Africa, Southern

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases are a substantial threat to global health, comprehensive reviews of ENT services in Southern Africa remain scarce.
    This scoping review provides a decade-long overview of ENT services in Southern Africa and identifies gaps in healthcare provision. From the current literature, we hope to provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate the challenges faced by the resource-limited ENT service.
    PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Cochrane Library, Cochrane Library, and Scopus.
    On several databases, we conducted a comprehensive literature search on both quantitative and qualitative studies on ENT services in Southern Africa, published between 1 January 2014 and 27 February 2024. The extracted data from the analyzed studies was summarized into themes.
    Four themes in the fourteen studies included in the final analysis described the existing ENT services in Southern Africa: 1. Workforce scarcity and knowledge inadequacies, 2. Deficiencies in ENT infrastructure, equipment, and medication, 3. Inadequate ENT disease screening, management, and rehabilitation and 4. A lack of telehealth technology.
    The Southern African ENT health service faces many disease screening, treatment, and rehabilitation challenges, including critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication. These challenges, impeding patient access to ENT healthcare, could be effectively addressed by implementing deliberate policies to train a larger workforce, increase ENT funding for equipment and medication, promote telehealth, and reduce the patient cost of care.
    Main findings: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) healthcare in Southern Africa faces critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication for disease screening, treatment and rehabilitation.Added knowledge: In this review, we identify challenges in the resource-limited Southern African ENT healthcare provision and provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate these challenges.Global health impact for policy and action: Improving ENT service delivery in the resource-limited world requires deliberate policies that improve health worker training, expand financing and resource availability, incorporate new technology, and lower patient costs of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer poses a significant burden, particularly in low-and-middle income countries (LMIC) with limited access to healthcare. High-income countries have made progress in prevention, while LMIC face unacceptably high incidence and mortality rates, often lacking official screening recommendations. We analysed the presence and content of cervical cancer screening guidelines for the secondary prevention of cervical cancer in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and compared it to the current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for screening and treatment of cervical pre-cancer lesions for cervical cancer prevention.
    METHODS: A review of national cervical cancer guidelines across the SADC region was conducted. Data was obtained from government websites, international cancer control platforms, and WHO resources. Search terms included \"cervical cancer\" and \"cervical cancer control guidelines\", amongst others. There were no limitations on publication years, and the most recent versions of the guidelines were analysed, regardless of language. Each guideline was assessed for specific screening and treatment recommendations, in relation to the current WHO guidelines. Points were assigned for each data element.
    RESULTS: While most countries contributed data to this analysis there was a notable absence of adherence to the WHO guidelines. The most common screening method was naked eye visual inspection. There was a consensus on the age of screening initiation. Most countries recommended treatment by cryotherapy and loop excision.
    CONCLUSIONS: Effective cervical cancer screening programmes, guided by evidence-based recommendations, can enhance early intervention and outcomes. This study highlights the need for standardized and evidence-based cervical cancer screening guidelines in the SADC region, to reduce the burden of cervical cancer and improve the health outcomes of women in these areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly shaped the global landscape and impacted various aspects of individuals\' lives, especially the behaviour of school-going adolescents regarding substance use. Among these substances, alcohol is the most predominant substance, particularly among school-going adolescents, who also are highly susceptible to harmful alcohol use, such as poor academic performance, psychiatric disorders and disrupted social lives. This review will synthesise the known prevalence estimates and associated factors of alcohol use among school-going adolescents in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) since the COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: We will perform a systematic review in line with the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews. We will systematically search for selected global databases (ScienceDirect, EbscoHost, PsycINFO and PubMed) and regional electronic databases (African Index Medicus, Sabinet and African Journals OnLine). Peer-reviewed literature published between 11 March 2020 and 10 March 2024 will be considered for eligibility without language restriction. All 16 countries of the SADC region will be included in the review. The Mixed-Methods Appraisal Tool checklist for quality appraisal will be used to appraise the methodological quality of the included studies. Depending on the level of heterogeneity, prevalence estimates will be pooled in a meta-analysis; narrative synthesis will be applied to describe the reported associated factors of alcohol use.
    BACKGROUND: We will not seek ethical approval from an institutional review board since the study will not involve gathering data directly from individual school-going adolescents, nor will it violate their privacy. When completed, the full report of this review will be submitted to a journal for peer-reviewed publication; the key findings will be presented at local and international conferences with a partial or full focus on (adolescent) alcohol (mis)use.
    UNASSIGNED: CRD42023452765.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    HIV remains a leading cause of death for adolescents and young people aged 10-24 years. HIV prevention requires multisectoral approaches that target adolescents and young people, addressing HIV risk pathways (e.g., transactional sex, gender-based violence, and school attendance) through bundled interventions that combine economic strengthening, health capabilities, and gender equality education. However, best practices are unknown because evidence on multisectoral programming targeted to adolescents and combining these components has not been systematically reviewed.
    We conducted a systematic review to summarize the evidence on bundled interventions combining health and economic strengthening components for adolescents and young people and their effects on HIV/STI incidence and risk factors. We included studies from Africa published between 2005 and 2023, combining at least one economic strengthening and one health component, directed toward adolescents and young people aged 10-24 years. Included studies measured programmatic impacts on primary outcomes: HIV and STI incidence/prevalence; and mediators as secondary outcomes: sexual behaviours, sexual and reproductive health, school attendance, health-seeking behaviours, and violence. We conducted key word searches in PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science, imported titles/abstracts from the initial search, and reviewed them using the inclusion criteria. Full texts of selected articles were reviewed and information was extracted for analysis. Findings from the full texts identified were summarized.
    We reviewed 58 studies, including 43 quantitative studies and 15 qualitative studies, evaluating 26 unique interventions. A majority of studies reviewed were conducted in Eastern and Southern Africa. Interventions reviewed showed a greater number of significant results in improving economic outcomes; mental health and psychosocial outcomes; sexual and reproductive health knowledge and services utilization; and HIV prevention knowledge and testing. They showed fewer significant results in improving outcomes related to HIV incidence/prevalence; sexual risk behaviours; gender-based violence; gender attitudes; education; STI incidence, prevalence and testing; and sexual debut.
    Our review demonstrated the potential for bundled, multisectoral interventions for preventing HIV and facilitating safe transitions to adulthood. Findings have implications for designing HIV sensitive programmes on a larger scale, including how interventions may need to address multiple strata of the social ecological model to achieve success in the prevention of HIV and related pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blood and blood products are listed as one of the essential medicines by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to inadequate supply, most sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) nations fail to meet their blood needs because many donated blood units are discarded because they are contaminated with transfusion-transmitted infections (TTIs). We sought to estimate the prevalence of TTIs, identify the risk factors for TTIs among blood donors, and identify the efforts and interventions that have been made to improve blood safety in Southern African nations, particularly the nations of the South African Development Community (SADC). We investigated the prevalence and risk factors for TTIs, blood safety interventions, and blood quality improvement in the SADC region from major PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and HINARI databases from 1 January 2011 to 31 April 2021. All investigations followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). In meta-analysis, we estimated the pooled TTIs prevalence and summarised the same using forest plots. A total of 180 articles published from the SSA region were identified covering our three targeted themes: TTI prevalence, risk factors for TTIs, and blood safety improvements. Of these 180 articles, only 27 (15%) focused on the SADC region. The overall pooled TTI prevalence estimate was 2.0% (95% CI: 1.0-3.0) and hepatitis B was the most prevalent TTI in the region (prevalence = 3.0; 95% CI: 2.0-5.0). The prevalence of HIV, HCV, and syphilis was 2.0% (95% CI: 1.0-4.0), 1.0% (95% CI: 0.0-2.0), and 2.0% (95% CI: 0.0-8.0), respectively. In general, replacement donors and first-time donors were more likely to be infected with TTIs than repeat donors. Twelve articles explored blood safety research in the region; however, they vary greatly highlighting the need for consistent and more comprehensive research. Few publications were identified that were from the SADC region, indicating lack of research or resources towards improving both quantity and quality of blood donation. TTI prevalence remains one of the highest in the world and blood safety recommendations vary across the region. More effort should be directed towards developing a cohesive regional blood transfusion policy and effective blood monitoring and evaluation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected by HIV. In Africa, MSM face structural barriers to HIV prevention and treatment that increase their vulnerability to HIV acquisition and transmission, and undermine the HIV response. In this systematic review, we aimed to explore progress towards increases in HIV testing, improving engagement in the HIV treatment cascade, and HIV incidence reductions among MSM in Africa.
    We searched Embase, MEDLINE, Global Health, Scopus, and Web of Science for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies reporting HIV testing, knowledge of status, care, antiretroviral therapy (ART) use, viral suppression, and HIV incidence among MSM in Africa published between Jan 1, 1980, and March 3, 2023. We pooled surveys using Bayesian generalised linear mixed-effects models, used meta-regression to assess time trends, and compared HIV incidence estimates among MSM with those of all men.
    Of 9278 articles identified, we included 152 unique studies published in 2005-23. In 2020, we estimate that 73% (95% credible interval [CrI] 62-87) of MSM had ever tested for HIV. HIV testing in the past 12 months increased over time in central, western, eastern, and southern Africa (odds ratio per year [ORyear] 1·23, 95% CrI 1·01-1·51, n=46) and in 2020 an estimated 82% (70-91) had tested in the past 12 months, but only 51% (30-72) of MSM living with HIV knew their HIV status. Current ART use increased over time in central and western (ORyear 1·41, 1·08-1·93, n=9) and eastern and southern Africa (ORyear 1·37, 1·04-1·84, n=17). We estimated that, in 2020, 73% (47-88) of all MSM living with HIV in Africa were currently on ART. Nevertheless, we did not find strong evidence to suggest that viral suppression increased, with only 69% (38-89) of MSM living with HIV estimated to be virally suppressed in 2020. We found insufficient evidence of a decrease in HIV incidence over time (incidence ratio per year 0·96, 95% CrI 0·63-1·50, n=39), and HIV incidence remained high in 2020 (6·9 per 100 person-years, 95% CrI 3·1-27·6) and substantially higher (27-199 times higher) than among all men.
    HIV incidence remains high, and might not be decreasing among MSM in Africa over time, despite some increases in HIV testing and ART use. Achieving the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets for diagnosis, treatment, and viral suppression equitably for all requires renewed focus on this key population. Combination interventions for MSM are urgently required to reduce disparities in HIV incidence and tackle the social, structural, and behavioural factors that make MSM vulnerable to HIV acquisition.
    US National Institutes of Health, UK Medical Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and Fonds de Recherche du Québec-Santé.
    For the French translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Taenia solium is a tapeworm that causes taeniosis in humans and cysticercosis in humans and pigs. Within Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), information on the presence of human taeniosis and cysticercosis seems scarce. This systematic review aimed to describe the current information available and gaps in the epidemiology of human T. solium infections in ESA.
    Scientific literature published between 1st January 2000 and 20th June 2022 in international databases [MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), Global Health (Ovid), Scopus (Elsevier), African Index Medicus (via WHO Global Index Medicus), and Open Grey] was systematically reviewed for ESA. The study area included 27 countries that make up the ESA region. Information on either taeniosis, cysticercosis or NCC was available for 16 of 27 countries within the region and a total of 113 reports were retained for the review. Most case reports for cysticercosis and NCC were from South Africa, while Tanzania had the most aggregated cysticercosis reports. Eleven countries reported on NCC with seven countries reporting data on NCC and epilepsy. Unconfirmed human T. solium taeniosis cases were reported in nine countries while two countries (Madagascar and Zambia) reported confirmed T. solium cases. The cysticercosis seroprevalence ranged between 0.7-40.8% on antigen (Ag) ELISA and between 13.1-45.3% on antibody (Ab) ELISA. Based on immunoblot tests the Ab seroprevalence was between 1.7-39.3%, while the proportion of NCC-suggestive lesions on brain CT scans was between 1.0-76% depending on the study population. The human taeniosis prevalence based on microscopy ranged between 0.1-14.7%. Based on Copro Ag-ELISA studies conducted in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia, the highest prevalence of 19.7% was reported in Kenya.
    Despite the public health and economic impact of T. solium in ESA, there are still large gaps in knowledge about the occurrence of the parasite, and the resulting One Health disease complex, and monitoring of T. solium taeniosis and cysticercosis is mostly not in place.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Women who sell sex (WSS) are vulnerable to violence. We present a scoping review of the last decade of research on the prevalence and incidence of, factors associated with, and services regarding violence against WSS in Eastern and Southern African (ESA). A systematic search of various databases resulted in 20 papers being reviewed. Inclusion criteria, applied by the first two authors, were as follows: empirical papers, key research problem is violence against WSS, and conducted in ESA countries. The lifetime prevalence of violence revealed in the studies ranged from 21% to 82%. A pattern of generalized violence against WSS from paying clients, male partners, strangers, family members, friends/acquaintances, and the authorities emerged. Factors associated with violence included the context within which the sex work occurs, alcohol use, type of sex exchange interactions, and personal factors (low education, low income, marriage, youth, high client volume, time in sex work, forced sexual debut, and internalized sex work stigma). WSS seldom access services after violence. Evaluations of two programs, a woman-focused HIV intervention, and the Diagonal Interventions to Fast-Forward Reproductive Health project, showed improvements in gender-based violence services. Findings suggest that targeted programmes should be paired with improving general health services and focus on promoting collective agency among WSS.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Developing effective targets, policies and services for key populations requires estimations of population sizes and HIV prevalence across countries and regions. We estimated the relative and absolute HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women and men, and male and transgender sex workers (MSW and TGSW) in sub-Saharan African countries using peer-reviewed literature.
    We performed a systematic review of peer-reviewed studies assessing HIV prevalence in MSM, transgender women and men, MSW and TGSW in sub-Saharan Africa between 2010 and 2021, following PRISMA guidelines. We searched Embase, Medline Epub, Africa Index Medicus, Africa Journal Online, Web of Science and Google Scholar. We calculated HIV prevalence ratios (PRs) between the study prevalence, and the geospatial-, sex, time and age-matched general population prevalence. We extrapolated results for MSM and transgender women to estimate HIV prevalence and the number living with HIV for each country in sub-Saharan Africa using pooled review results, and regression approximations for countries with no peer-reviewed data.
    We found 44 articles assessing HIV prevalence in MSM, 10 in transgender women, five in MSW and zero in transgender men and TGSW. Prevalence among MSM and transgender women was significantly higher compared to the general population: PRs of 11.3 [CI: 9.9-12.9] for MSM and 8.1 [CI: 6.9-9.6] for transgender women in Western and Central Africa, and, respectively, 1.9 [CI: 1.7-2.0] and 2.1 [CI: 1.9-2.4] in Eastern and Southern Africa. Prevalence among MSW was significantly higher in both Nigeria (PR: 12.4 [CI: 7.3-21.0]) and Kenya (PR: 8.6 [CI: 4.6-15.6]). Extrapolating our findings for MSM and transgender women resulted in an estimated HIV prevalence of 15% or higher for about 60% of all sub-Saharan African countries for MSM, and for all but two countries for transgender women.
    HIV prevalence among MSM and transgender women throughout sub-Saharan Africa is alarmingly high. This high prevalence, coupled with the specific risks and vulnerabilities faced by these populations, highlights the urgent need for risk-group-tailored prevention and treatment interventions across the sub-continent. There is a clear gap in knowledge on HIV prevalence among transgender men, MSW and TGSW in sub-Saharan Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several anthropogenic activities exposure humans to the risk of rodent-borne diseases. These activities are but not limited to logging, clearing land for crop cultivation, and consuming rodents. Rodents are a highly diverse mammalian group and harbor many zoonotic diseases. This review focuses on dominant rodent-flea species, rodent-borne zoonotic diseases and awareness and management practices against rodent-borne diseases in Africa. Relevant academic literature spanning from 1974 to 2021 was analysed. Dominant rodent species reported in Africa included:- Mastomys natalensis and Rattus rattus, while dominant flea species included Xenopsylla brasiliensis and Xenopsylla cheopis. Rodents were reported as hosts to a wide range of parasites which can be passed to humans. Rodents were also reported as hosts to some protozoans, trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, bacteria and viruses which are transmissible to humans. Some studies conducted in West Africa revealed good knowledge and practices on plague and Lassa fever diseases among respondents, whereas other studies reported poor practices on Lassa fever management. In part of Southern Africa, some studies reported poor knowledge and practices on plague disease. Further research on rodent-borne disease awareness and management strategies in African countries is desirable.





