• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stressors can initiate a cascade of central and peripheral changes that modulate mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic circuits and, ultimately, behavioral response to rewards. Driven by the absence of conclusive evidence on this topic and the Research Domain Criteria framework, random-effects meta-analyses were adopted to quantify the effects of acute stressors on reward responsiveness, valuation, and learning in rodent and human subjects. In rodents, acute stress reduced reward responsiveness (g = -1.43) and valuation (g = -0.32), while amplifying reward learning (g = 1.17). In humans, acute stress had marginal effects on valuation (g = 0.25), without affecting responsiveness and learning. Moderation analyses suggest that acute stress neither has unitary effects on reward processing in rodents nor in humans and that the duration of the stressor and specificity of reward experience (i.e., food vs drugs) may produce qualitatively and quantitatively different behavioral endpoints. Subgroup analyses failed to reduce heterogeneity, which, together with the presence of publication bias, pose caution on the conclusions that can be drawn and point to the need of guidelines for the conduction of future studies in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perceiving biological motion (BM) is crucial for human survival and social interaction. Many studies have reported impaired BM perception in autism spectrum disorder, which is characterised by deficits in social interaction. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often exhibit similar difficulties in social interaction. However, few studies have investigated BM perception in children with ADHD. Here, we compared differences in the ability to process local kinematic and global configurational cues, two fundamental abilities of BM perception, between typically developing and ADHD children. We further investigated the relationship between BM perception and social interaction skills measured using the Social Responsiveness Scale and examined the contributions of latent factors (e.g. sex, age, attention, and intelligence) to BM perception. The results revealed that children with ADHD exhibited atypical BM perception. Local and global BM processing showed distinct features. Local BM processing ability was related to social interaction skills, whereas global BM processing ability significantly improved with age. Critically, general BM perception (i.e. both local and global BM processing) may be affected by sustained attentional ability in children with ADHD. This relationship was primarily mediated by reasoning intelligence. These findings elucidate atypical BM perception in ADHD and the latent factors related to BM perception. Moreover, this study provides new evidence that BM perception is a hallmark of social cognition and advances our understanding of the potential roles of local and global processing in BM perception and social cognitive disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) experience distinct challenges and have unique strengths compared to siblings of individuals without NDCs. The present study examined attributes and aspirations of siblings of individuals with and without neurodevelopmental conditions, and analyzed the association between qualitative responses and quantitative measures of growth mindset, positive and negative valence, and mental health diagnoses. A novel mixed methods thematic analysis was employed to explore the experiences of 166 siblings (75 NDC and 91 controls, aged 14-26, 66.27% female) completing an online survey as part of a larger study on sibling mental health. The overarching theme described The Process of Self-Actualization and Integration, reflecting the journey siblings undergo in seeking to understand themselves and others amidst psychological challenges. It encompassed three subthemes: Personal Growth and Identity Formation; Connection and Belonginess; and Societal Perspective and Global Consciousness. Qualitative responses were analyzed within a Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework, and associations between phenomenology and mental health diagnoses examined. NDC siblings had higher negative valence and lower positive valence embedded in their responses, and quantitatively lower self-reported growth mindset (i.e., beliefs about the capacity for personal growth), compared to control siblings, which correlated with self-reported mental health diagnoses. Findings suggest clinical practice may focus on optimizing self-identified strengths and offer opportunities for self-actualization of hopes and ambitions, while providing support for families to attenuate bioecological factors impacting mental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Women have a 2-fold increased rate of stress-associated psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety, but the mechanisms that underlie this increased susceptibility remain incompletely understood. Historically, female subjects were excluded from preclinical studies and clinical trials. Additionally, chronic stress paradigms used to study psychiatric pathology in animal models were developed for use in males. However, recent changes in National Institutes of Health policy encourage inclusion of female subjects, and considerable work has been performed in recent years to understand biological sex differences that may underlie differences in susceptibility to chronic stress-associated psychiatric conditions. Here, we review the utility as well as current challenges of using the framework of the National Institute of Mental Health\'s Research Domain Criteria as a transdiagnostic approach to study sex differences in rodent models of chronic stress including recent progress in the study of sex differences in the neurobehavioral domains of negative valence, positive valence, cognition, social processes, and arousal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Can an inclusive test of face cognition meet or exceed the psychometric properties of a prominent less inclusive test? Here, we norm and validate an updated version of the influential Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET), a clinically significant neuropsychiatric paradigm that has long been used to assess theory of mind and social cognition. Unlike the RMET, our Multiracial Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (MRMET) incorporates racially inclusive stimuli, nongendered answer choices, ground-truth referenced answers, and more accessible vocabulary. We show, via a series of large datasets, that the MRMET meets or exceeds RMET across major psychometric indices. Moreover, the reliable signal captured by the two tests is statistically indistinguishable, evidence for full interchangeability. We thus present the MRMET as a high-quality, inclusive, normed and validated alternative to the RMET, and as a case in point that inclusivity in psychometric tests of face cognition is an achievable aim. The MRMET test and our normative and validation data sets are openly available under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license at osf.io/ahq6n.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper focuses on Jeffrey Gray\'s theory of anxiety from the perspective of Fowles\' (1980) application of his work to theories of arousal, psychophysiology, and the etiology of psychopathy. Although highly influential, the concept of general arousal failed to find support in terms of between-individuals assessment with multiple physiological measures. Gray\'s constructs of a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) that mediates anxiety, a behavioral approach or activation system (BAS) that energizes behavior to approach rewards, and a nonspecific arousal system that energizes behavior captured aspects of arousal. Fowles (1980) proposed that the BIS elicits electrodermal activity in response to threats, the BAS increases heart rate in response to reward incentive cues, and psychopathy is associated with a weak BIS. The paper reviews Gray\'s impact on future research on these topics, including early proposals relevant to the National Institute of Mental Health\'s Research Domain Criteria. Finally, the paper summarizes the evolution of theories of the etiology of psychopathy since 1980, noting ways in which aspects of Gray\'s theory are still seen in psychopathy research. Patrick\'s triarchic model has emerged as a major theory of psychopathy. Beauchaine\'s trait impulsivity theory of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also is relevant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is growing consensus that diagnostic labels are insufficient to describe the individual child\'s psychiatric profile, much less inform the precise combination of interventions that will minimize the impact of risk and/or bolster protective factors over the course of a particular child\'s development. Moreover, investigations of neurobiological and genetic mechanisms associated with psychopathology have revealed considerable cross-diagnostic overlap, undermining the validity of models that propose a 1:1 relationship between risk and psychiatric disorder. Accordingly, recent publications have advocated for neurodevelopmental models that utilize trait-based measurement, as well as increased emphasis on integration of biological and experiential mechanisms. Despite an expanding body of literature supporting this conceptual shift, the practical implications remain unclear. In this special issue, we compile a collection of novel empirical research papers and reviews that build on the trans-diagnostic principles of the RDoC framework.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The routine in-depth characterization of patients with methods of clinical and scale-based examination, neuropsychology, based on biomaterials, and sensor-based information opens up transformative possibilities on the way to personalized diagnostics, treatment and prevention in psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychosomatics. Effective integration of the additional temporal and logistical effort into everyday care as well as the acceptance by patients are critical to the success of such an approach but there is little evidence on this to date. We report here on the establishment of the Diagnosis and Admission Center (DAZ) at the Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI) in Mannheim. The DAZ is an outpatient unit upstream of other care structures for clinical and scientific phenotyping across diagnoses as a starting point for data-driven, individualized pathways to further treatment, diagnostics or research. We describe the functions, goals, and implementation of the newly created clinical scientific translational structure, provide an overview of the patient populations it has reached, and provide data on its acceptance. In this context, the close integration with downstream clinical processes enables a better coordinated and demand-oriented allocation. In addition, DAZ enables a faster start of disorder-specific diagnostics and treatment. Since its launch in April 2021 up to the end of 2022, 1021 patients underwent psychiatric evaluation at DAZ during a pilot phase. The patient sample corresponded to a representative sample from standard care and the newly established processes were regarded as helpful by patients. In summary, the DAZ uniquely combines the interests and needs of patient with the collection of scientifically relevant data.
    UNASSIGNED: Die routinemäßige, tiefgreifende Charakterisierung von Patienten mit Methoden der klinischen und skalenbasierten Untersuchung, der Neuropsychologie, anhand von Biomaterialien und sensorbasierten Informationen verspricht transformative Möglichkeiten auf dem Weg zu einer personalisierten Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention in der Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik. Die effektive Integration des zusätzlichen zeitlichen und logistischen Aufwands in den Versorgungsalltag sowie die Akzeptanz bei Patienten sind entscheidend für den Erfolg eines solchen Ansatzes, hierzu liegen jedoch bisher kaum Daten vor. Wir berichten hier über die Etablierung eines Diagnose- und Aufnahmezentrums (DAZ) am Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI) in Mannheim. Beim DAZ handelt es sich um eine den anderen Versorgungstrukturen vorgeschaltete ambulante Einheit zur klinischen und wissenschaftlichen diagnoseübergreifenden Phänotypisierung als Ausgangsbasis für eine datenunterstützte, individuelle Bahnung der weiteren Behandlungs‑, Diagnostik- oder Studienpfade. Wir beschreiben die Funktionen, Ziele und Implementierung der neu geschaffenen klinisch-wissenschaftlich translationalen Struktur, geben einen Überblick über die damit erreichten Patientenpopulationen und liefern Daten zur Akzeptanz. Die enge Verzahnung mit den nachgelagerten klinischen Prozessen ermöglicht dabei eine besser abgestimmte und bedarfsorientierte Zuweisung und einen schnelleren Beginn der störungsspezifischen Diagnostik und Therapie. Seit dem Start im April 2021 bis Ende 2022 wurden in einer Pilotphase 1021 Patienten im DAZ psychiatrisch untersucht. Die Patientenklientel entsprach dabei einer repräsentativen Stichprobe aus der Regelversorgung und die neu etablierten Prozesse wurden von Patienten als hilfreich erlebt. Zusammenfassend verknüpft das DAZ somit in hohem Maße Interessen und Bedürfnisse der Patienten mit der Erhebung wissenschaftlich relevanter Daten.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past decade, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual\'s method of prescribing medications based on presenting symptoms has been challenged. The shift toward precision medicine began with the National Institute of Mental Health and culminated with the World Psychiatric Association\'s posit that a paradigm shift is needed. This study supports that shift by providing evidence explaining the high rate of psychiatric medication failure and suggests a possible first step toward precision medicine. A large psychiatric practice began collecting electroencephalograms (EEGs) for this study in 2012. The EEGs were analyzed by the same neurophysiologist (board certified in electroencephalography) on 1,233 patients. This study identified 4 EEG biomarkers accounting for medication failure in refractory patients: focal slowing, spindling excessive beta, encephalopathy, and isolated epileptiform discharges. Each EEG biomarker suggests underlying brain dysregulation, which may explain why prior medication attempts have failed. The EEG biomarkers cannot be identified based on current psychiatric assessment methods, and depending upon the localization, intensity, and duration, can all present as complex behavioral or psychiatric issues. The study highlights that the EEG biomarker identification approach can be a positive step toward personalized medicine in psychiatry, furthering the clinical thinking of \"testing the organ we are trying to treat.\"






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying neural and cognitive mechanisms in externalizing problems in childhood is important for earlier and more targeted intervention. Meta-analytic findings have shown that smaller N2 event-related potential (ERP) amplitudes, thought to reflect inhibitory control, are associated with externalizing problems in children. However, it is unclear how (i.e., through which cognitive processes) N2 amplitudes relate to externalizing problems. We examined whether inhibitory control may be a cognitive process that links N2 amplitudes and externalizing problems in early childhood. Children (N = 147, 74 girls) were assessed at four time points, spanning 3-7 years of age. Children\'s externalizing behavior was assessed via questionnaires completed by mothers, fathers, and teachers/secondary caregivers. Children\'s inhibitory control was assessed using eleven performance-based tasks and two questionnaires. Developmental scaling linked differing measures of inhibitory control and externalizing behavior across ages onto the same scale. Children\'s N2 amplitudes were extracted from electroencephalography data collected during a go/no-go task. Smaller N2 amplitudes were associated with externalizing problems and poorer inhibitory control. A concurrent analysis of indirect effects revealed that poorer inhibitory control partially explained the association between smaller N2 amplitudes and externalizing problems, even when controlling for the child\'s age, sex, and socioeconomic status. This is among the first studies to link N2 amplitudes, inhibitory control, and externalizing problems during early childhood. Findings suggest that smaller N2 amplitudes may be an early neural indicator of inhibitory control deficits and externalizing psychopathology. Moreover, inhibitory control may be an important target for early intervention in the development of externalizing psychopathology.





