Social Group

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This study evaluated the ability of the Explicit Discrimination Scale (EDS) to produce comparable estimates among respondents according to gender, color/race, and socioeconomic status. Analysis was based on data from two studies with students from Brazilian public universities. An abridged version of the EDS with eight items was evaluated by the alignment method. Findings indicated violation of invariance between color/race and gender groups. Reports of discriminatory experiences had better comparability between socioeconomic status strata. This study showed that EDS should be used with caution, especially to compare discrimination estimates between respondents of different colors/races and genders. The observed violation of invariance reinforces the need for additional research examining whether such a scenario persists in larger and more diverse samples from Brazil.
    O objetivo foi avaliar a capacidade da Escala de Discriminação Explícita (EDE) de produzir estimativas comparáveis entre grupos de gênero, cor/raça e posição socioeconômica. A análise se baseou em dados de dois estudos, realizados com estudantes de universidades públicas brasileiras. Uma versão abreviada da EDE com oito itens foi avaliada, utilizando o método alignment (alinhamento). Nossos achados indicaram violação de invariância entre grupos de cor/raça e gênero. Os relatos de experiências discriminatórias tiveram melhor comparabilidade entre estratos de posição socioeconômica. Este estudo demonstrou que a EDE deve ser utilizada com cautela, especialmente para fazer comparações de estimativas de discriminação entre respondentes de cor/raça e gênero distintos. A violação de invariância observada reforça a necessidade de pesquisas adicionais, examinando se tal cenário se mantém em amostras mais amplas e diversas do país.
    El objetivo fue evaluar la capacidad de la Escala de Discriminación Explícita (EDE) para producir estimaciones comparables entre grupos de género, color/raza y posición socioeconómica. El análisis se basó en los datos de dos estudios, realizados con estudiantes de universidades públicas brasileñas. Se evaluó una versión abreviada de la EDE con 8 ítems, utilizando el método alignment (alineación). Nuestros hallazgos indicaron una violación de la invariancia entre los grupos de color/raza y género. Los informes de experiencias discriminatorias fueron más comparables entre los estratos de posición socioeconómica. Este estudio demostró que la EDE debe usarse con precaución, especialmente para hacer comparaciones de estimaciones de discriminación entre encuestados distintos de color/raza y género. La violación de la invariancia observada refuerza la necesidad de investigaciones adicionales, examinando si tal escenario se mantiene muestras más amplias y diversas del país.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pekin ducks are exposed to stressors such as heat stress, enteric pathogens, mycotoxins, and other environmental stressors. We know from wild bird literature that birds communicate through vocalizations. We hypothesized that Pekin ducks would have a diverse repertoire that is affected by the sex, social group, and specific stimuli. We utilized adult Pekin ducks to develop a vocal repertoire. We placed 1 to 4 ducks of varying sexes into a sound chamber with various stimuli used to encourage new vocalizations. Birds were recorded for 20 min with several variations of number and sexes of ducks. Once the ducks were recorded each vocalization that was clipped was named based on a predetermined naming system. We characterized the vocal system of the ducks under each stimulus and social treatment in 4 ways: overall call rates, call diversity, call repertoire, and call spectral properties. In all cases, normality of residuals and homogeneity of variances for GLM and ANOVA models were confirmed using Proc Univariate (SAS v9.4) where a p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. We found that Pekin ducks produce up to 16 different vocalizations. The treatments had a significant effect on the overall rate of calls given by the ducks (ANOVA: F6,31 = 8.55, p < 0.0001). Ducks produced the most calls by far when someone was sitting in the chamber with them (30.04 ± 4.45 calls/min). For call diversity, we found that there was a significant main effect of hen number (F218 = 12.21, p = 0.0004) but no main effect of drake number (F3,18 = 3.04, p = 0.0555). Cluster analyses indicated that certain types of calls were given under specific conditions. There were generally 6 major clusters of vocal repertoires (R-square = 0.899, Cubic Clustering Criterion = 9.30). Our results suggest that Pekin ducks are affected by the types of stimuli and social environment in how much they vocalize and in the properties of the calls they use. In addition, males and females differ somewhat in the repertoire of the calls they use, and in the spectral properties of their calls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People implicitly generalize the actions of known individuals in a social group to unknown members. However, actions have social goals and evaluative valences, and the extent to which actions with different valences (helpful and harmful) are implicitly generalized among group members remains unclear. We used computer animations to simulate social group actions, where helping and hindering actions were represented by aiding and obstructing another\'s climb up a hill. Study 1 found that helpful actions are implicitly expected to be shared among members of the same group but not among members of different groups, but no such effect was found for harmful actions. This suggests that helpful actions are more likely than harmful actions to be implicitly generalized to group members. This finding was replicated in Study 2 by increasing the group size from three to five. Study 3 found that the null effect for generalizing harmful actions among group members is not due to the difficulty of detecting action generalization, as both helpful and harmful actions are similarly generalized within particular individuals. Moreover, Study 4 demonstrated that weakening social group information resulted in the absence of implicit generalization for helpful actions, suggesting the specificity of group membership. Study 5 revealed that the generalization of helping actions occurred when actions were performed by multiple group members rather than being repeated by one group member, showing group-based inductive generalization. Overall, these findings support valence-dependent implicit action generalization among group members. This implies that people may possess different knowledge regarding valenced actions on category-based generalization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autoregressive language models, which use deep learning to produce human-like texts, have surged in prevalence. Despite advances in these models, concerns arise about their equity across diverse populations. While AI fairness is discussed widely, metrics to measure equity in dialogue systems are lacking. This paper presents a framework, rooted in deliberative democracy and science communication studies, to evaluate equity in human-AI communication. Using it, we conducted an algorithm auditing study to examine how GPT-3 responded to different populations who vary in sociodemographic backgrounds and viewpoints on crucial science and social issues: climate change and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. We analyzed 20,000 dialogues with 3290 participants differing in gender, race, education, and opinions. We found a substantively worse user experience among the opinion minority groups (e.g., climate deniers, racists) and the education minority groups; however, these groups changed attitudes toward supporting BLM and climate change efforts much more compared to other social groups after the chat. GPT-3 used more negative expressions when responding to the education and opinion minority groups. We discuss the social-technological implications of our findings for a conversational AI system that centralizes diversity, equity, and inclusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When deciding what images we prefer, our brain must weigh many aesthetic variables, such as symmetry and complexity. To date, aesthetic research has mainly focused on investigating one variable at a time. In this article, we use symmetry and complexity to study the problem of multi aesthetic-variable interactions. For symmetry and complexity, there are two simple interaction hypotheses. The independence hypothesis proposes that the evaluation of aesthetic variables is mutually independent. Meanwhile, Birkhoff\'s aesthetic-measure hypothesis predicts that people prefer images high in symmetry and low in complexity, and dislike the opposite. To test these hypotheses, we generated images that systematically varied in levels of symmetry and complexity. We then compared the subjects\' preference maps to identify regions of likes and dislikes. Unlike the predictions from these hypotheses, we found that most, but not all subjects, formed two distinct natural clusters, termed \"islands,\" in terms of likes and dislikes. We also found that people with more art exposure were less likely to belong to an island. If someone did belong to an island, their gender influenced which cluster they belonged to. We discuss alternate hypotheses, possible mechanisms for the occurrence of islands, and their possible social implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bevezetés: Az orvostanhallgatók marginalizált csoportokkal kapcsolatos ismeretei, előítéletei befolyásolhatják a betegekkel való kapcsolatukat. Célkitűzés: Az orvostanhallgatók véleményének vizsgálata abból a szempontból, hogy mely társadalmi csoportokat fogadnának el betegként kevésbé. Módszer: A Szegedi Tudományegyetem orvostanhallgatói önkéntes, anonim kérdőívet töltöttek ki 2021-ben (n = 410), mely több kérdéscsoportot tartalmazott (szociodemográfiai jellemzők, családi háttér, pályaválasztási motivációk, orvosi identitás alakulása, jövőbeli szakmai tervek, egyetem alatti munkavégzés, 19 társadalmi csoportra vonatkozóan kedvesség és kompetencia, társadalmi távolság mérése, saját tapasztalatok). Eredmények: A hallgatók a legkevésbé a bántalmazókkal, az oltásellenesekkel és a fogvatartottakkal szeretnének munkájuk során találkozni. Az orvostanhallgató-nők nagyobb arányban utasították el a bántalmazókat, míg férfi társaik inkább a hajléktalanokat, az alkoholistákat, az AIDS-betegeket, illetve a pszichiátriai betegségben szenvedőket, a felsőbb évesek pedig az oltásellenes és az AIDS-betegeket. A hallgatóknak a különböző társadalmi csoportokkal kapcsolatos tapasztalatai is nagyon eltérőek voltak. Személyesen a legtöbben romát, drogfogyasztót, pszichiátriai beteget, alkoholistát ismertek. A klinikai gyakorlatokon a leginkább romákkal, alkoholistákkal és pszichiátriai betegekkel találkoztak. Az oktatás során oltásellenesekről, alkoholistákról, romákról, hajléktalanokról, AIDS-betegekről hallottak a leggyakrabban. Megbeszélés: A hallgatók a különböző társadalmi csoportokba tartozó betegekkel kapcsolatban elfogadók voltak. Az előítéleteik mögött álló személyes, illetve az oktatás során szerzett tapasztalataik azonban nagyon szerteágazóak. Következtetés: Törekedni kell arra, hogy a hallgatók magatartás-tudományi, népegészségtani tanulmányaik alatt és klinikai munkájuk során is találkozzanak a különböző társadalmi csoportokkal, megismerhessék őket, így megtanulhassák a velük való megfelelő kommunikációt. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(48): 1912–1919.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group forming behaviors are common in many species to overcome environmental challenges. In humans, bonding, trust, group norms, and a shared past increase consolidation of social groups. Being a part of a social group increases resilience to mental stress; conversely, its loss increases vulnerability to depression. However, our knowledge on how social group support affects brain functions is limited. This study observed that default mode network (DMN) activity reduced with the loss of social group support from real-life friends in a challenging social competition. The loss of support induced anterior temporoparietal activity followed by anterior insula and the dorsal attentional network activity. Being a part of a social group and having support provides an environment for high cognitive functioning of the DMN, while the loss of group support acts as a threat signal and activates the anterior temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and insula regions of salience and attentional networks for individual survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urban green space equity focuses on whether different social groups can equally share the well-being from green space, which is an important issue in the realm of environmental justice. We systematically introduced the origin and development of green space equity, explored its multidimensional progress in conceptual connotation, measurement methodology, phenomenon, mechanism, and regulation, and proposed the enlightenment for deepening the related studies. The green space equity originated from environmental social movement and environmental justice studies, and experienced multilevel evolution in topic constriction and theoretical interpretation. Although the connotation of green space equity was interpreted from various perspectives, its core idea was distributional equality. There was a frequently-used framework for measurement methodology of green space equity, whose spatial scale issue was critical. Due to the differences of characteristics, developmental stages, and institutional backgrounds between Chinese and Western cities, the phenomena and driving mechanisms of green space equity were different. The regulation strategies of green space equity could be summarized into three types, including green distributional equitable strategy, social recognitional justice strategy, and procedural justice orientated strategy. Future studies should deepen the research from the hierarchical logics for practice management, the fine-scale measurement methodology, the interpretation of mechanism for green space inequity in Chinese context, and simulation of differentiated regulation strategies. Social development endows green space equity with more practical tasks and theoretical logics, which is urgent to clarify the research progress to support the future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group movement leadership is associated with higher risks for those in the front. Leaders are the first to explore new areas and may be exposed to predation. Individual differences in risk-taking behavior may be related to hormonal differences. In challenging circumstances, such as risk-taking leadership that may pose a cost to the leader, cortisol is secreted both to increase the likelihood of survival by restoring homeostasis, and to mediate cooperative behavior. Testosterone too has a well-established role in risk-taking behavior, and the dual-hormone hypothesis posits that the interaction of testosterone and cortisol can predict social behavior. Based on the dual-hormone hypothesis, we investigated here whether the interaction between testosterone and cortisol can predict risk-taking leadership behavior in wild rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis). We used proximity loggers, observations, and playback trials to characterize hyrax leaders in three different leadership contexts that varied in their risk levels. In support of the dual-hormone hypothesis, we found that cortisol and testosterone interactions predict leadership that involves risk. Across different circumstances that involved low or high levels of risk, testosterone was positively related to leadership, but only in individuals (both males and females) with low levels of cortisol. We also found an interaction between these hormone levels and age at the low-risk scenarios. We suggest that the close social interactions and affiliative behavior among hyrax females within small egalitarian groups may make female leadership less risky, and therefore less stressful, and allow female leaders to influence group activities.





