Africa, Southern

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The burgeoning illegal trade in succulents in southern Africa presents a critical conservation and social development challenge. Drawing parallels with the trajectory of the response to rhinoceros poaching, we considered the consequences of conservation law enforcement measures, particularly the militarization of antipoaching efforts. The response to rhinoceros poaching not only resulted in so-called green militarization, but also led to extrajudicial killings, human rights abuses, and the disproportionate targeting of low-level poachers. The nature of wildlife trade prohibition is complex and often contested, and many actors operating in illegal wildlife trades dispute the label of illegal for socioeconomic, cultural, historical, or political reasons. This contestation is crucial when considering Indigenous cultural and medicinal values of succulents, with Indigenous Peoples and local communities questioning the criminalization of traditional plant harvesting practices. As the illegal trade in succulents continues to grow, it is imperative for conservationists to consider a nuanced approach. We call for a socioecological harm reduction approach that emphasizes community engagement, sustainable use, and codesigned interventions. Such an approach could help balance the scales of ecological conservation and human dignity in the face of growing wildlife trade challenges.
    La necesidad de una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daño para disminuir el mercado ilegal de fauna Resumen El emergente mercado ilegal de suculentas en el sur de África representa un reto importante para la conservación y el desarrollo social. Partimos de las similitudes con la trayectoria de la respuesta a la caza furtiva de rinocerontes para considerar las consecuencias de la aplicación de las leyes de conservación, en particular la militarización de los esfuerzos contra la caza furtiva. La respuesta a la caza furtiva no sólo derivó en la llamada militarización verde, sino también llevó a ejecuciones extrajudiciales, abuso de los derechos humanos y a la selección desproporcionada de cazadores de bajo nivel. La naturaleza de la prohibición del mercado de fauna es compleja y con frecuencia se impugna, y muchos actores que operan en los mercados ilegales disputan la etiqueta ilegal por razones socioeconómicas, culturales, históricas o políticas. Esta impugnación es crucial cuando consideramos los valores culturales y medicinales que los indígenas dan a las suculentas, sobre todo cuando los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales cuestionan la criminalización de las prácticas tradicionales de recolección de plantas. Conforme el mercado ilegal de suculentas sigue creciendo, es imperativo que los conservacionistas consideren una estrategia con matices. Pedimos una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daños que resalte la participación comunitaria, el uso sustentable y las intervenciones con co‐diseño. Dicha estrategia podría ayudar a equlibrar la balanza de la conservación ecológica y la dignidad humana de cara al incremento de retos en el mercado de fauna.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new form of the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus, RHDV2, first observed in European rabbits, has spread widely among different species of hares in Europe, jackrabbits and cottontails in North America, and hares in southern Africa. However, only limited surveillance studies have been undertaken so far. It is suggested that methods developed for controlling the disease in farmed rabbits in Europe and studying the efficacy of RHDV as a biological control agent in Australia could facilitate epidemiological research on those recently affected lagomorph species. This would enable the assessment of the risk of RHDV2 to native lagomorphs, including endangered species, and the determination of the main host species of RHDV2. Because RHDV2 has not spread equally through all lagomorph species, epidemiological studies could give insights into factors important for determining host susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amblyomma spp. ticks, known for their long mouthparts, bright ornate appearance and aggressive hunting behaviour, are vectors of a number of important pathogens. In southern Africa, 17 Amblyomma spp. are currently documented. Of these species, Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma variegatum have been well studied due to their wide geographical range and their status as competent vectors of pathogens that are of veterinary and medical importance. Studies on other Amblyomma spp. in southern Africa have been neglected, fostering ongoing debates on the validity of certain species such as Amblyomma pomposum. This study investigated the inter- and intra-species variation of Amblyomma ticks collected in southern Africa, focusing on resolving the dispute about A. pomposum and A. variegatum being distinct species.
    METHODS: Four Amblyomma tick species were collected from Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and were identified morphologically as Amblyomma eburneum (208), A. hebraeum (4758), A. pomposum (191) and A. variegatum (2577) using identification keys. Gene amplification targeting the 12S and 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome B and internal transcribed spacer-2 genes was conducted for 204 ticks, for which varying success was achieved during amplification for each of the markers. Maximum likelihood analyses were performed in IQ-TREE.
    RESULTS: The phylogenetic topologies and ABGD analyses of each individual gene clustered A. pomposum within the A. variegatum clade, while clearly separating A. eburneum and A. hebraeum from all other species. None of the genetic markers indicated intraspecific structuring on the basis of geographical origin, despite great distances between sampling sites.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study concludes that there is insufficient molecular evidence to differentiate A. pomposum and A. variegatum from each other. We highlight the need for whole mitochondrial genome sequencing of these two species to resolve the ongoing controversies. Furthermore, we propose mating and hybrid viability studies between the two species to confirm their reproductive isolation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: HIV prevalence and incidence has declined in East, Central, and Southern Africa (ECSA), but remains high among female sex workers (FSWs). Sex worker programmes have the potential to considerably increase access to HIV testing, prevention, and treatment. We aimed to quantify these improvements by modelling the potential effect of sex worker programmes at two different intensities on HIV incidence and key health outcomes, and assessed the programmes\' potential cost-effectiveness in order to help inform HIV policy decisions.
    METHODS: Using a model previously used to review policy decisions in ECSA, we assumed a low-intensity sex worker programme had run from 2010 until 2023; this resulted in care disadvantages among FSWs being reduced, and also increased testing, condom use, and willingness to take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). After 2023, three policy options were considered: discontinuation, continuation, and a scale-up of the programme to high-intensity, which would have a broader reach, and higher influences on condom use, antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence, testing, and PrEP use. Outputs of the key outcomes (the percentage of FSWs who were diagnosed with HIV, on ART, and virally suppressed; the percentage of FSWs with zero condomless partners, and HIV incidence) were compared in 2030. The maximum cost for a sex worker programme to be cost-effective was calculated over a 50-year time period and in the context of 10 million adults. The cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted from a health-care perspective; costs and disability-adjusted life-years were both discounted to present US$ values at 3% per annum.
    RESULTS: Compared with continuing a low-intensity sex worker programme until 2030, discontinuation of the programme was calculated to result in a lower percentage of FSWs diagnosed (median 88·75% vs 91·37%; median difference compared to continuation of a low-intensity programme [90% range] 2·03 [-4·49 to 10·98]), a lower percentage of those diagnosed currently taking ART (86·35% vs 88·89%; 2·38 [-3·69 to 13·42]), and a lower percentage of FSWs on ART with viral suppression (87·49% vs 88·96%; 1·17 [-6·81 to 11·53]). Discontinuation of a low-intensity programme also resulted in an increase in HIV incidence among FSWs from 5·06 per 100 person-years (100 p-y; 90% range 0·52 to 22·21) to 4·05 per 100 p-y (0·21 to 21·15). Conversely, comparing a high-intensity sex worker programme until 2030 with discontinuation of the programme resulted in a higher percentage of FSWs diagnosed (median 95·81% vs 88·75; median difference compared to discontinuation [90% range] 6·36 [0·60 to 18·63]), on ART (93·93 vs 86.35%; median difference 7·13 [-0·65 to 26·48]), and with viral suppression (93·21% vs 87·49; median difference 7·13 [-0·65 to 26·48]). A high-intensity programme also resulted in HIV incidence in FSWs declining to 2·23 per 100 p-y (0·00 to 14·44), from 5·06 per 100 p-y (0·52 to 22·21) if the programme was discontinued. In the context of 10 million adults over a 50-year time period and a cost-effectiveness threshold of US$500 per disability-adjusted life-year averted, $34 million per year can be spent for a high-intensity programme to be cost-effective.
    CONCLUSIONS: A sex worker programme, even with low-level interventions, has a positive effect on key outputs for FSWs. A high-intensity programme has a considerably higher effect; HIV incidence among FSW and in the general population can be substantially reduced, and should be considered for implementation by policy makers.
    BACKGROUND: Wellcome Trust.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Europe, most HTLV-1-infected individuals originate from highly endemic regions such as West Indies, sub-Saharan Africa, and South America. The only genuine endemic region for HTLV-1 in Europe is Romania where ATL series have been reported among Romanian patients. Our objective is to better understand the origin of this endemic focus based on a study of the genetic diversity of HTLV-1 in Romanians. DNA was obtained from PBMCs/buffy coats of 11 unrelated HTLV-1-infected individuals of Romanian origin. They include 9 ATL cases and 2 asymptomatic carriers. LTR sequences were obtained for all specimens. Complete genomic HTLV-1 sequences were obtained using four PCR series on 10 specimens. Phylogenetic trees were generated from multiple alignments using HTLV-1 prototypic sequences and the new generated sequences. Most of the complete LTR sequences (756-bp) showed low nucleotide diversity, ranging from 0% to 0.8% difference, and were closely related (less than 0.8% divergence) to the only previously characterized Romanian strain, RKI2. One strain, ROU7, diverged slightly (1.5% on average) from the others. Phylogenetic analyses both on partial LTR and the complete genome demonstrate that the 11 sequences belong to the HTLV-1a cosmopolitan genotype and 10 of them belong to the previously denominated a-TC Mozambique-Southern Africa A subgroup. In this study, we demonstrated that the HTLV-1 present in Romania most probably originated in Southern Africa. As most Romanian HTLV-1 strains are very closely related, we can assume that HTLV-1 has been introduced into the Romanian population recently. Further studies are ongoing to decipher the routes of arrival and dissemination of these HTLV-1 strains, and to date the emergence of this endemic focus in Central Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The absence of high-quality comprehensive civil registration and vital statistics systems across many settings in Africa has led to little empirical data on causes of death in the region. We aimed to use verbal autopsy data to provide comparative, population-based estimates of cause-specific mortality among adolescents and adults in eastern and southern Africa.
    METHODS: In this surveillance study, we harmonised verbal autopsy and residency data from nine health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) sites in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, each with variable coverage from Jan 1, 1995, to Dec 31, 2019. We included all deaths to adolescents and adults aged 12 or over that were residents of the study sites and had a verbal autopsy conducted. InSilicoVA, a probabilistic model, was used to assign cause of death on the basis of the signs and symptoms reported in the verbal autopsy. Levels and trends in all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates and cause-specific mortality fractions were calculated, stratified by HDSS site, sex, age, and calendar periods.
    RESULTS: 52 484 deaths and 5 157 802 person-years were reported among 1 071 913 individuals across the nine sites during the study period. 47 961 (91·4%) deaths had a verbal autopsy, of which 46 570 (97·1%) were assigned a cause of death. All-cause mortality generally decreased across the HDSS sites during this period, particularly for adults aged 20-59 years. In many of the HDSS sites, these decreases were driven by reductions in HIV and tuberculosis-related deaths. In 2010-14, the top causes of death were: road traffic accidents, HIV or tuberculosis, and meningitis or sepsis in adolescents (12-19 years); HIV or tuberculosis in adults aged 20-59 years; and neoplasms and cardiovascular disease in adults aged 60 years and older. There was greater between-HDSS and between-sex variation in causes of death for adolescents compared with adults.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study shows progress in reducing mortality across eastern and southern Africa but also highlights age, sex, within-HDSS, and between-HDSS differences in causes of adolescent and adult deaths. These findings highlight the importance of detailed local data to inform health needs to ensure continued improvements in survival.
    BACKGROUND: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the US National Institutes of Health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global warming has significantly altered fish distribution patterns in the ocean, shifting towards higher latitudes and deeper waters. This is particularly relevant in high-latitude marine ecosystems, where climate-driven environmental changes are occurring at higher rates than the global average. Species Distribution Models (SDMs) are increasingly being used for predicting distributional shifts in habitat suitability for marine species as a response to climate change. Here, we used SDMs to project habitat suitability changes for a range of high-latitude, pelagic and benthopelagic commercial fish species and crustaceans (10 species); from 1850 to two future climate change scenarios (SSP1-2.6: low climate forcing; and SSP5-8.5: high climate forcing). The study includes 11 Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) spanning South America, Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. We identified declining and southward-shifting patterns in suitable habitat areas for most species, particularly under the SSP5-8.5 scenario and for some species such as Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) in South America, or snoek (Thyrsites atun) off Southern Africa. Geographical constraints will likely result in species from Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand facing the most pronounced habitat losses due to rising sea surface temperatures (SST). In contrast, South American species might encounter greater opportunities for migrating southward. Additionally, the SSP5-8.5 scenario predicts that South America will be more environmentally stable compared to other regions. Overall, our findings suggest that the Patagonian shelf could serve as a climate refuge, due to higher environmental stability highlighting the importance of proactive management strategies in this area for species conservation. This study significantly contributes to fisheries and conservation management, providing valuable insights for future protection efforts in the Southern Hemisphere.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to assess the outcomes of children, adolescents and young adults with HIV reported as lost to follow-up, correct mortality estimates for children, adolescents and young adults with HIV for unascertained outcomes in those loss to follow-up (LTFU) based on tracing and linkage data separately using data from the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS in Southern Africa.
    METHODS: We included data from two different populations of children, adolescents and young adults with HIV; (1) clinical data from children, adolescents and young adults with HIV aged ≤24 years from Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe; (2) clinical data from children, adolescents and young adults with HIV aged ≤14 years from the Western Cape (WC) in South Africa. Outcomes of patients lost to follow-up were available from (1) a tracing study and (2) linkage to a health information exchange. For both populations, we compared six methods for correcting mortality estimates for all children, adolescents and young adults with HIV.
    RESULTS: We found substantial variations of mortality estimates among children, adolescents and young adults with HIV reported as lost to follow-up versus those retained in care. Ascertained mortality was higher among lost and traceable children, adolescents and young adults with HIV and lower among lost and linkable than those retained in care (mortality: 13.4% [traced] vs. 12.6% [retained-other Southern Africa countries]; 3.4% [linked] vs. 9.4% [retained-WC]). A high proportion of lost to follow-up children, adolescents and young adults with HIV had self-transferred (21.0% and 47.0%) in the traced and linked samples, respectively. The uncorrected method of non-informative censoring yielded the lowest mortality estimates among all methods for both tracing (6.0%) and linkage (4.0%) approaches at 2 years from ART start. Among corrected methods using ascertained data, multiple imputation, incorporating ascertained data (MI(asc.)) and inverse probability weighting with logistic weights were most robust for the tracing approach. In contrast, for the linkage approach, MI(asc.) was the most robust.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings emphasise that lost to follow-up is non-ignorable and both tracing and linkage improved outcome ascertainment: tracing identified substantial mortality in those reported as lost to follow-up, whereas linkage did not identify out-of-facility deaths, but showed that a large proportion of those reported as lost to follow-up were self-transfers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two new Psilocybe species (Hymenogastraceae), P. ingeli and P. maluti, are described from southern Africa. Morphology and phylogeny were used to separate the two novel fungi from their closest relatives in the genus. Psilocybe ingeli was found fruiting on bovine manure-enriched grasslands in the Kwa-Zulu Natal Province of South Africa and differs from its closest relative P. keralensis and others in the internal transcribed spacer ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, partial 28S nuc rDNA, and translation elongation factor 1-alpha regions, distribution, and having larger basidiospores. Similarly, P. maluti was collected from the Free State Province of South Africa and observed in the Kingdom of Lesotho, growing on bovine manure. A secotioid pileus, geographic distribution, and differences in the same DNA regions distinguish P. maluti from its closest relative P. chuxiongensis. Furthermore, the spore dispersal and traditional, spiritualistic use of P. maluti are discussed here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases are a substantial threat to global health, comprehensive reviews of ENT services in Southern Africa remain scarce.
    This scoping review provides a decade-long overview of ENT services in Southern Africa and identifies gaps in healthcare provision. From the current literature, we hope to provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate the challenges faced by the resource-limited ENT service.
    PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Cochrane Library, Cochrane Library, and Scopus.
    On several databases, we conducted a comprehensive literature search on both quantitative and qualitative studies on ENT services in Southern Africa, published between 1 January 2014 and 27 February 2024. The extracted data from the analyzed studies was summarized into themes.
    Four themes in the fourteen studies included in the final analysis described the existing ENT services in Southern Africa: 1. Workforce scarcity and knowledge inadequacies, 2. Deficiencies in ENT infrastructure, equipment, and medication, 3. Inadequate ENT disease screening, management, and rehabilitation and 4. A lack of telehealth technology.
    The Southern African ENT health service faces many disease screening, treatment, and rehabilitation challenges, including critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication. These challenges, impeding patient access to ENT healthcare, could be effectively addressed by implementing deliberate policies to train a larger workforce, increase ENT funding for equipment and medication, promote telehealth, and reduce the patient cost of care.
    Main findings: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) healthcare in Southern Africa faces critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication for disease screening, treatment and rehabilitation.Added knowledge: In this review, we identify challenges in the resource-limited Southern African ENT healthcare provision and provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate these challenges.Global health impact for policy and action: Improving ENT service delivery in the resource-limited world requires deliberate policies that improve health worker training, expand financing and resource availability, incorporate new technology, and lower patient costs of care.





