Factor analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia (SZ) share traits, especially in social skills and negative symptoms, and to a lesser degree positive symptoms. Differential diagnosis can be challenging and discerning expressive and experiential negative symptoms may provide knowledge with potential diagnostic and functional relevance that can guide treatment. Two exploratory factor analyses (EFA) were conducted to reveal the underlying dimensions of negative and positive symptoms using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms & Negative Symptoms (SAPS/SANS) and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic (ADOS-G). Three factors emerged from the negative symptom EFA (70.5 % variance): NF1) Expressive Negative; NF2) Experiential Negative; and NF3) Preoccupation, Absorption & Expressive Affective Flattening. Three positive factors emerged (68.6 % variance): PF1) Hallucinations-Delusions; PF2) Grandiosity; and PF3) Thought Disorder-ADOS positive Symptoms. SZ showed higher PF1 scores, and ASD had higher PF3 scores. No differences between groups were observed in the negative factors. Across groups, all negative factors were inversely associated with quality of life. Only NF1 and NF2 and PF1 were detrimentally related to social functioning. A discriminant function analysis using all factors classified correctly 84.4 % of participants, with PF1, NF1 followed by NF2 being the best predictors of diagnosis. Expressive negative followed by Experiential negative symptoms are of diagnostic value independent of and beyond SZ-related positive symptoms and are related with detrimental functioning. Findings confirm the need to distinctively target negative symptoms, and specific SZ-related and ASD-related positive symptoms, and especially the use of several assessment tools for diagnostic classification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dental schools have a primary responsibility to devise a curriculum that enhances students\' confidence and knowledge in orthodontic case analysis. This study aims to compare the confidence levels and performance of undergraduate students in orthodontic case screening, moderated by faculty in a lecture-based format against their self-analysis of the same cases 1 year later, using a case-based and flipped learning approach.
    METHODS: This study involved 100 fifth-year students. The same group received predoctoral orthodontics training through an instructor-centered, didactic approach in their fifth year and a case-based, student-centered, flipped classroom approach in their sixth year. At the end of each semester, the students completed an orthodontic case analysis and a self-reflection survey.
    RESULTS: This study found no significant differences in diagnostic capabilities for orthodontic findings between the two methods studied. However, the self-evaluation survey data revealed an increase in students\' confidence levels. This was specifically in terms of carrying out independent orthodontic case diagnosis, effectively communicating with orthodontic specialists, and their comfort in approaching orthodontic cases following the flipped classroom approach. Despite increased confidence in case diagnosis, the results showed that final-year students are uncertain about creating initial treatment plans and referring cases at an early stage.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite no observed improvement in students\' orthodontic diagnostic abilities after another semester of student-centered learning, their confidence in diagnosing orthodontic cases was notably enhanced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An efficient, multidimensional instrument is needed to screen non-optimal prenatal parental representations predictive of postnatal parenting behavior and child attachment. The present work aimed to revise and validate the Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire-Revised (PCEQ-R). Survey data from two independent samples of pregnant, primarily Danish, women (N = 300/322) were collected to 1) test the factor structure and select items for a 20-item version, and 2) confirm the factor structure, examine internal consistency, and establish initial construct validity. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a three-factor model of helpless-dysregulated, anxious-hyperactivated, and avoidant-deactivated caregiving representations. Internal consistency was acceptable (α > .73). Construct validity analyses showed that higher helpless-dysregulated caregiving was associated with low maternal antenatal attachment quality (rs = -.36) and intensity (rs = -.11), increased risk of perinatal depression (rs = .37), and trait anxiety (rs = .37). Higher anxious-hyperactivated caregiving was associated with better maternal antenatal attachment quality (rs = .20) and higher intensity (rs = .26), while avoidant-deactivated caregiving was not associated with maternal antenatal attachment. These findings support the validity and multidimensional structure of the measure. The homogenous nature of the sample limits generalizability of results. Future studies should examine predictive validity of the PCEQ-R and include clinical samples.
    Se necesita un instrumento eficiente y multidimensional para examinar las representaciones prenatales no óptimas de los progenitores que predicen la conducta de crianza y la afectividad del niño. El presente trabajo se propuso revisar y validar el Cuestionario de Expectativas Prenatales de Prestación de Cuidado—Revisado (PCEQ‐R). Se recogió información de encuesta de dos grupos muestra independientes de mujeres embarazadas, primariamente danesas, para 1) probar la estructura de factores y seleccionar los puntos para una versión de 20 asuntos, y 2) confirmar la estructura de factores examinar la consistencia interna, así como establecer la validez del modelo inicial. Los análisis de factores confirmatorios apoyaron un modelo de tres factores de representaciones de prestación de cuidado: indefensas‐desreguladas, ansiosas‐hiperactivas y evasivas‐desactivadas. La consistencia interna fue aceptable (α > .73). Los análisis de validez del modelo mostraron que una prestación de cuidado indefensa‐desregulada más alta se asociaba con la baja calidad de la afectividad materna antenatal (rs = ‐.36) y su intensidad (rs = ‐.11), el aumento en el riesgo de depresión perinatal (rs = .37) y en el rasgo de ansiedad (rs = .37). Una más alta prestación de cuidado de tipo ansiosa‐hiperactiva se asoció con una mejor calidad de la afectividad materna antenatal (rs = .20) y mayor intensidad (rs = .26), mientras que la prestación de cuidado evasiva‐desactivada no se asoció con la afectividad materna antenatal. Estos resultados apoyan la validez y estructura multidimensional de la medida. La naturaleza homogénea del grupo muestra limita la posibilidad de generalización de los resultados. Estudios futuros deben examinar la validez de predicción de PCEQ‐R e incluir grupos muestra clínicos.
    Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire—Revised Version: Faktorenstruktur, interne Konsistenz und erste Konstruktvalidität Es wird ein effizientes, multidimensionales Screeninginstrument benötigt, um nicht‐optimale pränatale elterliche Repräsentationen zu erfassen, welche das postnatale Erziehungsverhalten sowie den Bindungsstil des Kindes vorhersagen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Revision und Validierung des Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire—Revised (PCEQ‐R). Es wurden Umfragedaten von zwei unabhängigen Stichproben schwangerer, hauptsächlich dänischer, Frauen (N = 300/322) erhoben, um 1) die Faktorenstruktur zu testen und Items für eine 20‐Item‐Version auszuwählen sowie 2) die Faktorenstruktur zu bestätigen, die interne Konsistenz zu untersuchen und eine erste Konstruktvalidität herzustellen. Die konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse stützte ein dreifaktorielles Modell mit hilflos‐dysregulierten, ängstlich‐hyperaktivierten und vermeidend‐deaktivierten pränatalen elterlichen Fürsorgerepräsentationen. Die interne Konsistenz war akzeptabel (α > .73). Analysen der Konstruktvalidität zeigten, dass höhere hilflos‐dysregulierte Fürsorge mit niedrigerer mütterlicher pränataler Bindungsqualität (rs = ‐.36) und ‐intensität (rs = ‐.11), einem erhöhten Risiko für perinatale Depression (rs = .37) sowie mit erhöhter Trait‐Angst (rs = .37) verbunden war. Ein höheres Maß an ängstlich‐hyperaktivem Fürsorgeverhalten war mit einer besseren Qualität (rs = .20) und Intensität (rs = .26) der mütterlichen pränatalen Bindung verbunden, während vermeidend‐deaktiviertes Fürsorgeverhalten nicht mit der mütterlichen pränatalen Bindung assoziiert war. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Validität und die multidimensionale Struktur des Instruments. Die Homogenität der Stichprobe schränkt die Generalisierbarkeit der Ergebnisse ein. Künftige Studien sollten die prädiktive Validität des PCEQ‐R untersuchen sowie klinische Stichproben einbeziehen.
    出生前介護期待質問票‐改訂版‐.因子構造、内部一致性、および初期構成概念妥当性 出産後の育児行動と子どもの愛着を予測する、適切ではない出生前の親の表象をスクリーニングするためには、効率的で多次元的な尺度が必要である。本研究は、出生前育児期待質問票 (Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire—Revised:PCEQ‐R) の改訂と妥当性の検証を目的としている。 主にデンマーク人の妊娠女性 (N = 300/322) の2つの独立した標本から調査データを収集し、1) 因子構造を検証し、20項目版の項目を選択し、2) 因子構造を確認し、内的一貫性を検討し、初期の構成概念妥当性を確立した。確認的因子分析により、無力‐調節不全、不安‐過活動、回避‐不活動の育児表象の3因子モデルが支持された。内的一貫性は許容範囲であった (α>.73) 。構成概念妥当性分析によると、より高い無力‐調節不全型養育は、低い母親の妊産婦期の愛着の質 (rs = ‐.36) および強度 (rs = ‐.11) 、周産期うつ病のリスク増加 (rs = 0.37) 、および特性不安 (rs = 0.37) と関連していた。より高い不安‐過活動型養育は、より良好な妊産婦の愛着の質 (rs = 0.20) およびより高い強度 (rs = 0.26) と関連していたが、回避‐非活動型養育は妊産婦の愛着とは関連していなかった。.
    我们需要一种高效的多维工具来筛查非最佳的产前父母表现, 这些表现可以预测产后育儿行为和儿童依恋。本研究旨在修订和验证《产前护理期望问卷‐修订版》(PCEQ‐R)。 我们收集了两个独立孕妇样本 (主要是丹麦孕妇) 的调查数据 (N = 300/322), 用于1) 测试因子结构并为“20项版本”选择项目, 以及 2) 确认因子结构, 检查内部一致性, 并建立初步的结构效度。 验证性因子分析支持一个三因子模型, 即无助‐失调、焦虑‐过激和回避‐失活护理表现。内部一致性是可接受的 (α > .73) 。结构效度分析表明, 无助‐失调型护理表现水平越高, 母亲的产前依恋质量 (rs = ‐.36) 和强度 (rs = ‐.11) 越低、围产期抑郁 (rs = .37) 和特质焦虑 (rs = .37) 风险也越高。焦虑‐过激型护理表现水平越高, 母亲的产前依恋质量 (rs = .20) 和强度 (rs = .26) 越高, 而回避‐失活型护理表现与母亲产前依恋无关。.
    هناك حاجة إلى أداة فعالة ومتعددة الأبعاد لفحص تمثيلات الرعاية الوالدية غير المثلى قبل الولادة والتي تنبئ بسلوك الأبوة والأمومة بعد الولادة والتعلق بالطفل. يهدف هذا العمل إلى مراجعة استبيان توقعات الرعاية قبل الولادة والتحقق من صحته (R‐PCEQ). تم جمع بيانات المسح من عينتين مستقلتين من النساء الحوامل الدنماركيات (العدد = 300/322) من أجل 1) اختبار بنية العوامل واختيار بنود لنسخة مكونة من 20 بندًا، و2) تأكيد هيكل العوامل، وفحص الاتساق الداخلي، وإثبات صحة البناء الأولي. دعم تحليل العامل التأكيدي نموذجاً ثلاثي العوامل من تمثيلات تقديم الرعاية المتمثل في التالي: العجز—عدم التنظيم ، والقلق‐ فرط النشاط ، والتجنب—عدم النشاط. كان الاتساق الداخلي مقبولاً (α > .73). وأظهرت تحليلات صلاحية البناء أن تمثيلات تقديم الرعاية الأعلى في نمط العاجز الغير منتظم ارتبطت بانخفاض جودة التعلق قبل الولادة لدى الأمهات (rs = ‐.36) وشدته (rs = ‐.11)، وزيادة خطر الإصابة بالاكتئاب في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة (rs = .37)،,وقلق السمات الشخصية (rs = .37). وارتبط تقديم الرعاية الأكثر قلقاَ مفرط النشاط بجودة تعلق الأمهات قبل الولادة (rs = .20) وشدة التعلق (rs = .26)، بينما لم يرتبط تقديم الرعاية التجنبي غير النشط بتعلق الأمهات قبل الولادة. تدعم هذه النتائج صحة المقياس وبنيته متعددة الأبعاد. تحد الطبيعة المتجانسة للعينة من قابلية تعميم النتائج. يجب أن تفحص الدراسات المستقبلية الصلاحية التنبؤية لمقياس R‐PCEQ وأن تشمل عينات سريرية.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reward responses to food are thought to play an important role in highly palatable food overconsumption. In animal models, food reward responses can be decoupled into unique \"liking\" (in the moment enjoyment) and \"wanting\" (motivation/craving) components. However, research on liking and wanting has been hampered by uncertainty regarding whether liking and wanting can be reliably separated in humans. We used factor analysis to test whether ratings of liking and wanting could be empirically separated in women assessed across 49 consecutive days. Female participants (N = 688; ages 15-30) from the Michigan State University Twin Registry reported liking and wanting of foods consumed that day, and wanting of foods not consumed that day, separately for sweets (e.g., cookies), fast food (e.g., French fries), carbohydrates (e.g., bread), and whole foods (fruit, plain chicken) each evening for 49 consecutive days. We examined both average levels and daily levels of liking/wanting across the 49-day period that captured individual differences in liking/wanting over time. Across both types of analyses, liking and wanting for foods that were eaten formed a single factor rather than separate, dissociable factors, while wanting of foods not eaten formed an independent factor. At the daily level, a liking/wanting factor emerged for each individual food category (e.g., liking/wanting sweets), whereas in average analyses, a single factor emerged that collapsed across all food types (i.e., liking/wanting of all foods). Results suggest individuals have difficulty distinguishing between liking and wanting of foods they have eaten on that day but may be able to more reliably separate wanting of foods they have not consumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Psychosocial factors affect individuals\' desire for physical activity. A newly developed instrument (Tendency to Avoid Physical Activity and Sport; TAPAS) has been designed to assess the avoidance of physical activity. Considering cultural differences could be decisive factors, the present study aimed to translate and validate the TAPAS into Chinese (Mandarin) for Taiwanese youths, and further cultural comparisons are expected.
    METHODS: Standard translation procedure (i.e., forward translation, back translation, and reconciliation) was used to translate the English TAPAS into the Chinese TAPAS. Following translation, 608 youths (mean [SD] age 29.10 [6.36] years; 333 [54.8%] women) participated in the study via a snowballing sampling method with an online survey. All participants completed the Chinese TAPAS and additional instruments assessing weight stigma and psychological distress. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the factor structure of the Chinese TAPAS and multigroup CFA to examine measurement invariance across gender (men vs. women) and weight status (overweight vs. non-overweight). Pearson correlations were used to examine the concurrent validity; independent t-tests between gender groups and weight status groups were used to examine the known-group validity.
    RESULTS: Consistent with the English version, the Chinese TAPAS was found to have a one-factor structure evidenced by CFA results. The structure was invariant across gender and weight status groups evidenced by multigroup CFA results. Concurrent validity was supported by significant associations with the related constructs assessed (r = 0.326 to 0.676; p < 0.001). Known-group validity was supported by the significant differences in TAPAS total scores between gender and weight status groups (p = 0.004 and < 0.001; Cohen\'s d = 0.24 and 0.48).
    CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese version of the TAPAS is a valid and reliable instrument assessing individuals\' avoidance of physical activity and sports due to underlying psychosocial issues among Taiwanese youths. It is anticipated to be applied within a large Asian population, as well as cross-cultural comparisons, for further explorations in health, behavioral and epidemiological research and practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The study aimed to test the psychometric properties of the Czech translation of the Questionnaire of Personal Changes (Q-PC), a measure designed for retrospective (direct) measurement of change in psychotherapy.
    UNASSIGNED: A sample of group psychotherapy clients (N = 222) and a nonclinical sample (N = 167) sample were used. Clients in the clinical sample were administered the Q-PC in addition to several pre-post outcome measures. Confirmatory factor analysis, correlational analysis, and structural equation modeling were used to test the Q-PC\'s factor structure, longitudinal measurement invariance, reliability, convergent validity, sensitivity to change, and other psychometric properties.
    UNASSIGNED: The Q-PC demonstrated a unidimensional structure that was strictly invariant between two follow-up measurement waves. The measure also demonstrated excellent reliability and sensitivity to change and good convergent validity. Furthermore, it demonstrated a similar relationship to baseline severity as the pre-post outcome measures.
    UNASSIGNED: The retrospective measurement of change is a promising approach that has the potential to complement the traditional pre-post measurement of change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effective management of fertilizers is essential in influencing the prevalence of insects in rice (Oryza sativa L.) fields. Over two years (2019-20 and 2020-21), an experiment conducted at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Habiganj, during the boro season aimed to identify the most effective multidimensional treatment (EMT) by testing various combinations of chemical fertilizers and its effect on rice insects. The goal was to optimize rice grain yield while minimizing harmful insect infestation and supporting natural enemies. Eight different chemical fertilizer applications were used as follows: T1 contained a full mix of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and sulfur (S); T2 had PKS but lacked N; T3 had NKS but lacked P; T4 had NPS but lacked K; T5 had NPK but lacked S; T6 had KS but lacked N and P; T7 had PS but lacked N and K; and T8 lacked all four elements - N, P, K, and S. The relationship between the dynamics of harmful insects and natural enemies was highly positively correlated (r = 0.72 to 0.97). In two consecutive growing years, the 2020-21 season exhibited notably higher counts of harmful insects, with Rice Leafroller (RLR) dominating in the booting stage and White Backed Planthopper (WBPH) in mid-tillering, while Green Mirid Bug (GMB) prevailed among natural enemies across both stages, surpassing insect pest counts, notably GMB, Lady bird beetle (LBB), Carabid beetle (CDB), and Staphylinid (STD). However, the yield was notably higher in the 2019-20 growing season despite these pest pressures. Throughout the mid-tillering and booting stages, T1 consistently exhibited the highest average populations of harmful insects and natural enemies, while T7 demonstrated the lowest count of harmful insects, followed by T2 at both growth stages. Additionally, the highest grain yield (GY) was consistently recorded in T1, followed by T5, T6, and T3, with yields of 7.98 t/ha, 7.63 t/ha, 7.38 t/ha, and 7.33 t/ha, respectively. In both stages, beneficial insects prevailed over harmful ones in all fertilizer applications, with significant declines noted in T2 and T7. Factor analysis showed successful selection for EMT in the MGIDI index for all variables except INT and GY during the 2019-20 season, with selection differentials (SD) ranging from -0.10 to 8.29. However, in 2020-21, selection was achieved for all variables with SD ranging from 0.37 to 6.08. According to the MGIDI index, the top-ranked EMTs were identified as T4 and T3 for the 2019-20 period, and T3 and T5 for the 2020-21 period. The EMT shared in both years, T3, proved effective because of its positive impact on enhancing natural enemies throughout both periods (with SD ranging from 4.76 to 8.29 for 2019-20 and 3.03 to 6.08 for 2020-21), and its notable contribution to rice grain yield (SD = 0.37) in 2020-21. This study uniquely integrates EMT to optimize rice grain yield while simultaneously managing harmful insect infestations and supporting natural enemies, addressing a critical need in sustainable rice cultivation. The suggestion is to give preference to fertilizer application T3, which omits P but contains N and K, to improve rice grain yield and boost natural enemies, thereby reducing harmful insect infestation. Moreover, future investigations should concentrate on refining fertilizer blends to strike a harmony between maximizing yield and fostering ecological robustness in rice cultivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In South Korea, hospitalized patients\' experiences significantly impact satisfaction and treatment outcomes. This study developed and evaluated the Inpatients Experience Measurement Scale (IEMS) for its psychometric properties.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants from three hospitals were recruited using convenience sampling. Scale item generation involved patient interviews and a Delphi survey with experts. Psychometric testing used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with 150 participants and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with 151 participants.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 301 patients participated, resulting in a 20-item scale across four factors: \"Care Quality and Information Provision\", \"Patient Safety and Dietary Services\", \"Facility and Comfort Infrastructure\", and \"Comprehensive Patient Support Services\". Rated on a 5-point Likert scale, the scale showed a high Content Validity Index (CVI) over 0.80. EFA explained 61.43% of the variance. The four-factor model was validated using CFA with favorable fit indices. The IEMS demonstrated strong convergent validity, supported by high composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (AVE) values. Significant correlations with the Patient Satisfaction Scale reinforced its convergent validity. Discriminant validity was confirmed, and all reliability measures exceeded the minimum threshold of 0.80.
    UNASSIGNED: The IEMS effectively captures inpatients\' experiences, demonstrating robust reliability and validity. This scale is a valuable tool for assessing patient experiences, facilitating enhancements in patient care and satisfaction within hospital settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dataset extensively examines the factors considered when choosing sweet potato genotypes, considering various characteristics. Notably, Moz1.15 demonstrated the highest marketable root yield at 46.46 t/ha, H5.ej.10 exhibited the highest beta-carotene level at 48.94 mg/100 g, and Moz1.9 recorded the highest vitamin C content at 23.89 mg/100 g. Moreover, there were significant correlations (ranging from 0.21 to 0.84) among the yield and quality traits studied in sweet potatoes. Principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed the connections among these traits, identifying four distinct clusters of genotypes, each characterized by specific significant combinations of traits. Factor analysis using the multi-trait genotype-ideotype index (MGIDI) highlighted the considerable impact of sweet potato traits across two growing seasons (2020-21 and 2021-22), facilitating the selection of genotypes with potential genetic gains ranging from 1.86 % to 75.4 %. Broad-sense heritability (h2) varied from 64.9 % to 99.8 %. The use of the MGIDI index pinpointed several promising genotypes, with BARI Mistialu-12 and H9.7.12 consistently performing well over both years. These genotypes exhibited both strengths and weaknesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD-17) is the most popular depression measure in antidepressant clinical trials. Prior evidence indicates poor replicability and inconsistent factorial structure. This has not been studied in pooled randomised trial data, nor has a psychometrically optimal model been developed.
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the psychometric properties of the HRSD-17 for pre-treatment and post-treatment clinical trial data in a large pooled database of antidepressant randomised controlled trial participants, and to determine an optimal abbreviated version.
    METHODS: Data for 6843 participants were obtained from the data repository Vivli.org and randomly split into groups for exploratory (n = 3421) and confirmatory (n = 3422) factor analysis. Invariance methods were used to assess potential sex differences.
    RESULTS: The HRSD-17 was psychometrically sub-optimal and non-invariant for all models. High item variances and low variance explained suggested redundancy in each model. EFA failed at baseline and produced four item models for outcome groups (five for placebo-outcome), which were metric but not scalar invariant.
    CONCLUSIONS: In antidepressant trial data, the HRSD-17 was psychometrically inadequate and scores were not sex invariant. Neither full nor abbreviated HRSD models are suitable for use in clinical trial settings and the HRSD\'s status as the gold standard should be reconsidered.





