
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innovative approaches in nanotechnology provide a potentially promising alternative to untreatable cases of mastitis caused by genus Prototheca spp. algae infections. Drying of the teats of the affected animals or culling are typically the outcomes of mastitis in dairy cattle caused by these pathogens. A major issue in both veterinary medicine and animal breeding is the Prototheca species\' widespread resistance to the current methods of managing infections and the available drugs, including antibiotics. Commercial antifungal preparations are also ineffective. Nanotechnology, an emerging discipline, has the potential to create an effective alternative treatment for protothecal mastitis. The aim of the paper is to combine the literature data on the use of nanotechnology in the control of mastitis, taking into account data on combating mastitis caused by Prototheca spp. infections. The databases employed were PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus, focusing on literature from the last 20 years to ensure relevance and currency. Studies conducted in vitro have demonstrated that nanomaterials have significant biocidal activity against mastitis infections of different etiologies. Analyzed research papers show that (NPs), such as AgNPs, CuNPs, AuNPs, etc., may not negatively impact various cell lines and may be effective agents in reducing the pathogens\' viability. However, it is also critical to assess the risks involved in using nanomaterials.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Human protothecosis is an uncommon infection caused by Prototheca spp that rarely infects humans.
    OBJECTIVE: Description of a rare disease and a review of its articles.
    METHODS: We reported a 24-year-old man who presented with red-brown papules and plaques on the trunk\'s lateral side. We reviewed the literature about disseminated protothecosis and reported our experience with a patient with protothecosis between 2021 and 2023.
    RESULTS: Overall, 54 cases of disseminated protothecosis were evaluated, 39 were due to P. wickerhamii, 12 were due to P. zopfii (22.2%), and three were due to Prototheca spp. We found that males were more affected (37 cases, 68.5%) than females (16 cases, 29.6%). The mean age of patients was 39.53 ± 22.48 years. However, disseminated protothecosis can affect people of any age (1-80 years). In contrast to P. wickerhamii, which causes blood, skin, brain, and gastrointestinal tract infections, P. zopfii was mainly found in the blood (7/22) and did not have a significant difference in the mortality rate (P = 0.11).
    CONCLUSIONS: Disseminated protothecosis is a rare disease in immunocompromised patients but is generally rarer in immunocompetent hosts. Several underlying disorders include immunocompromised patients, prolonged application of steroids, diabetes mellitus, malignancies, organ transplantation, AIDS, and surgeries. Amphotericin B has been the most effective agent for protothecosis and is reserved for visceral and disseminated infections. Regarding localized cutaneous types, excision or surgical debridement is used.
    CONCLUSIONS: Mulberry\'s appearance and appropriate cultural environments are helpful in diagnosing it.






  • 文章类型: Review
    UNASSIGNED: Prototheca species are achlorophyllic algae that are a rare cause of infection in humans. It most commonly causes localized cutaneous disease and rarely disseminated infection. Immunocompromised patients have the highest risk of disseminated protothecosis, with a higher mortality rate than localized cutaneous infections. At the species level, infections caused by Prototheca zopfii are reported less frequently than those caused by Prototheca wickerhamii. The diagnosis can be made using histopathology, culture, and molecular testing. There is no definitive evidence for an effective treatment, which currently consists of antifungals (primarily amphotericin B). With only a handful of cases of disseminated protothecosis reported worldwide that are caused by P. zopfii , we herein present an additional case of a postbone marrow transplant patient in the Midwest of the United States.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protothecosis and chlorellosis are sporadic algal diseases that can affect small ruminants. In goats, protothecosis is primarily associated with lesions in the nose and should be included in the differential diagnosis of causes of rhinitis. In sheep, chlorellosis causes typical green granulomatous lesions in various organs. Outbreaks of chlorellosis have been reported in sheep consuming stagnant water, grass from sewage-contaminated areas, and pastures watered by irrigation canals or by effluents from poultry-processing plants. Prototheca and Chlorella are widespread in the environment, and environmental and climatic changes promoted by anthropogenic activities may have increased the frequency of diseases produced by them. The diagnosis of these diseases must be based on gross, microscopic, and ultrastructural lesions, coupled with detection of the agent by immunohistochemical-, molecular-, and/or culture-based methods.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a case of cutaneous protothecosis caused by Prototheca wickerhamii infection. The patient was a 72-year-old man with hypoalbuminemia. He responded well to fluconazole treatment. We reviewed this case along with 17 other cases of cutaneous protothecosis reported from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Of the 18 cases, 7 each occurred in mainland China and Taiwan, and 4 occurred in Hong Kong. Thirteen cases were caused by P. wickerhamii (72.2%), and three were caused by P. zopfii (16.7%); in two cases, the species was not identified (11.1%). In all, 9 (50%) patients were immunocompromised, and 10 (55.5%) patients denied having a history of trauma. All patients presented with polymorphic skin lesions, and erythematous papules, plaques, or nodules was the most common presentation (15/18, 83.3%). Genotyping was performed in five cases, mostly by means of small subunit ribosomal DNA amplification (four cases). Susceptibility tests (6 patients) showed that P. wickerhamii was sensitive to amphotericin B and voriconazole but resistant to fluconazole or itraconazole. Treatment succeeded in 15 (83.3%) patients and failed in 3 (16.7%). Our data indicate that the number of cutaneous protothecosis cases is underestimated in China, and the skin lesions have some diagnostic value.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Solid organ transplantation is an accepted therapy for end-stage diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, and lungs. Unfortunately, transplantation is associated with infectious complications. Here, we present a case report of Prototheca wickerhamii olecranon bursitis and review all of the cases in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients published in the literature to date. In our patient, the infection resolved with surgical therapy and limited antifungal therapy, and no symptoms have recurred over 24 months of follow-up. A review of the literature suggests that 50% of SOT recipients with Prototheca infection present with disseminated infection, and the overall mortality is 75%. More studies are required to determine the optimal management of protothecosis in this population.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: To examine a series of 14 cases of canine ocular protothecosis from archived cases from the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW), and compare gross and histologic findings.
    METHODS: Archival records from COPLOW were searched for canine cases of ocular protothecosis. Fourteen cases that contained matching criteria were identified, and gross and histologic findings, and clinical records for each case were tabulated, examined, and compared (2001-2013).
    RESULTS: Of the 14 cases identified, six had evidence of systemic disease, as per clinical history. Two of the 14 cases had Prototheca identified via cytology of ocular fluid or retinal exudate; in the remainder of cases, Prototheca identified via cytology of ocular fluid or retinal exudate in the remaining 12 cases, Prototheca was identified upon histologic examination of the submitted globe(s). Presenting ocular clinical signs were variable and nonspecific. Duration of ocular clinical signs varied from days to months. Fundoscopically, white membranes or plaques were identified on or around the retina in five cases. Retinal detachment was identified in 13 of the 14 submitted globes on gross examination following fixation and sectioning. The predominant histologic finding was granulomatous chorioretinitis with retinal detachment, with variable numbers of Prototheca within the inflammatory infiltrate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Due to the nonspecific nature of the ocular signs, a diagnosis of protothecosis generally is not made until enucleation and histopathologic examination of the globe(s). Retinal detachment and blindness were common. Cytologic sampling of retinal plaques and exudate may provide a rapid way to identify Prototheca.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Prototheca species are achlorophyllus algae. Prototheca wickerhamii and Prototheca zopfii cause human disease. In immunocompetent individuals, they cause soft tissue infections and olecranon bursitis, but in transplant recipients, these organisms can cause disseminated disease. We report a fatal case of disseminated P. zopfii infection in an hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipient with bloodstream infection and involvement of multiple soft tissue sites. We review all previous cases of protothecosis in HSCT reported in the literature. Protothecosis is uncommon after HSCT, but has a disseminated presentation that is frequently fatal. It is commonly misidentified as a yeast. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors and contamination of central venous catheters may contribute to development of protothecosis. Optimal treatment approaches are yet to be defined. New agents such as miltefosine may be possible future therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Prototheca species is achlorophyllic algae and rarely causes human infection. Human protothecosis presents clinically as a cutaneous infection, olecranon bursitis, and disseminated systemic disease. We report a case of human cutaneous protothecosis involving the left wrist. A 68-year-old man presented with an ill-defined erythematous lesion with crust at the dorsal aspect of his left wrist. A punch biopsy was performed to reveal the histologic features of granulomatous inflammation with necrosis at the upper dermis, containing Prototheca organisms, of which, the characteristic features were highlighted by special staining. Through a molecular study, the Prototheca zopfii species was identified.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a Prototheca wickerhamii wound infection case that failed treatment with ketoconazole but was cured with amphotericin-B plus tetracycline. The patient was immunocompetent but had had local steroid injections. We reviewed another 159 cases from the literature. Prototheca has infected many areas of the human body, but most often skin, olecranon bursa, or wounds. Prior treatment with steroids and immune deficiencies are contributing factors. Itraconazole and fluconazole are reasonable initial treatments for patients with mild infections. For serious infections, or for infections that have failed azole treatment, amphotericin-B is the treatment of choice.





