Microscopy, Electron

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The success of in vitro cultivation, particularly for micropropagation purposes, depends on the efficient control of contaminants. In this context, the sterilization of plant material constitutes a fundamental step in initiating cultures. Microbial contaminants can be found either on the surface (epiphyte) or inside plant explants (endophyte). However, the latter is generally challenging to detect and may not always be eradicated through surface sterilization alone. Endophyte contaminants, such as bacteria, can persist within plant material over several cultivation cycles, potentially interfering with or inhibiting in vitro establishment, growth, or recovery of cryopreserved materials. Therefore, microscopy techniques, such as electron microscopy, can yield valuable insights into bacterial endophytes\' localization, tissue colonization patterns, and functions in in vitro plant culture. This information is essential for adopting effective strategies for eliminating, preventing, or harmonious coexistence with contaminants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal muscle, the major processor of dietary glucose, stores it in myriad glycogen granules. Their numbers vary with cellular location and physiological and pathophysiological states. AI models were developed to derive granular glycogen content from electron-microscopic images of human muscle. Two UNet-type semantic segmentation models were built: \"Locations\" classified pixels as belonging to different regions in the cell; \"Granules\" identified pixels within granules. From their joint output, a pixel fraction pf was calculated for images from patients positive (MHS) or negative (MHN) to a test for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. pf was used to derive vf, the volume fraction occupied by granules. The relationship vf (pf) was derived from a simulation of volumes (\"baskets\") containing virtual granules at realistic concentrations. The simulated granules had diameters matching the real ones, which were measured by adapting a utility devised for calcium sparks. Applying this relationship to the pf measured in images, vf was calculated for every region and patient, and from them a glycogen concentration. The intermyofibrillar spaces and the sarcomeric I band had the highest granular content. The measured glycogen concentration was low enough to allow for a substantial presence of non-granular glycogen. The MHS samples had an approximately threefold lower concentration (significant in a hierarchical test), consistent with earlier evidence of diminished glucose processing in MHS. The AI models and the approach to infer three-dimensional magnitudes from two-dimensional images should be adaptable to other tasks on a variety of images from patients and animal models and different disease conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The highly complex structure of the brain requires an approach that can unravel its connectivity. Using volume electron microscopy and a dedicated software we can trace and measure all nerve fibers present within different samples of brain tissue. With this software tool, individual dendrites and axons are traced, obtaining a simplified \"skeleton\" of each fiber, which is linked to its corresponding synaptic contacts. The result is an intricate meshwork of axons and dendrites interconnected by a cloud of synaptic junctions. To test this methodology, we apply it to the stratum radiatum of the hippocampus and layers 1 and 3 of the somatosensory cortex of the mouse. We find that nerve fibers are densely packed in the neuropil, reaching up to 9 kilometers per cubic mm. We obtain the number of synapses, the number and lengths of dendrites and axons, the linear densities of synapses established by dendrites and axons, and their location on dendritic spines and shafts. The quantitative data obtained through this method enable us to identify subtle traits and differences in the synaptic organization of the samples, which might have been overlooked in a qualitative analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A deep understanding of how the brain controls behaviour requires mapping neural circuits down to the muscles that they control. Here, we apply automated tools to segment neurons and identify synapses in an electron microscopy dataset of an adult female Drosophila melanogaster ventral nerve cord (VNC)1, which functions like the vertebrate spinal cord to sense and control the body. We find that the fly VNC contains roughly 45 million synapses and 14,600 neuronal cell bodies. To interpret the output of the connectome, we mapped the muscle targets of leg and wing motor neurons using genetic driver lines2 and X-ray holographic nanotomography3. With this motor neuron atlas, we identified neural circuits that coordinate leg and wing movements during take-off. We provide the reconstruction of VNC circuits, the motor neuron atlas and tools for programmatic and interactive access as resources to support experimental and theoretical studies of how the nervous system controls behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to reveal the effects of SET domain bifurcated 1 (SETDB1) on epithelial cells during tooth development.
    METHODS: We generated conditional knockout mice (Setdb1fl/fl,Keratin14-Cre+ mice), in which Setdb1 was deleted only in epithelial cells. At embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5), immunofluorescence staining was performed to confirm the absence of SETDB1 within the epithelium of tooth embryos from Setdb1fl/fl,Keratin14-Cre+ mice. Mouse embryos were harvested after reaching embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5), and sections were prepared for histological analysis. To observe tooth morphology in detail, electron microscopy and micro-CT analysis were performed at postnatal months 1 (P1M) and 6 (P6M). Tooth embryos were harvested from postnatal day 7 (P7) mice, and the epithelial components of the tooth embryos were isolated and examined using quantitative RT-PCR for the expression of genes involved in tooth development.
    RESULTS: Setdb1fl/fl,Keratin14-Cre+ mice exhibited enamel hypoplasia, brittle and fragile dentition, and significant abrasion. Coronal sections displayed abnormal ameloblast development, including immature polarization, and a thin enamel layer that detached from the dentinoenamel junction at P7. Electron microscopic analysis revealed characteristic findings such as an uneven surface and the absence of an enamel prism. The expression of Msx2, Amelogenin (Amelx), Ameloblastin (Ambn), and Enamelin (Enam) was significantly downregulated in the epithelial components of tooth germs in Setdb1fl/fl,Keratin14-Cre+ mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that SETDB1 in epithelial cells is important for tooth development and clarify the relationship between the epigenetic regulation of SETDB1 and amelogenesis imperfecta for the first time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemostasis, the process of normal physiological control of vascular damage, is fundamental to human life. We all suffer minor cuts and puncture wounds from time to time. In hemostasis, self-limiting platelet aggregation leads to the formation of a structured thrombus in which bleeding cessation comes from capping the hole from the outside. Detailed characterization of this structure could lead to distinctions between hemostasis and thrombosis, a case of excessive platelet aggregation leading to occlusive clotting. An imaging-based approach to puncture wound thrombus structure is presented here that draws upon the ability of thin-section electron microscopy to visualize the interior of hemostatic thrombi. The most basic step in any imaging-based experimental protocol is good sample preparation. The protocol provides detailed procedures for preparing puncture wounds and platelet-rich thrombi in mice for subsequent electron microscopy. A detailed procedure is given for in situ fixation of the forming puncture wound thrombus and its subsequent processing for staining and embedding for electron microscopy. Electron microscopy is presented as the end imaging technique because of its ability, when combined with sequential sectioning, to visualize the details of the thrombus interior at high resolution. As an imaging method, electron microscopy gives unbiased sampling and an experimental output that scales from nanometer to millimeters in 2 or 3 dimensions. Appropriate freeware electron microscopy software is cited that will support wide-area electron microscopy in which hundreds of frames can be blended to give nanometer-scale imaging of entire puncture wound thrombi cross-sections. Hence, any subregion of the image file can be placed easily into the context of the full cross-section.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Volume electron microscopy (Volume EM) has emerged as a powerful tool for visualizing the 3D structure of cells and tissues with nanometer-level precision. Within the retina, various types of neurons establish synaptic connections in the inner and outer plexiform layers. While conventional EM techniques have yielded valuable insights into retinal subcellular organelles, their limitation lies in providing 2D image data, which can hinder accurate measurements. For instance, quantifying the size of three distinct synaptic vesicle pools, crucial for synaptic transmission, is challenging in 2D. Volume EM offers a solution by providing large-scale, high-resolution 3D data. It is worth noting that sample preparation is a critical step in Volume EM, significantly impacting image clarity and contrast. In this context, we outline a sample preparation protocol for the 3D reconstruction of photoreceptor axon terminals in the retina. This protocol includes three key steps: retina dissection and fixation, sample embedding processes, and selection of the area of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the coding sequence of huntingtin protein. Initially, it predominantly affects medium-sized spiny neurons (MSSNs) of the corpus striatum. No effective treatment is still available, thus urging the identification of potential therapeutic targets. While evidence of mitochondrial structural alterations in HD exists, previous studies mainly employed 2D approaches and were performed outside the strictly native brain context. In this study, we adopted a novel multiscale approach to conduct a comprehensive 3D in situ structural analysis of mitochondrial disturbances in a mouse model of HD. We investigated MSSNs within brain tissue under optimal structural conditions utilizing state-of-the-art 3D imaging technologies, specifically FIB/SEM for the complete imaging of neuronal somas and Electron Tomography for detailed morphological examination, and image processing-based quantitative analysis. Our findings suggest a disruption of the mitochondrial network towards fragmentation in HD. The network of interlaced, slim and long mitochondria observed in healthy conditions transforms into isolated, swollen and short entities, with internal cristae disorganization, cavities and abnormally large matrix granules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) plays a vital role in binding amino acids together, which dictates the primary structure of a protein. Visualization of its intracellular distribution and dynamics during protein synthesis enables a better understanding of the correlated biological essence. However, appropriate tools targeting live cell rRNA that are capable of multimodal imaging at the nanoscale are still lacking. Here, we rationally designed a series of terpyridine ammonium iridium(III) complexes, one of which is capable of selectively labeling rRNA in living cells. Its metal core and photostable nature allow further super-resolution STED imaging of rRNA found on the rough endoplasmic reticulum at a ∼40 nm resolution that is well correlated under correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). Interestingly, the Ir(III) complex demonstrated rRNA dynamics in living cells while boosting protein synthesis at the nanoscale. Our work offers a versatile tool to visualize rRNA synchronously under optical and electron microscopy, which provides a better understanding of rRNA evolution in living systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Correlative light-electron microscopy (CLEM) has evolved in the last decades, especially after significant developments in sample preparation, imaging acquisition, software, spatial resolution, and equipment, including confocal, live-cell, super-resolution, and electron microscopy (scanning, transmission, focused ion beam, and cryo-electron microscopy). However, the recent evolution of different laser-related techniques, such as mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) and laser capture microdissection, could further expand spatial imaging capabilities into high-resolution OMIC approaches such as proteomic, lipidomics, small molecule, and drug discovery. Here, we will describe a protocol to integrate the detection of rare viral reservoirs with imaging mass spectrometry.





