
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Septoria tritici blotch (STB) disease causes yield losses of up to 50 per cent in susceptible wheat cultivars and can reduce wheat production. In this study, genomic architecture for adult-plant STB resistance in a Septoria Association Mapping Panel (SAMP) having 181 accessions and genomic regions governing STB resistance in a South Asian wheat panel were looked for.
    RESULTS: Field experiments during the period from 2019 to 2021 revealed those certain accessions, namely BGD52 (CHIR7/ANB//CHIR1), BGD54 (CHIR7/ANB//CHIR1), IND92 (WH 1218), IND8 (DBW 168), and IND75 (PBW 800), exhibited a high level of resistance. Genetic analysis revealed the presence of 21 stable quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) associated with resistance to STB (Septoria tritici blotch) on all wheat chromosomes, except for 2D, 3A, 3D, 4A, 4D, 5D, 6B, 6D, and 7A. These QTNs were predominantly located in chromosome regions previously identified as associated with STB resistance. Three Quantitative Trait Loci (QTNs) were found to have significant phenotypic effects in field evaluations. These QTNs are Q.STB.5A.1, Q.STB.5B.1, and Q.STB.5B.3. Furthermore, it is possible that the QTNs located on chromosomes 1A (Q.STB.1A.1), 2A (Q.STB_DH.2A.1, Q.STB.2A.3), 2B (Q.STB.2B.4), 5A (Q.STB.5A.1, Q.STB.5A.2), and 7B (Q.STB.7B.2) could potentially be new genetic regions associated with resistance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the importance of Asian bread wheat as a source of STB resistance alleles and novel stable QTNs for wheat breeding programs aiming to develop long-lasting and wide-ranging resistance to Zymoseptoria tritici in wheat cultivars.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We review the undertaking of a field trial of low asparagine wheat lines in which the asparagine synthetase gene, TaASN2, has been knocked out using CRISPR/Cas9. The field trial was undertaken in 2021-2022 and represented the first field release of genome edited wheat in Europe. The year of the field trial and the period since have seen rapid changes in the regulations covering both the field release and commercialisation of genome edited crops in the UK. These historic developments are reviewed in detail. Free asparagine is the precursor for acrylamide formation during high-temperature cooking and processing of grains, tubers, storage roots, beans and other crop products. Consequently, work on reducing the free asparagine concentration of wheat and other cereal grains, as well as the tubers, beans and storage roots of other crops, is driven by the need for food businesses to comply with current and potential future regulations on acrylamide content of foods. The topic illustrates how strategic and applied crop research is driven by regulations and also needs a supportive regulatory environment in which to thrive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term genetic studies of wild populations are very scarce, but are essential for connecting ecological and population genetics models, and for understanding the dynamics of biodiversity. We present a study of a wild wheat population sampled over a 36-year period at high spatial resolution. We genotyped 832 individuals from regular sampling along transects during the course of the experiment. Genotypes were clustered into ecological microhabitats over scales of tens of metres, and this clustering was remarkably stable over the 36 generations of the study. Simulations show that it is difficult to determine whether this spatial and temporal stability reflects extremely limited dispersal or fine-scale local adaptation to ecological parameters. Using a common-garden experiment, we showed that the genotypes found in distinct microhabitats differ phenotypically. Our results provide a rare insight into the population genetics of a natural population over a long monitoring period.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat productivity is constrained by genetic, agronomic, and climate factors, though it is an important crop for food production worldwide. The present study evaluated the effect of bio-fertilizer consortia and seaweed extracts on the growth and yield of two wheat varieties under different irrigation regimes in a field study. This experiment was conducted in a split-split plot based on a randomized complete block design with four replications in 2018 and 2019. Irrigation treatments were the main factor, wheat variety (Sardari and Sirvan) the sub-factor, and bio-fertilizers the sub-sub-factors. The results showed that irrigation regimes significantly improved leaf width, number of leaves, fresh weight of roots and shoots, osmotic potential, leaf water content, and number of stomata respectively by 57.53, 38.59, 106.65, 135.29, 87.92, 14.22 and 13.77, 88.02 and 96.11 percent compared to dry-land conditions. Applying one- and two-times irrigation increased grain yield by 51% and 79%, respectively, and the response varied in wheat varieties. Sardari variety due to having smaller leaf dimensions (Leaf length and width) and lower fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots, as well as lower leaf and tissue water content, had lower grain yield than the Sirvan variety. All the bio-fertilizers positively impacted the growth and yield of both varieties. However, the highest average grain yield in the first and second years of the experiment (with an average of 5226.25 and 4923.33 kg/ha, respectively) were found under the combined application of Mycorrhiza + Nitrozist and Phosphozist + Seaweed extract. The results of the present study underscore the importance of irrigation regimes and consortia of bio-fertilizers for improving grain yield. This study also highlighted the resilience of the studied wheat varieties and bio-fertilizers to projected climate changes. These findings could provide insights into adaptive strategies for mitigating the impact of climate change on wheat production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: JUB1, a NAC domain containing hydrogen peroxide-induced transcription factor, plays a critical role in plant immunity. Little is known about how JUB1 responds to leaf rust disease in wheat. Recent discoveries in genomics have also unveiled a multitude of sORFs often assumed to be non-functional, to argue for the necessity of including them as potential regulatory players of translation. However, whether methylation on sORFs spanning the 3\'UTR of regulatory genes like JUB1 modulate gene expression, remains unclear.
    RESULTS: In this study, we identified the methylation states of two sORFs in 3\'UTR of a homologous gene of JUB1 in wheat, TaJUB1-L, at cytosine residues in CpG, CHH and CHG sites at different time points of disease progression in two near-isogenic lines of wheat (HD2329), with and without Lr24 gene during leaf rust pathogenesis. Here, we report a significant demethylation of the CpG dinucleotides occurring in the sORFs of the 3\'UTR in the resistant isolines after 24 h post-infection. Also, the up-regulated gene expression observed through RT-qPCR was directly proportional to the demethylation of the CpG sites in the sORFs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that TaJUB1-L might be a positive regulator in providing tolerance during leaf rust pathogenesis and cytosine methylation at 3\'UTR might act as a switch for its expression control. These results enrich the potential benefit of conventional methylation assay techniques for unraveling the unexplored enigma in epigenetics during plant-pathogen interaction in a cost-effective and confidentially conclusive manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canopy height serves as an important dynamic indicator of crop growth in the decision-making process of field management. Compared with other commonly used canopy height measurement techniques, ultrasonic sensors are inexpensive and can be exposed in fields for long periods of time to obtain easy-to-process data. However, the acoustic wave characteristics and crop canopy structure affect the measurement accuracy. To improve the ultrasonic sensor measurement accuracy, a four-year (2018-2021) field experiment was conducted on maize and wheat, and a measurement platform was developed. A series of single-factor experiments were conducted to investigate the significant factors affecting measurements, including the observation angle (0-60°), observation height (0.5-2.5 m), observation period (8:00-18:00), platform moving speed with respect to the crop (0-2.0 m min-1), planting density (0.2-1 time of standard planting density), and growth stage (maize from three-leaf to harvest period and wheat from regreening to maturity period). The results indicated that both the observation angle and planting density significantly affected the results of ultrasonic measurements (p-value< 0.05), whereas the effects of other factors on measurement accuracy were negligible (p-value > 0.05). Moreover, a double-input factor calibration model was constructed to assess canopy height under different years by utilizing the normalized difference vegetation index and ultrasonic measurements. The model was developed by employing the least-squares method, and ultrasonic measurement accuracy was significantly improved when integrating the measured value of canopy heights and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The maize measurement accuracy had a root mean squared error (RMSE) ranging from 81.4 mm to 93.6 mm, while the wheat measurement accuracy had an RMSE from 37.1 mm to 47.2 mm. The research results effectively combine stable and low-cost commercial sensors with ground-based agricultural machinery platforms, enabling efficient and non-destructive acquisition of crop height information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial inoculation is an important strategy to reduce the supply of heavy metals (HMs) in soil-crop systems. However, the mechanisms of microbial inoculation for the availability of HMs in soil and their accumulation/transfer in crops remain unclear. Here, the inhibitory effect of inoculation with Bacillus thuringiensis on the migration and accumulation of Pb/Cd in the soil-wheat system during the whole growth period was investigated by pot experiments. The results showed that inoculation with Bacillus thuringiensis increased soil pH and available nutrients (including carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus), and enhanced the activities of nutrient-acquiring enzymes. Dominance analysis showed that dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the key factor affecting the availability of HMs. The content of colored spectral clusters and humification characteristics of DOM were significantly improved by inoculation, which is conducive to reducing the availability of Pb/Cd, especially during the flowering stage, the decrease was 12.8 %. Inoculation decreased Pb/Cd accumulation in the shoot and the transfer from root to shoot, with the greatest decreases at the jointing and seedling stages (27.0-34.1 % and 6.9-11.8 %), respectively. At the maturity stage, inoculation reduced the Pb/Cd accumulation in grain (12.9-14.7 %) and human health risk (4.1-13.2 %). The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed that the availability of Pb/Cd was positively correlated with the humification of DOM. Least square path model analysis showed that Bacillus thuringiensis could significantly reduce Pb/Cd accumulation in the grain and human health risks by regulating DOM spectral characteristics, the availability of HMs in soil and metals accumulation/transport in wheat at different growth stages. This study revealed the inhibition mechanism of Bacillus thuringiensis on migration of Pb/Cd in a soil-wheat system from a viewpoint of a full life cycle, which offers a valuable reference for the in-situ remediation of HM-contaminated soil and the safe production of food crops in field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the face of evolving agricultural practices and climate change, tools towards an integrated biovigilance platform to combat crop diseases, spore sampling, DNA diagnostics and predictive trajectory modelling were optimized. These tools revealed microbial dynamics and were validated by monitoring cereal rust fungal pathogens affecting wheat, oats, barley and rye across four growing seasons (2015-2018) in British Columbia and during the 2018 season in southern Alberta. ITS2 metabarcoding revealed disparity in aeromycobiota diversity and compositional structure across the Canadian Rocky Mountains, suggesting a barrier effect on air flow and pathogen dispersal. A novel bioinformatics classifier and curated cereal rust fungal ITS2 database, corroborated by real-time PCR, enhanced the precision of cereal rust fungal species identification. Random Forest modelling identified crop and land-use diversification as well as atmospheric pressure and moisture as key factors in rust distribution. As a valuable addition to explain observed differences and patterns in rust fungus distribution, trajectory HYSPLIT modelling tracked rust fungal urediniospores\' northeastward dispersal from the Pacific Northwest towards southern British Columbia and Alberta, indicating multiple potential origins. Our Canadian case study exemplifies the power of an advanced biovigilance toolbox towards developing an early-warning system for farmers to detect and mitigate impending disease outbreaks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to obtain systematic understanding of the way by which pesticides are metabolized in plants and the influence of this process on plants\' metabolism as this process has a key impact on plant-based food safety and quality. The research was conducted under field conditions, which enabled to capture metabolic processes taking place in plants grown under multihectare cultivation conditions.
    RESULTS: Research was conducted on three wheat varieties cultivated under field conditions and treated by commercially available preparations (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and growth regulator). Plant tissues with distinctions in roots, green parts, and ears were collected periodically during spring-summer vegetation period, harvested grains were also investigated. Sample extracts were examined by chromatographic techniques coupled with tandem mass spectrometry for: dissipation kinetics study, identification of pesticide metabolites, and fingerprint-based assessment of metabolic changes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tissue type and wheat varieties influenced pesticide dissipation kinetics and resulting metabolites. Metabolic changes of plants were influenced by type of applied pesticide and its concentration in plants tissues. Despite differences in plant metabolic response to pesticide stress during cultivation, grain metabolomes of all investigated wheat varieties were statistically similar. 4-[cyclopropyl(hydroxy)methylidene]-3,5-dioxocyclo-hexanecarboxylic acid and trans-chrysantemic acid - metabolites of crop-applied trinexapac-ethyl and lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively, were identified in cereal grains. These compounds were not considered to be present in cereal grains up to now. The research was conducted under field conditions, enabling the measurement of metabolic processes taking place in plants grown under large-scale management conditions. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated muti-mycotoxins in 199 samples including processed infant foods and raw materials collected randomly from an infant food company and assessed their role in dietary exposure in infants and young children via probabilistic risk assessment. Approximately 79.6 % (74/93) of the processed infant foods and 65.1 % (69/106) of the raw materials were contaminated by mycotoxins, with a mean occurrence level of 3.66-321.8 µg/kg. Deoxynivalenol (DON) and tenuazonic acid (TeA) were the more prevalent mycotoxins detected, based on their higher frequencies and levels across samples. Co-occurrence of more than two mycotoxins was detected in 61.3 % (57/93) of the processed infant foods and 53.8 % (57/106) of the raw materials. Wheat flour and derived products (e.g., infant noodles and infant biscuits) were contaminated with higher contamination levels and a greater variety of mycotoxins than other samples (e.g., infant cereal and rice grains). The estimated daily exposure to OTA, DON, ZEN, and TEN was lower than the corresponding reference health-based guidance values, indicating acceptable health risks. However, the estimated dietary exposure to alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), alternariol (AOH), and tenuazonic acid (TeA) exceeded the corresponding thresholds of toxicological concern values, indicating potential dietary intake risks. Among the various samples, cereals and cereal-based infant foods emerged as the primary contributors to mycotoxin exposure. Further research is advised to address the uncertainties surrounding the toxicity associated with emerging Alternaria mycotoxins and to conduct cumulative risk assessments concerning multiple mycotoxin exposure in infants and young children.





