
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, an extensive review of the literature is provided examining the significance of tolerance to fungal diseases in wheat amidst the escalating global demand for wheat and threats from environmental shifts and pathogen movements. The current comprehensive reliance on agrochemicals for disease management poses risks to food safety and the environment, exacerbated by the emergence of fungicide resistance. While resistance traits in wheat can offer some protection, these traits do not guarantee the complete absence of losses during periods of vigorous or moderate disease development. Furthermore, the introduction of individual resistance genes into wheat monoculture exerts selection pressure on pathogen populations. These disadvantages can be addressed or at least mitigated with the cultivation of tolerant varieties of wheat. Research in this area has shown that certain wheat varieties, susceptible to severe infectious diseases, are still capable of achieving high yields. Through the analysis of the existing literature, this paper explores the manifestations and quantification of tolerance in wheat, discussing its implications for integrated disease management and breeding strategies. Additionally, this paper addresses the ecological and evolutionary aspects of tolerance in the pathogen-plant host system, emphasizing its potential to enhance wheat productivity and sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of food safety issues linked to wheat milled products have increased in the past decade. These incidents were mainly caused by the contamination of wheat-based products by enteric pathogens. This manuscript is the first of a two-part review on the status of the food safety of wheat-based products. This manuscript focused on reviewing the available information on the potential pre-harvest and post-harvest sources of microbial contamination, and potential foodborne pathogens present in wheat-based products. Potential pre-harvest sources of microbial contamination in wheat included animal activity, water, soil, and manure. Improper grain storage practices, pest activity, and improperly cleaned and sanitized equipment are potential sources of post-harvest microbial contamination for wheat-based foods. Raw wheat flour products and flour-based products are potentially contaminated with enteric pathogens such as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STECs), and Salmonella at low concentrations. Wheat grains and their derived products (i.e., flours) are potential vehicles for foodborne illness in humans due to the presence of enteric pathogens. A more holistic approach is needed for assuring the food safety of wheat-based products in the farm-to-table continuum. Future developments in the wheat supply chain should also be aimed at addressing this emerging food safety threat.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Climate change (CC) is a complex phenomenon that has the potential to significantly alter marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems worldwide. Global warming of 2°C is expected to be exceeded during the 21st century, and the frequency of extreme weather events, including floods, storms, droughts, extreme temperatures, and wildfires, has intensified globally over recent decades, differently affecting areas of the world. How CC may impact multiple food safety hazards is increasingly evident, with mycotoxin contamination in particular gaining in prominence. Research focusing on CC effects on mycotoxin contamination in edible crops has developed considerably throughout the years. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive literature search to collect available studies in the scientific literature published between 2000 and 2023. The selected papers highlighted how warmer temperatures are enabling the migration, introduction, and mounting abundance of thermophilic and thermotolerant fungal species, including those producing mycotoxins. Certain mycotoxigenic fungal species, such as Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium graminearum, are expected to readily acclimatize to new conditions and could become more aggressive pathogens. Furthermore, abiotic stress factors resulting from CC are expected to weaken the resistance of host crops, rendering them more vulnerable to fungal disease outbreaks. Changed interactions of mycotoxigenic fungi are likewise expected, with the effect of influencing the prevalence and co-occurrence of mycotoxins in the future. Looking ahead, future research should focus on improving predictive modeling, expanding research into different pathosystems, and facilitating the application of effective strategies to mitigate the impact of CC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The potential of hyperspectral imaging technology (HIT) for the determination of physicochemical and nutritional components, evaluation of fungal/mycotoxins contamination, wheat varieties classification, identification of non-mildew-damaged wheat kernels, as well as detection of flour adulteration is comprehensively illustrated and reviewed. The latest findings (2018-2023) of HIT in wheat quality evaluation through internal and external attributes are compared and summarized in detail. The limitations and challenges of HIT to improve assessment accuracy are clearly described. Additionally, various practical recommendations and strategies for the potential application of HIT are highlighted. The future trends and prospects of HIT in evaluating wheat quality are also mentioned. In conclusion, HIT stands as a cutting-edge technology with immense potential for revolutionizing wheat quality evaluation. As advancements in HIT continue, it will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of wheat quality assessment and contributing to a more sustainable and efficient food supply chain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With a shift towards plant-based diets for human and planetary health, monitoring the mineral content of staple crops is important to ensure population nutrient requirements can be met. This review aimed to explore changes in the iron content of unprocessed wheat and rice in Australia over time. A comprehensive systematic search of four electronic databases and the gray literature was conducted. A total of 25 papers published between 1930 and 2023 that measured the iron content of unprocessed wheat and rice were included. Triticum aestivum was the most common wheat type studied, including 26 cultivars; iron content ranged from 40 to 50 µg/g in the 1930s and 1970s and was more variable after this time due to the introduction of modern cultivars, with most values between 25 and 45 µg/g. The iron content of rice (Oryza sativa) was more consistent at 10-15 µg/g between the 1980s and 2020s. Variations over the years may be attributed to environmental, biological, and methodological factors but these were not well documented across all studies, limiting the interpretation of findings. As the number of individuals following plant-based diets continues to rise, the ongoing monitoring of the mineral content in commonly consumed plant-based foods is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using sourdough in breadmaking can enhance bread\'s shelf-life and flavor compared to exclusive baker\'s yeast use and is believed to increase its nutritional quality and healthiness. Previous research established insight into the microbial ecology of sourdough, but the link between leavening agent use, processing, and bread quality remains elusive. However, such knowledge is key for standardization, research on the health benefits, and the definition of sourdough bread. In this systematic scoping review, we analyzed 253 studies and identified large variations in the type and amount of leavening agent, fermentation conditions, and bread quality (specific loaf volume and acidification). The interrelation between these elements and their effect on the extent of fermentation is discussed, together with issues preventing proper comparison of breadmaking procedures. With this review, we want to contribute to the dialogue concerning the definition of sourdough-type bread products and the research into the health benefits attributed to them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At present there is heightened demand for beverages that functionally improve human well-being. Wheat and wheat derivatives are excellent sources of nutrients and bioactive phytochemicals including phenolic compounds, dietary fiber, gamma amino butyric acid, and amino acids. Generally, wheat flour has been used extensively in baking and confectionery production, and wheat germ, and bran are byproducts that can be used to fortify some foods. However, limited attention has been paid to the use of wheat and wheat derivatives for beverage production. Our study therefore aimed to fill this gap by comprehensively exploring various aspects of wheat beverages. This review scrutinizes the use of wheat and wheat derivatives in beverage preparation, including processing methods, sensory perception, and biological properties, and also sheds light on the challenges and future perspectives of the wheat beverage industry. Our study offers valuable insight into the use of wheat for the design of functional, nonalcoholic plant-based beverages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cereal production plays a major role in both animal and human diets throughout the world. However, cereal crops are vulnerable to attacks by fungal pathogens on the foliage, disrupting their biological cycle and photosynthesis, which can reduce yields by 15-20% or even 60%. Consumers are concerned about the excessive use of synthetic pesticides given their harmful effects on human health and the environment. As a result, the search for alternative solutions to protect crops has attracted the interest of scientists around the world. Among these solutions, biological control using beneficial microorganisms has taken on considerable importance, and several biological control agents (BCAs) have been studied, including species belonging to the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Streptomyces, Trichoderma, Cladosporium, and Epicoccum, most of which include plants of growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs). Bacillus has proved to be a broad-spectrum agent against these leaf cereal diseases. Interaction between plant and beneficial agents occurs as direct mycoparasitism or hyperparasitism by a mixed pathway via the secretion of lytic enzymes, growth enzymes, and antibiotics, or by an indirect interaction involving competition for nutrients or space and the induction of host resistance (systemic acquired resistance (SAR) or induced systemic resistance (ISR) pathway). We mainly demonstrate the role of BCAs in the defense against fungal diseases of cereal leaves. To enhance a solution-based crop protection approach, it is also important to understand the mechanism of action of BCAs/molecules/plants. Research in the field of preventing cereal diseases is still ongoing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agronomic biofortification of wheat grain with zinc can improve the condition of about one billion people suffering from zinc (Zn) deficiency. However, with the challenge of cultivating high-yielding wheat varieties in Zn-deficient soils and the global need to produce higher-quality food that nourishes the growing population, innovation in the strategies to deliver Zn directly to plants will come into play. Consequently, existing foliar formulations will need further refinement to maintain the high agronomic productivity required in competitive global grain markets while meeting the dietary Zn intake levels recommended for humans. A new generation of foliar fertilisers that increase the amount of Zn assimilated in wheat plants and the translocation efficiency of Zn from leaves to grains can be a promising solution. Research on the efficacy of adjuvants and emerging nano-transporters relative to conventional Zn forms applied as foliar fertilisers to wheat has expanded rapidly in recent years. This review scopes the range of evidence available in the literature regarding the biofortification of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) resulting from foliar applications of conventional Zn forms, Zn nanoparticles and novel Zn-foliar formulations. We examine the foliar application strategies and the attained final concentration of grain Zn. We propose a conceptual model for the response of grain Zn biofortification of wheat to foliar Zn application rates. This review discusses some physiological aspects of transportation of foliarly applied Zn that need further investigation. Finally, we explore the prospects of engineering foliar nano-formulations that could effectively overcome the physicochemical barrier to delivering Zn to wheat grains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unpredicted variability in climate change on the planet is associated with frequent extreme high-temperature events impacting crop yield globally. Wheat is an economically and nutritionally important crop that fulfils global food requirements and each degree rise in temperature results in ∼6% of its yield reduction. Thus, understanding the impact of climate change, especially the terminal heat stress on global wheat production, becomes critically important for policymakers, crop breeders, researchers and scientists to ensure global food security. This review describes how wheat perceives heat stress and induces stress adaptation events by its morpho-physiological, phenological, molecular, and biochemical makeup. Temperature above a threshold level in crop vicinity leads to irreversible injuries, viz. destruction of cellular membranes and enzymes, generation of active oxygen species, redox imbalance, etc. To cope with these changes, wheat activates its heat tolerance mechanisms characterized by hoarding up soluble carbohydrates, signalling molecules, and heat tolerance gene expressions. Being vulnerable to heat stress, increasing wheat production without delay seeks strategies to mitigate the detrimental effects and provoke the methods for its sustainable development. Thus, to ensure the crop\'s resilience to stress and increasing food demand, this article circumscribes the integrated management approaches to enhance wheat\'s performance and adaptive capacity besides its alleviating risks of increasing temperature anticipated with climate change. Implementing these integrated strategies in the face of risks from rising temperatures will assist us in producing sustainable wheat with improved yield.





