Africa, Southern

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new form of the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus, RHDV2, first observed in European rabbits, has spread widely among different species of hares in Europe, jackrabbits and cottontails in North America, and hares in southern Africa. However, only limited surveillance studies have been undertaken so far. It is suggested that methods developed for controlling the disease in farmed rabbits in Europe and studying the efficacy of RHDV as a biological control agent in Australia could facilitate epidemiological research on those recently affected lagomorph species. This would enable the assessment of the risk of RHDV2 to native lagomorphs, including endangered species, and the determination of the main host species of RHDV2. Because RHDV2 has not spread equally through all lagomorph species, epidemiological studies could give insights into factors important for determining host susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amblyomma spp. ticks, known for their long mouthparts, bright ornate appearance and aggressive hunting behaviour, are vectors of a number of important pathogens. In southern Africa, 17 Amblyomma spp. are currently documented. Of these species, Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma variegatum have been well studied due to their wide geographical range and their status as competent vectors of pathogens that are of veterinary and medical importance. Studies on other Amblyomma spp. in southern Africa have been neglected, fostering ongoing debates on the validity of certain species such as Amblyomma pomposum. This study investigated the inter- and intra-species variation of Amblyomma ticks collected in southern Africa, focusing on resolving the dispute about A. pomposum and A. variegatum being distinct species.
    METHODS: Four Amblyomma tick species were collected from Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and were identified morphologically as Amblyomma eburneum (208), A. hebraeum (4758), A. pomposum (191) and A. variegatum (2577) using identification keys. Gene amplification targeting the 12S and 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome B and internal transcribed spacer-2 genes was conducted for 204 ticks, for which varying success was achieved during amplification for each of the markers. Maximum likelihood analyses were performed in IQ-TREE.
    RESULTS: The phylogenetic topologies and ABGD analyses of each individual gene clustered A. pomposum within the A. variegatum clade, while clearly separating A. eburneum and A. hebraeum from all other species. None of the genetic markers indicated intraspecific structuring on the basis of geographical origin, despite great distances between sampling sites.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study concludes that there is insufficient molecular evidence to differentiate A. pomposum and A. variegatum from each other. We highlight the need for whole mitochondrial genome sequencing of these two species to resolve the ongoing controversies. Furthermore, we propose mating and hybrid viability studies between the two species to confirm their reproductive isolation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Europe, most HTLV-1-infected individuals originate from highly endemic regions such as West Indies, sub-Saharan Africa, and South America. The only genuine endemic region for HTLV-1 in Europe is Romania where ATL series have been reported among Romanian patients. Our objective is to better understand the origin of this endemic focus based on a study of the genetic diversity of HTLV-1 in Romanians. DNA was obtained from PBMCs/buffy coats of 11 unrelated HTLV-1-infected individuals of Romanian origin. They include 9 ATL cases and 2 asymptomatic carriers. LTR sequences were obtained for all specimens. Complete genomic HTLV-1 sequences were obtained using four PCR series on 10 specimens. Phylogenetic trees were generated from multiple alignments using HTLV-1 prototypic sequences and the new generated sequences. Most of the complete LTR sequences (756-bp) showed low nucleotide diversity, ranging from 0% to 0.8% difference, and were closely related (less than 0.8% divergence) to the only previously characterized Romanian strain, RKI2. One strain, ROU7, diverged slightly (1.5% on average) from the others. Phylogenetic analyses both on partial LTR and the complete genome demonstrate that the 11 sequences belong to the HTLV-1a cosmopolitan genotype and 10 of them belong to the previously denominated a-TC Mozambique-Southern Africa A subgroup. In this study, we demonstrated that the HTLV-1 present in Romania most probably originated in Southern Africa. As most Romanian HTLV-1 strains are very closely related, we can assume that HTLV-1 has been introduced into the Romanian population recently. Further studies are ongoing to decipher the routes of arrival and dissemination of these HTLV-1 strains, and to date the emergence of this endemic focus in Central Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases are a substantial threat to global health, comprehensive reviews of ENT services in Southern Africa remain scarce.
    This scoping review provides a decade-long overview of ENT services in Southern Africa and identifies gaps in healthcare provision. From the current literature, we hope to provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate the challenges faced by the resource-limited ENT service.
    PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Cochrane Library, Cochrane Library, and Scopus.
    On several databases, we conducted a comprehensive literature search on both quantitative and qualitative studies on ENT services in Southern Africa, published between 1 January 2014 and 27 February 2024. The extracted data from the analyzed studies was summarized into themes.
    Four themes in the fourteen studies included in the final analysis described the existing ENT services in Southern Africa: 1. Workforce scarcity and knowledge inadequacies, 2. Deficiencies in ENT infrastructure, equipment, and medication, 3. Inadequate ENT disease screening, management, and rehabilitation and 4. A lack of telehealth technology.
    The Southern African ENT health service faces many disease screening, treatment, and rehabilitation challenges, including critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication. These challenges, impeding patient access to ENT healthcare, could be effectively addressed by implementing deliberate policies to train a larger workforce, increase ENT funding for equipment and medication, promote telehealth, and reduce the patient cost of care.
    Main findings: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) healthcare in Southern Africa faces critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication for disease screening, treatment and rehabilitation.Added knowledge: In this review, we identify challenges in the resource-limited Southern African ENT healthcare provision and provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate these challenges.Global health impact for policy and action: Improving ENT service delivery in the resource-limited world requires deliberate policies that improve health worker training, expand financing and resource availability, incorporate new technology, and lower patient costs of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: With the primary objective of addressing the disparity in global surgical care access, the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA) trains surgeons. While sufficient operative experience is crucial for surgical training, the extent of utilization of minimally invasive techniques during COSECSA training remains understudied.
    METHODS: We conducted an extensive review of COSECSA general surgery trainees\' operative case logs from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2020, focusing on the utilization of minimally invasive surgical procedures. Our primary objective was to determine the prevalence of laparoscopic procedures and compare this to open procedures. We analyzed the distribution of laparoscopic cases across common indications such as cholecystectomy, appendicitis, and hernia operations. Additionally, we examined the impact of trainee autonomy, country development index, and hospital type on laparoscopy utilization.
    RESULTS: Among 68,659 total cases, only 616 (0.9%) were laparoscopic procedures. Notably, 34 cases were conducted during trainee external rotations in countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, and India. Gallbladder and appendix pathologies were most frequent among the 582 recorded laparoscopic cases performed in Africa. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy accounted for 29% (276 of 975 cases), laparoscopic appendectomy for 3% (76 of 2548 cases), and laparoscopic hernia repairs for 0.5% (26 of 5620 cases). Trainees self-reported lower autonomy for laparoscopic (22.5%) than open cases (61.5%). Laparoscopy usage was more prevalent in upper-middle-income (2.7%) and lower-middle-income countries (0.8%) compared with lower-income countries (0.5%) (p < 0.001). Private (1.6%) and faith-based hospitals (1.5%) showed greater laparoscopy utilization than public hospitals (0.5%) (p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights the relatively low utilization of minimally invasive techniques in surgical training within the ECSA region. Laparoscopic cases remain a minority, with variations observed based on specific diagnoses. The findings suggest a need to enhance exposure to minimally invasive procedures to ensure well-rounded training and proficiency in these techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The southern coast of Africa is one of the few places in the world where water temperatures are predicted to cool in the future. This endemism-rich coastline is home to two sister species of kelps of the genus Ecklonia maxima and Ecklonia radiata, each associated with specific thermal niches, and occuring primarily on opposite sides of the southern tip of Africa. Historical distribution records indicate that E. maxima has recently shifted its distribution ~ 70 km eastward, to sites where only E. radiata was previously reported. The contact of sister species with contrasting thermal affinities and the occurrence of mixed morphologies raised the hypothesis that hybridization might be occurring in this contact zone. Here we describe the genetic structure of the genus Ecklonia along the southern coast of Africa and investigate potential hybridization and cryptic diversity using a combination of nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial markers. We found that both species have geographically discrete genetic clusters, consistent with expected phylogeographic breaks along this coastline. In addition, depth-isolated populations were found to harbor unique genetic diversity, including a third Ecklonia lineage. Mito-nuclear discordance and high genetic divergence in the contact zones suggest multiple hybridization events between Ecklonia species. Discordance between morphological and molecular identification suggests the potential influence of abiotic factors leading to convergent phenotypes in the contact zones. Our results highlight an example of cryptic diversity and hybridization driven by contact between two closely related keystone species with contrasting thermal affinities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spatial analysis at different levels can help understand spatial variation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, disease drivers, and targeted interventions. Combining spatial analysis and the evaluation of the determinants of the HIV burden in Southern African countries is essential for a better understanding of the disease dynamics in high-burden settings.
    METHODS: The study countries were selected based on the availability of demographic and health surveys (DHS) and corresponding geographic coordinates. We used multivariable regression to evaluate the determinants of HIV burden and assessed the presence and nature of HIV spatial autocorrelation in six Southern African countries.
    RESULTS: The overall prevalence of HIV for each country varied between 11.3% in Zambia and 22.4% in South Africa. The HIV prevalence rate was higher among female respondents in all six countries. There were reductions in prevalence estimates in most countries yearly from 2011 to 2020. The hotspot cluster findings show that the major cities in each country are the key sites of high HIV burden. Compared with female respondents, the odds of being HIV positive were lesser among the male respondents. The probability of HIV infection was higher among those who had sexually transmitted infections (STI) in the last 12 months, divorced and widowed individuals, and women aged 25 years and older.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our research findings show that analysis of survey data could provide reasonable estimates of the wide-ranging spatial structure of the HIV epidemic in Southern African countries. Key determinants such as individuals who are divorced, middle-aged women, and people who recently treated STIs, should be the focus of HIV prevention and control interventions. The spatial distribution of high-burden areas for HIV in the selected countries was more pronounced in the major cities. Interventions should also be focused on locations identified as hotspot clusters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seven species belonging to Pennellidae are reported from marine teleosts caught off southern Africa. Additionally, complete re-descriptions are provided for Propeniculus stromatei and Sarcotretes scopeli. Examination of Lernaeenicus gonostomae, deposited in the Iziko South African Museum, indicated that it has the morphological features of Sarcotretes rather than Lernaeenicus and thus should be moved to Sarcotretes i.e. S. gonostomae n. comb. for which a re-description is also provided. Reports of new host records include those of Pennella instructa from Seriola lalandi; Propeniculus stromatei from Rhabdosargus holubi and Pomadasys commersonnii; Sarcotretes scopeli from Nansenia tenera, and Sarcotretes longirostris from Centrolophus niger. New geographical records include those of P. instructa, P. stromatei, S. scopeli, S. longirostris, and L. longiventris off southern Africa. Additionally, an attempt to estimate the evolutionary relationships amongst some genera is done from partial COI sequences deposited in Genbank.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limited commercial quality protein maize (QPM) varieties with low grain yield potential are currently grown in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). This study was conducted to (i) assess the performance of single-cross QPM hybrids that were developed from elite inbred lines using line-by-tester mating design and (ii) estimate the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability of the QPM inbred lines for grain yield, agronomic and protein quality traits. One hundred and six testcrosses and four checks were evaluated across six environments in ESA during 2015 and 2016. Significant variations (P ≤ 0.01) were observed among environments, genotypes and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) for most traits evaluated. Hybrids H80 and H104 were the highest-yielding, most desirable, and stable QPM hybrids. Combining ability analysis showed both additive and non-additive gene effects to be important in the inheritance of grain yield. Additive effects were more important for agronomic and protein quality traits. Inbred lines L19 and L20 depicted desirable GCA effects for grain yield. Various other inbred lines with favorable GCA effects for agronomic traits, endosperm modification, and protein quality traits were identified. These inbred lines could be utilized for breeding desirable QPM cultivars. The QPM hybrids identified in this study could be commercialized after on-farm verification to replace the low-yielding QPM hybrids grown in ESA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selenium is an essential trace element that exists in inorganic forms (selenite and selenates) and organic forms (selenoamino acids, seleno peptides, and selenoproteins). Selenium is known to aid in the function of the immune system for populations where human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is endemic, as studies suggest that a lack of selenium is associated with a higher risk of mortality among those with HIV. In a recent study conducted in Zambia, adults had a median plasma selenium concentration of 0.27 μmol/L (IQR 0.14-0.43). Concentrations consistent with deficiency (<0.63 μmol/L) were found in 83% of adults. With these results, it can be clearly seen that selenium levels in Southern Africa should be investigated to ensure the good health of both livestock and humans. The recommended selenium dietary requirement of most domesticated livestock is 0.3 mg Se/kg, and in humans above 19 years, anRDA (recommended daily allowance) of 55 mcg Se/per dayisis recommended, but most of the research findings of Southern African countries have recorded low levels. With research findings showing alarming low levels of selenium in soils, humans, and raw feed materials in Southern Africa, further research will be vital in answering questions on how best to improve the selenium status of Southern African soils and plants for livestock and humans to attain sufficient quantities.





