
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Prisons in Latin America are often described as violent and lawless places. This article analyses the Chilean case. We want to find out how complaints of ill-treatment are investigated if the victim is in prison. Our hypothesis is that the response to the phenomenon, both in the prose-cution of the perpetrators and in the protection of its victims, does not take into consideration the guidelines established in international standards, especially those contained in the Istanbul Proto-col.
    METHODS: We analysed a total of 124 complaints of ill-treatment filed by the Chilean National Human Rights Institute (INDH).
    RESULTS: An excessive amount of time elapses between the alleged ill treatment, the filing of complaints, the use of protective measures, and the termination of the cases. There are serious deficiencies in the investigations carried out by the Public Prosecutor\'s Office, and therefore, most of the complaints are not clarified and end up being shelved. We conclude that, through both the actions of the judges and the prosecutors in the processing of the complaints, when it comes to investigating acts of ill-treatment inside Chilean prisons, the standards of the Istanbul Protocol are not met.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Electrical discharge weapons (EDWs) are increasingly used by law enforcement around the globe as a less lethal option to firearms. Concerns have been raised about their use, inter alia from the UN Committee Against Torture (UNCAT). The purpose of this manuscript is to provide an overview of case studies to assess the health consequences of EDW exposure.
    METHODS: Medline and Pubmed were searched for case studies on EDWs without restriction on language or date. Screening was first at abstract level and then at full article level. Articles were excluded if they were not case studies, concerned children under 15 years old or were off topic. A PRISMA flow dia-gram was created.
    RESULTS: A total of 71 studies were included, and they demonstrate a wide range of health consequences from minor injuries to lethal conditions. The injuries can be classified as direct and indirect, i.e., related to the use itself (e.g., penetration by darts) and related to falls and burns following neuromuscular incapacitation and ignition of flammable fluids. Cardiac incidents - some being fatal - as well as eye injury were the health consequences found most reported. Description of pain and mental suffering related to EDW exposure was lacking in the reviewed case studies. Dis-cussion: Evidence in the reviewed case reports demonstrates that EDWs have in fact led to physical and most likely mental suffering and even death, notwithstanding the epidemiological limitations of case reports in establishing causality at population level. When assessing patients and when doc-umenting cases where persons may have been exposed to EDWs, including torture and ill-treatment cases, it is important to be aware of the different types of health consequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On 20 September 2022, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) delivered its judgment in a remarkable case on sterilisation without the patient\'s consent, Y.P. v Russian Federation (ECtHR, application no. 43399/13, 20 September 2022). According to the Court, there is no inhuman and degrading treatment, but it was a justified medical procedure. However, the Court did conclude a violation of the right to private life, under Article 8 ECHR. This outcome is at odds with an earlier sterilisation case without consent, V.C. v Slovakia (V.C. v. Slovakia, ECtHR application no. 18968/07, 8 November 2011). The question is how both rulings can be understood, especially the legal consideration regarding the prohibition of torture. After all, both cases lacked the patient\'s consent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction to the reader In this case, a survivor of torture presents with symptoms clinically consistent with both major depressive disorder (MDD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During her evaluation, a validated psychological questionnaire for PTSD was administered verbally through a translator and accurately identified this diagnosis. However, a self-administered (read and completed by the client) questionnaire for MDD vastly underestimated the severity of her symptoms and failed to diagnose her with depression. The client had not completed grade school, so it is likely that her literacy level impacted the accuracy of this questionnaire. This highlights one of the many limitations that exist when administering psychological surveys. Through understanding these limitations, forensic evaluators can develop ways to identify, mitigate, and overcome limitations of these useful tools.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Trafficking in human beings is an ancient phenomenon. The fight against trafficking in human beings is conceived as a priority by the European Union. Trafficked victims experience many types of abuse and neglect. Indeed, all human beings hold the right to have an identity and an estimated age as an assertion of their existence in the society, as expressly stated in the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Italy has been the scene of this phenomenon for many years. Since identification represents a fundamental human right and a prerequisite for any other measure of assistance and protection, the Italian procedure provides the execution of an interview and a forensic examination. This process takes time and requires willingness to listen and to create a trusting doctor-patient relationship. Although skin lesions in trafficking victims may be due to torture or other forms of mistreatment or abuse, they may also be related to ethnic practices. Here we demonstrate the importance of conducting a structured interview along with an accurate forensic examination to correctly discriminate the origin of skin lesions in trafficking victims.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Traumatic brain injuries are common among refugees and asylum-seekers and can result from a range of etiologies, including intimate partner violence, gang violence, war-related trauma, and torture. Regardless of the cause, these injuries often result in a host of neuropsychiatric and other symptoms that may complicate individuals\' subsequent health outcomes. For asylum-seekers, documenting prior head trauma is essential to the legal process, since traumatic brain injuries and their subsequent effects on memory and cognition may affect the ability to provide thorough testimony. Using three case vignettes, we explore how to approach the forensic evaluation of asylum-seekers with a history of traumatic brain injury, illustrating the range of etiologies and sequelae of traumatic brain injury in this complex population.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The authors report an unusual case of hand electrical injury related to torture in a war refugee. The patient was referred for the reconstruction of bilateral hand function several years after being tortured. He presented with severe hand contractures combined with motor and sensory loss. After nonoptimal treatment in the acute period, the reconstruction options were limited by the delayed management. This unique clinical presentation can be explained by repetition of prolonged electrical shocks using a low-voltage current.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Since the 20th century, electric shock torture has become one of the most prevalent methods of torture partly because it produces sequelae that are more challenging to visibly detect, particularly when administered using high voltage and low current. In sexual torture, a wire is wrapped around the head of the penis and a wire electrode is inserted into the urethra.This produces unbearable pain and can lead to urethral strictures with devastating physical and psychological consequences.
    OBJECTIVE: To document electric shock torture to genitals as an etiologic agent in urethral stricture and erectile dysfunction amongst survivors of electric torture introducing the term \"parrilla urethra\" for the electric shock torture urethral stricture.
    METHODS: The study included 40 patients who attended the Department of Urology, Directorate of Health services, Srinagar, Kashmir, India with obstructive lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) / obstructive uroflowmetry between March 2010 and November 2014. All cases had an antecedent of electric shock torture to genitals six months to one year prior to examination. Pre-post psychological impact and well-being was used through Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scores.
    RESULTS: The mean age of patients was 35.6 years. Most of the urethral strictures were located in the anterior urethra. Some degree of erectile dysfunction was present in all (100%) of patients. Psychological sequelae including depression, anxiety, acute stress disorder and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder were observed. Patients were treated with standard urethroplasty procedures after addressing the urethral stricture.This improved both physical and psychological sequelae of torture.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Torture is an assault on the physical and mental health of an individual, impacting the lives of survivors and their families.The survivor\'s interpersonal relationships, social life, and vocational functioning may be affected, and spiritual and other existential questions may intrude. Cultural and historical context will shape the meaning of torture experiences and the aftermath. To effectively treat torture survivors, providers must understand and address these factors. The Complex Care Model (CCM) aims to transform daily care for those with chronic illnesses and improve health outcomes through effective team care.
    METHODS: We conduct a literature review of the CCM and present an adapted Complex Care Approach (CCA) that draws on the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma\'s five-domain model covering the Trauma Story, Bio-medical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual domains.We apply the CCA to the case of \"Joshua,\" a former tortured child soldier, and discuss the diagnosis and treatment across the five domains of care.
    RESULTS: The CCA is described as an effective approach for working with torture survivors. We articulate how a CCA can be adapted to the unique historical and cultural contexts experienced by torture survivors and how its five domains serve to integrate the approach to diagnosis and treatment. The benefits of communication and coordination of care among treatment providers is emphasized. Discussion / Conclusions: Torture survivors\' needs are well suited to the application of a CCA delivered by a team of providers who effectively communicate and integrate care holistically across all domains of the survivor\'s life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite an unparalleled global refugee crisis, there are almost no studies in primary care addressing real-world conditions and longer courses of treatment that are typical when resettled refugees present to their physician with critical psychosocial needs and complex symptoms. We studied the effects of a year of psychotherapy and case management in a primary care setting on common symptoms and functioning for Karen refugees (a newly arrived population in St Paul, Minnesota) with depression.
    A pragmatic parallel-group randomized control trial was conducted at two primary care clinics with large resettled Karen refugee patient populations, with simple random allocation to 1 year of either: (1) intensive psychotherapy and case management (IPCM), or (2) care-as-usual (CAU). Eligibility criteria included Major Depression diagnosis determined by structured diagnostic clinical interview, Karen refugee, ages 18-65. IPCM (n = 112) received a year of psychotherapy and case management coordinated onsite between the case manager, psychotherapist, and primary care providers; CAU (n = 102) received care-as-usual from their primary care clinic, including behavioral health referrals and/or brief onsite interventions. Blinded assessors collected outcomes of mean changes in depression and anxiety symptoms (measured by Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25), PTSD symptoms (Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale), pain (internally developed 5-item Pain Scale), and social functioning (internally developed 37-item instrument standardized on refugees) at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. After propensity score matching, data were analyzed with the intention-to-treat principle using repeated measures ANOVA with partial eta-squared estimates of effect size.
    Of 214 participants, 193 completed a baseline and follow up assessment (90.2%). IPCM patients showed significant improvements in depression, PTSD, anxiety, and pain symptoms and in social functioning at all time points, with magnitude of improvement increasing over time. CAU patients did not show significant improvements. The largest mean differences observed between groups were in depression (difference, 5.5, 95% CI, 3.9 to 7.1, P < .001) and basic needs/safety (difference, 5.4, 95% CI, 3.8 to 7.0, P < .001).
    Adult Karen refugees with depression benefited from intensive psychotherapy and case management coordinated and delivered under usual conditions in primary care. Intervention effects strengthened at each interval, suggesting robust recovery is possible. Identifier: NCT03788408. Registered 20 Dec 2018. Retrospectively registered.






