nerve conduction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anethole is a terpenoid with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuronal blockade effects, and the present work was undertaken to study the neuroprotective activity of anethole against diabetes mellitus (DM)-induced neuropathy. Streptozotocin-induced DM rats were used to investigate the effects of anethole treatment on morphological, electrophysiological, and biochemical alterations of the sciatic nerve (SN). Anethole partially prevented the mechanical hyposensitivity caused by DM and fully prevented the DM-induced decrease in the cross-sectional area of the SN. In relation to electrophysiological properties of SN fibers, DM reduced the frequency of occurrence of the 3rd component of the compound action potential (CAP) by 15%. It also significantly reduced the conduction velocity of the 1st and 2nd CAP components from 104.6 ± 3.47 and 39.8 ± 1.02 to 89.9 ± 3.03 and 35.4 ± 1.56 m/s, respectively, and increased the duration of the 2nd CAP component from 0.66 ± 0.04 to 0.82 ± 0.09 ms. DM also increases oxidative stress in the SN, altering values related to thiol, TBARS, SOD, and CAT activities. Anethole was capable of fully preventing all these DM electrophysiological and biochemical alterations in the nerve. Thus, the magnitude of the DM-induced neural effects seen in this work, and the prevention afforded by anethole treatment, place this compound in a very favorable position as a potential therapeutic agent for treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy in the body and impacts approximately 5% of the U.S. population costing nearly $5 billion/year. Electrodiagnostic (EDX) testing is considered the gold standard for CTS diagnosis. Classification systems exist that categorize CTS severity based on EDX findings. This investigation evaluated EDX findings across consecutive CTS severity categories within existing classification systems and consolidated classifications.
    METHODS: This retrospective study analyzed 665 hands from 468 patients undergoing EDX testing for suspected CTS. Complete classification systems and consolidated classifications were evaluated for discrimination capability across consecutive CTS severity categories based on EDX findings. Additional analysis evaluated the relationship of sex and age factors and CTS severity.
    RESULTS: Consolidated classifications demonstrated superior discrimination capability between consecutive CTS severity categories regardless of classification system used. Demographic factors significantly influenced EDX findings and categorization of CTS severity.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the value of consolidated classifications for enhancing discrimination between consecutive CTS severity categories based on EDX findings. Demographic factors should be considered when interpreting EDX findings for the purpose of categorizing CTS severity. Future research should refine existing classification systems and explore additional factors influencing CTS severity used to inform medical management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of 1-hour computer use on ulnar and median nerve conduction velocity and muscle activity in office workers with symptomatic neck pain and asymptomatic office workers.
    METHODS: A total of 40 participants, both male and female office workers, with symptomatic neck pain (n = 20) and asymptomatic (n = 20), were recruited. Pain intensity, ulnar nerve conduction velocity, median nerve conduction velocity, and muscle activity were determined before and after 1 hour of computer use.
    RESULTS: There was a significant increase in pain intensity in the neck area in both groups (P < .001). The symptomatic neck pain group revealed a significant decrease in the sensory nerve conduction velocity of the ulnar nerve (P = .008), whereas there was no difference in the median nerve conduction velocity (P > .05). Comparing before and after computer use, the symptomatic neck pain group had less activity of the semispinalis muscles and higher activity of the anterior scalene muscle than the asymptomatic group (P < .05). The trapezius and wrist extensor muscles showed no significant differences in either group (P > .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study found signs of neuromuscular deficit of the ulnar nerve, semispinalis muscle, and anterior scalene muscle after 1 hour of computer use among office workers with symptomatic neck pain, which may indicate the risk of neuromuscular impairment of the upper extremities. The recommendation of resting, and encouraging function and flexibility of the neuromuscular system after 1 hour of computer use should be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute canine polyradiculoneuritis (ACP) is a common peripheral neuropathy in dogs, and is generally self-limiting and benign. Electrodiagnostic (EDX) tests are typically performed after 7-10 days. Delaying the definitive diagnosis may hamper the treatment of other causes of acute weakness, which may require specific treatments and may carry different prognoses. This retrospective multicenter study aims to assess whether EDX performed within the first 6 days of clinical signs onset can detect alterations indicative of ACP, and aims to characterize the most prevalent alterations. A total of 71 dogs with suspected ACP were retrospectively analyzed and classified into two groups based on EDX timing: early group (EG, 1-6 days after symptom onset) and late group (LG, 7-15 days after symptom onset). In our study, no significant differences were found between the two groups in motor nerve conduction studies (MNCSs) and F-wave analysis, indicating that EDX is able to demonstrate abnormalities even in the first 6 days from onset. Although the LG showed significantly greater degrees of electromyographic (EMG) alterations compared to the EG, frequent muscle alterations were still observed in the EG group. These findings support the use of EDX in patients with suspected ACP within the first 6 days from the clinical onset. Prompt neurophysiological examinations for suspected ACP patients can be performed effectively and can help allow for early diagnosis and facilitate appropriate treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) can be the result of several hereditary connective tissue disorders, especially Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Cerebrovascular manifestations are among the most common complications in this disorder, and understanding their extent can help better diagnosis and prevention of hazardous events. We investigated visual evoked potential (VEP) changes in patients with GJH and compared them with healthy individuals.
    METHODS: Our case-control study included 90 patients who fulfilled the Beighton score (B score) for joint hypermobility and other 90 healthy participants. All of them went under VEP study, and the amplitude and latency of the evoked potential (P100) were compared to each other.
    RESULTS: The Case group had significantly higher B score (7.18 ± 0.967 vs. 1.18 ± 0.712), P100 latency (110.23 ± 6.64 ms vs. 100.18 ± 4.273 ms), and amplitude (6.54 ± 1.26 mv vs. 6.50 ± 1.29 mv) compared with the Control group, but the difference was only significant regarding B score, and P100 latency (p-value <.0001). Moreover, both latency and amplitude of P100 had significantly positive correlations with the B score in the Case group (p-value <.0001), but such correlations were not found in the Control group (p-value = .059).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study could reveal VEP changes, especially significant P100 latency in GJH patients without previous neurologic or musculoskeletal disorders. Whether these changes are due to GJH itself or are predictive of inevitable neurologic disease or visual pathway involvement, particularly Multiple Sclerosis needs further investigation with longer follow-up periods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Decades following the introduction of vincristine as treatment for haematological malignancies, vincristine-induced peripheral neuropathy (VIPN) remains a pervasive, untreatable side-effect. However there remains a gap in understanding the characteristics of VIPN in adults. This study presents a comprehensive phenotyping of VIPN.
    METHODS: Adult patients (n = 57; age = 59.8 ± 14.6) were assessed cross-sectionally following completion of vincristine (months post treatment = 16.3 ± 15.6, cumulative dose = 7.6 ± 4.4), with a subset of 20 patients assessed prospectively during treatment. Patient reported measures (EORTC-QLQ-CIPN20, R-ODS) were used to profile symptoms and disability. Neurological assessment was undertaken using the Total Neuropathy Score and nerve conduction studies. Sensory threshold and fine motor tasks were also undertaken. Comparisons of data between timepoints were calculated using paired-sample t tests or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test. Comparisons between outcome measures were calculated with independent sample t tests or Mann-Whitney U tests for non-parametric data.
    RESULTS: The majority of patients developed VIPN by mid-treatment (77.8%, 7.0 ± 3.3 weeks post baseline) with the prevalence remaining stable by end-of-treatment (75%, 8.1 ± 1.7 weeks post mid-treatment). By 3 months post-completion, 50% of patients still reported VIPN although there were significant improvements on neurological grading and functional assessment (P < 0.05). VIPN presented with sensorimotor involvement in upper and lower limbs and was associated with decreased sensory and motor nerve amplitudes, reduced fine-motor function and increased disability.
    CONCLUSIONS: VIPN in adults presents as a sensorimotor, upper- and lower-limb neuropathy that significantly impacts disability and function. Neuropathy recovery occurs in a proportion of patients; however, VIPN symptoms may persist and continue to affect long-term quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with peripheral neuropathy with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are more likely to have functional impairments. Recently, the gene for serum sterile alpha and toll/interleukin receptor motif-containing protein 1 (SARM1), which may contribute to the pathogenesis of Wallerian degeneration, was discovered in mice models of peripheral neuropathy. We set out to assess serum SARM1\'s activity as a potential biomarker for the early identification of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in T2DM patients while also examining the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on SARM1 levels. We assessed the cross-sectional relationships between the SARM1 biomarker, clinical neuropathy scales, and nerve conduction parameters in 80 participants aged between 30 years and 60 years. The analysis was carried out after the patients were split into two groups since we discovered a significant increase in SARM1 levels following the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, where group A received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine inoculation, and group B received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. SARM1 was correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with MNSIe and NSS in group A and showed a consistent positive correlation with the other neuropathy clinical scales in group A and group B without reaching statistical significance. Additionally, SARM1 was negatively correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with the median sensory amplitude in group A and showed a consistent negative correlation with the six other sensory and motor nerves\' potential amplitude in group A and group B without reaching statistical significance. In conclusion, SARM1 showed a consistent correlation with clinical neuropathy scales and nerve conduction parameters after accounting for the influence of COVID-19 vaccination doses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The contribution of certain occupational and personal factors to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is still uncertain. We investigated which specific occupational and non-occupational factors correlate with the level of clinical manifestations and work disability related to CTS. The study included 190 workers who work with a computer and have diagnosed CTS (100 men, 90 women, aged 20-65 years). Subjective experience of CTS-related impairments was assessed with the Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) and the Functional Status Scale (FSS) of the Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ). The objective, neural impairments were tested with electrodiagnostics (EDX), whereas CTS-related work disability data were collected from medical records. We found a high inter-correlation between BCTQ, EDX, and work disability data. These also showed high correlations with certain occupational factors (duration of computer-working in months and hours spent daily in computer-working, certain ergonomic, microclimatic, and other occupational conditions) and non-occupational factors (demographic and lifestyle factors: nutritional status, diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity). Despite its limitations, our study has identified occupational and non-occupational risk factors that can aggravate CTS and work disability, but which can also be improved with workplace and lifestyle preventive and corrective measures. More research is needed, though, to establish the possible causal relationships and the independent influence of each of those risk factors.
    Doprinos pojedinih profesionalnih i osobnih čimbenika u nastanku sindroma karpalnog tunela (CTS) još uvijek je neizvjestan. Proučavali smo povezanost određenih profesionalnih i neprofesionalnih čimbenika s razinom kliničkih manifestacija i radne nesposobnosti u radnika s CTS-om koji rade na računalu. Tijekom redovitih pregleda službe medicine rada bilo je angažirano 190 radnika iz Sjeverne Makedonije s dijagnosticiranim CTS-om (100 muškaraca i 90 žena u dobi od 20 do 65 godina), koji rade na računalu. Razina subjektivnih simptoma povezanih s CTS-om procijenjena je ljestvicom ozbiljnosti simptoma (SSS) i ljestvicom funkcionalnog statusa (FSS) Bostonskoga upitnika sindroma karpalnog tunela (BCTQ); elektrodijagnostičko (EDX) testiranje korišteno je za procjenu razine objektivnih neuralnih oštećenja; podatci o radnoj nesposobnosti vezanoj za CTS prikupljeni su iz medicinske dokumentacije; razina profesionalnih i neprofesionalnih čimbenika procijenjena je putem posebno osmišljenog upitnika. Postojala je visoka međukorelacija između SSS, FSS, EDX rezultata i privremene/trajne nesposobnosti za rad vezane za CTS. Svi ti pokazatelji također su pokazali visoke korelacije s određenim profesionalnim čimbenicima (trajanje rada za računalom u mjesecima i vrijeme provedeno u radu za računalom tijekom dana, određeni ergonomski, mikroklimatski i drugi profesionalni uvjeti) i neprofesionalnim čimbenicima (demografski faktori i način života: prehranjenost, prehrana, pušenje, konzumacija alkohola, tjelesna aktivnost). Ova studija pokazuje da se brojni profesionalni i neprofesionalni čimbenici (od kojih se većina može mijenjati) mogu povezati s težinom kliničkih manifestacija i nesposobnošću za rad u vezi s CTS-om, što upućuje na potrebu pravodobne provedbe preventivnih i korektivnih mjera kako na radnome mjestu tako i u načinu života.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protective vs. Therapeutic Effects of Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant MitoTEMPO on Rat Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury: A Comprehensive Electrophysiological Analysis. Peripheral nerve injuries often result in long-lasting functional deficits, prompting the need for effective interventions. MitoTEMPO (2-(2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl-4-ylamino)-2-oxoethyl) triphenylphosphonium chloride) is a mitochondria-targeted antioxidant that has shown protective and therapeutic effects against pathologies associated with reactive oxygen species. This study explores the utilization of MitoTEMPO as a therapeutic and protective agent for sciatic nerve crush injuries. By employing advanced mathematical approaches, the study seeks to comprehensively analyze nerve conduction parameters, nerve excitability, and the distribution of nerve conduction velocities to gauge the potential. Forty Wistar-Albino rats were randomly divided into following groups: (I) SHAM-animals subjected to sham operation and treated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with vehicle (bidistilled water) for 14 days; (II) CI (crush injury)-animals subjected to CI and treated with vehicle 14 days; (III) MiP-animals subjected to 7 days i.p. MitoTEMPO treatment before CI (0.7 mg/kg/day dissolved in vehicle) and, only vehicle for 7 days after CI, protective MitoTEMPO; and (IV) MiT-animals i.p. treated with only vehicle for 7 days before CI and 7 days with MitoTEMPO (0.7 mg/kg/day dissolved in vehicle) after CI, therapeutic MitoTEMPO. Nerve excitability parameters were measured, including rheobase and chronaxie, along with compound action potential (CAP) recordings. Advanced mathematical analyses were applied to CAP recordings to determine nerve conduction velocities and distribution patterns. The study revealed significant differences in nerve excitability parameters between groups. Nerve conduction velocity was notably reduced in the MiP and CI groups, whereas CAP area values were diminished in the MiP and CI groups compared to the MiT group. Furthermore, CAP velocity was lower in the MiP and CI groups, and maximum depolarization values were markedly lower in the MiP and CI groups compared to the SHAM group. The distribution of nerve conduction velocities indicated alterations in the composition of nerve fiber groups following crush injuries. In conclusion, postoperative MitoTEMPO administration demonstrated promising results in mitigating the detrimental effects of nerve crush injuries.





