
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat, a highly versatile staple crop cultivated extensively for its grains on a global scale, is poised to experience increased demand to sustain the burgeoning population, owing to its superior nutritional potential. Modern wheat, a hexaploid species, has evolved through the introgression of numerous preceding ploidies, including Einkorn, Emmer, Aegilops, and others, each possessing distinct qualitative and quantitative traits. Scientometric and topical analyses serve as effective tools to quantitatively evaluate scientific research by measuring the knowledge expressed in scientific publications and keywords. Thus, comprehending the research status regarding wheat domestication events within primary, secondary, and tertiary gene pools is paramount for enhancing wheat production. In this study, we analyze data retrieved from PubMed to elucidate the research status and identify bottlenecks across different ploidy of genomic pools of wheat. The publication trends on wheat have experienced exponential growth over the past three decades, with China emerging as a leading center for publications. In contrast to the publication frequency observed in hexaploid common wheat, scholarly output concerning Einkorn and Aegilops is approximately tenfold lesser, with emmer trailing behind at three times fewer publications. This discrepancy underscores the prioritization of expedited research initiatives targeting these species, aimed at elucidating latent biological characteristics and optimizing their breeding capabilities. Keywords such as \"stress,\" \"GWAS,\" and \"gene\" are prominent, reflecting the challenges posed by climatic factors on wheat production and their mitigation through molecular breeding and gene manipulation. Notably, the keyword \"einkorn\" highlights its potential as a donor for fine-tuning traits related to wheat adaptation processes and quality, crucial for modern wheat\'s survivability under adverse climates. Conversely, higher publication rates on emmer are primarily associated with Italy, possibly due to its favorable Mediterranean climate for tetraploid wheat. Keywords like \"Pasta\" and \"Ochratoxin, DON\" are prevalent, with the former being derived from durum wheat and the latter being reported in higher amounts in durum compared to other wheat species, rendering it less suitable for consumption. Enriched keywords such as \"genome\" and \"resistance\" underscore the critical characteristics of Aegilops. Other significant keywords like \"Aceria tosichella\" possibly indicate multiple stages of resistance conferred by Aegilops, while the presence of the grain softness protein \"puroindoline\" enhances its acceptability for donation by Aegilops. Spelt, a close relative of common wheat, exhibits a research trend with thousands of annual publications and enriched keywords such as \"stress\" and \"yield\" reflect the current scientific emphasis on wheat research. Furthermore, hierarchical keywords like \"bio-control\" and \"celiac disease\" merit consideration for future research on hexaploid wheat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We review the undertaking of a field trial of low asparagine wheat lines in which the asparagine synthetase gene, TaASN2, has been knocked out using CRISPR/Cas9. The field trial was undertaken in 2021-2022 and represented the first field release of genome edited wheat in Europe. The year of the field trial and the period since have seen rapid changes in the regulations covering both the field release and commercialisation of genome edited crops in the UK. These historic developments are reviewed in detail. Free asparagine is the precursor for acrylamide formation during high-temperature cooking and processing of grains, tubers, storage roots, beans and other crop products. Consequently, work on reducing the free asparagine concentration of wheat and other cereal grains, as well as the tubers, beans and storage roots of other crops, is driven by the need for food businesses to comply with current and potential future regulations on acrylamide content of foods. The topic illustrates how strategic and applied crop research is driven by regulations and also needs a supportive regulatory environment in which to thrive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Gluten quality is one of the most important traits of the common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In Chinese wheat production, Yannong series cultivars/derivative lines possess unique characteristics and play an important role in both yield and quality contribution.
    UNASSIGNED: To dissect their genetic basis of the gluten quality, in this study, allelic variations of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) in 30 Yannong series wheat cultivars/derivative lines and three check cultivars were evaluated using the allele-specific molecular markers, and six crucial quality indexes were also further measured and analyzed.
    UNASSIGNED: The results demonstrated that the frequencies of HMW-GSs By8, Dx5+Dy10 and Dx5+Dy10+Dy12 in these 30 genotypes and three check cultivars accounted for 87.9%, 24.2% and 9.1%, respectively. For the allelic variations of LMW-GSs, Glu-A3a, Glu-A3b, Glu-A3c, Glu-A3f, and Glu-A3g were identified in 18, 9, 13, 11, and 2 genotypes, respectively; Glu-B3d, Glu-B3g and Glu-B3f were identified in 13, 23 and 4 genotypes, respectively. Notably, Yannong 999, containing By8 + Dx5 + Dy10, and Jinan 17 containing By8 + Dy12 both meet the national standard for high-quality wheat and belong to the category of first-class high-quality strong gluten wheat.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings can provide reference for wheat quality improvement and popularization in the production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Wheat awns are crucial determinants of wheat yield due to their capacity to photosynthesize and exchange gas. Understanding the genetic basis of awn length (AL) is essential for improving wheat yield in molecular breeding programs.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of AL were analyzed using recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population referred to as YY-RILs, which was derived from a cross between Yannong 15 (YN15) and Yannong 1212 (YN1212).
    UNASSIGNED: Seven putative additive QTLs and 30 pairwise epistatic QTLs for AL were identified. Among them, five novel additive QTLs (except qAl-2A and qAl-5A.2) and 30 novel pairwise epistatic QTLs were identified. qAl-5A.1 was repeatedly identified in all five environment datasets, which was considered to be one novel stable QTL for AL with minor additive effects. eqAl-2B.2-2 significantly interacted with eight loci and could be of great importance in regulating awn development. The genes associated with the major stable QTL of qAl-5A.2 and the minor stable QTL of qAl-2A were B1 and WFZP-A, respectively. Awn lengths exhibited significant genetic correlations with kernel weight and kernels per spike, which could affect grain protein content to a lesser extent. This study enhances our understanding of the genetic basis of awn development and identifies novel genes as well as markers for future genetic improvement of wheat yield.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bread wheat (T. aestivum) is one of the world\'s most widely consumed cereals. Since micronutrient deficiencies are becoming more common among people who primarily depend upon cereal-based diets, a need for better-quality wheat varieties has been felt. An association panel of 154 T. aestivum lines was evaluated for the following quality traits: grain appearance (GA) score, grain hardness (GH), phenol reaction (PR) score, protein percent, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation value, and test weight (TWt). In addition, the panel was also phenotyped for grain yield and related traits such as days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, and thousand kernel weight for the year 2017-18 at the Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA) Ludhiana and Jabalpur sites. We performed a genome-wide association analysis on this panel using 18,351 genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) markers to find marker-trait associations for quality and grain yield-related traits. We detected 55 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker trait associations (MTAs) for quality-related traits on chromosomes 7B (10), 1A (9), 2A (8), 3B (6), 2B (5), 7A (4), and 1B (3), with 3A, 4A, and 6D, having two and the rest, 4B, 5A, 5B, and 1D, having one each. Additionally, 20 SNP MTAs were detected for yield-related traits based on a field experiment conducted in Ludhiana on 7D (4) and 4D (3) chromosomes, while 44 SNP MTAs were reported for Jabalpur on chromosomes 2D (6), 7A (5), 2A (4), and 4A (4). Utilizing these loci in marker-assisted selection will benefit from further validation studies for these loci to improve hexaploid wheat for better yield and grain quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat is an important staple crop not only in Pakistan but all over the globe. Although the area dedicated to wheat cultivation expands annually, the quantity of wheat harvested is declining due to various biotic and abiotic factors. Global wheat production and output have suffered as a result of the drought, which is largely driven by a lack of water and environmental factors. Organic fertilizers have been shown to reduce the severity of drought. The current research was conducted in semi-arid climates to mitigate the negative effects of drought on wheat during its critical tillering (DTS), flowering (DFS), and grain filling (DGFS) stages through the application of three different abscisic acid treatments: ABA0 (0 mgL-1) control, ABA1 (100 mgL-1) and ABA2 (200 mgL-1). Wheat growth and yield characteristics were severely harmed by drought stress across all critical development stages, with the DGFS stage being particularly vulnerable and leading to a considerable loss in yield. Plant height was increased by 24.25%, the number of fertile tillers by 25.66%, spike length by 17.24%, the number of spikelets per spike by 16.68%, grain count per spike by 11.98%, thousand-grain weight by 14.34%, grain yield by 26.93% and biological yield by 14.55% when abscisic acid (ABA) was applied instead of the control treatment. Moreover, ABA2 increased the more physiological indices (water use efficiency (36.12%), stomatal conductance (44.23%), chlorophyll a (24.5%), chlorophyll b (29.8%), transpiration rate (23.03%), photosynthetic rate (24.84%), electrolyte leakage (- 38.76%) hydrogen peroxide (- 18.09%) superoxide dismutase (15.3%), catalase (20.8%), peroxidase (- 18.09%), and malondialdehyde (- 13.7%)) of drought-stressed wheat as compared to other treatments. In the case of N, P, and K contents in grain were maximally improved with the application of ABA2. Through the use of principal component analysis, we were able to correlate our results across scales and provide an explanation for the observed effects of ABA on wheat growth and production under arid conditions. Overall, ABA application at a rate of 200 mgL-1 is an effective technique to boost wheat grain output by mitigating the negative effects of drought stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat stress poses a significant environmental challenge that profoundly impacts wheat productivity. It disrupts vital physiological processes such as photosynthesis, by impeding the functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus and compromising plasma membrane stability, thereby detrimentally affecting grain development in wheat. The scarcity of identified marker trait associations pertinent to thermotolerance presents a formidable obstacle in the development of marker-assisted selection strategies against heat stress. To address this, wheat accessions were systematically exposed to both normal and heat stress conditions and phenotypic data were collected on physiological traits including proline content, canopy temperature depression, cell membrane injury, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate (at vegetative and reproductive stage and \'stay-green\'. Principal component analysis elucidated the most significant contributors being proline content, transpiration rate, and canopy temperature depression, which exhibited a synergistic relationship with grain yield. Remarkably, cluster analysis delineated the wheat accessions into four discrete groups based on physiological attributes. Moreover, to explore the relationship between physiological traits and DNA markers, 158 wheat accessions were genotyped with 186 SSRs. Allelic frequency and polymorphic information content value were found to be highest on genome A (4.94 and 0.688), chromosome 1A (5.00 and 0.712), and marker Xgwm44 (13.0 and 0.916). Population structure, principal coordinate analysis and cluster analysis also partitioned the wheat accessions into four subpopulations based on genotypic data, highlighting their genetic homogeneity. Population diversity and presence of linkage disequilibrium established the suitability of population for association mapping. Additionally, linkage disequilibrium decay was most pronounced within a 15-20 cM region on chromosome 1A. Association mapping revealed highly significant marker trait associations at Bonferroni correction P < 0.00027. Markers Xwmc418 (located on chromosome 3D) and Xgwm233 (chromosome 7A) demonstrated associations with transpiration rate, while marker Xgwm494 (chromosome 3A) exhibited an association with photosynthetic rates at both vegetative and reproductive stages under heat stress conditions. Additionally, markers Xwmc201 (chromosome 6A) and Xcfa2129 (chromosome 1A) displayed robust associations with canopy temperature depression, while markers Xbarc163 (chromosome 4B) and Xbarc49 (chromosome 5A) were strongly associated with cell membrane injury at both stages. Notably, marker Xbarc49 (chromosome 5A) exhibited a significant association with the \'stay-green\' trait under heat stress conditions. These results offers the potential utility in marker-assisted selection, gene pyramiding and genomic selection models to predict performance of wheat accession under heat stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The wild species Thinopyrum intermedium (genome JJJSJSStSt) serves as a valuable germplasm resource providing novel diseases resistance and agronomically important genes for wheat improvement. Two wheat-Th. intermedium partial amphiploids, TAI7045 (2n = 56) and 78784 (2n = 56), exhibit high resistance to stripe rust and powdery mildew, and their chromosome constitutions have been characterized. With the aim to transfer novel resistance genes from Th. intermedium, the crosses of common wheat line MY11 with TAI7045 and 78784 were produced, and their individual F2-F5 progenies were characterized using sequential non-denaturing fluorescence in situ hybridization (ND-FISH) and molecular markers. We identified a set of wheat-Th. intermedium addition lines, involving the chromosomes 1St-JS, 2St, 2St-JS, 3St, 4J, 4St, 5St, 5J.St, 6JS.J, and 7JS. Above all, the stable wheat-Th. intermedium small segmental translocation lines with chromosomes 4DS.4DL-4StL-4DL-4JL and 4DS.4DL-4StL-4DL were selected. Combining data from specific marker amplification and resistance evaluation, we mapped the gene(s) for resistance to powdery mildew and stripe rust in the 233.56-329.88 Mb region of the long arm of the 4St chromosome from the reference Th. intermedium genome. The new wheat-Th. intermedium introgressions will be used as novel germplasm for breeding purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most chemical pesticides, in addition to their main functions (protection against diseases, weeds, and pests), also have a noticeable inhibitory effect on target crops. In a laboratory experiment and two-year field experiments (Russia, Trans-Urals), a study was made of the effect of the biopreparation Azolen® (Azotobacter vinelandii IB-4) on plants of the Ekada 113 wheat variety under conditions of drought and stress caused by the exposure to the herbicide Chistalan (2.4-D and dicamba). The biopreparation and the herbicide were used separately and together on wheat during the tillering phase. Treatment with the biological preparation under stressful conditions had a significant effect on the hormonal balance of plants (a decrease in the amount of abscisic acid and a normalization of the balance of indolyl-3-acetic acid and cytokinins in shoots and roots of plants was noted), while the osmoprotective, antioxidant, and photosynthetic systems of plants were activated. In drought conditions, the treatment of plants with biological preparation prevented the inhibition of root growth caused by the use of the herbicide. This, in turn, improved the absorption of water by plants and ensured an increase in wheat yield (1.6 times). The results obtained give reason to believe that microbiological preparations can be used as antidotes that weaken the phytotoxic effect of herbicidal treatments, including in drought conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), is a devastating fungal disease that affects wheat globally. The planting of resistant cultivars is the most cost-effective strategy for controlling this disease. The Huanghuai region, as a major wheat-growing area, plays a crucial role in the spread and prevalence of wheat stem rust in China. In this study, 64 wheat accessions from this region were tested at the adult stage against two major Pgt races, 34MKGQM and 21C3CTHQM. DNA markers associated with the known resistance genes Sr31, Sr24, Sr25, Sr26, and Sr38 were measured to determine their presence in the tested accessions. In the 2023 field tests, 5 (7.8%) accessions were immune to 21C3CTHQM and 34MKGQM, while 35 (54.7%) and 39 (60.9%) were moderately resistant and resistant, respectively. The remaining 20 (30.7%) accessions were moderately susceptible and susceptible. In the 2024 tests, 12 (18.8%) and 14 (21.9%) entries were immune to both races; 29 (45.3%) and 30 (46.9%) were moderately resistant and resistant, respectively. Only two cultivars, Xinong 816 and Yimai 211, were immune in both years, and three entries showed some degrees of resistance in both years. Seven cultivars, including Zhongzhimai 23, Longxing 1, Yunong 937, Huaguan 301, Wanke 800, Shaanhe 285, and Yunong 612, showed increased susceptibility. DNA markers showed that 30 entries carried Sr31, while 6 entries carried Sr38. Genes Sr24, Sr25, and Sr26, which confer good resistance to the globally prevalent cultivars TKTTF and TTTRF, were absent from the set of tested entries. While this study surveyed the resistance levels of a cross-section of wheat from the southern part of the Huanghuai region and confirmed the presence of two known resistance genes, the basis of immunity or high levels of resistance in several lines remains obscure.





