
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) can catalyze template-independent DNA synthesis during the V(D)J recombination and DNA repair through nonhomologous end joining. The capacity for template-independent random addition of nucleotides to single-stranded DNA makes this polymerase useful in various molecular biological applications involving sequential stepwise synthesis of oligonucleotides using modified dNTP. Nonetheless, a serious limitation to the applications of this enzyme is strong selectivity of human TdT toward dNTPs in the order dGTP > dTTP ≈ dATP > dCTP. This study involved molecular dynamics to simulate a potential impact of amino acid substitutions on the enzyme\'s selectivity toward dNTPs. It was found that the formation of stable hydrogen bonds between a nitrogenous base and amino acid residues at positions 395 and 456 is crucial for the preferences for dNTPs. A set of single-substitution and double-substitution mutants at these positions was analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations. The data revealed two TdT mutants-containing either substitution D395N or substitutions D395N+E456N-that possess substantially equalized selectivity toward various dNTPs as compared to the wild-type enzyme. These results will enable rational design of TdT-like enzymes with equalized dNTP selectivity for biotechnological applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ribonuclease H (RNase H) active site of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) is the only viral enzyme not targeted by approved antiretroviral drugs. Using a fluorescence-based in vitro assay, we screened 65,239 compounds at a final concentration of 10 µM to identify inhibitors of RT RNase H activity. We identified 41 compounds that exhibited 50% inhibitory concentration (i.e., IC50) values < 1.0 µM. Two of these compounds, 2-(4-methyl-3-(piperidin-1-ylsulfonyl)phenyl)benzo[d]isothiazol-3(2H)-one (1) and ethyl 2-(2-(3-oxobenzo[d]isothiazol-2(3H)-yl)thiazol-4-yl)acetate (2), which both share the same benzisothiazolone pharmacophore, demonstrate robust antiviral activity (50% effective concentrations of 1.68 ± 0.94 µM and 2.68 ± 0.54, respectively) in the absence of cellular toxicity. A limited structure-activity relationship analysis identified two additional benzisothiazolone analogs, 2-methylbenzo[d]isothiazol-3(2H)-one (3) and N,N-diethyl-3-(3-oxobenzo[d]isothiazol-2(3H)-yl)benzenesulfonamide (4), which also resulted in the inhibition of RT RNase H activity and virus replication. Compounds 1, 2 and 4, but not 3, inhibited the DNA polymerase activity of RT (IC50 values~1 to 6 µM). In conclusion, benzisothiazolone derivatives represent a new class of multifunctional RT inhibitors that warrants further assessment for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA viruses adapt rapidly to new host environments by generating highly diverse genome sets, so-called \"quasispecies.\" Minor genetic variants promote their rapid adaptation, allowing for the emergence of drug-resistance or immune-escape mutants. Understanding these adaptation processes is highly relevant to assessing the risk of cross-species transmission and the safety and efficacy of vaccines and antivirals. We hypothesized that genetic memory within a viral genome population facilitates rapid adaptation. To test this, we investigated the adaptation of the Morbillivirus canine distemper virus to ferrets and compared an attenuated, Vero cell-adapted virus isolate with its recombinant derivative over consecutive ferret passages. Although both viruses adapted to the new host, the reduced initial genetic diversity of the recombinant virus resulted in delayed disease onset. The non-recombinant virus gradually increased the frequencies of beneficial mutations already present at very low frequencies in the input virus. In contrast, the recombinant virus first evolved de novo mutations to compensate for the initial fitness impairments. Importantly, while both viruses evolved different sets of mutations, most mutations found in the adapted non-recombinant virus were identical to those found in a previous ferret adaptation experiment with the same isolate, indicating that mutations present at low frequency in the original virus stock serve as genetic memory. An arginine residue at position 519 in the carboxy terminus of the nucleoprotein shared by all adapted viruses was found to contribute to pathogenesis in ferrets. Our work illustrates the importance of genetic diversity for adaptation to new environments and identifies regions with functional relevance.IMPORTANCEWhen viruses encounter a new host, they can rapidly adapt to this host and cause disease. How these adaptation processes occur remains understudied. Morbilliviruses have high clinical and veterinary relevance and are attractive model systems to study these adaptation processes. The canine distemper virus is of particular interest, as it exhibits a broader host range than other morbilliviruses and frequently crosses species barriers. Here, we compared the adaptation of an attenuated virus and its recombinant derivative to that of ferrets. Pre-existing mutations present at low frequency allowed faster adaptation of the non-recombinant virus compared to the recombinant virus. We identified a common point mutation in the nucleoprotein that affected the pathogenesis of both viruses. Our study shows that genetic memory facilitates environmental adaptation and that erasing this genetic memory by genetic engineering results in delayed and different adaptation to new environments, providing an important safety aspect for the generation of live-attenuated vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov\'t






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antiviral susceptibility of influenza viruses was assessed using a high-content imaging-based neutralization test. Cap-dependent endonuclease inhibitors, baloxavir and AV5116, were superior to AV5115 against type A viruses, and AV5116 was most effective against PA mutants tested. However, these three inhibitors displayed comparable activity (EC50 8-22 nM) against type C viruses from six lineages. Banana lectin and a monoclonal antibody, YA3, targeting the hemagglutinin-esterase protein effectively neutralized some, but not all, type C viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background. PCR amplification is a necessary step in many next-generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation methods [1, 2]. Whilst many PCR enzymes are developed to amplify single targets efficiently, accurately and with specificity, few are developed to meet the challenges imposed by NGS PCR, namely unbiased amplification of a wide range of different sizes and GC content. As a result PCR amplification during NGS library prep often results in bias toward GC neutral and smaller fragments. As NGS has matured, optimized NGS library prep kits and polymerase formulations have emerged and in this study we have tested a wide selection of available enzymes for both short-read Illumina library preparation and long fragment amplification ahead of long-read sequencing.We tested over 20 different hi-fidelity PCR enzymes/NGS amplification mixes on a range of Illumina library templates of varying GC content and composition, and find that both yield and genome coverage uniformity characteristics of the commercially available enzymes varied dramatically. Three enzymes Quantabio RepliQa Hifi Toughmix, Watchmaker Library Amplification Hot Start Master Mix (2X) \'Equinox\' and Takara Ex Premier were found to give a consistent performance, over all genomes, that mirrored closely that observed for PCR-free datasets. We also test a range of enzymes for long-read sequencing by amplifying size fractionated S. cerevisiae DNA of average size 21.6 and 13.4 kb, respectively.The enzymes of choice for short-read (Illumina) library fragment amplification are Quantabio RepliQa Hifi Toughmix, Watchmaker Library Amplification Hot Start Master Mix (2X) \'Equinox\' and Takara Ex Premier, with RepliQa also being the best performing enzyme from the enzymes tested for long fragment amplification prior to long-read sequencing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A diverse population of avian influenza A viruses (AIVs) are maintained in wild birds and ducks yet the zoonotic potential of AIVs in these environmental reservoirs and the host-virus interactions involved in mammalian infection are not well understood. In studies of a group of subtype H1N1 AIVs isolated from migratory wild birds during surveillance in North America, we previously identified eight amino acids in the polymerase genes PB2 and PB1 that were important for the transmissibility of these AIVs in a ferret model of human influenza virus transmission. In this current study we found that PB2 containing amino acids associated with transmissibility at 67, 152, 199, 508, and 649 and PB1 at 298, 642, and 667 were associated with more rapid viral replication kinetics, greater infectivity, more active polymerase complexes and greater kinetics of viral genome replication and transcription. Pathogenicity in the mouse model was also impacted, evident as greater weight loss and lung pathology associated with greater inflammatory lung cytokine expression. Further, these AIVs all contained the avian-type amino acids of PB2-E627, D701, G590, Q591 and T271. Therefore, our study provides novel insights into the role of the AIV polymerase complex in the zoonotic transmission of AIVs in mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), a tick-borne virus of the Orthonairovirus genus, persistently infects tick cells. It has been reported to establish persistent infection in non-human primates, but virological analysis has not yet been performed in human cells. Here, we investigated whether and how nairoviruses persistently infect human cells using Hazara orthonairovirus (HAZV), a surrogate model for CCHFV. We established a human cell line that was persistently infected with HAZV. Surprisingly, virions of persistently infected HAZV (HAZVpi) were not observed in the culture supernatants. There were five mutations (mut1, mut2, mut3, mut4, and mut5) in L protein of HAZVpi. Mutations in L protein of HAZVpi contribute to non-detection of virion in the supernatants. Lmut4 was found to cause low viral growth rate, despite its high polymerase activity. The low growth rate was restored by Lmut2, Lmut3, and Lmut5. The polymerase activity of Lmut1 was extremely low, and recombinant HAZV carrying Lmut1 (rHAZV/Lmut1) was not released into the supernatants. However, genomes of rHAZV/Lmut1 were retained in the infected cells. All mutations (Lmut1-5) found in L protein of HAZVpi were required for experimental reproduction of HAZVpi, and only Lmut1 and Lmut4 were insufficient. We demonstrated that point mutations in viral polymerase contribute to the establishment of persistent HAZV infection. Furthermore, innate immunity was found to be suppressed in HAZVpi-infected cells, which also potentially contributes to viral persistence. This is the first presentation of a possible mechanism behind how nairoviruses establish persistent infection in human cells.
    OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether and how nairoviruses persistently infect human cells, using Hazara orthonairovirus (HAZV), a surrogate model for Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus. We established a human cell line that was persistently infected with HAZV. Five mutations were found in L protein of persistently infected HAZV (HAZVpi): mut1, mut2, mut3, mut4, and mut5. Among them, Lmut1 and Lmut4 restricted viral growth by low polymerase activity and low growth rate, respectively, leading to inhibition of viral overgrowth. The restriction of viral growth caused by Lmut1 and Lmut4 was compensated by other mutations, including Lmut2, Lmut3, and Lmut5. Each of the mutations found in L protein of HAZVpi was concluded to cooperatively modulate viral growth, which facilitates the establishment of persistent infection. Suppression of innate immunity also potentially contributes to virus persistence. This is the first presentation of a possible mechanism behind how nairoviruses establish persistent infection in human cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of an RNA replicase capable of self-replication is considered an important stage in the origin of life. RNA polymerase ribozymes (PR) - including a variant that uses trinucleotide triphosphates (triplets) as substrates - have been created by in vitro evolution and are the closest functional analogues of the replicase, but the structural basis for their function is poorly understood. Here we use single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and high-throughput mutation analysis to obtain the structure of a triplet polymerase ribozyme (TPR) apoenzyme and map its functional landscape. The cryo-EM structure at 5-Å resolution reveals the TPR as an RNA heterodimer comprising a catalytic subunit and a noncatalytic, auxiliary subunit, resembling the shape of a left hand with thumb and fingers at a 70° angle. The two subunits are connected by two distinct kissing-loop (KL) interactions that are essential for polymerase function. Our combined structural and functional data suggest a model for templated RNA synthesis by the TPR holoenzyme, whereby heterodimer formation and KL interactions preorganize the TPR for optimal primer-template duplex binding, triplet substrate discrimination, and templated RNA synthesis. These results provide a better understanding of TPR structure and function and should aid the engineering of more efficient PRs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian influenza viruses (AIV) of the H7N7 subtype are enzootic in the wild bird reservoir in Europe, cause infections in poultry, and have sporadically infected humans. The non-structural protein PB1-F2 is encoded in a second open frame in the polymerase segment PB1 and its sequence varies with the host of origin. While mammalian isolates predominantly carry truncated forms, avian isolates typically express full-length PB1-F2. PB1-F2 is a virulence factor of influenza viruses in mammals. It modulates the host immune response, causing immunopathology and increases pro-inflammatory responses. The role of full-length PB1-F2 in IAV pathogenesis as well as its impact on virus adaptation and virulence in poultry remains enigmatic. Here, we characterised recombinant high pathogenicity AIV (HPAIV) H7N7 expressing or lacking PB1-F2 in vitro and in vivo in chickens. In vitro, full-length PB1-F2 modulated viability of infected chicken fibroblasts by limiting apoptosis. In chickens, PB1-F2 promoted gastrointestinal tropism, as demonstrated by enhanced viral replication in the gut and increased cloacal shedding. PB1-F2\'s effects on cellular immunity however were marginal. Overall, chickens infected with full-length PB1-F2 virus survived for shorter periods, indicating that PB1-F2 is also a virulence factor in bird-adapted viruses.





