
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) is reviewing World Health Organization (WHO) manuals, guidelines and recommendations for vaccines and biotherapeutics to identify the extent to which animal-based testing methods are described. The aim is to recommend where updates to these documents can lead to an increased and more harmonised adoption of 3Rs principles (i.e. Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal tests) in the quality control and batch release testing requirements for vaccines and biotherapeutics. Improved adoption of 3Rs principles and non-animal testing strategies will help to reduce the delays and costs associated with product release testing. Developing recommendations that are widely applicable by both the manufacturers and national regulatory authorities for vaccines and biological therapeutics globally requires a detailed understanding of how different organisations view the opportunities and barriers to better integration of the 3Rs. To facilitate this, we developed and distributed a survey aimed at individuals who work for national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and/or national control laboratories (NCLs). In this paper, we present the key findings from this survey and how these will help inform the recommendations for wider integration of 3Rs approaches by WHO in their guidance documents applicable to the quality control and batch release testing of vaccines and biotherapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals are used for scientific purposes across Africa to benefit humans, animals or the environment. Nonetheless, ethical and regulatory oversight remains limited in many parts of the continent. To strengthen this governance framework, the Pan-African Network for Laboratory Animal Science and Ethics brought together experts from 12 African countries to create an Africa-centric practical guide to facilitate the establishment and appropriate functioning of Institutional Animal Ethics Committees across Africa. The Guidelines are based on universal principles for the care and use of sentient animals for scientific purposes, with consideration of the cultural, religious, political and socio-economic diversity in Africa. They focus on 11 key elements, including responsibilities of institutions and of the Institutional Official; composition of the Committee; its responsibilities, functioning and authority; ethical application and review processes; oversight and monitoring of animal care and use and of training and competence; quality assurance; and the roles of other responsible parties. The intent is for African institutions to adopt and adapt the guidelines, aligning with existing national legislation and standards where relevant, thus ensuring incorporation into practice. More broadly, the Guidelines form an essential component of the growing discourse in Africa regarding moral considerations of, and appropriate standards for, the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. The increased establishment of appropriately functioning animal ethics committees and robust ethical review procedures across Africa will enhance research quality and culture, strengthen societal awareness of animals as sentient beings, improve animal well-being, bolster standards of animal care and use, and contribute to sustainable socio-economic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Descriptions of measures taken to optimize animal welfare are often absent from scientific reports of animal experiments. One reason may be that journal guidelines inadequately compel authors to provide such information. In this study, online English language versions of the \'Guidelines to authors\' (GTAs) from 54 national biomedical journals were examined for neutral (unrelated to welfare) and non-neutral keywords referring to: animal welfare; the \'3Rs\'; the ARRIVE (2010) guidelines, and regulations pertaining to animal experimentation. Journals were selected from nine countries (UK, US, China, Canada, India, Brazil, Germany, Japan and Australia) and seven biomedical specialties (oncology, rheumatology, surgery, pharmacology, medicine, anaesthesia and veterinary medicine). Total GTA word counts varied from 1137 to 31,609. The keyword count identified per category were expressed per myriad (10,000) of total word count. One-way analyses of variance followed by post hoc Tukey pairwise comparisons revealed greater non-neutral per myriad word counts for (a) veterinary GTAs compared with medicine, oncology, rheumatology or surgery; (b) British, compared with Australian, Canadian, German and Japanese GTAs; and (c) no differences between non-neutral categories. The English language versions of GTAs of British and veterinary medical journals contain more words associated with animal welfare, the 3Rs and the ARRIVE guidelines than those from eight other countries and six other medical specialities. The exclusion of \'national\' language versions from analysis precludes attempts to identify national differences in attitudes to laboratory animal welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal testing has long been integral to the development of biologicals, including vaccines. The use of animals can provide important information on potential toxicity, insights into their mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics and dynamics, physiologic distribution, and potency. However, the use of these same methods is often adopted into the post-licensure phase of the product life cycle for the monitoring of product qualities, such as potency or safety, as part of their routine batch release. The UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are collaborating on a project to review animal-based testing methods described in WHO manuals, guidelines and recommendations for biologicals to identify where updates can lead to a more harmonised adoption of 3Rs principles (i.e. Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement of animal tests) in batch release testing requirements. An international working group consisting of more than 30 representatives from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, national control laboratories and regulatory bodies is performing this review. This project aims to address concerns about inconsistencies in the guidance for the scientifically justified use of animal methods required for the post-licensure quality control and batch release testing of biologicals, and the near absence of recommendations for the application of 3Rs principles within the relevant guidelines. Improved adoption of 3Rs principles and non-animal testing strategies will help to reduce the delays and costs associated with product release testing and help support faster access to products by the global communities who need them most urgently.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most in vivo models of ischaemic stroke target the middle cerebral artery and a spectrum of stroke severities, from mild to substantial, can be achieved. This review describes opportunities to improve the in vivo modelling of ischaemic stroke and animal welfare. It provides a number of recommendations to minimise the level of severity in the most common rodent models of middle cerebral artery occlusion, while sustaining or improving the scientific outcomes. The recommendations cover basic requirements pre-surgery, selecting the most appropriate anaesthetic and analgesic regimen, as well as intraoperative and post-operative care. The aim is to provide support for researchers and animal care staff to refine their procedures and practices, and implement small incremental changes to improve the welfare of the animals used and to answer the scientific question under investigation. All recommendations are recapitulated in a summary poster (see supplementary information).







  • 文章类型: Guideline
    This paper is the result of an international initiative and is a first attempt to develop guidelines for the care and welfare of cephalopods (i.e. nautilus, cuttlefish, squid and octopus) following the inclusion of this Class of ∼700 known living invertebrate species in Directive 2010/63/EU. It aims to provide information for investigators, animal care committees, facility managers and animal care staff which will assist in improving both the care given to cephalopods, and the manner in which experimental procedures are carried out. Topics covered include: implications of the Directive for cephalopod research; project application requirements and the authorisation process; the application of the 3Rs principles; the need for harm-benefit assessment and severity classification. Guidelines and species-specific requirements are provided on: i. supply, capture and transport; ii. environmental characteristics and design of facilities (e.g. water quality control, lighting requirements, vibration/noise sensitivity); iii. accommodation and care (including tank design), animal handling, feeding and environmental enrichment; iv. assessment of health and welfare (e.g. monitoring biomarkers, physical and behavioural signs); v. approaches to severity assessment; vi. disease (causes, prevention and treatment); vii. scientific procedures, general anaesthesia and analgesia, methods of humane killing and confirmation of death. Sections covering risk assessment for operators and education and training requirements for carers, researchers and veterinarians are also included. Detailed aspects of care and welfare requirements for the main laboratory species currently used are summarised in Appendices. Knowledge gaps are highlighted to prompt research to enhance the evidence base for future revision of these guidelines.





