
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Canine protothecosis is a rare disease caused by saprophytic unicellular achlorophyllous aerobic algae that are ubiquitous in the environment. We report a novel case of neurological and cardiological manifestations associated with disseminated protothecosis. An adult spayed female Boxer dog was presented with a 1-week history of anorexia, progressive central vestibular signs, and a Grade III/VI systolic heart murmur. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed obstructive hydrocephalus at the level of the mesencephalic aqueduct, while echocardiography and elevated troponin levels suggested an infiltrative cardiomyopathy. No obvious cause was identified. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection was not performed due to associated procedural risks. Despite receiving symptomatic treatment and maintaining stability for 3 weeks, the dog eventually suffered cardiorespiratory arrest. Postmortem examination revealed disseminated protothecosis, predominantly affecting the heart and brain. We recommend that in cases where the cause of obstructive hydrocephalus is unclear, especially when CSF collection is not feasible, a comprehensive diagnostic method should be implemented. This includes meticulous investigations to identify infected tissues, followed by sampling and performing cytology/histology and culture tests to confirm the presence of the algal organism. Early diagnosis may allow early treatment, although long-term prognosis remains largely unfavorable due to the absence of effective treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innovative approaches in nanotechnology provide a potentially promising alternative to untreatable cases of mastitis caused by genus Prototheca spp. algae infections. Drying of the teats of the affected animals or culling are typically the outcomes of mastitis in dairy cattle caused by these pathogens. A major issue in both veterinary medicine and animal breeding is the Prototheca species\' widespread resistance to the current methods of managing infections and the available drugs, including antibiotics. Commercial antifungal preparations are also ineffective. Nanotechnology, an emerging discipline, has the potential to create an effective alternative treatment for protothecal mastitis. The aim of the paper is to combine the literature data on the use of nanotechnology in the control of mastitis, taking into account data on combating mastitis caused by Prototheca spp. infections. The databases employed were PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus, focusing on literature from the last 20 years to ensure relevance and currency. Studies conducted in vitro have demonstrated that nanomaterials have significant biocidal activity against mastitis infections of different etiologies. Analyzed research papers show that (NPs), such as AgNPs, CuNPs, AuNPs, etc., may not negatively impact various cell lines and may be effective agents in reducing the pathogens\' viability. However, it is also critical to assess the risks involved in using nanomaterials.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Prototheca wickerhamii is a rare cause of cutaneous and systemic infection that requires long treatment courses with potentially toxic medications. We describe a patient with cutaneous protothecosis refractory to triazole monotherapy who experienced clinical and radiographic improvement with the novel oral lipid nanocrystal formulation of amphotericin B without experiencing toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of the nearly 10,000 described species of green algae are photoautotrophs; however, some species have lost their ability to photosynthesize and become obligate heterotrophs that rely on parasitism for survival. Two high-quality genomes of the heterotrophic algae Prototheca zopfii Pz20 and Pz23 were obtained using short- and long-read genomic as well as transcriptomic data. The genome sizes were 31.2 Mb and 31.3 Mb, respectively, and contig N50 values of 1.99 Mb and 1.26 Mb. Although P. zopfii maintained its plastid genome, the transition to heterotrophy led to a reduction in both plastid and nuclear genome size, including the loss of photosynthesis-related genes from both the nuclear and plastid genomes and the elimination of genes encoding for carotenoid oxygenase and pheophorbide an oxygenase. The loss of genes, including basic leucine-zipper (bZIP) transcription factors, flavin adenine dinucleotide-linked oxidase, and helicase, could have played a role in the transmission of autotrophy to heterotrophs and in the processes of abiotic stress resistance and pathogenicity. A total of 66 (1.37%) and 73 (1.49%) genes were identified as potential horizontal gene transfer events in the two P. zopfii genomes, respectively. Genes for malate synthase and isocitrate lyase, which are horizontally transferred from bacteria, may play a pivotal role in carbon and nitrogen metabolism as well as the pathogenicity of Prototheca and non-photosynthetic organisms. The two high-quality P. zopfii genomes provide new insights into their evolution as obligate heterotrophs and pathogenicity.
    OBJECTIVE: The genus Prototheca, characterized by its heterotrophic nature and pathogenicity, serves as an exemplary model for investigating pathobiology. The limited understanding of the protothecosis infectious disease is attributed to the lack of genomic resources. Using HiFi long-read sequencing, both nuclear and plastid genomes were generated for two strains of P. zopfii. The findings revealed a concurrent reduction in both plastid and nuclear genome size, accompanied by the loss of genes associated with photosynthesis, carotenoid oxygenase, basic leucine-zipper (bZIP) transcription factors, and others. The analysis of horizontal gene transfer revealed the presence of 1.37% and 1.49% bacterial genes, including malate synthase and isocitrate lyase, which play crucial roles in carbon and nitrogen metabolism, as well as pathogenicity and obligate heterotrophy. The two high-quality P. zopfii genomes represent valuable resources for investigating their adaptation and evolution as obligate heterotrophs, as well as for developing future prevention and treatment strategies against protothecosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytochemicals isolated from essential oils are effective alternatives for inhibiting microbial pathogens. Bovine protothecal mastitis is the cause of a reduction in milk production and the secretion of thin, watery milk with white flakes. In the present study, we performed in vitro susceptibility testing of the phytochemicals carvacrol, citral, and thymol in Prototheca strains isolated from cases of protothecosis in small animals and cow feces. The susceptibility of the algae to carvacrol, citral, and thymol was assessed using the modified CLSI M27-A3 broth microdilution method. The ranges of the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC%) of the phytochemicals in all isolates were 0.03% to 0.125% for carvacrol, 0.03% to 0.25% for citral, and 0.06% to 0.25% for thymol. Based on these results, carvacrol, citral, and thymol appear effective against Prototheca species at the tested concentrations, and may thus be useful for environmental disinfection in barns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yeast infections are challenging human and animal medicine due to low rates of detection and the emergence of unknown ecology isolates. The aim of this study was to verify the biochemical identification of yeasts and yeast-like microorganisms obtained from animals comparing the results with chromogenic media and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF MS). Between January and August 2023, yeast and yeast-like isolates from samples of animals with suspicion of mycosis were identified using Vitek® 2 Compact, Brilliance® Candida Agar and MALDI Biotyper® MSP. A total of 39 cases were included, and 45 isolations were obtained. Cryptococcus neoformans (15.5%, 7/45), Meyerozyma guilliermondii (13.3%, 6/45), Candida parapsilosis (11.1%, 5/45), Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis (8.9%, each one 4/45) were the most identified organisms. There was full agreement with the three identification methods in 71.1% (32/45) of the isolates, disagreement on species in 17.8% (8/45), disagreement on genus and species in 6.7% (3/45) and, in 4.4% (2/45), there was no matched pattern in MALDI-TOF to compare the results. Biochemical methods are a good option in laboratories where proteomics are not available, and chromogenic media enhances diagnostics by detecting mixed infections. Surveillance must be implemented to improve the detection of agents shared between humans and animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prototheca infections are rare in cats, and they are usually associated with cutaneous or subcutaneous infections by P. wickerhamii, with no evidence of neurological signs or systemic disease. In this study, we report the identification of prototheca in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of a cat with neurological symptoms. Fourteen CSF samples were gathered from cats presented with neurological disease between 2012 and 2014. The inclusion criteria for the samples were an increase in CSF protein and cell number (pleocytosis), suggestive of an infectious inflammatory status of the central nervous system (CNS). Nine samples fulfilled the inclusion criteria (inflammatory samples), while five samples, used as control, did not (non-inflammatory samples). All the samples were screened molecularly for different pathogens associated with CNS disease in cats, including prototheca. Out of 14 CSF samples, only one inflammatory sample tested positive for prototheca. Upon sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the amplicon, the strain was characterized as P. bovis. This report is the first documented evidence of prototheca in the cerebrospinal fluid of a cat with neurological signs. Prototheca should be considered in the diagnostics procedures on the CNS of cats presented with infectious diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early detection of bovine subclinical mastitis may improve treatment strategies and reduce the use of antibiotics. Herein, individual milk samples from Holstein cows affected by subclinical mastitis induced by S. agalactiae and Prototheca spp. were analyzed by untargeted and targeted mass spectrometry approaches to assess changes in their peptidome profiles and identify new potential biomarkers of the pathological condition. Results showed a higher amount of peptides in milk positive on the bacteriological examination when compared with the negative control. However, the different pathogens seemed not to trigger specific effects on the milk peptidome. The peptides that best distinguish positive from negative samples are mainly derived from the most abundant milk proteins, especially from β- and αs1-casein, but also include the antimicrobial peptide casecidin 17. These results provide new insights into the physiopathology of mastitis. Upon further validation, the panel of potential discriminant peptides could help the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Prototheca is an extremely unusual group of achlorophyllic, obligately heterotrophic algae. Six species have been identified as pathogens of vertebrates, including cattle and humans. In cattle, P. bovis is the main infectious pathogen and is associated with bovine mastitis. In contrast, human infections typically involve P. wickerhamii and are associated with a spectrum of varying clinical presentations. Prototheca spp. enter the host from the environment and are therefore likely to be initially recognized by cells of the innate immune system. However, little is known about the nature of the interaction between Prototheca spp. and host phagocytes. In the present study, we adopt a live-cell imaging approach to investigate these interactions over time. Using environmental and clinical strains, we show that P. bovis cells are readily internalized and processed by macrophages, whereas these immune cells struggle to internalize P. wickerhamii. Serum opsonization of P. wickerhamii only marginally improves phagocytosis, suggesting that this species (but not P. bovis) may have evolved mechanisms to evade phagocytosis. Furthermore, we show that inhibition of the kinases Syk or PI3K, which are both critical for innate immune signaling, drastically reduces the uptake of P. bovis. Finally, we show that genetic ablation of MyD88, a signaling adaptor critical for Toll-like receptor signaling, has little impact on uptake but significantly prolongs phagosome maturation once P. bovis is internalized. Together, our data suggest that these two pathogenic Prototheca spp. have very different host-pathogen interactions which have potential therapeutic implications for the treatment of human and animal disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prototheca is a microalgae known to cause infections in humans, with protothecosis most commonly presenting as olecranon bursitis or localized soft tissue infection. Disseminated disease can be seen in immunocompromised patients. In this retrospective single-institution case series, we describe our experience with 7 patients with Prototheca infections.





