comparative biology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study and importance of altitudinal migration has attracted increasing interest among zoologists. Altitudinal migrants are taxonomically widespread and move across altitudinal gradients as partial or complete migrants, subjecting them to a wide array of environments and ecological interactions. Here, we present a brief synthesis of recent developments in the field and suggest future directions toward a more taxonomically inclusive comparative framework for the study of altitudinal migration. Our framework centers on a working definition of altitudinal migration that hinges on its biological relevance, which is scale-dependent and related to fitness outcomes. We discuss linguistic nuances of altitudinal movements and provide concrete steps to compare altitudinal migration phenomena across traditionally disparate study systems. Together, our comparative framework outlines a \"phenotypic space\" that contextualizes the biotic and abiotic interactions encountered by altitudinal migrants from divergent lineages and biomes. We also summarize new opportunities, methods, and challenges for the ongoing study of altitudinal migration. A persistent, primary challenge is characterizing the taxonomic extent of altitudinal migration within and among species. Fortunately, a host of new methods have been developed to help researchers assess the taxonomic prevalence of altitudinal migration-each with their own advantages and disadvantages. An improved comparative framework will allow researchers that study disparate disciplines and taxonomic groups to better communicate and to test hypotheses regarding the evolutionary and ecological drivers underlying variation in altitudinal migration among populations and species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relative importance of various sensory modalities can shift in response to evolutionary transitions, resulting in changes to underlying gene families encoding their reception systems. The rapid birth-and-death process underlying the evolution of the large olfactory receptor (OR) gene family has accelerated genomic-level change for the sense of smell in particular. The transition from the land to sea in marine mammals is an attractive model for understanding the influence of habitat shifts on sensory systems, with the retained OR repertoire of baleen whales contrasting with its loss in toothed whales. In this study, we examine to what extent the transition from a terrestrial to a marine environment has influenced the evolution of baleen whale OR repertoires. We developed Gene Mining Pipeline (GMPipe) (, which can accurately identify large numbers of candidate OR genes. GMPipe identified 707 OR sequences from eight baleen whale species. These repertoires exhibited distinct family count distributions compared to terrestrial mammals, including signs of relative expansion in families OR10, OR11 and OR13. While many receptors have been lost or show signs of random drift in baleen whales, others exhibit signs of evolving under purifying or positive selection. Over 85% of OR genes could be sorted into orthologous groups of sequences containing at least four homologous sequences. Many of these groups, particularly from family OR10, presented signs of relative expansion and purifying selective pressure. Overall, our results suggest that the relatively small size of baleen whale OR repertoires result from specialisation to novel olfactory landscapes, as opposed to random drift.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural and functional asymmetries are traceable in every form of life, and some lateralities are homologous. Functionally speaking, the division of labour between the two halves of the brain is a basic characteristic of the nervous system that arose even before the appearance of vertebrates. The most well-known expression of this specialisation in humans is hand dominance, also known as handedness. Even if hand/limb/paw dominance is far more commonly associated with the presence of a nervous system, it is also observed in its own form in aneural organisms, such as plants. To date, little is known regarding the possible functional significance of this dominance in plants, and many questions remain open (among them, whether it reflects a generalised behavioural asymmetry). Here, we propose a comparative approach to the study of handedness, including plants, by taking advantage of the experimental models and paradigms already used to study laterality in humans and various animal species. By taking this approach, we aim to enrich our knowledge of the concept of handedness across natural kingdoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The search for solutions to the vagaries of aging has, historically, been akin to searching at night in the bright light under street lamps by utilizing the few preexisting and well-established animal model systems. Throughout my career as a comparative biologist, I have ventured into the darkness across 4 continents and studied over 150 different animal species, many of which have evolved remarkable adaptations to survive on the harsh and rugged fitness landscape that exists outside of the laboratory setting. In this Fellows Forum, I will discuss the main focus of my research for the last 25 years and dig deeply into the biology of the preternaturally long-lived naked mole-rat that makes it an ideal model system for the characterization of successful strategies to combat aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional brain connectivity based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been shown to be correlated with human personality and behavior. In this study, we sought to know whether capabilities and traits in dogs can be predicted from their resting-state connectivity, as in humans. We trained awake dogs to keep their head still inside a 3T MRI scanner while resting-state fMRI data was acquired. Canine behavior was characterized by an integrated behavioral score capturing their hunting, retrieving, and environmental soundness. Functional scans and behavioral measures were acquired at three different time points across detector dog training. The first time point (TP1) was prior to the dogs entering formal working detector dog training. The second time point (TP2) was soon after formal detector dog training. The third time point (TP3) was three months\' post detector dog training while the dogs were engaged in a program of maintenance training for detection work. We hypothesized that the correlation between resting-state FC in the dog brain and behavior measures would significantly change during their detection training process (from TP1 to TP2) and would maintain for the subsequent several months of detection work (from TP2 to TP3). To further study the resting-state FC features that can predict the success of training, dogs at TP1 were divided into a successful group and a non-successful group. We observed a core brain network which showed relatively stable (with respect to time) patterns of interaction that were significantly stronger in successful detector dogs compared to failures and whose connectivity strength at the first time point predicted whether a given dog was eventually successful in becoming a detector dog. A second ontologically based flexible peripheral network was observed whose changes in connectivity strength with detection training tracked corresponding changes in behavior over the training program. Comparing dog and human brains, the functional connectivity between the brain stem and the frontal cortex in dogs corresponded to that between the locus coeruleus and left middle frontal gyrus in humans, suggestive of a shared mechanism for learning and retrieval of odors. Overall, the findings point toward the influence of phylogeny and ontogeny in dogs producing two dissociable functional neural networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glandular trichomes are implicated in direct and indirect defense of plants. However, the degree to which glandular and non-glandular trichomes have evolved as a consequence of herbivory remains unclear, because their heritability, their association with herbivore resistance, their trade-offs with one another, and their association with other functions are rarely quantified.
    We conducted a phylogenetic comparison of trichomes and herbivore resistance against the generalist caterpillar, Heliothis virescens, among tarweed species (Asteraceae: Madiinae) and a genetic correlation study comparing those same traits among maternal half-sibs of three tarweed species.
    Within a tarweed species, we found no evidence that herbivore growth rate decreased on tarweed individuals or maternal sib groups with more glandularity or denser trichomes. However, tarweed species with more glandularity and fewer non-glandular trichomes resulted in slower-growing herbivores. Likewise, a trade-off between glandular and non-glandular trichomes was apparent among tarweed species, but not among individuals or sib groups within a species.
    Our results suggest that this key herbivore does not select for trichomes as a direct defense in tarweed species. However, trichomes differed substantially among species and likely affect herbivore pressure on those species. Our results demonstrate that trade-offs among plant traits, as well as inference on the function of those traits, can depend on scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying structure-function correspondences is a major goal among biologists, cognitive neuroscientists, and brain mappers. Recent studies have identified relationships between performance on cognitive tasks and the presence or absence of small, shallow indentations, or sulci, of the human brain. Building on the previous finding that the presence of the ventral para-intermediate frontal sulcus (pimfs-v) in the left anterior lateral prefrontal cortex (aLPFC) was related to reasoning task performance in children and adolescents, we tested whether this relationship extended to a different sample, age group, and reasoning task. As predicted, the presence of this aLPFC sulcus was also associated with higher reasoning scores in young adults (ages 22-36). These findings have not only direct developmental, but also evolutionary relevance-as recent work shows that the pimfs-v is exceedingly rare in chimpanzees. Thus, the pimfs-v is a key developmental, cognitive, and evolutionarily relevant feature that should be considered in future studies examining how the complex relationships among multiscale anatomical and functional features of the brain give rise to abstract thought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comparative studies of aging are a promising approach to identifying general properties of and processes leading to aging. While to date, many comparative studies of aging in animals have focused on relatively narrow species groups, methodological innovations now allow for studies that include evolutionary distant species. However, comparative studies of aging across a wide range of species that have distinct life histories introduce additional challenges in experimental design. Here, we discuss these challenges, highlight the most pressing problems that need to be solved, and provide suggestions based on current approaches to successfully carry out comparative aging studies across the animal kingdom.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental models are essential tools in neurodegenerative disease research. However, the translation of insights and drugs discovered in model systems has proven immensely challenging, marred by high failure rates in human clinical trials.
    Here we review the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in experimental medicine for dementia research.
    Considering the specific challenges of reproducibility and translation between other species or model systems and human biology in preclinical dementia research, we highlight best practices and resources that can be leveraged to quantify and evaluate translatability. We then evaluate how AI and ML approaches could be applied to enhance both cross-model reproducibility and translation to human biology, while sustaining biological interpretability.
    AI and ML approaches in experimental medicine remain in their infancy. However, they have great potential to strengthen preclinical research and translation if based upon adequate, robust, and reproducible experimental data.
    There are increasing applications of AI in experimental medicine. We identified issues in reproducibility, cross-species translation, and data curation in the field. Our review highlights data resources and AI approaches as solutions. Multi-omics analysis with AI offers exciting future possibilities in drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When designing experimental studies, it is important to understand the biological context of the question being asked. For example, many biological puncture experiments embed the puncture tool to a standardized depth based on a percentage of the total tool length, to compare the performance between tools. However, this may not always be biologically relevant to the question being asked. To understand how definitions of penetration depth may influence comparative results, we performed puncture experiments on a series of venomous snake fangs using the venom pore location as a functionally relevant depth standard. After exploring variation in pore placement across snake phylogeny, we compared the work expended during puncture experiments across a set of snake fangs using various depth standards: puncture initiation, penetration to a series of depths defined by the venom pore and penetration to 15% of fang length. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found almost no pattern in pore placement between clades, dietary groups or venom toxicity. Rank correlation statistics of our experimental energetics results showed no difference in the broad comparison of fangs when different puncture depth standards were used. However, pairwise comparisons between fangs showed major shifts in significance patterns between the different depth standards used. These results imply that the interpretation of experimental puncture data will heavily depend upon which depth standard is used during the experiments. Our results illustrate the importance of understanding the biological context of the question being addressed when designing comparative experiments.





