured on or near the animal, and not air temperature. Finally, when analysing those responses, the metric of humidity should be water vapour pressure, not relative humidity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Birds maintain some of the highest body temperatures among endothermic animals. Often deemed a selective advantage for heat tolerance, high body temperatures also limits birds\' thermal safety margin before reaching lethal levels. Recent modelling suggests that sustained effort in Arctic birds might be restricted at mild air temperatures, which may require reductions in activity to avoid overheating, with expected negative impacts on reproductive performance. We measured within-individual changes in body temperature in calm birds and then in response to an experimental increase in activity in an outdoor captive population of Arctic, cold-specialised snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis), exposed to naturally varying air temperatures (- 15 to 36 °C). Calm buntings exhibited a modal body temperature range from 39.9 to 42.6 °C. However, we detected a significant increase in body temperature within minutes of shifting calm birds to active flight, with strong evidence for a positive effect of air temperature on body temperature (slope = 0.04 °C/ °C). Importantly, by an ambient temperature of 9 °C, flying buntings were already generating body temperatures ≥ 45 °C, approaching the upper thermal limits of organismal performance (45-47 °C). With known limited evaporative heat dissipation capacities in these birds, our results support the recent prediction that free-living buntings operating at maximal sustainable rates will increasingly need to rely on behavioural thermoregulatory strategies to regulate body temperature, to the detriment of nestling growth and survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several International Federations (IFs) employ specific policies to protect athletes\' health from the danger of heat. Most policies rely on the measurement of thermal indices such as the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) to estimate the risk of heat-related illness. This review summarises the policies implemented by the 32 IFs of the 45 sports included in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. It provides details into the venue type, measured parameters, used thermal indices, measurement procedures, mitigation strategies and specifies whether the policy is a recommendation or a requirement. Additionally, a categorisation of sports\' heat stress risk is proposed. Among the 15 sports identified as high, very high or extreme risk, one did not have a heat policy, three did not specify any parameter measurement, one relied on water temperature, two on air temperature and relative humidity, seven on WBGT (six measured on-site and one estimated) and one on the Heat Stress Index. However, indices currently used in sports have been developed for soldiers or workers and may not adequately reflect the thermal strain endured by athletes. Notably, they do not account for the athletes\' high metabolic heat production and their level of acclimation. It is, therefore, worthwhile listing the relevance of the thermal indices used by IFs to quantify the risk of heat stress, and in the near future, develop an index adapted to the specific needs of athletes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of consistent between-individual behavioural variation in single (animal personality) and across two or more behavioural traits (behavioural syndrome) is a central topic of behavioural ecology. Besides behavioural type (individual mean behaviour), behavioural predictability (environment-independent within-individual behavioural variation) is now also seen as an important component of individual behavioural strategy. Research focus is still on the \'Big Five\' traits (activity, exploration, risk-taking, sociability and aggression), but another prime candidate to integrate to the personality framework is behavioural thermoregulation in small-bodied poikilotherms. Here, we found animal personality in thermoregulatory strategy (selected body temperature, voluntary thermal maximum, setpoint range) and \'classic\' behavioural traits (activity, sheltering, risk-taking) in common lizards (Zootoca vivipara). Individual state did not explain the between-individual variation. There was a positive behavioural type-behavioural predictability correlation in selected body temperature. Besides an activity-risk-taking syndrome, we also found a risk-taking-selected body temperature syndrome. Our results suggest that animal personality and behavioural syndrome are present in common lizards, both including thermoregulatory and \'classic\' behavioural traits, and selecting high body temperature with high predictability is part of the risk-prone behavioural strategy. We propose that thermoregulatory behaviour should be considered with equal weight to the \'classic\' traits in animal personality studies of poikilotherms employing active behavioural thermoregulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extreme weather events radically alter ecosystems. When ecological damage persists, selective pressures on individuals can change, leading to phenotypic adjustments. For group-living animals, social relationships may be a mechanism enabling adaptation to ecosystem disturbance. Yet whether such events alter selection on sociality and whether group-living animals can, as a result, adaptively change their social relationships remain untested. We leveraged 10 years of data collected on rhesus macaques before and after a category 4 hurricane caused persistent deforestation, exacerbating monkeys\' exposure to intense heat. In response, macaques demonstrated persistently increased tolerance and decreased aggression toward other monkeys, facilitating access to scarce shade critical for thermoregulation. Social tolerance predicted individual survival after the hurricane, but not before it, revealing a shift in the adaptive function of sociality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inclusive thermal comfort solutions should accommodate the need of clinical groups such as people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS), who experience abnormal thermal sensitivity. The aim of this study was to develop high-density body maps of temperature sensitivity in pwMS to inform the design of patient-centred personal comfort systems. Fourteen pwMS (6 M/8 F; 48.6 ± 10.0 y) and 13 healthy individuals (CTR; 5 M/8 F; 47.8 ± 10.4) underwent a quantitative sensory test in a thermoneutral environment, during which they rated their local thermal sensations arising from the application of warm (39°C) and cold (27°C) stimuli to 115 bilateral body sites across the face, torso, upper and lower limbs. We used a z-transformation to create maps of hypo- and hyper-sensitivity for each individual MS participant using normative CTR data. We found that 50% of pwMS (N = 7/14) presented a loss of cold sensitivity over the upper limb, and a loss of warm sensitivity over the feet. Furthermore, 36% of pwMS (N = 5) presented warm hyper-sensitivity over the upper limb. Finally, cold sensitivity loss and warm sensitivity gain were more evenly distributed and affected a greater proportion of skin sites in MS (i.e. cold hypo-sensitivity = 44% of tested sites; warm hyper-sensitivity = 14%) than warm sensitivity loss (i.e. 10%), which was more focused on sites such as the feet. Our findings highlight the need to consider \"thermosensory corrective power\" when designing personal comfort systems, to accommodate either thermosensory loss or gain in pwMS. Our approach to clinical body mapping may support this process and help meeting the unique thermal needs of vulnerable individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractDuring periods of torpor, hibernators can reduce metabolic rate (MR) and body temperature (Tb) substantially. However, to avoid physiological dysfunction at low temperatures, they defend Tb at a critical minimum, often between ~0°C and 10°C via an increase in MR. Because thermoregulation during torpor requires extra energy, individuals with lower Tb\'s and thus minimal MR during torpor should be selected in colder climates. Such inter- and intraspecific variations occur in some placental mammals, but for the evolutionary separate marsupials, available information is scarce. Marsupial eastern pygmy possums (Cercartetus nanus; ~22 g body mass), widely distributed along the Australian southeastern coast including subtropical to alpine areas, were used to test the hypothesis that the defended Tb of torpid individuals is related to the climate of their habitat. Possums were captured from five regions, 1,515 km apart, with midwinter (July) minimum environmental temperatures (min Tenv\'s) ranging from -3.9°C to 6.6°C. Captive possums in deep torpor were slowly cooled with ambient temperature (Ta), while their MR was measured to determine the minimum torpor metabolic rate (TMR), the Ta at which their MR increased for thermoregulation (min Ta), and the corresponding minimum Tb (min Tb). Partial least squares regression analysis revealed that Ta and Tenv were the strongest explanatory variables for the min Tb. The min Tb and Ta were also correlated with latitude but not elevation of the capture sites. However, the best correlations were observed between the min Tenv and the min Tb and Ta for individuals experiencing min Tenv>0°C; these individuals thermoconformed to min Ta\'s between -0.8°C and 3.7°C, and their min Tb ranged from 0.5°C to 6.0°C and was 0.5°C-2.6°C below the min Tenv at the capture site. In contrast, individuals experiencing a min Tenv of -3.9°C regulated Tb at 0.6°C±0.2°C or 4.5°C above the Tenv. The minimum TMR of all possums did not differ with Ta and thus did not differ among populations and was 2.6% of the basal MR. These data provide new evidence that thermal variables of marsupials are subject to regional intraspecific variation. It suggests that min Tb is a function of the min Tenv but only above 0°C, perhaps because the Tb-Ta differential for torpid possums in the wild, at a min Tenv of -3.9°C, remains small enough to be compensated by a small increase in MR and does not require the physiological capability for a reduction of Tb below 0°C.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endothermic, flying insects are capable of some of the highest recorded metabolic rates. This high aerobic demand is made possible by the insect\'s tracheal system, which supplies the flight muscles with oxygen. Many studies focus on metabolic responses to acute changes in oxygen to test the limits of the insect flight metabolic system, with some flying insects exhibiting oxygen limitation in flight metabolism. These acute studies do not account for possible changes induced by developmental phenotypic plasticity in response to chronic changes in oxygen levels. The endothermic moth Manduca sexta is a model organism that is easy to raise and exhibits a high thorax temperature during flight (∼40°C). In this study, we examined the effects of developmental oxygen exposure during the larval, pupal and adult stages on the adult moth\'s aerobic performance. We measured flight critical oxygen partial pressure (Pcrit-), thorax temperature and thermoregulating metabolic rate to understand the extent of developmental plasticity as well as effects of developmental oxygen levels on endothermic capacity. We found that developing in hypoxia (10% oxygen) decreased thermoregulating thorax temperature when compared with moths raised in normoxia or hyperoxia (30% oxygen), when moths were warming up in atmospheres with 21-30% oxygen. In addition, moths raised in hypoxia had lower critical oxygen levels when flying. These results suggest that chronic developmental exposure to hypoxia affects the adult metabolic phenotype and potentially has implications for thermoregulatory and flight behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elderly are vulnerable to adverse health effects of heat. They have impaired thermoregulation due to lower ability to sweat and decreased skin blood flow and are more likely to have diseases, which carry a risk for exacerbation during hot weather. Therefore, elderly should adapt their behavior during hot weather and apply water-bound cooling strategies. Ideally, they should be contacted daily during heatwaves for support and to check up on their health status. Health professionals should conduct a pre-summer medical check-up and inform about heat health risks and prevention strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Honey bees preferentially occupy thick walled tall narrow tree cavities and attach their combs directly to the nest wall, leaving periodic gaps. However, academic research and beekeeping are conducted in squat, thin walled man made hives, with a continuous gap between the combs and the walls and roof. Utilising a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of thermoregulating bees in complete nests in trees and thin walled man made hives, with the average size of tree comb gaps determined from honey bee occupied synthetic tree nests, this research compared the metabolic energy impacts of comb gaps and vertical movement of the thermoregulated brood area. This shows their heat transfer regimes are disparate, including: bee space above combs increases heat loss by up to ∼70%; hives, compared to tree nests, require at least 150% the density of honey bees to arrest convection across the brood area. Tree cavities have a larger vertical freedom, a greater thermal resistance and can make dense clustering redundant. With the thermal environment being critical to honey bees, the magnitude and scope of these differences suggest that some hive based behavioural research needs extra validation to be considered non-anthropogenic, and some bee keeping practices are sub-optimal.





