
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The investigation of the impact of the Fukushima accident is still going on although more than ten years have passed since the disaster. The main goal of this paper was to summarize the results of tritium and radiocarbon determinations in different environmental samples, possibly connected with the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident. A document containing compiled data may serve as a solid basis for further research in the selected fields. To accomplish such effort, we went through dozens of relevant published papers, reporting 3H and 14C activity concentrations in precipitations, groundwater, seawater, river systems, tree rings, and, in some more extraordinary samples, such as herbaceous plants or debris from the damaged reactor buildings. As the referenced results would not be obtainable without adequate analytical techniques, the most common methods for routine measurement of tritium and radiocarbon concentrations are discussed as well. We believe that the correct identification of the affected environmental compartments could help quantify the released 3H and 14C activities and track their following fate, which could be especially important for plans to discharge contaminated water from the FDNPP in the upcoming years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Energy released from beta emission causes molecules that incorporate tritium (3 H) and carbon-14 (14 C) atoms to be less stable than their stable labeled counterparts, thus making radiolabeled compounds prone to self-radiolysis. This literature review examines the stability of organic compounds incorporating 3 H and 14 C atoms and discusses stability of the compound with respect to functional groups within the radiolabeled molecules. The goal of this paper is to serve as a reference for the stability of radiolabeled compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various studies indicated more or less recently that organically bound tritium (OBT) formed from gaseous or liquid tritium releases into the environment potentially accumulates in organisms contradicting hypotheses associated to methods used to assess the biological impact of tritium on humans (ASN, 2010). Increasing research works were then performed during the last decade in order to gain knowledge on this radionuclide expected to be increasingly released by nuclear installations in the near future within the environment. This review focusses on publications of the last decade. New unpublished observations revealing the presence of technogenic tritium in a sedimentary archive collected in the upper reaches of the Rhône river and findings from the Northwestern Mediterranean revealing in all likelihood the impact of terrigenous tritium inputs on OBT levels recorded in living organisms are also presented. Identifying and understanding the physicochemical forms of tritium and the processes leading to its persistence in environmental compartments would explain most observations regarding OBT concentrations in organisms and definitively excludes that tritium would \"bio accumulate\" within living organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Historical results of natural radioactivity in drinking water were reviewed for a total of 21 communities across Canada from 1975 to 2016. Analyses for 226Ra, 210Pb and total uranium were carried out on monthly composite samples of drinking water from selected Canadian municipalities. Generally speaking, levels of 226Ra, 210Pb and total uranium were found to be low compared to national and international standards for drinking water quality. Because levels were low, federal monitoring programs were discontinued in most communities in 1986 except for Regina, Elliot Lake and Port Hope. The population-weighted average levels for these three communities, using data from the most recent 5 years, are <1 mBq/L for 226Ra, <5 mBq/L for 210Pb and <0.4 μg/L for total uranium. The average effective dose resulting from drinking water intake at these levels would be <4.3 μSv per year.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As part of the preparation and calibration of three new National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) tritiated-water radioactivity Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), we have performed a comprehensive review and critical evaluation of the half-life of tritium (hydrogen-3). Twenty three experimentally-determined values of the half-life of tritium, reported between 1936 and 2000, were found. Six of these values were updated by later values. Two values were limits. Two values were deemed to be outliers. The 13 remaining values were evaluated in several ways. The results are compared with the results of other recent evaluations and all are found to be in good agreement. Our final recommended value for the half-life of tritium is the average of the adopted values from the four most recent evaluations, (4500 ± 8) d, where 8 d corresponds to one standard uncertainty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radiolabeled compounds are invaluable tools used to study synthetic and biological processes. Radiolabeled polymers find uses in mechanistic pathway elucidation, bioincorporation studies, biodegradation studies, and drug delivery applications. This literature review examines the syntheses (or biosyntheses), physical properties, and applications of radiolabeled polymers which contain covalently bound tritium and carbon-14 atoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The doubly labeled water (DLW) method has been essential for understanding animal energetics of free-ranging individuals. The first published studies on free-ranging seabirds were conducted on penguins in the early 1980s. Since then, nearly 50 seabird species with representatives from each major taxonomic order have been studied using DLW. Although the basic methodology has not changed, there are at least nine different equations, varying with respect to assumptions on fractionation and the total body water pool, to estimate field metabolic rate (FMR) from isotopic water turnover. In this review, I show that FMR can vary by as much as 45% depending on the equation used to calculate CO(2) production in five albatross species. Energy budgets derived from DLW measurements are critical tools for understanding patterns of energy use and allocation in seabirds. However, they depend on accurate and representative measurements of FMR, so analyses that include greater partitioning of activity specific FMR yield more realistic cost estimates. I also show how the combined use of DLW and biologging methods can 1) provide greater clarity for explaining observed variation in FMR measurements within a species and 2) allow FMRs to be viewed in a wider physiological, behavioral, or ecological context. Finally, I update existing allometric equations with new FMR data. These updates reaffirm that albatrosses have the lowest at-sea FMRs per equivalent body mass and that individuals of other seabird orders have FMRs ranging between 1.39 and 2.24 times higher than albatrosses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tritium (3H) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. A number of factors combine to create a good deal of interest in the risks arising from exposure to tritium of both workers and members of the public. Tritium is ubiquitous in environmental and biological systems and is very mobile due to its occurrence as tritiated water. In this paper we systematically review epidemiological data relating to tritium exposure with a view to assessing the risk of such exposure using those studies that are potentially informative. The usefulness of the available studies of cancer and other adverse health effects in workforces and members of the general public is often impaired by a lack of tritium-specific dose data, low doses and small numbers of cases. A number of workforce studies have been identified in which tritium-specific individual doses have been estimated, although none of them, as presently reported, enable reliable inferences to be made on risks associated with exposure to tritium. In general, the available epidemiological studies on the offspring of radiation workers or on pregnancy outcome in areas subject to releases of tritium do not contain enough detail to estimate risks from tritium exposure. Although the studies presently reported are uninformative on risks from tritium, a number of the occupationally exposed cohorts would be potentially informative, particularly if data were suitably combined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tritium ((3)H) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. A number of factors combine to create a good deal of interest in tritium doses, both to workers and to members of the public. Tritium is ubiquitous in environmental and biological systems and is very mobile due to its occurrence as water. In this study we systematically review experimental data relating to tritium exposure with a view to assessing its low dose limiting relative biological effectiveness (RBE(max)). Interpretation of published experimental studies is complicated by the fact that the reference radiations varied, and doses and dose rates were frequently much higher than those normally received by humans. The four available animal carcinogenicity studies gave RBE values of about 2.5 with chronically-delivered gamma-ray reference, and about 1.2 with chronically-delivered X-ray reference. However, because of problems associated with the design and interpretation of the experiments, we do not consider that these RBE values should be taken to apply to the induction of cancer at low doses (i.e. they should not be interpreted as RBE(max)). Combining the six studies with chronic gamma-ray reference, with adequate quantitative data that examined endpoints apart from cell survival and related endpoints, yields an aggregate RBE estimate of 2.19 (95% CI 2.04, 2.33); the analogous combined RBE estimate using the three studies with chronic X-ray reference groups is 1.17 (95% CI 0.96, 1.39). Again, problems with the design, in particular the range of doses used in some of these studies, mean that these RBE values should also probably not be interpreted as RBE(max).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A systematic review of the literature identified 64 published English-language papers that used proton (1H) magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure N-acetylaspartate (NAA) concurrently in healthy controls and in patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (SZ). A total of 1209 controls and 1256 patients have been evaluated, with 88% of studies carried out at 1.5 T field strength, and 77% of studies focused on patients with chronic SZ. There is consistent evidence that NAA is reduced in a broad range of tissues in the SZ brain. Broad consensus (> or =10 studies) is emerging that NAA levels are reduced > or =5% in hippocampus and in both cortical gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) of the frontal lobe. There is no evidence to support a hypothesis that relative NAA levels are reduced to a different degree in frontal lobe GM and WM, nor is there robust evidence of a difference in NAA levels between patients with first-episode and chronic SZ. Study reliability may be a problem, as most studies appear to be underpowered. With simple assumptions about the inherent difference in NAA levels between patients and controls, it can be calculated that a minimum sample size of approximately 39 patients and 39 controls is required for acceptable statistical power. Only three of 64 studies included enough subjects to have 80% power to detect a 10% NAA reduction in patients, and no studies were adequately powered to detect a 5% NAA reduction with 80% power.





