
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coatings with xenogenic materials, made of detonation nanodiamonds, provide additional strength and increase elasticity. A functionally developed surface of nanodiamonds makes it possible to apply antibiotics. Previous experiments show the stability of such coatings; however, studies on stability in the bloodstream and calcification of the material in natural conditions have yet to be conducted. Tritium-labeled nanodiamonds (negative and positive) were obtained by the tritium activation method and used to develop coatings for a pork aorta to analyze their stability in a pig\'s bloodstream using a radiotracer technique. A chitosan layer was applied from a solution of carbonic acid under high-pressure conditions to prevent calcification. The obtained materials were used to prepare a porcine conduit, which was surgically stitched inside the pig\'s aorta for four months. The aorta samples, including nanodiamond-coated and control samples, were analyzed for nanodiamond content and calcium, using the radiotracer and ICP-AES methods. A histological analysis of the materials was also performed. The obtained coatings illustrate a high in vivo stability and low levels of calcification for all types of nanodiamonds. Even though we did not use additional antibiotics in this case, the development of infection was not observed for negatively charged nanodiamonds, opening up prospects for their use in developing coatings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article presents research findings on the content of tritium in the snow cover of test locations \'Balapan\' and \'Sary-Uzen\' in the territory of the Semipalatinsk Test Site. Based upon results, a number of tritium-contaminated areas were revealed. At the \'Balapan\' site, elevated tritium concentrations in the snow were revealed in the vicinity of the \'Atomic lake\' close to the \'Karazhyra\' deposit and at the location of Lake \'Kishkensor\'. At the \'Sary-Uzen\' site, elevated tritium concentrations in the snow were discovered near borehole 101, at object \'Lazurite\' and at an unnamed creek outflowing from the mountain range. Maximal of tritium activity concentration in the snow were 45 Bq/kg and 36 Bq/kg at the \'Balapan\' and \'Sary-Uzen\' sites, respectively. Background tritium concentrations in the snow cover of the STS territory were found to be 4.6-12 Bq/kg.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrolytic enrichment is used as a method for measuring tritium in environmental waters. All measurement data and parameters are collected in control charts. Together with measurements and modelling of temperatures in the electrolytic cooling system, these charts were used to optimise the entire process. After modification, the scatter of the final sample masses was considerably reduced. Enrichment factor scatter was reduced by 33%, and overall enrichment can now be increased by up to 64%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Groundwater aquifers in Morocco\'s coastal regions are under serious threat as a result of climate change. This study was conducted to evaluate and map the quality of water resources, by evaluating the level of pollution of the groundwater in the Meskala-Ouazzi sub-basin, a coastal area of Essaouira based on the physico-chemical analysis of 58 samples using a geographic information system (GIS) technique, analytical analysis, nitrate pollution index (NPI), and groundwater pollution index (GPI). The diagram piper of the study area is dominated by Cl-Ca-Mg, Cl-Na, HCO3-Ca-Mg, and SO4-Ca types. The concentrations of nitrate ranged from 2 to 175 mg/L. It was discovered that 22% of the groundwater samples had nitrate amounts greater than the World Health Organization\'s recommended maximum allowable level of 50 mg/L. The NPI ranged between - 0.9 and 7.8. According to the classification of NPI, 44.8% of the total groundwater samples represent clean water, indicating that the groundwater in the study area is suitable for irrigation. GPI values ranging from 0.6 to 3.7, with an average of 1.7, identifies 37.9% of all groundwater samples as low polluted. The inverse distance weighting (IDW) approach was used to generate a spatial distribution map, which indicates that appropriate groundwater is present in the sub-upstream basin\'s part. Overall, the forte concentration in groundwater samples detected in western and central areas showed that the nitrate originated from large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer used by humans in agricultural activities during periods of irrigation. The low tritium (δ3H) content shows that the aquifer recharge is stale water and excessive use of fertilizers leads to groundwater pollution faster over time.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Fat mass and body condition are important metrics in bioenergetics and physiological studies. They can also link foraging success with demographic rates, making them key components of models that predict population-level outcomes of environmental change. Therefore, it is important to incorporate uncertainty in physiological indicators if results will lead to species management decisions. Maternal fat mass in elephant seals (Mirounga spp) can predict reproductive rate and pup survival, but no one has quantified or identified the sources of uncertainty for the two fat mass estimation techniques (labeled-water and truncated cones). The current cones method can provide estimates of proportion adipose tissue in adult females and proportion fat of juveniles in northern elephant seals (M. angustirostris) comparable to labeled-water methods, but it does not work for all cases or species. We reviewed components and assumptions of the technique via measurements of seven early-molt and seven late-molt adult females. We show that seals are elliptical on land, rather than the assumed circular shape, and skin may account for a high proportion of what is often defined as blubber. Also, blubber extends past the neck-to-pelvis region, and comparisons of new and old ultrasound instrumentation indicate previous measurements of sculp thickness may be biased low. Accounting for such differences, and incorporating new measurements of blubber density and proportion of fat in blubber, we propose a modified cones method that can isolate blubber from non-blubber adipose tissue and separate fat into skin, blubber, and core compartments. Lastly, we found that adipose tissue and fat estimates using tritiated water may be biased high during the early molt. Both the tritiated water and modified cones methods had high, but reducible, uncertainty. The improved cones method for estimating body condition allows for more accurate quantification of the various tissue masses and may also be transferrable to other species.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trinitrotoluene (TNT) and dinitrotoluene (DNT) originating from 50 years of explosives production have heavily contaminated two stacked aquifers in the vicinity of Lisboa, Portugal. To assess if these poly-nitroaromatic compounds (P-NACs) are being degraded in the subsurface, tracer-based groundwater dating techniques combined with compound-specific isotope analyses (CSIA) were applied. The groundwater residence times were distinctly different in the two aerobic aquifers, as determined by the tritium ((3)H)-(3)He method. In the contaminated zones, the upper aquifer exhibited groundwater ages of 25 years, whereas the lower (presumably confined) aquifer contained hardly any tritium which indicates water ages >55 years. P-NACs-containing waste waters are known to have leaked into the upper, unconfined aquifer. However, P-NACs were present in both aquifers in high concentrations (up to 33000 microg L(-1) TNT), which implies a hydraulic connection, although tritium concentrations and chemical data suggest two separated aquifers. Based on the (3)H-(3)He groundwater dating and the presence of very high P-NAC concentrations, the contamination of the lower aquifer must have happened during the early stage of the explosive production, i.e. >50 years ago. Despite this \'old\' contamination, TNT and DNT have not been transformed until to date as is demonstrated by the negligible changes in their carbon isotopic signatures (delta(13)C). Thus, P-NACs are very recalcitrant to degradation at the investigated site. If the aquifers remain aerobic, TNT and DNT are expected to persist in the subsurface for many decades to centuries. The presented approach of assessing time scales of natural attenuation at the field scale by the combination of CSIA and (3)H-(3)He water dating has the potential to be applied to any other groundwater contaminants, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, gasoline components, heterocyclic carbenes, or polyaromatic hydrocarbons.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Radiolabeled Pittsburgh compound B (PIB) is a benzothiazole imaging agent that usually binds with high affinity, specificity, and stoichiometry to cerebral beta-amyloid (Abeta) in patients with Alzheimer\'s disease. Among a cohort of ten AD subjects examined postmortem, we describe a case of idiopathic, end-stage Alzheimer\'s disease with heavy Abeta deposition yet substantially diminished high-affinity binding of (3)H-PIB to cortical homogenates and unfixed cryosections. Cortical tissue samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, ELISA, immunoblotting, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, in vitro (3)H-PIB binding and (3)H-PIB autoradiography. The PIB-refractory subject met the histopathological criteria for AD. However, cortical tissue from this case contained more vascular beta-amyloidosis, higher levels of insoluble Abeta40 and Abeta42, and a higher ratio of Abeta40:Abeta42 than did tissue from the nine comparison AD cases. Furthermore, cerebral Abeta from the PIB-refractory subject displayed an unusual distribution of low- and high-molecular weight Abeta oligomers, as well as a distinct pattern of N- and C-terminally truncated Abeta peptides in both the soluble and insoluble cortical extracts. Genetically, the patient was apolipoprotein-E3/4 heterozygous, and exhibited no known AD-associated mutations in the genes for the beta-amyloid precursor protein, presenilin1 or presenilin2. Our findings suggest that PIB may differentially recognize polymorphic forms of multimeric Abeta in humans with Alzheimer\'s disease. In addition, while the prevalence of PIB-refractory cases in the general AD population remains to be determined, the paucity of high-affinity binding sites in this AD case cautions that minimal PIB retention in positron-emission tomography scans of demented patients may not always rule out the presence of Alzheimer-type Abeta pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated breakthrough curves (BTCs) from a series of column experiments, including different column lengths and flow rates, of a conservative tracer, tritium oxide (HTO), and a radionuclide, cesium, in crushed granite using a reactive transport model. Results of the short column, with length of 2cm, showed an underestimation of the retardation factor and the corresponding HTO BTCs cannot be successfully modeled even with overestimated fluid dispersivity. Column supporting elements, including filters and rings, on both ends of packed granite were shown to be able to induce additional dispersive mixing, thus significantly affecting BTCs of short columns while those of the long column, with length of 8cm, were less affected. By increasing flow rates from 1mL/min to 5mL/min, the contribution of structural dispersive mixing to the false tilting of short column BTCs still cannot be detached. To reduce the influence of structural dispersivity on BTCs, the equivalent pore volume of column supporting materials should be much smaller than that of packed porous medium. The total length of column supporting structures should be greatly shorter than that of porous medium column.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    During last decades, a number of projects have been launched to validate models for predicting the behaviour of radioactive substances in the environment. The project of the \"Aquatic\" working group of the project EMRAS (Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety) organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was based on the validation and assessment of models for predicting the behaviour of radionuclides in the aquatic ecosystems. The present paper describes a blind test of models aimed at assessing the dispersion of tritium releases in the Loire River (France), on a large domain ( approximately 350km) and on a period of six months, by comparing the results obtained by operational-to-experimental values of tritium concentration at Angers, a city along the Loire River. The common conclusion is that the models used by the different participants namely 1D models and models based on a schematic hydraulic (box models) are reliable tools for tritium transport modelling. Nevertheless, the importance of proper and detailed hydrological data for the appropriate prediction of pollutant migration in water is demonstrated by the example provided during this study.





