%0 Journal Article %T [Heat health risks for the elderly]. %A Quitmann C %A Herrmann A %A Koschemann V %J MMW Fortschr Med %V 166 %N 11 %D 2024 06 %M 38871908 暂无%R 10.1007/s15006-024-3957-5 %X Elderly are vulnerable to adverse health effects of heat. They have impaired thermoregulation due to lower ability to sweat and decreased skin blood flow and are more likely to have diseases, which carry a risk for exacerbation during hot weather. Therefore, elderly should adapt their behavior during hot weather and apply water-bound cooling strategies. Ideally, they should be contacted daily during heatwaves for support and to check up on their health status. Health professionals should conduct a pre-summer medical check-up and inform about heat health risks and prevention strategies.