
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canonical retinoid signaling via nuclear receptors and gene regulation is critical for the initiation of developmental processes such as cellular differentiation, patterning and neurite outgrowth, but also mediates nerve regeneration and synaptic functions in adult nervous systems. In addition to canonical transcriptional regulation, retinoids also exert rapid effects, and there are now multiple lines of evidence supporting non-canonical retinoid actions outside of the nucleus, including in dendrites and axons. Together, canonical and non-canonical retinoid signaling provide the precise temporal and spatial control necessary to achieve the fine cellular coordination required for proper nervous system function. Here, we examine and discuss the evidence supporting non-canonical actions of retinoids in neural development and regeneration as well as synaptic function, including a review of the proposed molecular mechanisms involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is a natural, gradual, and inevitable process associated with a series of changes at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels that can lead to an increased risk of many diseases, including cancer. The most significant changes at the genomic level (DNA damage, telomere shortening, epigenetic changes) and non-genomic changes are referred to as hallmarks of aging. The hallmarks of aging and cancer are intertwined. Many studies have focused on genomic hallmarks, but non-genomic hallmarks are also important and may additionally cause genomic damage and increase the expression of genomic hallmarks. Understanding the non-genomic hallmarks of aging and cancer, and how they are intertwined, may lead to the development of approaches that could influence these hallmarks and thus function not only to slow aging but also to prevent cancer. In this review, we focus on non-genomic changes. We discuss cell senescence, disruption of proteostasis, deregualation of nutrient sensing, dysregulation of immune system function, intercellular communication, mitochondrial dysfunction, stem cell exhaustion and dysbiosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estrogens can alter the biology of various tissues and organs, including the brain, and thus play an essential role in modulating homeostasis. Despite its traditional role in reproduction, it is now accepted that estrogen and its analogues can exert neuroprotective effects. Several studies have shown the beneficial effects of estrogen in ameliorating and delaying the progression of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer\'s and Parkinson\'s disease and various forms of brain injury disorders. While the classical effects of estrogen through intracellular receptors are more established, the impact of the non-classical pathway through receptors located at the plasma membrane as well as the rapid stimulation of intracellular signaling cascades are still under active research. Moreover, it has been suggested that the non-classical estrogen pathway plays a crucial role in neuroprotection in various brain areas. In this mini-review, we will discuss the use of compounds targeting the non-classical estrogen pathway in their potential use as treatment in neurodegenerative diseases and brain injury disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present protocol describes a bioluminescence reporter assay developed to quantify the ability of synthetic agonists of retinoic acid receptors (RARs) to activate glutamate receptor subunit 1 (GluR1) translation. The reporter assay uses firefly luciferase under the control of the GluR1 5\' untranslated region (5\' UTR) which is bound by RARs to regulate its translation. This method is used to demonstrate the role of RARα in retinoic acid regulation of GluR1 translation. This method may also be used to screen drugs that influence RAR induction of GluR1 translation as an important mechanism controlling learning and memory in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of glucocorticoids on aggression can be conceptualized based on its mechanisms of action. These hormones can affect cell function non-genomically within minutes, primarily by affecting the cell membrane. Overall, such effects are activating and promote both metabolic preparations for the fight and aggressive behavior per se. Chronic increases in glucocorticoids activate genomic mechanisms and are depressing overall, including the inhibition of aggressive behavior. Finally, excessive stressors trigger epigenetic phenomena that have a large impact on brain programming and may also induce the reprogramming of neural functions. These induce qualitative changes in aggression that are deemed abnormal in animals, and psychopathological and criminal in humans. This review aims at deciphering the roles of glucocorticoids in aggression control by taking in view the three mechanisms of action often categorized as acute, chronic, and toxic stress based on the duration and the consequences of the stress response. It is argued that the tripartite way of influencing aggression can be recognized in all three animal, psychopathological, and criminal aggression and constitute a framework of mechanisms by which aggressive behavior adapts to short-term and log-term changes in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular mechanisms by which androgens signal through the androgen receptor (AR) to maintain male fertility are poorly understood. Transgenic mice were produced expressing mutant ARs that can only (1) alter gene transcription through the classical response pathway (AR-C) or (2) activate kinase signaling cascades via the nonclassical pathway (AR-NC). AR-C is sufficient to produce sperm and fertility. Haploid germ cell production, the blood-testis barrier, and spermatid migration are supported by AR-NC. Gene expression essential for chromosome synapsis during meiosis requires AR-C. We identify targets of androgen signaling required for male fertility and provide a mechanistic explanation for meiotic germ cell arrest in the absence of androgen signaling. Prostate differentiation occurs with AR-C alone, but full development requires synergistic nonclassical signaling. Both AR signaling pathways are necessary for normal male reproductive tract development and function, validating our mouse models for studies of AR functions in other target tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acutely, testosterone (TES) and other androgens are efficacious vasodilators, both in vitro and in vivo; however, their long-term effects on arterial blood pressure (BP) remain unclear. It was hypothesized that endogenous androgens exert long-term anti-hypertensive effects on systemic BP through a combination of genomic and nongenomic effects to enhance vasodilation of the systemic vasculature.
    The long-term effects of endogenous TES and exogenous TES replacement therapy (TRT) on BP were studied in intact (InT) and castrated (CsX) male Sprague-Dawley (SD) and testicular-feminized male (Tfm, androgen receptor defective) rats (12 weeks old). Systolic BP (tail-cuff plethysmography) was determined weekly for 15 weeks in InT-control and CsX rats. Some CsX-SD rats received androgen replacement therapy at 10-15 weeks with TES-enanthate (TRT; 1.75 mg/kg, 2x/week) or DHT-enanthate (DRT; 1.00 mg/kg. 2x/week) and a separate group of CsX-SD rats received losartan-potassium in drinking water (LST, 250 mg/L) for the entire 15 week period. Expression of renin, angiotensinogen (Agt), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), and angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1R) mRNA in kidney and aorta were determined by real-time PCR (rt-PCR) and plasma renin levels were determined by radioimmunoassay.
    There was a progressive rise in BP over 10 weeks in CsX (109 ± 3.3 vs. 143 ± 3.5 mmHg), while BP remained stable in InT-control (109 ± 3.0 vs. 113 ± 0.3). BP gradually declined to normal in CsX-TRT rats (113 ± 1.3), while BP remained elevated in CsX (140 ± 1.2) and normal in InT-control (113 ± 0.3). LST prevented the development of hypertension in CsX at 10 weeks (100 ± 1.5 in CsX + LST vs. 143 ± 3.5 in CsX). During the next 5 weeks with TES-RT, BP declined in CsX-TRT (113 ± 1.3) and remained lower in CsX + LST (99 ± 0.4). DHT-RT reduced BP in CxS to a similar extent. In Tfm, CsX resulted in a similar rise in BP (109 ± 0.7 vs. 139 ± 0.4 mmHg), but TRT reduced BP more rapidly and to a greater extent (106 ± 2.8). rt-PCR of the kidney revealed that CsX increased expression of mRNA for renin (92%), ACE (58%), and AT1R (80%) compared to InT, while TES RT normalized expression of renin, AT1R, and ACE mRNA to levels of InT rats. Plasma renin levels exhibited changes similar to those observed for renin mRNA expression.
    This is the first study to examine the long-term effects of endogenous and exogenous androgens on BP in male SD and Tfm rats. These data reveal that endogenous androgens (TES) exert anti-hypertensive effects that appear to involve non-genomic and possibly genomic mechanism(s), resulting in reductions in RAS expression in the kidney and enhanced systemic vasodilation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aldosterone indirectly regulates water reabsorption in the distal tubule by regulating sodium reabsorption. However, the direct effect of aldosterone on vasopressin-regulated water and urea permeability in the rat inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) has not been tested. We investigated whether aldosterone regulates osmotic water permeability in isolated perfused rat IMCDs. Adding aldosterone (500 nM) to the bath significantly decreased osmotic water permeability in the presence of vasopressin (50 pM) in both male and female rat IMCDs. Aldosterone significantly decreased aquaporin-2 (AQP2) phosphorylation at S256 but did not change it at S261. Previous studies show that aldosterone can act both genomically and non-genomically. We tested the mechanism by which aldosterone attenuates osmotic water permeability. Blockade of gene transcription with actinomycin D did not reverse aldosterone-attenuated osmotic water permeability. In addition to AQP2, the urea transporter UT-A1 contributes to vasopressin-regulated urine concentrating ability. We tested aldosterone-regulated urea permeability in vasopressin-treated IMCDs. Blockade of gene transcription did not reverse aldosterone-attenuated urea permeability. In conclusion, aldosterone directly regulates water reabsorption through a non-genomic mechanism. Aldosterone-attenuated water reabsorption may be related to decreased trafficking of AQP2 to the plasma membrane. There may be a sex difference apparent in the inhibitory effect of aldosterone on water reabsorption in the inner medullary collecting duct. This study is the first to show a direct effect of aldosterone to inhibit vasopressin-stimulated osmotic water permeability and urea permeability in perfused rat IMCDs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aldosterone modulates the activity of both epithelial (specifically renal) and non-epithelial cells. Binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), activates two pathways: the classical genomic and the rapidly activated non-genomic that is substantially modulated by the level of striatin. We hypothesized that disruption of MR\'s non-genomic pathway would alter aldosterone-induced cardiovascular/renal damage. To test this hypothesis, wild type (WT) and striatin heterozygous knockout (Strn+/-) littermate male mice were fed a liberal sodium (1.6% Na+) diet and randomized to either protocol one: 3 weeks of treatment with either vehicle or aldosterone plus/minus MR antagonists, eplerenone or esaxerenone or protocol two: 2 weeks of treatment with either vehicle or L-NAME/AngII plus/minus MR antagonists, spironolactone or esaxerenone. Compared to the WT mice, basally, the Strn+/- mice had greater (~26%) estimated renal glomeruli volume and reduced non-genomic second messenger signaling (pAkt/Akt ratio) in kidney tissue. In response to active treatment, the striatin-associated-cardiovascular/renal damage was limited to volume effects induced by aldosterone infusion: significantly increased blood pressure (BP) and albuminuria. In contrast, with aldosterone or L-NAME/AngII treatment, striatin deficiency did not modify aldosterone-mediated damage: in the heart and kidney, macrophage infiltration, and increases in aldosterone-induced biomarkers of injury. All changes were near-normalized following MR blockade with spironolactone or esaxerenone, except increased BP in the L-NAME/AngII model. In conclusion, the loss of striatin amplified aldosterone-induced damage suggesting that aldosterone\'s non-genomic pathway is protective but only related to effects likely mediated via epithelial, but not non-epithelial cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Decades of work have established the brain as a source of steroid hormones, termed \'neurosteroids\'. The neurosteroid neuroestradiol is produced in discrete brain areas and influences cognition, sensory processing, reproduction, neurotransmission, and disease. A prevailing research focus on neuroestradiol has essentially ignored whether its immediate synthesis precursor - the androgen testosterone - is also dynamically regulated within the brain. Testosterone itself can rapidly influence neurophysiology and behavior, and there is indirect evidence that the female brain may synthesize significant quantities of testosterone to regulate cognition, reproduction, and behavior. In songbirds, acoustic communication is regulated by neuroestrogens. Neuroestrogens are rapidly synthetized in the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) of the auditory cortex of zebra finches in response to song and can influence auditory processing and song discrimination. Here, we examined the in vivo dynamics of NCM levels of the neuroestrogen synthesis precursor, testosterone. Unlike estradiol, testosterone did not appear to fluctuate in the female NCM during song exposure. However, a substantial song-induced elevation of testosterone was revealed in the left hemisphere NCM of females when local aromatization (i.e., conversion to estrogens) was locally blocked. This elevation was eliminated when local androgen synthesis was concomitantly blocked. Further, no parallel elevation was observed in the circulation in response to song playback, consistent with a local, neural origin of testosterone synthesis. To our knowledge, this study provides the first direct demonstration that testosterone fluctuates rapidly in the brain in response to socially-relevant environmental stimuli. Our findings suggest therefore that locally-derived \'neuroandrogens\' can dynamically influence brain function and behavior. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: This study demonstrates that androgen synthesis occurs rapidly in vivo in the brain in response to social cues, in a lateralized manner. Specifically, testosterone synthesis occurs within the left secondary auditory cortex when female zebra finches hear male song. Therefore, testosterone could act as a neuromodulator to rapidly shape sensory processing. Androgens have been linked to functions such as the control of female libido, and many steroidal drugs used for contraception, anti-cancer treatments, and sexual dysfunction likely influence the brain synthesis and action of testosterone. The current findings therefore establish a clear role for androgen synthesis in the female brain with implications for understanding neural circuit function and behavior in animals, including humans.






