
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antigen identity, quantity and integrity are key factors to be evaluated as part of consistency testing of tetanus vaccines. Here we have developed a mAb sandwich ELISA to measure the relative amount and quality of tetanus toxoid (TTxd) in human and animal tetanus vaccines. The ELISA is highly specific, has good dilutional linearity and is suitable for detecting TTxd in a range of different products. We have demonstrated the ability of the assay to discriminate between batches of different content, using vaccine batches that had been prepared to contain differing amounts of TTxd, and of different quality, using samples of non-adjuvanted TTxd that had been exposed to sonication and final lot vaccines that had been exposed to heat or oxidative stress. We have also demonstrated successful transfer of the method to other laboratories and have shown that different tetanus antigen materials may be able to serve as a reference antigen for standardisation of the method. The results show this test has the potential to play a key role in a control strategy no longer including an in vivo potency test.
    Tetanus vaccines help to protect against tetanus infection. Currently, animal tests are used to ensure the potency of such vaccines. Since these tests were first introduced, there have been improvements in non-animal technologies that can be used to ensure consistent production of potent vaccine batches. To demonstrate that a new batch of tetanus vaccine is consistent with a previous batch of known potency, the quality and amount of the component that stimulates the immune response upon vaccination must be assessed in comparison. We have developed an assay that can measure the quality of a range of different tetanus vaccine product types. The assay is very specific and reliable, and different laboratories obtained comparable results, showing that the assay is suited for routine use. Once validated by manufacturers and accepted by regulators, this assay will greatly reduce the number of animals needed for batch release of tetanus vaccines.






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    For several decades the European Pharmacopoeia monographs Tetanus vaccine (adsorbed) (0452) and Tetanus vaccine for veterinary use (0697) required that Specific toxicity and Absence of toxin and irreversibility of the toxoidof each bulk of tetanus toxoids had to be tested by an in vivo toxicity test in guinea pigs before it could be included in vaccines for human or veterinary use. In line with the 3Rs concept of replacing, reducing and refining animal experiments, an in vitro method for the detection of active tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) has been developed at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI, Germany). This method, the so-called BINACLE (binding and cleavage) assay, uses the receptor-binding and proteolytic properties of TeNT for the specific detection of active toxin molecules. Successful in-house validation studies as well as a small-scale transferability study had demonstrated that this method may represent a suitable alternative to the compendial in vivo toxicity test. As a follow up, an international collaborative study aimed at verifying the suitability of the BINACLE assay as a potential alternative to the guinea pig toxicity test for tetanus toxoids was organised by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) under the aegis of its Biological Standardisation Programme (BSP). Within the framework of this study, coded BSP136, a feasibility phase - also referred to as Phase 1 - was run to select and qualify critical study reagents and samples and to assess the performance of the BINACLE Standard Operating Procedure developed by the project leaders. Then the international collaborative study aimed at evaluating the BINACLE, referred to as BSP136 Phase 2, was started. A total of 19 international laboratories (comprising vaccine manufacturers as well as national control laboratories) were supplied with a detailed assay protocol, critical reagents required for the assay, three samples consisting of three different bulk tetanus toxoids donated by major European vaccine manufacturers and one international standard toxoid. Each of the participants was asked to perform three independent BINACLE assays following the provided protocol. The statistical analysis of the results showed that most of the participating laboratories were able to perform the BINACLE assay according to the provided protocol. However, the results obtained by the participants varied widely, and not all the laboratories were able to achieve a sensitive detection of active TeNT. Multiple factors may have contributed to the elevated variability of the BSP136 study results. From an analysis of these factors, strategies were developed to help increase the standardisation of the BINACLE assay and obtain more consistent results in a follow-up validation study, BSP 136 Phase 3 (Part 2), for which the experimental phase took place in 2023. The present manuscript summarises the outcome of Phases 1 and 2, which constitute Part 1 of the BSP136 project.






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    Tetanus vaccines for human and veterinary use are produced by formaldehyde-induced inactivation of tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) purified from Clostridium tetani cultures. Due to the high morbidity caused by exposure to TeNT it is essential that the quality control of tetanus vaccines includes testing for absence of tetanus toxin as prescribed by European Pharmacopoeia monographs 0452 and 0697. Currently this test is carried out in guinea pigs for each bulk of tetanus toxoid. To test the applicability of the in vitro BINACLE (\"binding and cleavage\") assay as an alternative method for the quality control of tetanus vaccines, two collaborative studies were run by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare under the aegis of the Biological Standardisation Programme. The first collaborative study indicated that the method allows sensitive TeNT detection. However, a clear conclusion could not be drawn due to the high variability of the results. To address the variability, the protocol was optimised and further standardised for the second study. The study results demonstrated good assay precision, both with respect to repeatability and reproducibility. Importantly, the limit of detection was 0.11 ng/mL TeNT in five out of nine laboratories and 0.33 ng/mL in four out of nine laboratories, suggesting that the BINACLE assay can detect TeNT with similar sensitivity as in vivo toxicity tests and can thus be taken into consideration as an alternative method to the current compendial in vivo test.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic and environmental factors have been linked with neurodegeneration, especially in the elderly. Yet, efforts to impede neurodegenerative processes have at best addressed symptoms instead of underlying pathologies. The gap in the understanding of neuro-behavioral plasticity is consistent from insects to mammals, and cockroaches have been proven to be effective models for studying the toxicity mechanisms of various chemicals. We therefore used head injection of 74 and 740 nmol STZ in Nauphoeta cinerea to elucidate the mechanisms of chemical-induced neurotoxicity, as STZ is known to cross the blood-brain barrier. Neurolocomotor assessment was carried out in a new environment, while head homogenate was used to estimate metabolic, neurotransmitter and redox activities, followed by RT-qPCR validation of relevant cellular signaling. STZ treatment reduced the distance and maximum speed travelled by cockroaches, and increased glucose levels while reducing triglyceride levels in neural tissues. The activity of neurotransmitter regulators - AChE and MAO was exacerbated, with concurrent upregulation of glucose sensing and signaling, and increased mRNA levels of redox regulators and inflammation-related genes. Consequently, STZ neurotoxicity is conserved in insects, with possible implications for using N. cinerea to target the multi-faceted mechanisms of neurodegeneration and test potential anti-neurodegenerative agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oogenesis is the central process required to produce viable oocytes in female mammals. It is initiated during embryonic development, and it involves the specification of primordial germ cells (PGCs) and progresses through the activation of the meiotic program, reaching a crucial phase in prophase I before pausing at diplotene around the time of birth. The significance of meiosis, particularly the prophase I stage, cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in ensuring the formation of healthy gametes, a prerequisite for successful reproduction. While research has explored meiosis across various organisms, understanding how environmental factors, including radiation, drugs, endocrine disruptors, reproductive age, or diet, influence this complex developmental process remains incomplete. In this chapter, we describe an ex vivo culture method to investigate meiotic prophase I and beyond and the disruption of oogenesis by external factors. Using this methodology, it is possible to evaluate the effects of individual xenobiotics by administering chemicals at specific points during oogenesis. This culture technique was optimized to study the effects of two selected endocrine disruptors (vinclozolin and MEHP), demonstrating that vinclozolin exposure delayed meiotic differentiation and MEHP exposure reduced follicle size. This approach also opens avenues for future applications, involving the exploration of established or novel pharmaceutical substances and their influence on essential events during prophase I, such as homologous recombination and chromosome segregation. These processes collectively dictate the ultimate fitness of oocytes, with potential implications for factors relevant to the reproductive age and fertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent years have seen increasing recognition of the scientific, economic and ethical benefits of the use of non-animal models in advancing preclinical research, giving reason to rethink the application and framework of the Three Rs. However, to benefit from the economic advantages of shifting to such alternative methods, and to realise Australia\'s drug development potential, legislative reform is essential. Such reform should be responsive to international regulations that encourage the use of animal-free methods, and be coupled with a corresponding re-evaluation of current Three Rs frameworks and principles. If these supportive changes, and the recommendations from the 2023 Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Futures Non-animal models report, are implemented concurrently - with government support paramount- then a new gold standard for scientific research in Australia could be created in which the use of non-animal models and animal-free methods is the default.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulatory guidance for global drug development relies on animal studies to evaluate safety risks for humans, including risk of reproductive toxicity. Weight-of-evidence approaches (WoE) are increasingly becoming acceptable to evaluate risk. A WoE for developmental risk of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was evaluated for its ability to retrospectively characterize risk and to determine the need for further in vivo testing based on the remaining uncertainty. Reproductive toxicity studies of 65 mAbs were reviewed and compared to the WoE. Developmental toxicities were absent in 52/65 (80%) mAbs. Lack of toxicity was correctly predicted in 29/52 (56%) cases. False positive and equivocal predictions were made in 9/52 (17%) and 14/52 (27%) cases. For 3/65 (5%) mAbs, the findings were equivocal. Of mAbs with developmental toxicity findings (10/65, 15%), the WoE correctly anticipated pharmacology based reproductive toxicity without any false negative predictions in 9/10 (90%) cases, and in the remaining case (1/10, 10%) an in vivo study was recommended due to equivocal WoE outcome. Therefore, this WoE approach could characterize presence and absence of developmental risk without animal studies. The current WoE could have reduced the need for developmental toxicity studies by 42% without loss of important patient information in the label.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse models with complex genetic backgrounds are increasingly used in preclinical research to accurately model human disease and to enable temporal and cell-specific evaluation of genetic manipulations. Backcrossing mice onto these complex genetic backgrounds takes time and leads to significant wastage of animals. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether site-specific nucleases could be used to generate additional genetic mutations in a complex genetic background, using the REVERSA mouse model of atherosclerosis, a model harbouring four genetically altered alleles. The model is comprised of a functional null mutation in the Ldlr gene in combination with a ApoB100 allele, which, after high-fat diet, leads to the rapid development of atherosclerosis. The regression of the pathology is achieved by inducible knock-out of the Mttp gene. Here we report an investigation to establish if microinjection of site-specific nucleases directly into zygotes prepared from the REVERSA could be used to investigate the role of the ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) in atherosclerosis regression. We show that using this approach we could successfully generate two independent knockout lines on the REVERSA background, both of which exhibited the expected phenotype of a significant reduction in cholesterol efflux to HDL in bone marrow-derived macrophages. However, loss of Abcg1 did not impact atherosclerosis regression in either the aortic root or in aortic arch, demonstrating no important role for this transporter subtype. We have demonstrated that site-specific nucleases can be used to create genetic modifications directly onto complex disease backgrounds and can be used to explore gene function without the need for laborious backcrossing of independent strains, conveying a significant 3Rs advantage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heavy metals are encountered in nature, and are used in several human endeavors, including in dental fillings. It is well known that the safety of metals depends on their chemical form, as well as the dose and route through which biological systems are exposed to them. Here, we used the Nauphoeta cinerea model to examine the mechanism by which salts of the heavy metals used in dental fillings - silver and mercury - exert their neurotoxicity. Nymphs exposed to heavy metals presented with reduced motor and exploratory abilities as they spent more time immobile, especially in the periphery of a novel object, and covered less distance compared with control nymphs. Exposure to AgNO3 and HgCl2 also exacerbated levels of oxidative stress markers (MDA & ROS) and the neurotransmitter regulators - AChE and MAO, while reducing antioxidant activity markers, both in biochemical (thiol & GST) and RT-qPCR (TRX, GST, SOD, Catalase) examinations, in neural tissues of the cockroach. The observed disruptions in neurolocomotor control, synaptic transmission and redox balance explain how heavy metal salts may predispose organisms to neurological disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On the 26 th January 2023, a free to attend, \'improving in vivo snake venom research: a community discussion\' meeting was held virtually. This webinar brought together researchers from around the world to discuss current neutralisation of venom lethality mouse assays that are used globally to assess the efficacy of therapies for snakebite envenoming. The assay\'s strengths and weaknesses were highlighted, and we discussed what improvements could be made to refine and reduce animal testing, whilst supporting preclinical antivenom and drug discovery for snakebite envenoming. This report summarises the issues highlighted, the discussions held, with additional commentary on key perspectives provided by the authors.





