
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In wheat, meta-QTLs (MQTLs) and candidate genes (CGs) were identified for multiple disease resistance (MDR). For this purpose, information was collected from 58 studies for mapping QTLs for resistance to one or more of the five diseases. As many as 493 QTLs were available from these studies, which were distributed in five diseases as follows: septoria tritici blotch (STB) 126 QTLs; septoria nodorum blotch (SNB), 103 QTLs; fusarium head blight (FHB), 184 QTLs; karnal bunt (KB), 66 QTLs; and loose smut (LS), 14 QTLs. Of these 493 QTLs, only 291 QTLs could be projected onto a consensus genetic map, giving 63 MQTLs. The CI of the MQTLs ranged from 0.04 to 15.31 cM with an average of 3.09 cM per MQTL. This is a ~ 4.39 fold reduction from the CI of QTLs, which ranged from 0 to 197.6 cM, with a mean of 13.57 cM. Of 63 MQTLs, 60 were anchored to the reference physical map of wheat (the physical interval of these MQTLs ranged from 0.30 to 726.01 Mb with an average of 74.09 Mb). Thirty-eight (38) of these MQTLs were verified using marker-trait associations (MTAs) derived from genome-wide association studies. As many as 874 CGs were also identified which were further investigated for differential expression using data from five transcriptome studies, resulting in 194 differentially expressed candidate genes (DECGs). Among the DECGs, 85 genes had functions previously reported to be associated with disease resistance. These results should prove useful for fine mapping and cloning of MDR genes and marker-assisted breeding.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11032-022-01282-z.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A meta-analysis of QTLs associated with grain protein content (GPC) was conducted in hexaploid and tetraploid wheat to identify robust and stable meta-QTLs (MQTLs). For this purpose, as many as 459 GPC-related QTLs retrieved from 48 linkage-based QTL mapping studies were projected onto the newly developed wheat consensus map. The analysis resulted in the prediction of 57 MQTLs and 7 QTL hotspots located on all wheat chromosomes (except chromosomes 1D and 4D) and the average confidence interval reduced 2.71-fold in the MQTLs and QTL hotspots compared to the initial QTLs. The physical regions occupied by the MQTLs ranged from 140 bp to 224.02 Mb with an average of 15.2 Mb, whereas the physical regions occupied by QTL hotspots ranged from 1.81 Mb to 36.03 Mb with a mean of 8.82 Mb. Nineteen MQTLs and two QTL hotspots were also found to be co-localized with 45 significant SNPs identified in 16 previously published genome-wide association studies in wheat. Candidate gene (CG) investigation within some selected MQTLs led to the identification of 705 gene models which also included 96 high-confidence CGs showing significant expressions in different grain-related tissues and having probable roles in GPC regulation. These significantly expressed CGs mainly involved the genes/gene families encoding for the following proteins: aminotransferases, early nodulin 93, glutamine synthetases, invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitors, protein BIG GRAIN 1-like, cytochrome P450, glycosyl transferases, hexokinases, small GTPases, UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferases, and EamA, SANT/Myb, GNAT, thioredoxin, phytocyanin, and homeobox domains containing proteins. Further, eight genes including GPC-B1, Glu-B1-1b, Glu-1By9, TaBiP1, GSr, TaNAC019-A, TaNAC019-D, and bZIP-TF SPA already known to be associated with GPC were also detected within some of the MQTL regions confirming the efficacy of MQTLs predicted during the current study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most prevalent type of variation in genomes that are increasingly being used as molecular markers in diversity analyses, mapping and cloning of genes, and germplasm characterization. However, only a few studies reported large-scale SNP discovery in Aegilops tauschii, restricting their potential use as markers for the low-polymorphic D genome. Here, we report 68,592 SNPs found on the gene-related sequences of the 5D chromosome of Ae. tauschii genotype MvGB589 using genomic and transcriptomic sequences from seven Ae. tauschii accessions, including AL8/78, the only genotype for which a draft genome sequence is available at present. We also suggest a workflow to compare SNP positions in homologous regions on the 5D chromosome of Triticum aestivum, bread wheat, to mark single nucleotide variations between these closely related species. Overall, the identified SNPs define a density of 4.49 SNPs per kilobyte, among the highest reported for the genic regions of Ae. tauschii so far. To our knowledge, this study also presents the first chromosome-specific SNP catalog in Ae. tauschii that should facilitate the association of these SNPs with morphological traits on chromosome 5D to be ultimately targeted for wheat improvement.





