Therapeutic interventions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osteoporosis (OP) is a common metabolic bone disease characterized by low bone mass, decreased bone mineral density, and degradation of bone tissue microarchitecture. However, our understanding of the mechanisms of bone remodeling and factors affecting bone mass remains incomplete. Sirtuin1 (SIRT1) is a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent deacetylase that regulates a variety of cellular metabolisms, including inflammation, tumorigenesis, and bone metabolism. Recent studies have emphasized the important role of SIRT1 in bone homeostasis. This article reviews the role of SIRT1 in bone metabolism and OP and also discusses therapeutic strategies and future research directions for targeting SIRT1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selectins are a group of Ca2+-dependent, transmembrane type I glycoproteins which attract cell adhesion and migration. E-selectin is exclusively expressed in endothelial cells, and its expression is strongly enhanced upon activation by pro-inflammatory cytokines. The interaction of E-selectin with its ligands on circulating leukocytes captures and slows them down, further facilitating integrin activation, firm adhesion to endothelial cells and transmigration to tissues. Oxidative stress induces endothelial cell injury, leading to aberrant expression of E-selectin. In addition, the elevated level of E-selectin is positively related to high risk of inflammation. Dysregulation of E-selectin has been found in several pathological conditions including acute kidney injury (AKI), pulmonary diseases, hepatic pathology, Venous thromboembolism (VTE). Deletion of the E-selectin gene in mice somewhat ameliorates these complications. In this review, we describe the mechanisms regulating E-selectin expression, the interaction of E-selectin with its ligands, the E-selectin physiological and pathophysiological roles, and the therapeutical potential of targeting E-selectin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review rigorously assesses the burgeoning research into the role of polyphenols in modulating mitophagy, an essential cellular mechanism for the targeted removal of impaired mitochondria. These natural compounds, known for their low toxicity, are underscored for their potential in therapeutic strategies against a diverse array of diseases, such as neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal disorders. The analysis penetrates deeply into the molecular mechanisms whereby polyphenols promote mitophagy, particularly by influencing crucial signaling pathways and transcriptional regulators, including the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1)/parkin and forkhead box O3 (FOXO3a) pathways. Noteworthy discoveries include the neuroprotective properties of resveratrol and curcumin, which affect both autophagic pathways and mitochondrial dynamics, and the pioneering integration of polyphenols with other natural substances to amplify therapeutic effectiveness. Furthermore, the review confronts the issue of polyphenol bioavailability and emphasizes the imperative for clinical trials to corroborate their therapeutic viability. By delivering an exhaustive synthesis of contemporary insights and recent advancements in polyphenol and mitophagy research, this review endeavors to catalyze additional research and foster the creation of innovative therapeutic modalities that exploit the distinctive attributes of polyphenols to manage and prevent disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep is crucial for wellness, and emerging research reveals a profound connection to gut microbiota. This review explores the bidirectional relationship between gut microbiota and sleep, exploring the mechanisms involved and the therapeutic opportunities it presents. The gut-brain axis serves as a conduit for the crosstalk between gut microbiota and the central nervous system, with dysbiosis in the microbiota impairing sleep quality and vice versa. Diet, circadian rhythms, and immune modulation all play a part. Specific gut bacteria, like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, enhance sleep through serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid production, exemplifying direct microbiome influence. Conversely, sleep deprivation reduces beneficial bacteria, exacerbating dysbiosis. Probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics, and fecal transplants show therapeutic potential, backed by animal and human research, yet require further study on safety and long-term effects. Unraveling this intricate link paves the way for tailored sleep therapies, utilizing microbiome manipulation to improve sleep and health. Accelerated research is essential to fully tap into this promising field for sleep disorder management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cuproptosis, a newly characterized form of regulated cell death driven by copper accumulation, has emerged as a significant mechanism underlying various non-cancerous diseases. This review delves into the complex interplay between copper metabolism and the pathogenesis of conditions such as Wilson\'s disease (WD), neurodegenerative disorders, and cardiovascular pathologies. We examine the molecular mechanisms by which copper dysregulation induces cuproptosis, highlighting the pivotal roles of key copper transporters and enzymes. Additionally, we evaluate the therapeutic potential of copper chelation strategies, which have shown promise in experimental models by mitigating copper-induced cellular damage and restoring physiological homeostasis. Through a comprehensive synthesis of recent advancements and current knowledge, this review underscores the necessity of further research to translate these findings into clinical applications. The ultimate goal is to harness the therapeutic potential of targeting cuproptosis, thereby improving disease management and patient outcomes in non-cancerous conditions associated with copper dysregulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanozymes, which can selectively scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS), have recently emerged as promising candidates for treating ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI) in preclinical models. ROS overproduction during the early phase of these diseases leads to oxidative brain damage, which has been a major cause of mortality worldwide. However, the clinical application of ROS-scavenging enzymes is limited by their short in vivo half-life and inability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Nanozymes, which mimic the catalytic function of natural enzymes, have several advantages, including cost-effectiveness, high stability, and easy storage. These advantages render them superior to natural enzymes for disease diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. This review highlights recent advancements in nanozyme applications for ischemic stroke and TBI, emphasizing their potential to mitigate the detrimental effect of ROS overproduction, oxidative brain damage, inflammation, and blood-brain barrier compromise. Therefore, nanozymes represent a promising treatment modality for ROS overproduction conditions in future medical practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subiculum is a pivotal output component of the hippocampal formation, a structure often overlooked in neuroscientific research. Here, this review aims to explore the role of the subiculum in various brain disorders, shedding light on its significance within the functional-neuroanatomical perspective on neurological diseases. The subiculum\'s involvement in multiple brain disorders was thoroughly examined. In Alzheimer\'s disease, subiculum alterations precede cognitive decline, while in epilepsy, the subiculum plays a critical role in seizure initiation. Stress involves the subiculum\'s impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Moreover, the subiculum exhibits structural and functional changes in anxiety, schizophrenia, and Parkinson\'s disease, contributing to cognitive deficits. Bipolar disorder is linked to subiculum structural abnormalities, while autism spectrum disorder reveals an alteration of inward deformation in the subiculum. Lastly, frontotemporal dementia shows volumetric differences in the subiculum, emphasizing its contribution to the disorder\'s complexity. Taken together, this review consolidates existing knowledge on the subiculum\'s role in brain disorders, and may facilitate future research, diagnostic strategies, and therapeutic interventions for various neurological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-coding CGG repeat expansions within the 5\' untranslated region are implicated in a range of neurological disorders, including fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome, oculopharyngeal myopathy with leukodystrophy, and oculopharyngodistal myopathy. This review outlined the general characteristics of diseases associated with non-coding CGG repeat expansions, detailing their clinical manifestations and neuroimaging patterns, which often overlap and indicate shared pathophysiological traits. We summarized the underlying molecular mechanisms of these disorders, providing new insights into the roles that DNA, RNA, and toxic proteins play. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for the development of targeted therapeutic strategies. These strategies include a range of approaches, such as antisense oligonucleotides, RNA interference, genomic DNA editing, small molecule interventions, and other treatments aimed at correcting the dysregulated processes inherent in these disorders. A deeper understanding of the shared mechanisms among non-coding CGG repeat expansion disorders may hold the potential to catalyze the development of innovative therapies, ultimately offering relief to individuals grappling with these debilitating neurological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At present, diabetes mellitus (DM) has been one of the most endangering healthy diseases. Current therapies contain controlling high blood sugar, reducing risk factors like obesity, hypertension, and so on; however, DM patients inevitably and eventually progress into different types of diabetes complications, resulting in poor quality of life. Unfortunately, the clear etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes complications have not been elucidated owing to intricate whole-body systems. The immune system was responsible to regulate homeostasis by triggering or resolving inflammatory response, indicating it may be necessary to diabetes complications. In fact, previous studies have been shown inflammation plays multifunctional roles in the pathogenesis of diabetes complications and is attracting attention to be the meaningful therapeutic strategy. To this end, this review systematically concluded the current studies over the relationships of susceptible diabetes complications (e.g., diabetic cardiomyopathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and diabetic nephropathy) and inflammation, ranging from immune cell response, cytokines interaction to pathomechanism of organ injury. Besides, we also summarized various therapeutic strategies to improve diabetes complications by target inflammation from special remedies to conventional lifestyle changes. This review will offer a panoramic insight into the mechanisms of diabetes complications from an inflammatory perspective and also discuss contemporary clinical interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review presents a comprehensive exploration of the pivotal role played by the Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton (LINC) complex, with a particular focus on Nesprin proteins, in cellular mechanics and the pathogenesis of muscular diseases. Distinguishing itself from prior works, the analysis delves deeply into the intricate interplay of the LINC complex, emphasizing its indispensable contribution to maintaining cellular structural integrity, especially in mechanically sensitive tissues such as cardiac and striated muscles. Additionally, the significant association between mutations in Nesprin proteins and the onset of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) and Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy (EDMD) is highlighted, underscoring their pivotal role in disease pathogenesis. Through a comprehensive examination of DCM and EDMD cases, the review elucidates the disruptions in the LINC complex, nuclear morphology alterations, and muscular developmental disorders, thus emphasizing the essential function of an intact LINC complex in preserving muscle physiological functions. Moreover, the review provides novel insights into the implications of Nesprin mutations for cellular dynamics in the pathogenesis of muscular diseases, particularly in maintaining cardiac structural and functional integrity. Furthermore, advanced therapeutic strategies, including rectifying Nesprin gene mutations, controlling Nesprin protein expression, enhancing LINC complex functionality, and augmenting cardiac muscle cell function are proposed. By shedding light on the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying nuclear-cytoskeletal interactions, the review lays the groundwork for future research and therapeutic interventions aimed at addressing genetic muscle disorders.





