
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants convert solar energy and carbon dioxide into organic compounds through photosynthesis. Sucrose is the primary carbonate produced during photosynthesis. Sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) is the key enzyme controlling sucrose biosynthesis in plants. There are at least three SPS gene families in higher plants, named A, B, and C. However, in monocotyledonous plants from Poaceae, there are at least five SPS gene families, named A, B, C, DIII, and DIV. Each family of SPS genes in different plants shows a divergent expression pattern. So different families of SPS genes participate in diverse biological functions, including sucrose accumulation, plant growth and production, and abiotic stress tolerance. SPS activity in plants is regulated by exogenous factors through gene expression and reversible protein phosphorylation. It is a practicable way to improve crop traits through SPS gene transformation. This work analyzes the cloning, phylogeny, and regulatory mechanism of the SPS gene in plants, reviews its biological function as well as its role in crop improvement, and discusses the challenges and future perspectives. This paper can serve as a reference for further study on plant SPS genes and eventually for crop improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chitinase plays a vital role in the virulence of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) when it infects host insects. We used gene recombination technology to express chitinase of three strains of Lecanicillium lecanii: Vl6063, V3450, and Vp28. The ORF of ChitVl6063, ChitV3450 and ChitVp28 were inserted into the fungal expression vector pBARGPE-1, which contained strong promoter and terminator, respectively, to construct a chitinase overpressing plasmid, then transformed the wild-type strain with blastospore transformation method. The virulence of the three recombinant strains against Toxoptera aurantii was improved by overproduction of ChitVl6063, ChitV3450, and ChitVp28, as demonstrated by significantly lower 3.43 %, 1.72 %, and 1.23 % fatal doses, respectively, according to an insect bioassay. Similarly, lethal times of recombinants (ChitVl6063, ChitV3450 and ChitVp28) were also decreased up to 29.51 %, 30.46 % and 33.90 %, respectively, compared to the wild-type strains. Improving the expression of chitinase is considered as an effective method for the enhancement of the EPF value. The efficacy could be enhanced using recombinant technology, which provides a prospecting view for future insecticidal applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The WRKY gene family is ubiquitously distributed in plants, serving crucial functions in stress responses. Nevertheless, the structural organization and evolutionary dynamics of WRKY genes in cotton have not been fully elucidated. In this study, a total of 112, 119, 217, and 222 WRKY genes were identified in Gossypium arboreum, Gossypium raimondii, Gossypium hirsutum, and Gossypium barbadense, respectively. These 670 WRKY genes were categorized into seven distinct subgroups and unequally distributed across chromosomes. Examination of conserved motifs, domains, cis-acting elements, and gene architecture collectively highlighted the evolutionary conservation and divergence within the WRKY gene family in cotton. Analysis of synteny and collinearity further confirmed instances of expansion, duplication, and loss events among WRKY genes during cotton evolution. Furthermore, GhWRKY31 transgenic Arabidopsis exhibited heightened germination rates and longer root lengths under drought and salt stress. Silencing GhWRKY31 in cotton led to reduced levels of ABA, proline, POD, and SOD, along with downregulated expression of stress-responsive genes. Yeast one-hybrid and molecular docking assays confirmed the binding capacity of GhWRKY31 to the W box of GhABF1, GhDREB2, and GhRD29. The findings collectively offer a systematic and comprehensive insight into the evolutionary patterns of cotton WRKYs, proposing a suitable regulatory framework for developing cotton cultivars with enhanced resilience to drought and salinity stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Female willows exhibit greater drought tolerance and benefit more from exogenous acetic acid (AA)-improved drought tolerance than males. However, the potential mechanisms driving these sex-specific responses remain unclear. To comprehensively investigate the sexually dimorphic responsive mechanisms of willows to drought and exogenous AA, here, we performed physiological, proteomic, Lys-acetylproteomic, and transgenic analyses in female and male Salix myrtillacea exposed to drought and AA-applicated drought treatments, focusing on protein abundance and lysine acetylation (LysAc) changes. Drought-tolerant females suffered less drought-induced photosynthetic and oxidative damage, did not activate AA and acetyl-CoA biosynthesis, TCA cycle, fatty acid metabolism, and jasmonic acid signaling as strongly as drought-sensitive males. Exogenous AA caused overaccumulation of endogenous AA and inhibition of acetyl-CoA biosynthesis and utilization in males. However, exogenous AA greatly enhanced acetyl-CoA biosynthesis and utilization and further enhanced drought performance of females, possibly determining that AA improved drought tolerance more in females than in males. Interestingly, overexpression of acetyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) could reprogram fatty acids, increase LysAc levels, and improve drought tolerance, highlighting the involvement of ACS-derived acetyl-CoA in drought responses. In addition, drought and exogenous AA induced sexually dimorphic LysAc associated with histones, transcription factors, and metabolic enzymes in willows. Especially, exogenous AA may greatly improve the photosynthetic capacity of S. myrtillacea males by decreasing LysAc levels and increasing the abundances of photosynthetic proteins. While hyperacetylation in glycolysis, TCA cycle, and fatty acid biosynthesis potentially possibly serve as negative feedback to acclimate acetyl-CoA biosynthesis and utilization in drought-stressed males and AA-applicated females. Thus, acetyl-CoA biosynthesis and utilization determine the sexually dimorphic responses of S. myrtillacea to drought and exogenous AA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Legumin A is a seed storage protein that provides nutrients for seed germination. The purpose of this study was to describe the structure and expression pattern of the EuLEGA gene in Eucommia ulmoides Oliver (E. ulmoides) and to infer its functional role. The 1287 bp coding sequence of the EuLEGA CDS of the EuLEGA gene, encoding a protein containing 428 amino acid residues, was cloned. The structure predicted that the protein belonged to the RmlC (deoxythymidine diphosphates, dTDP)-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase)-like cupin conserved domain family, which contains both RmlC, a key enzyme for the synthesis of rhamnose and legumin A. The overexpression (OE) vector of the EuLEGA gene was constructed and genetically transformed into tobacco and E. ulmoides; the RNA interference (RNAi) vector of the EuLEGA gene was constructed and genetically transformed into E. ulmoides; and the contents of legumin A and rhamnose were detected. The results showed that the EuLEGA gene could significantly increase the content of legumin A in transgenic tobacco leaves and transgenic E. ulmoides regenerative buds, and the OE of this gene in E. ulmoides could promote an increase in rhamnose content. RNAi caused a significant decrease in the legumin A content in the regenerated buds of E. ulmoides. These was a significant increase in legumin A in the transgenic tobacco seeds, and these results indicate that the expression of the EuLEGA gene is closely related to the accumulation of legumin A. Subcellular localization studies revealed that EuLEGA is localized to the cytoplasm with the vacuolar membrane. Analysis of the EuLEGA gene expression data revealed that the expression level of the EuLEGA gene in the samaras was significantly greater than that in the leaves and stems. In addition, the study also demonstrated that GA3 can upregulate the expression levels of the EuLEGA gene, while ABA and MeJA can downregulate its expression levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse adenoviruses (MAdV) play important roles in studying host-adenovirus interaction. However, easy-to-use reverse genetics systems are still lacking for MAdV. An infectious plasmid pKRMAV1 was constructed by ligating genomic DNA of wild-type MAdV-1 with a PCR product containing a plasmid backbone through Gibson assembly. A fragment was excised from pKRMAV1 by restriction digestion and used to generate intermediate plasmid pKMAV1-ER, which contained E3, fiber, E4, and E1 regions of MAdV-1. CMV promoter-controlled GFP expression cassette was inserted downstream of the pIX gene in pKMAV1-ER and then transferred to pKRMAV1 to generate adenoviral plasmid pKMAV1-IXCG. Replacement of transgene could be conveniently carried out between dual BstZ17I sites in pKMAV1-IXCG by restriction-assembly, and a series of adenoviral plasmids were generated. Recombinant viruses were rescued after transfecting linearized adenoviral plasmids to mouse NIH/3T3 cells. MAdV-1 viruses carrying GFP or firefly luciferase genes were characterized in gene transduction, plaque-forming, and replication in vitro or in vivo by observing the expression of reporter genes. The results indicated that replication-competent vectors presented relevant properties of wild-type MAdV-1 very well. By constructing viruses bearing exogenous fragments with increasing size, it was found that MAdV-1 could tolerate an insertion up to 3.3 kb. Collectively, a replication-competent MAdV-1 vector system was established, which simplified procedures for the change of transgene or modification of E1, fiber, E3, or E4 genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most viruses and transposons serve as effective carriers for the introduction of foreign DNA up to 11 kb into vertebrate genomes. However, their activity markedly diminishes with payloads exceeding 11 kb. Expanding the payload capacity of transposons could facilitate more sophisticated cargo designs, improving the regulation of expression and minimizing mutagenic risks associated with molecular therapeutics, metabolic engineering, and transgenic animal production. In this study, we improved the Tol2 transposon by increasing protein expression levels using a translational enhancer ( QBI SP163, ST) and enhanced the nuclear targeting ability using the nuclear localization protein H2B (SHT). The modified Tol2 and ST transposon efficiently integrated large DNA cargos into human cell cultures (H1299), comparable to the well-established super PiggyBac system. Furthermore, mRNA from ST and SHT showed a significant increase in transgene delivery efficiency of large DNA payloads (8 kb, 14 kb, and 24 kb) into zebrafish ( Danio rerio). This study presents a modified Tol2 transposon as an enhanced nonviral vector for the delivery of large DNA payloads in transgenic applications.
    大多数病毒和转座子可将长达11 kb的外源DNA有效引入脊椎动物基因组,但递送超过11 kb的DNA片段时,其活性明显减弱。扩大转座子的有效载荷能力将能够容纳更大的DNA片段、增强调节基因表达的能力,并最大限度地减少分子治疗、代谢工程和转基因动物相关的突变风险。在该研究中,我们通过翻译增强子QBI SP163和核定位蛋白H2B提高蛋白表达水平和细胞核靶向能力,产生了改善的Tol2转座子,ST和SHT。Tol2和ST转座子能有效地将大片段DNA整合到H1299细胞中,其效果可与改善的super PiggyBac转座子系统相媲美。我们发现ST和SHT mRNA能显著提高斑马鱼中大DNA片段(~8 kb, ~14 kb, ~24 kb)的转基因效率。该研究介绍了优化的Tol2转座子可作为一种改进的非病毒载体,应用于递送大DNA片段的转基因实验。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of compact CRISPR systems has facilitated delivery but has concurrently reduced gene editing efficiency, thereby limiting the further utilization of CRISPR systems. Enhancing the efficiency of CRISPR systems poses a challenging task and holds significant implications for the advancement of biotechnology. In our work, we report a synthetic dual-antibody system that can stably exist in the intracellular environment, specifically inhibiting the functions of NF-κB and β-catenin. This not only elevates the transgenic expression of the CRISPR system by suppressing the innate immune response within cells to enhance the gene editing efficiency but also demonstrates a notable tumor inhibitory effect. Based on the specific output expression regulation of CRISPR-CasΦ, we constructed a CRISPR-based gene expression platform, which includes sensor modules for detecting intracellular β-catenin and NF-κB, as well as an SDA module to enhance overall efficiency. In vitro experiments revealed that the CRISPR-based gene expression platform exhibited superior CDK5 expression inhibition efficiency and specific cytotoxicity towards tumor cells. In vitro experiments, we found that CRISPR-based gene expression platforms can selectively kill bladder cancer cells through T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Our design holds significant assistant potential of transgene therapy and may offer the capability to treat other diseases requiring transgene therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CD47 is a ligand of SIRPα, an inhibitory receptor expressed by macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer (NK) cells, and, therefore, transgenic overexpression of CD47 is considered an effective approach to inhibiting transplant rejection. However, the detrimental effect of CD47 signaling is overlooked when exploring this approach. Here, we construct a mutant CD47 by replacing the transmembrane and intracellular domains with a membrane anchor (CD47-IgV). In both human and mouse cells, CD47-IgV is efficiently expressed on the cell surface and protects against phagocytosis in vitro and in vivo but does not induce cell death or inhibit angiogenesis. Furthermore, hematopoietic stem cells expressing transgenic CD47-IgV show no detectable alterations in engraftment or differentiation. This study provides a potentially effective means of achieving transgenic CD47 expression that may help to produce gene-edited pigs for xenotransplantation and hypoimmunogenic pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transgenic expression of rice triketone dioxygenase (TDO; also known as HIS1) can provide protection from triketone herbicides to susceptible dicot crops such as soybean. Triketones are phytotoxic inhibitors of plant hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenases (HPPD). The TDO gene codes for an iron/2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxidoreductase. We obtained an X-ray crystal structure of TDO using SeMet-SAD phasing to 3.16 Å resolution. The structure reveals that TDO possesses a fold like that of Arabidopsis thaliana 2-oxoglutarate‑iron-dependent oxygenase anthocyanidin synthase (ANS). Unlike ANS, this TDO structure lacks bound metals or cofactors, and we propose this is because the disordered flexible loop over the active site is sterically constrained from folding properly in the crystal lattice. A combination of mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and enzyme activity studies indicate that rice TDO oxidizes mesotrione in a series of steps; first producing 5-hydroxy-mesotrione and then oxy-mesotrione. Evidence suggests that 5-hydroxy-mesotrione is a much weaker inhibitor of HPPD than mesotrione, and oxy-mesotrione has virtually no inhibitory activity. Of the close homologues which have been tested, only corn and rice TDO have enzymatic activity and the ability to protect plants from mesotrione. Correlating sequence and structure has identified four amino acids necessary for TDO activity. Introducing these four amino acids imparts activity to a mesotrione-inactive TDO-like protein from sorghum, which may expand triketone herbicide resistance in new crop species.





