Gastric Mucosa

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Az oxynticus mirigy neoplasia terminológia a gyomor olyan atípusos fő- és fedősejtek által alkotott mirigyei esetében használatos, amikor nem látszik invázió, tehát a fundus mirigy adenocarcinoma diagnózisa nem állítható fel, ugyanakkor a laesio nem került kompletten eltávolításra, tehát teljes vastagsága nem vizsgálható. Az oxynticus mirigy neoplasiák etiológiája jelenleg tisztázatlan, egyes források protonpumpagátlókkal, valamint antihisztamin-használattal hozták őket összefüggésbe. Endoszkópos vizsgálat során a morfológiájuk nem specifikus, lapos és polypoid laesiók egyaránt lehetnek, és döntően a gyomor felső egyharmadára lokalizáltak. Amennyiben komplett endoszkópos nyálkahártya-reszekció kivitelezhető, további kezelés nem szükséges, tehát összességében jó prognózisú elváltozásoknak tarthatók. Közleményünkben egy 84 éves nő esetét mutatjuk be, akinél haspuffadás miatt indult kivizsgálás, és gasztroszkópia történt. A corpus területén 1 cm-es, lapos polypus volt látható, melyből többszörös biopszia történt, a képlet közel teljes eltávolításával. A szövettani vizsgálat során a nyálkahártya mélyén jól körülírt és jól differenciált, expanzív szélű elváltozás volt megfigyelhető, melyet atípusos fősejtek, elvétve pedig fedősejtek alkottak. Ezek a sejtek oxynticusmirigy-szerű struktúrákat képeztek. A pepszinogénreakció a fősejtekben szemcsés jellegű, citoplazmatikus pozitivitást mutatott. H+/K+ ATPáz reakcióval a fedősejtekben szintén szemcsés jellegű, citoplazmatikus pozitivitás látszott. MUC6-tal a laesionalis sejtekben diffúz, citoplazmatikus pozitivitás volt megfigyelhető. Invázió jeleit nem láttuk. A morfológiai, valamint az immunfenotípus alapján is az elváltozást oxynticus mirigy neoplasiának véleményeztük, ’low-grade’ dysplasiával. Az oxynticus mirigy neoplasiák mind klinikai, mint patológiai szempontból fokozott figyelmet igényelnek, ugyanis ritka entitásokról van szó, melyeknek egyelőre sem az etiológiájuk, sem a prognózisuk nem tisztázott teljes mértékben. Differenciáldiagnosztikai szempontból fundus mirigy polypus, pylorus mirigy adenoma, valamint neuroendokrin tumor jön szóba. A definitív diagnózis felállítását pepszinogén, H+/K+ ATPáz, valamint MUC6 immunhisztokémiai reakciók segíthetik. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(27): 1053–1057.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the most highly prescribed drugs in the world for the treatment of pain, inflammation, and fever, cause gastric mucosal damage, including ulcers, directly or indirectly, by which the development of GI-safer (-sparing) NSAIDs relates to unmet medical needs. This study aimed to document the preventive effects of walnut polyphenol extracts (WPEs) against NSAID-induced gastric damage along with the molecular mechanisms. RGM-1 gastric mucosal cells were administered with indomethacin, and the expressions of the inflammatory mediators between indomethacin alone or a combination with WPEs were compared. The expressions of the inflammatory mediators, including COX-1 and COX-2, prostaglandin E2, 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-PGDH), and antioxidant capacity, were analyzed by Western blot analysis, RT-PCR, and ELISA, respectively. HO-1, Nrf-2, and keap1 were investigated. The in vivo animal models were followed with in vitro investigations. The NSAIDs increased the expression of COX-2 and decreased COX-1 and 15-PGDH, but the WPEs significantly attenuated the NSAID-induced COX-2 expression. Interestingly, the WPEs induced the expression of 15-PGDH. By using the deletion constructs of the 15-PGDH promoter, we found that c-Jun is the most essential determinant of the WPE-induced up-regulation of 15-PGDH expression. We confirmed that the knockdown of c-Jun abolished the ability of the WPEs to up-regulate the 15-PGDH expression. In addition, the WPEs significantly increased the HO-1 expression. The WPEs increased the nuclear translocation of Nrf2 by Keap-1 degradation, and silencing Nrf2 markedly reduced the WPE-induced HO-1 expression. We found that the WPE-induced HO-1 up-regulation was attenuated in the cells harboring the mutant Keap1, in which the cysteine 151 residue was replaced by serine. These in vitro findings were exactly validated in indomethacin-induced gastric rat models. Daily walnut intake can be a promising nutritional supplement providing potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and mucosa-protective effects against NSAID-induced GI damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impaired E-cadherin (Cdh1) functions are closely associated with cellular dedifferentiation, infiltrative tumor growth and metastasis, particularly in gastric cancer. The class-I carcinogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) colonizes gastric epithelial cells and induces Cdh1 shedding, which is primarily mediated by the secreted bacterial protease high temperature requirement A (HtrA). In this study, we used human primary epithelial cell lines derived from gastroids and mucosoids from different healthy donors to investigate HtrA-mediated Cdh1 cleavage and the subsequent impact on bacterial pathogenesis in a non-neoplastic context. We found a severe impairment of Cdh1 functions by HtrA-induced ectodomain cleavage in 2D primary cells and mucosoids. Since mucosoids exhibit an intact apico-basal polarity, we investigated bacterial transmigration across the monolayer, which was partially depolarized by HtrA, as indicated by microscopy, the analyses of the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and colony forming unit (cfu) assays. Finally, we investigated CagA injection and observed efficient CagA translocation and tyrosine phosphorylation in 2D primary cells and, to a lesser extent, similar effects in mucosoids. In summary, HtrA is a crucially important factor promoting the multistep pathogenesis of H. pylori in non-transformed primary gastric epithelial cells and organoid-based epithelial models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive alcohol consumption has led to the prevalence of gastrointestinal ailments. Alleviating gastric disorders attributed to alcohol-induced thinning of the mucus layer has centered on enhancing mucin secretion as a pivotal approach. In this study, foxtail millet bran polyphenol BPIS was divided into two components with MW < 200 D and MW > 200 D by molecular interception technology. Combined with MTT, cell morphology observation, and trypan blue staining, isoferulic acid (IFA) within the MW < 200 D fraction was determined as the effective constituent to mitigate ethanol-induced damage of gastric epithelial cells. Furthermore, a Wistar rat model with similar clinical features to alcohol-induced gastric mucosal injury was established. Then, gastric morphological observation, H&E staining, and assessments of changes in gastric hexosamine content and gastric wall binding mucus levels were carried out, and the results revealed that IFA (10 mg/Kg) significantly ameliorated alcohol-induced gastric mucosal damage. Finally, we applied techniques including Co-IP, molecular docking, and fluorescence spectroscopy and found that IFA inhibited the alcohol-induced downregulation of N-acetylgalactosamintransferase 2 (GALNT2) activity related to mucus synthesis through direct interaction with GALNT2 in gastric epithelial cells, thus promoting mucin synthesis. Our study lays a foundation for whole grain dietary intervention tailored to individuals suffering from alcoholic gastric mucosal injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is closely associated with gastrointestinal diseases. Our preliminary studies have indicated that H. pylori infection had a significant impact on the mucosal microbiome structure in patients with gastric ulcer (GU) or duodenal ulcer (DU).
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the contributions of H. pylori infection and the mucosal microbiome to the pathogenesis and progression of ulcerative diseases.
    METHODS: Patients with H. pylori infection and either GU or DU, and healthy individuals without H. pylori infection were included. Gastric or duodenal mucosal samples was obtained and subjected to metagenomic sequencing. The compositions of the microbial communities and their metabolic functions in the mucosal tissues were analyzed.
    RESULTS: Compared with that in the healthy individuals, the gastric mucosal microbiota in the H. pylori-positive patients with GU was dominated by H. pylori, with significantly reduced biodiversity. The intergroup differential functions, which were enriched in the H. pylori-positive GU patients, were all derived from H. pylori, particularly those concerning transfer RNA queuosine-modification and the synthesis of demethylmenaquinones or menaquinones. A significant enrichment of the uibE gene was detected in the synthesis pathway. There was no significant difference in microbial diversity between the H. pylori-positive DU patients and healthy controls.
    CONCLUSIONS: H. pylori infection significantly alters the gastric microbiota structure, diversity, and biological functions, which may be important contributing factors for GU.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) are complications of the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). ICI-associated gastritis is one of the main irAEs. The gastric microbiota is often related to the occurrence and development of many gastric diseases. Gastric microbiota adjustment may be used to treat gastric disorders in the future. Faecal microbiota transplantation can alter the gut microbiota of patients and has been used for treating ICI-associated colitis. Therefore, we propose gastric microbiota transplantation as a supplementary treatment for patients with ICI-associated gastritis who do not respond well to conventional therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    H. pylori infection is gaining increasing attention, but detailed investigations into its impact on gastric microbiota remain limited. We collected gastric mucosa samples from 47 individuals divided into three groups: 1. Group HP: patients with initial positive H. pylori infection (25 cases); 2. Group ck: H. pylori-negative patients (14 cases); 3. Group DiffHP: patients with refractory H. pylori infection (8 cases). The samples were analyzed using 16S rDNA sequencing and functional prediction with PICRUSt. Group HP showed differences in flora distribution and function compared to Group ck, while Group DiffHP overlapped with Group HP. The abundances of Aeromonas piscicola, Shewanella algae, Vibrio plantisponsor, Aeromonas caviae, Serratia marcescens, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Microbacterium lacticum, and Prevotella nigrescens were significantly reduced in both Group DiffHP and Group HP compared to Group ck. Vibrio shilonii was reduced only in Group DiffHP compared to Group ck, while Clostridium perfringens and Paracoccus marinus were increased only in Group DiffHP. LEfSe analysis revealed that Clostridium perfringens and Paracoccus marinus were enriched, whereas Vibrio shilonii was reduced in Group DiffHP compared to Group ck at the species level. In individuals with refractory H. pylori infection, the gastric microbiota exhibited enrichment in various human diseases, organic systems, and metabolic pathways (amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, transcription, replication and repair, cell cycle pathways, and apoptosis). Patients with multiple failed H. pylori eradication exhibited significant changes in the gastric microbiota. An increase in Clostridium perfringens and Paracoccus marinus and a decrease in Vibrio shilonii appears to be characteristic of refractory H. pylori infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection is a common gastrointestinal disorder. Despite the high prevalence of Hp infection and chronic gastritis in the Tibetan Plateau, there is a lack of studies elucidating the influence of plateau hypoxia on Hp-induced gastritis. This study aimed to investigate the impact of high-altitude hypoxia on Hp-induced gastritis, particularly focusing on pathological manifestations and inflammatory responses.
    METHODS: This study was conducted from July 2023 to March 2024 at the Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University. Ninety patients diagnosed with chronic gastritis were enrolled in the study and divided into four groups based on their residential altitude and Hp infection status. Data on endoscopic and pathological characteristics were collected, along with serum oxidative stress and inflammatory markers.
    RESULTS: Patients with Hp gastritis exhibit distinctive features in the gastric mucosa, including diffuse erythema, enlarged folds, and white turbid mucus during endoscopy. Notably, individuals with Hp gastritis at high altitudes show a higher prevalence of diffuse erythema and enlarged folds. Pathological analysis reveals that these patients have elevated gastric mucosal inflammation scores and increased chronic and active inflammation. Furthermore, individuals with Hp gastritis at high altitudes demonstrate elevated levels of serum TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and MDA, as well as reduced serum SOD and GSH-Px activities.
    CONCLUSIONS: High-altitude hypoxia may exacerbate gastric mucosal damage by enhancing oxidative stress and inflammatory response induced by Hp infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gastric ulcer is one of the most common and serious conditions in the gastrointestinal tract. One of the main causes of gastric ulcers is using of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which have limited their use in clinical practice. Several studies have revealed that metformin and Vitamin C (Vit C) exhibit protective effects against gastric mucosal damage in different animal models. However, no studies indicate their combination\'s effect on gastric ulcer models. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the protective effects of metformin and Vit C combination on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers.
    METHODS: In total, thirty rats were divided into six groups, including the control group, rats received indomethacin (50 mg/kg, i.p.), rats received indomethacin and pretreated with ranitidine (100 mg/kg), metformin (100 mg/kg, i.p.), Vit C (100 mg/kg), or metformin combined with Vit C. Four hours after indomethacin administration, rats were euthanized, and gastric tissues were removed for macroscopic, histopathologic, and biochemical examinations.
    RESULTS: All therapeutics used in this study were found to alleviate gastric mucosal injury caused by indomethacin, as observed in histopathologic and macroscopic evaluations. Both Vit C and metformin were observed to significantly decrease lipid peroxidation and enhance the activity of anti-oxidative enzymes, SOD, GPx, and catalase. However, a more significant effectiveness was observed in catalase and GPx activities when Vit C was co-administered with metformin.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the present study revealed that metformin and Vit C combination therapy could potentially treat gastric ulcers associated with indomethacin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to investigate the peculiarities of adaptation of tissue elements of the gastric mucosa during interaction with Helicobacter pylori, as determined by genetic characteristics of the bacterium and the host. Venous blood and biopsy samples of the mucosa of the antrum and body of the stomach from young patients (18 to 25 years old) were examined. The condition of the gastric mucosa was assessed using stained histological preparations. Venous blood was collected from the patients to ascertain the polymorphisms of the IL-lß and IL-IRN genes. The most pronounced changes were observed in the parameters of reparative regeneration of epithelial differentiation during colonization of the gastric mucosa by H. pylori strains carrying the CagA(+) and BabA2(+) genes. These included an increase in proliferation and apoptosis rates and alterations in epithelial differentiation markers characterized by elevated production of Shh and MUC5AC, as well as a reduction in the production of the protective mucin MUC6 by isthmus gland cells. The presence of the vacAs1 and vacAs2 genes of H. pylori results in a high level of apoptosis in epithelial cells without accelerating proliferation. It was found that after eradication, patients with preserved cellular infiltrates in their gastric mucosa plates were carriers of mainly the IL-1ß*T/IL-1RN*2R haplotypes after 12 months.





