
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A scoping review of the literature was undertaken using JBI guidelines to map the evidence of parent-led therapy (PLT) for young autistic children (≤ 6 years) raised in bilingual environments. Reviewers used Covidence to screen located sources. Sixteen papers met inclusion criteria. A strong acceleration of reports of PLT for young autistic children measured in bilingual environments was observed, with 93.8% of papers (n = 15) published since 2015. Reporting of participants\' language environments (home language(s)/L1s and societal language(s)/L2s) was inconsistent. A large majority of these studies, 87.5% (n = 14) were conducted in North America or in collaboration with a North American institution. Diverse PLT programs and methodologies were identified. There is variation in demographic information collected and outcomes reported. Evidence gaps in the literature are identified and the value of undertaking systematic review on this topic is considered. This scoping review points to the necessity of further empirical research and practice that centres parents in early and specific support for autistic children raised in bilingual environments. Suggestions for improving reporting standards of language profiles are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background and Objectives: This review aims to identify the latest literature on the possible effect of bilingualism on the linguistic skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) residing in Greece. (2) Materials and Methods: The literature was searched in the databases of Scopus and PubMed by selecting articles and by reviewing four studies published in peer-reviewed journals. This Scoping Review is based on the standards of PRISMA recommendations for scoping reviews, while the PCC framework was used as a guide to construct clear and meaningful objectives and eligibility criteria. (3) Results: The publications included in the review addressed a variety of language-related skills, including morphology, the syntax-pragmatics interface, narrative ability, as well as both receptive and expressive language skills. (4) Conclusions: Three out of four studies provide evidence that bilingual ASD children are not disadvantaged compared to monolingual peers but rather enjoy some benefits, to a certain extent, due to bilingualism. However, the number of the reviewed studies as well as the limitations of the studies themselves render this conclusion tentative. Additionally, the findings set guidelines that speech therapists, educators, psychologists, and doctors in the Greek context need to follow when treating or educating bilingual children with ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large number of children are exposed to more than one language. One well-established method of assessing early vocabulary development in monolingual children is parent report; however, its use in bilingual/multilingual contexts is less established and brings unique challenges. In this methodological scoping review, we reviewed studies of early vocabulary development using parent report with bilingual/multilingual children (January 1980-March 2022). A total of 576 articles were screened, yielding 101 studies for analysis. The number of studies on bilingual/multilingual vocabulary has grown in the last two decades; yet representation of the world\'s languages remains sparse. The majority of studies assessed bilingual/multilingual children\'s vocabulary in each language and used instruments adapted for linguistic and cultural characteristics. However, the field could benefit from standardized reporting practices regarding definitions of bi/multilingualism, selection of reporters, and tool development and is in critical need of studies that develop, validate, and norm parent report instruments specifically for the bilingual/multilingual case.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meta-analyses are a method by which to increase the statistical power and generalizability of neuroimaging findings. In the neurolinguistics literature, meta-analyses have the potential to substantiate hypotheses about L1 and L2 processing networks and to reveal differences between the two that may escape detection in individual studies. Why then is there so little consensus between the reported findings of even the most recently published and most highly powered meta-analyses? Limitations in the literature, such as the absence of a common method to define and measure descriptive categories (e.g., proficiency level, degree of language exposure, age of acquisition, etc.) are often cited. An equally plausible explanation lies in the technical details of how individual meta-analyses are conducted. This paper provides a review of recent meta-analyses, with a discussion of their methodological choices and the possible effect those choices may have on the reported findings.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Communication and language skills are among the most severely affected domains in individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). When a child diagnosed with ASD lives in a bilingual environment, the parents often express concerns about whether their child should learn both languages simultaneously, turning to specialists for advice. Despite the lack of evidence of any negative effect, some professionals disagree on this subject. In this systematic review we study whether bilingualism affects language development in children with ASD.
    METHODS: We reviewed the literature published in 4 different databases. After applying a series of selection criteria, we selected 12 scientific articles, including a total of 328 children diagnosed with ASD (169 bilingual and 159 monolingual), with ages ranging from 3 to 12 years. These patients were evaluated with different receptive and expressive language assessment instruments covering several areas. The assessments were performed directly on the children, although indirect assessment of parents was also performed in some studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: There seems to be consensus regarding the assertion that bilingualism does not entail any additional difficulty for language development in children with ASD from the age of 3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by speech and/or language impairment with relatively spared cognition. Research investigating behavioral speech-language intervention and methods for cognitive-linguistic assessment in PPA has predominantly centered around monolingual speakers. This gap hinders the widespread adoption of evidence-based approaches and exacerbates the inequities faced by culturally and linguistically diverse populations living with PPA.
    This scoping review synthesizes the current evidence for assessment and treatment practices in bilingual PPA as well as the operationalization of bilingualism in PPA.
    Arksey & O\'Malley\'s scoping review methodology was utilized. Information was extracted from each study and entered into a data-charting template designed to capture information regarding operationalization of bilingualism in PPA and assessment and treatment practices.
    Of the 16 identified studies, 14 reported the results of assessments conducted in both languages. Three studies reported positive naming treatment outcomes. Thirteen studies included English-speaking participants, revealing linguistic bias. Most studies reported age of acquisition, proficiency, and patterns of language use rather than providing an operational definition for bilingualism.
    Neither formal assessment measures nor clear guidelines for assessment of bilingual PPA currently exist; however, language-specific measures are emerging. Speech-language intervention in bilingual PPA has been relatively unexplored, representing a significant gap in the literature. In order to improve diagnostic and treatment options for bilingual PPA, targeted efforts to increase representation of bilinguals from various sociocultural contexts, as well as those who speak a variety of language pairs, is necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The importance of biliteracy in bilingual children\'s development has been widely investigated and discussed for the last several decades, suggesting beneficial effects of writing and reading in two languages for bilingual children as well as for adult second language learners.
    UNASSIGNED: To analyze research on the link between bilingualism and literacy development in two or more languages and the factors that may influence a successful or problematic biliteracy acquisition. RQ (1): What is the relationship between bilingualism and literacy of bilingual children? RQ (2): What strategies are used to develop biliteracy?
    UNASSIGNED: The review analyzes 50 studies of literacy development in bilingual children. The selected articles have been separated based on their methodology: 25 articles gave a critical analysis of more than 1,100 studies on the topic, strengthening the theoretical basis of existing research, and 25 other articles were empirical research articles demonstrating practical evidence for the former.
    UNASSIGNED: Our analysis revealed that literacy in bilinguals, or biliteracy, can be seen as a necessary condition for fluent development of bilingualism, though it is not a necessary condition (which is explained by the difference between structures of specific languages and writing systems, instruction in literacy, and cognitive baggage invoked by the task used to measure the skill) (Bialystok, 2002). Research suggests that bilingualism impacts children\'s ultimate acquisition of literacy via the beneficial effects of bilingualism overall: advanced biliteracy boosts the development of phonological and phonemic awareness and metacognitive abilities. Thus, biliteracy can be considered as an advantage in terms of maintaining bilingual acquisition in general and developing writing skills in particular.
    UNASSIGNED: There is a lack of studies on the development of writing skills in different educational contexts, across countries and cultures, which must be addressed and complemented by new empirical research. Research will enable policymakers to improve educational programs in accordance with the needs of bilingual children, who are the majority in the current global population.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Several studies have pointed to beneficial effects of bilingualism on executive functioning. However, observations of these beneficial effects have at times proven difficult to reproduce. Moreover, findings of studies on cognitive effects of bilingualism have been contested altogether. These contradictory outcomes leave the research field of bilingualism at unease. In the present review article, we aim to give a systematic overview of previous research on bilingual advantages in inhibition and switching in children up to the age of 12. Particular attention is paid to the experimental tasks that have been applied and the persistence of possible effects throughout critical and post-critical periods for cognitive development in children. In doing so, the review gives an insight in both the validity and robustness of possible domain-general cognitive effects of bilingualism in children. Terminological issues are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    We report a systematic review and exploratory meta-regression investigating the hypothesis that the effects of bilingualism on cognitive reserve are modulated by the distance between the pair of languages a bilingual uses. An inclusive multiple database search was performed in order to identify all relevant published research conducted in bilingual seniors. A combination of qualitative and quantitative synthesis methods were used in order to investigate our research questions. Results suggest that healthy bilingual seniors speaking more distant language pairs show improved monitoring performance on cognitive tasks. Evidence regarding a modulatory influence of language distance (LD) on the age of dementia diagnosis was inconclusive due to the small number of published studies meeting our inclusion criteria. We recommend more detailed reporting of individual differences in bilingual experience to assess the impact of LD and other variables on typical cognitive aging and the development of dementia. Linguistic differences in samples should also be considered as a constraint on bilingual advantages in future studies. Preregistration: PROSPERO CRD42021238705; OSF DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/VPRBU.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Bilingualism is widespread and being bilingual is more common than being monolingual. The lifelong practice bilinguals receive from managing two languages seems to lead to a cognitive benefit. Conversely, bilingualism seems to affect language ability negatively due to less use of each known language.
    This systematic review aims to summarize the results of the studies on the effect of bilingualism on executive functioning assessed by verbal fluency tasks. The verbal fluency task is a neuropsychological measure of lexical retrieval efficiency and executive functioning.
    The review was conducted according to the PRISMA statement through searches in the scientific databases PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, MEDLINE, PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Studies included in this review had at least one bilingual and monolingual group, participants over 18 years and one verbal fluency task. Studies that considered bimodal bilingual, second language learners, trilingual or multilingual people, and clinical populations were excluded. A total of 38 studies were included in the systematic review.
    Quantitative analysis of performance did not show significant differences between monolinguals and bilinguals. Qualitative results are mixed, and no definitive conclusions can be drawn about a bilingual advantage or disadvantage in the verbal fluency tasks.
    Normative data based on the monolingual population are not appropriate to test a bilingual population. It is necessary to take precautions in using this task, especially in clinical practice.
    What is already known on the subject Bilingualism seems to lead to a cognitive benefit due to constantly monitoring the known languages to select the most suitable one for each interactional context and to affect language ability negatively due to less use of each known language but also to language ability negatively. What this paper adds to the existing knowledge This systematic review summarizes the results of the studies on the effect of bilingualism on executive functioning assessed by verbal fluency tasks, a neuropsychological measure of lexical retrieval efficiency and executive functioning. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? Normative data based on the monolingual population are not appropriate to test a bilingual population. It is necessary to take precautions in using this task, especially in clinical practice.





