
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus is widespread worldwide and poses a severe threat to human life and property. RVF viral polymerase plays a vital role in the replication and transcription of the virus. Here, we describe how to express and purify this polymerase and perform tests for its in vitro activity assays.






  • 文章类型: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov\'t






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A diverse population of avian influenza A viruses (AIVs) are maintained in wild birds and ducks yet the zoonotic potential of AIVs in these environmental reservoirs and the host-virus interactions involved in mammalian infection are not well understood. In studies of a group of subtype H1N1 AIVs isolated from migratory wild birds during surveillance in North America, we previously identified eight amino acids in the polymerase genes PB2 and PB1 that were important for the transmissibility of these AIVs in a ferret model of human influenza virus transmission. In this current study we found that PB2 containing amino acids associated with transmissibility at 67, 152, 199, 508, and 649 and PB1 at 298, 642, and 667 were associated with more rapid viral replication kinetics, greater infectivity, more active polymerase complexes and greater kinetics of viral genome replication and transcription. Pathogenicity in the mouse model was also impacted, evident as greater weight loss and lung pathology associated with greater inflammatory lung cytokine expression. Further, these AIVs all contained the avian-type amino acids of PB2-E627, D701, G590, Q591 and T271. Therefore, our study provides novel insights into the role of the AIV polymerase complex in the zoonotic transmission of AIVs in mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    G-quadruplex (G4) is a four-stranded noncanonical DNA structure that has long been recognized as a potential hindrance to DNA replication. However, how replisomes effectively deal with G4s to avoid replication failure is still obscure. Here, using single-molecule and ensemble approaches, the consequence of the collision between bacteriophage T7 replisome and an intramolecular G4 located on either the leading or lagging strand is examined. It is found that the adjacent fork junctions induced by G4 formation incur the binding of T7 DNA polymerase (DNAP). In addition to G4, these inactive DNAPs present insuperable obstacles, impeding the progression of DNA synthesis. Nevertheless, T7 helicase can dismantle them and resolve lagging-strand G4s, paving the way for the advancement of the replication fork. Moreover, with the assistance of the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) gp2.5, T7 helicase is also capable of maintaining a leading-strand G4 structure in an unfolded state, allowing for a fraction of T7 DNAPs to synthesize through without collapse. These findings broaden the functional repertoire of a replicative helicase and underscore the inherent G4 tolerance of a replisome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase is essential for all life forms, and phosphodiester bond formation with phosphorus center inversion is a key step in this process. Herein, by using a single-selenium-atom-modified dNTP probe, we report a novel strategy to visualize the reaction stereochemistry and catalysis. We capture the before- and after-reaction states and provide explicit evidence of the center inversion and in-line attacking SN2 mechanism of DNA polymerization, while solving the diastereomer absolute configurations. Further, our kinetic and thermodynamic studies demonstrate that in the presence of Mg2+ ions (or Mn2+), the binding affinity (Km) and reaction selectivity (kcat/Km) of dGTPαSe-Rp were 51.1-fold (or 19.5-fold) stronger and 21.8-fold (or 11.3-fold) higher than those of dGTPαSe-Sp, respectively, indicating that the diastereomeric Se-Sp atom was quite disruptive of the binding and catalysis. Our findings reveal that the third metal ion is much more critical than the other two metal ions in both substrate recognition and bond formation, providing insights into how to better design the polymerase inhibitors and discover the therapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reverse transcriptase (RT) plays an indispensable role in the replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through its associated polymerase and ribonuclease H (RNase H) activities during the viral RNA genome transformation into proviral DNA. Due to the fact that HIV is a highly mutagenic virus and easily resistant to single-target RT inhibitors, dual inhibitors targeting HIV RT associated polymerase and RNase H have been developed. These dual inhibitors have the advantages of increasing efficacy, reducing drug resistance, drug-drug interactions, and cytotoxicity, as well as improving patient compliance. In this review, we summarize recent advances in polymerase/RNase H dual inhibitors focusing on drug design strategies, and structure-activity relationships and share new insights into developing anti-HIV drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Megasporoporia sensu lato has recently been intensively studied in China and South America, and four independent clades representing four genera have been recognized phylogenetically. In this study, more samples, mostly from subtropical and tropical Asia, Oceania, and East Africa, are analyzed. A phylogeny based on a 4-gene dataset of sequences (ITS + nLSU + mtSSU + tef) has confirmed the presence of four genera in Megasporoporia sensu lato: Jorgewrightia, Mariorajchenbergia, Megasporia, and Megasporoporia sensu stricto. Six new species, Jorgewrightia austroasiana, Jorgewrightia irregularis, Jorgewrightia tenuis, Mariorajchenbergia subleucoplaca, Megasporia olivacea, and Megasporia sinuosa, are described based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Three new combinations are proposed, viz. Jorgewrightia kirkii, Mariorajchenbergia epitephra, and Mariorajchenbergia leucoplaca. To date, 36 species of Megasporoporia sensu lato are accepted and an identification key to these species is provided. In addition, the identification of Dichomitus amazonicus, Dichomitus cylindrosporus, and Megasporoporia hexagonoides is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    B-family DNA polymerases, which are found in eukaryotes, archaea, viruses, and some bacteria, participate in DNA replication and repair. Starting from the N-terminus of archaeal and bacterial B-family DNA polymerases, three domains include the N-terminal, exonuclease, and polymerase domains. The N-terminal domain of the archaeal B-family DNA polymerase has a conserved deoxyuracil-binding pocket for specially binding the deoxyuracil base on DNA. The exonuclease domain is responsible for removing the mismatched base pair. The polymerase domain is the core functional domain and takes a highly conserved structure composed of fingers, palm and thumb subdomains. Previous studies have demonstrated that the thumb subdomain mainly functions as a DNA-binding element and has coordination with the exonuclease domain and palm subdomain. To further elucidate the possible functions of the thumb subdomain of archaeal B-family DNA polymerases, the thumb subdomain of Pyrococcus furiosus DNA polymerase was mutated, and the effects on three activities were characterized. Our results demonstrate that the thumb subdomain participates in the three activities of archaeal B-family DNA polymerases as a common structural element. Both the N-terminal deoxyuracil-binding pocket and thumb subdomain are critical for deoxyuracil binding. Moreover, the thumb subdomain assists DNA polymerization and hydrolysis reactions, but it does not contribute to the fidelity of DNA polymerization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza A virus (IAV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (vPol) is a heterotrimer composed of PB2, PB1, and PA, which, together with vRNA and nucleoprotein (NP), forms viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) complex to direct the transcription and replication of the viral genome. Host factor ANP32 proteins have been proved to be associated with vRNP and are essential for polymerase activity and cross-species restriction of avian influenza virus. However, the molecular mechanism by which ANP32 supports polymerase activity is largely unknown. Here, we identified that KPNA6 is associated with ANP32A/B and vRNP of the influenza virus. Both knockout and overexpression of KPNA6 downregulate the replication of the influenza virus by inhibiting the polymerase activity, indicating that a certain level of KPNA6 is beneficial for efficient replication of the influenza virus. Furthermore, we demonstrate that overexpression of KPNA6 or its nuclear importing domain negative mutation inhibited the interaction between ANP32 and vRNP, thus reducing the polymerase activity. Our results revealed the role of KPNA6 in interacting with both ANP32A/B and vRNP to maintain viral polymerase activity and provided new insights for further understanding of the mechanism by which ANP32 supports influenza polymerase. IMPORTANCE Host factor ANP32 plays a fundamental role in supporting the polymerase activity of influenza viruses, but the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we propose that KPNA6 is involved in the function of ANP32A/B to support influenza virus polymerase by interacting with both vRNP and ANP32A/B. The proper amount of KPNA6 and ANP32 proteins in the KPNA6-ANP32-vRNP complex is crucial for maintaining the viral polymerase activity. The KPNA6 may contribute to maintaining stable interaction between vRNA and ANP32 proteins in the nucleus, and this function is independent of the known importing domain of KPNA6. Our research reveals a role of KNPA6 associated with ANP32 proteins that support the viral polymerase and suggests a new perspective for developing antiviral strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an important pathogen that causes different liver diseases such as viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. HBV pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) plays a crucial role in HBV life cycle, which is not only the translation template of core (C) and polymerase (P), but also the template of reverse transcription. The ratio of P protein to core protein is tightly regulated. Since P and core are both translated by pgRNA and the open reading frame (ORF) of P is located downstream of the ORF of core, how to initiate P protein translation is a key scientific question. Previous studies suggest that P can be translated through different mechanisms, such as leaky scanning and reinitiation. In this review, we summarized the proposed mechanisms relevant to the translation of polymerase from HBV pgRNA through literature review and derivation.
    乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)是导致肝炎、肝硬化等肝脏疾病的重要病原体。HBV前基因组RNA(pgRNA)在其生命周期中发挥着重要作用,它既是翻译病毒核心蛋白和聚合酶蛋白(polymerase,P)的信使RNA,也是病毒进行逆转录的模板。作为HBV的重要结构蛋白,P蛋白和core蛋白的比例在HBV复制中受到严格调控。由于二者均由pgRNA翻译产生,且P蛋白的开放阅读框(ORF)位于核心蛋白ORF的下游,P蛋白的翻译如何启动是一个十分关键的科学问题。既往研究认为,P蛋白可能通过泄露扫描、翻译再起始等机制来启动翻译。本文通过文献阅读与推演,对HBV pgRNA选择性翻译P蛋白的机制进展进行综述,并尝试总结了起始P蛋白翻译的可能机制。.





