Africa, Southern

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Feed shortage in the tropics is a major constraint to the production of livestock products such as milk and meat. In order to effectively utilize of local feed resources, the selected lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strain was used to prepare Napier grass and sugarcane top silage. The results showed that the two silages inoculated with LAB formed a co-occurrence microbial network dominated by Lactiplantibacillus during the fermentation process, regulated the microbial community structure and metabolic pathways, and improved the silage fermentation quality. This is of great significance for alleviating feed shortage and promoting sustainable production of livestock.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    The colored calla lily is an ornamental floral plant native to southern Africa, belonging to the Zantedeschia genus of the Araceae family. We generated a high-quality chromosome-level genome of the colored calla lily, with a size of 1,154 Mb and a contig N50 of 42 Mb. We anchored 98.5% of the contigs (1,137 Mb) into 16 pseudo-chromosomes, and identified 60.18% of the sequences (694 Mb) as repetitive sequences. Functional annotations were assigned to 95.1% of the predicted protein-coding genes (36,165). Additionally, we annotated 469 miRNAs, 1,652 tRNAs, 10,033 rRNAs, and 1,677 snRNAs. Furthermore, Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposons insertions in the genome are the primary factor causing significant genome size variation in Araceae species. This high-quality genome assembly provides valuable resources for understanding genome size differences within the Araceae family and advancing genomic research on colored calla lily.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The African continent has the most extensive grassland cover in the world, providing valuable ecosystem services. African grasslands, like other continental grasslands, are prone to various anthropogenic disturbances and climate, and require data-driven monitoring for efficient functioning and service delivery. Yet, knowledge of how the African grassland cover has changed in the past years is lacking, especially at the subcontinent level, due to lack of relevant long-term, Africa-wide observations and experiments. In this study, we used Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Cover Type (MCD12Q1) data spanning 2001 to 2017 to conduct land use land cover (LULC) change analyses and map grassland distribution in Africa. Specifically, we assessed the changes in grassland cover across and within African subcontinents over three periods (2001-2013, 2013-2017, and 2001-2017). We found that the African grassland cover was 16,777,765.5 km2, 16,999,468.25 km2, and 16,968,304.25 km2 in 2001, 2013, and 2017, respectively. There were net gain (1.32%) and net loss (- 0.19%) during 2001-2013 and 2013-2017 periods, respectively, and the annual rate of change during these periods were 0.11% and - 0.05%, respectively. Generally, the African grassland cover increased by 1.14% (0.07% per annum) over the entire study period (2001-2017) at the expense of forestland, cropland, and built-up areas. The East and West African grassland cover reduced by 0.07% (- 0.02% per annum) and 1.35% (- 0.34% per annum), respectively from 2013 to 2017 but increased in other periods. On the other hand, the grassland cover in North and Central Africa increased throughout the three periods while that of Southern Africa decreased over the three periods. Overall, the net gains in the grassland cover of other African subcontinents offset the loss in Southern Africa and promoted the overall gain across Africa. This study underscores the need for continuous monitoring of African grasslands and the causes of their changes for efficient delivery of ecosystem services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Serious concerns surround the potential risks resulting from inhalation exposure to pesticides amongst agricultural workers when mixing and applying these compounds. In Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland), Southern Africa, pesticides are widely used to improve the yield and quality of sugar cane production, the largest contributor to the country\'s economy. We assessed applicators\' inhalation exposures from multiple spraying sources to four commonly used herbicides in Eswatini.
    RESULTS: Analysis of 76 personal air samples by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) revealed four pesticides: ametryn, atrazine, pendimethalin and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, with mean concentrations of 36.91, 21.57, 31.05 and 0.89 μg m-3 , respectively. These inhalation exposures are much higher than those recorded in previous similar studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although all applicators in this study used personal protective equipment (PPE), they nevertheless recorded high levels of inhalation exposure to commonly used pesticides. Our findings suggest that in addition to observing mandated regular changing and cleaning practices with PPE for ultimate personal protection, pesticide applicators should distance themselves from each other when spraying to effectively reduce their exposure to pesticides from multiple spraying sources. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal spraying distance between pesticide applicators. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ideas on hominin evolution have long invoked the emergence from forests into open habitats as generating selection for traits such as bipedalism and dietary shifts. Though controversial, the savanna hypothesis continues to motivate research into the palaeo-environments of Africa. Reconstruction of these ancient environments has depended heavily on carbon isotopic analysis of fossil bones and palaeosols. The sparsity of the fossil record, however, imposes a limit to the strength of inference that can be drawn from such data. Time-calibrated phylogenies offer an additional tool for dating the spread of savanna habitat. Here, using the evolutionary ages of African savanna trees, we suggest an initial tropical or subtropical expansion of savanna between 10 and 15 Ma, which then extended to higher latitudes, reaching southern Africa ca. 3 Ma. Our phylogenetic estimates of the origin and latitudinal spread of savannas broadly correspond with isotopic age estimates and encompass the entire hominin fossil record. Our results are consistent with the savanna hypothesis of early hominin evolution and reignite the debate on the drivers of savanna expansion. Our analysis demonstrates the utility of phylogenetic proxies for dating major ecological transitions in geological time, especially in regions where fossils are rare or absent or occur in discontinuous sediments.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic characterization of southern African cichlids has not received much attention. Here, we describe the mitogenome sequences and phylogenetic positioning of Oreochromis andersonii and O. macrochir among the African cichlids. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequences were determined for O. andersonii and O. macrochir, two important aquaculture and fisheries species endemic to southern Africa. The complete mitogenome sequence lengths were 16642 bp and 16644 bp for O. andersonii and O. macrochir respectively. The general structural organization follows that of other teleost species with 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs and a non-coding control region. Phylogenetic placement of the two species among other African cichlids was performed using Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC). The consensus trees confirmed the relative positions of the two cichlid species with O. andersonii being very closely related to O. mossambicus and O. macrochir showing a close relation to both species. Among the 13 mitochondrial DNA protein coding genes ND6 may have evolved more rapidly and COIII was the most conserved. There are signs that ND6 may have been subjected to positive selection in order for these cichlid lineages to diversify and adapt to new environments. More work is needed to characterize the southern Africa cichlids as they are important species for capture fisheries, aquaculture development and understanding biogeographic history of African cichlids. Bio-conservation of some endangered cichlids is also essential due to the threat by invasive species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine stratocumulus clouds cover nearly one-quarter of the ocean surface and thus play an extremely important role in determining the global radiative balance. The semipermanent marine stratocumulus deck over the southeastern Atlantic Ocean is of particular interest, because of its interactions with seasonal biomass burning aerosols that are emitted in southern Africa. Understanding the impacts of biomass burning aerosols on stratocumulus clouds and the implications for regional and global radiative balance is still very limited. Previous studies have focused on assessing the magnitude of the warming caused by solar scattering and absorption by biomass burning aerosols over stratocumulus (the direct radiative effect) or cloud adjustments to the direct radiative effect (the semidirect effect). Here, using a nested modeling approach in conjunction with observations from multiple satellites, we demonstrate that cloud condensation nuclei activated from biomass burning aerosols entrained into the stratocumulus (the microphysical effect) can play a dominant role in determining the total radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere, compared with their direct and semidirect radiative effects. Biomass burning aerosols over the region and period with heavy loadings can cause a substantial cooling (daily mean -8.05 W m-2), primarily as a result of clouds brightening by reducing the cloud droplet size (the Twomey effect) and secondarily through modulating the diurnal cycle of cloud liquid water path and coverage (the cloud lifetime effect). Our results highlight the importance of realistically representing the interactions of stratocumulus with biomass burning aerosols in global climate models in this region.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding of animal spatial behavior is essential for informed management decisions. In southern Africa, reintroduction of lions (Panthera leo) to small reserves (<1000 km2 ) has increased since the early 2000s, however studies on their ranging behavior in these enclosed systems remain lacking. We applied Time Local Convex Hull (T-LoCoH) methods to study the home range establishment and utilization of 11 lions reintroduced to Dinokeng Game Reserve, South Africa, during 2011 through 2014. Lions established home ranges close to their release sites and during the following 3 years their home range sizes continued to increase, but in each individual case the size remained smaller than half of the reserve area (<70 km2 ). Space use strategies differed between the core and the entire home range, with higher frequency of visits found in core areas. Exceptionally high rates (>60 separate visits) around the largest dam and along rivers suggest the importance of water and its surrounding vegetation in the lions\' space utilization pattern. The home range size did not differ with season or sex of the individuals, whereas shifts in locations of home ranges revealed differences in the response of the 2 sexes to territorial conflicts and management interventions. Our study shows a dynamic home range utilization pattern and highlights the importance of both fine-scale space use patterns (frequency and duration of visits) and broad-scale home range changes in understanding the ranging behavior of reintroduced animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding spatial and temporal dynamics of land surface phenology (LSP) and its driving forces are critical for providing information relevant to short- and long-term decision making, particularly as it relates to climate response planning. With the third generation Global Inventory Monitoring and Modeling System (GIMMS3g) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data and environmental data from multiple sources, we investigated the spatio-temporal changes in the start of the growing season (SOS) in southern African savannas from 1982 through 2010 and determined its linkage to environmental factors using spatial panel data models. Overall, the SOS occurs earlier in the north compared to the south. This relates in part to the differences in ecosystems, with northern areas representing high rainfall and dense tree cover (mainly tree savannas), whereas the south has lower rainfall and sparse tree cover (mainly bush and grass savannas). From 1982 to 2010, an advanced trend was observed predominantly in the tree savanna areas of the north, whereas a delayed trend was chiefly found in the floodplain of the north and bush/grass savannas of the south. Different environmental drivers were detected within tree- and grass-dominated savannas, with a critical division being represented by the 800 mm isohyet. Our results supported the importance of water as a driver in this water-limited system, specifically preseason soil moisture, in determining the SOS in these water-limited, grass-dominated savannas. In addition, the research pointed to other, often overlooked, effects of preseason maximum and minimum temperatures on the SOS across the entire region. Higher preseason maximum temperatures led to an advance of the SOS, whereas the opposite effects of preseason minimum temperature were observed. With the rapid increase in global change research, this work will prove helpful for managing savanna landscapes and key to predicting how projected climate changes will affect regional vegetation phenology and productivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper deals with 12 species of the genus Dichomeris Hübner, 1818 from Southern Africa and Kenya. Seven species are described as new: D. arquata sp. nov., D. brevicornuta sp. nov., D. dentata sp. nov., D. ligulacea sp. nov., D. paulidigitata sp. nov., D. tenextrema sp. nov. and D. ventriprojecta sp. nov.; and other five known species are listed. Images of adults and illustrations of genitalia are provided.





