
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic and environmental factors have been linked with neurodegeneration, especially in the elderly. Yet, efforts to impede neurodegenerative processes have at best addressed symptoms instead of underlying pathologies. The gap in the understanding of neuro-behavioral plasticity is consistent from insects to mammals, and cockroaches have been proven to be effective models for studying the toxicity mechanisms of various chemicals. We therefore used head injection of 74 and 740 nmol STZ in Nauphoeta cinerea to elucidate the mechanisms of chemical-induced neurotoxicity, as STZ is known to cross the blood-brain barrier. Neurolocomotor assessment was carried out in a new environment, while head homogenate was used to estimate metabolic, neurotransmitter and redox activities, followed by RT-qPCR validation of relevant cellular signaling. STZ treatment reduced the distance and maximum speed travelled by cockroaches, and increased glucose levels while reducing triglyceride levels in neural tissues. The activity of neurotransmitter regulators - AChE and MAO was exacerbated, with concurrent upregulation of glucose sensing and signaling, and increased mRNA levels of redox regulators and inflammation-related genes. Consequently, STZ neurotoxicity is conserved in insects, with possible implications for using N. cinerea to target the multi-faceted mechanisms of neurodegeneration and test potential anti-neurodegenerative agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heavy metals are encountered in nature, and are used in several human endeavors, including in dental fillings. It is well known that the safety of metals depends on their chemical form, as well as the dose and route through which biological systems are exposed to them. Here, we used the Nauphoeta cinerea model to examine the mechanism by which salts of the heavy metals used in dental fillings - silver and mercury - exert their neurotoxicity. Nymphs exposed to heavy metals presented with reduced motor and exploratory abilities as they spent more time immobile, especially in the periphery of a novel object, and covered less distance compared with control nymphs. Exposure to AgNO3 and HgCl2 also exacerbated levels of oxidative stress markers (MDA & ROS) and the neurotransmitter regulators - AChE and MAO, while reducing antioxidant activity markers, both in biochemical (thiol & GST) and RT-qPCR (TRX, GST, SOD, Catalase) examinations, in neural tissues of the cockroach. The observed disruptions in neurolocomotor control, synaptic transmission and redox balance explain how heavy metal salts may predispose organisms to neurological disorders.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2024.1404294.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On the 26 th January 2023, a free to attend, \'improving in vivo snake venom research: a community discussion\' meeting was held virtually. This webinar brought together researchers from around the world to discuss current neutralisation of venom lethality mouse assays that are used globally to assess the efficacy of therapies for snakebite envenoming. The assay\'s strengths and weaknesses were highlighted, and we discussed what improvements could be made to refine and reduce animal testing, whilst supporting preclinical antivenom and drug discovery for snakebite envenoming. This report summarises the issues highlighted, the discussions held, with additional commentary on key perspectives provided by the authors.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To understand and describe neurotoxicity mechanistically, we must first understand the processes and responses that occur within neuronal cell systems after the administration of a chemical. The dataset we present is a collection of experimental results from the literature that comprises various neurotoxic endpoints in human-derived in vitro models, allowing for easy data analysis. Currently available and free databases such as the EPA\'s ToxCast, which focuses on forecasting toxic health risks, are created by collecting reports on cytotoxicity testing and creating mathematical fits that could help predict the effects of a given chemical on various types of cells. We, in contrast, provide a smaller, raw, and heterogeneous dataset created solely of results on human-derived cell models that not only summarises the cytotoxic effects of certain substances but also creates a possibility for analysing the significance of the experimental set-up for the prediction of outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory arthritides such as rheumatoid arthritis are a major cause of disability. Pre-clinical murine models of inflammatory arthritis continue to be invaluable tools with which to identify and validate therapeutic targets and compounds. The models used are well-characterised and, whilst none truly recapitulates the human disease, they are crucial to researchers seeking to identify novel therapeutic targets and to test efficacy during preclinical trials of novel drug candidates. The arthritis parameters recorded during clinical trials and routine clinical patient care have been carefully standardised, allowing comparison between centres, trials, and treatments. Similar standardisation of scoring across in vivo models has not occurred, which makes interpretation of published results, and comparison between arthritis models, challenging. Here, we include a detailed and readily implementable arthritis scoring system, that increases the breadth of arthritis characteristics captured during experimental arthritis and supports responsive and adaptive monitoring of disease progression in murine models of inflammatory arthritis. In addition, we reference the wider ethical and experimental factors researchers should consider during the experimental design phase, with emphasis on the continued importance of replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal usage in arthritis research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New approach methodologies (NAMs) can deliver improved chemical safety assessment through the provision of more protective and/or relevant models that have a reduced reliance on animals. Despite the widely acknowledged benefits offered by NAMs, there continue to be barriers that prevent or limit their application for decision-making in chemical safety assessment. These include barriers related to real and perceived scientific, technical, legislative and economic issues, as well as cultural and societal obstacles that may relate to inertia, familiarity, and comfort with established methods, and perceptions around regulatory expectations and acceptance. This article focuses on chemical safety science, exposure, hazard, and risk assessment, and explores the nature of these barriers and how they can be overcome to drive the wider exploitation and acceptance of NAMs. Short-, mid- and longer-term goals are outlined that embrace the opportunities provided by NAMs to deliver improved protection of human health and environmental security as part of a new paradigm that incorporates exposure science and a culture that promotes the use of protective toxicological risk assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primates are important species for biomedical research and ensuring their good welfare is critical for research translatability and ethical responsibility. Systematic animal welfare assessments can support continuous programme improvements and build institutional awareness of areas requiring more attention. A multi-facility, collaborative project aimed to develop and implement a novel primate welfare assessment tool (PWAT) for use with research macaques. PWAT development involved: establishing an internal focus group of primate subject matter experts, identifying animal welfare categories and descriptors based on literature review, developing a preliminary tool, beta-testing the tool to ensure practicality and final consensus on descriptors, finalising the tool in a database with semi-automated data analysis, and delivering the tool to 13 sites across four countries. The tool uses input- and outcome-based measures from six categories: physical, behavioural, training, environmental, procedural, and culture of care. The final tool has 133 descriptors weighted based upon welfare impact, and is split into three forms for ease of use (room level, site level, and personnel interviews). The PWAT was trialled across facilities in March and September 2022 for benchmarking current macaque behavioural management programmes. The tool successfully distinguished strengths and challenges at the facility level and across sites. Following this benchmarking, the tool is being applied semi-annually to assess and monitor progress in behavioural management programmes. The development process of the PWAT demonstrates that evidence-based assessment tools can be developed through collaboration and consensus building, which are important for uptake and applicability, and ultimately for promoting global improvements in research macaque welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last 20 years, the larva of the greater waxmoth, Galleria mellonella, has rapidly increased in popularity as an in vivo mammalian replacement model organism for the study of human pathogens. Experimental readouts of response to infection are most often limited to observing the melanization cascade and quantifying larval death and, whilst transcriptomic and proteomic approaches, and methods to determine microbial load are also used, a more comprehensive toolkit of profiling infection over time could transform the applicability of this model. As an invertebrate, Galleria harbour an innate immune system comprised of both humoral components and a repertoire of innate immune cells - termed haemocytes. Although information on subtypes of haemocytes exists, there are conflicting reports on their exact number and function. Flow cytometry has previously been used to assay Galleria haemocytes, but protocols include both centrifugation and fixation - physical methods which have the potential to affect haemocyte morphology prior to analysis. Here, we present a method for live haemocyte analysis by flow cytometry, revealing that Galleria haemocytes constitute only a single resolvable population, based on relative size or internal complexity. Using fluorescent zymosan particles, we extend our method to show that up to 80% of the Galleria haemocyte population display phagocytic capability. Finally, we demonstrate that the developed assay reliably replicates in vitro data, showing that cell wall β-1,3-glucan masking by Candida albicans subverts phagocytic responses. As such, our method provides a new tool with which to rapidly assess phagocytosis and understand live infection dynamics in Galleria.





