
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pharmaceuticals (PhACs) are increasingly detected in aquatic ecosystems, yet their effects on biota remain largely unknown. The environmentally relevant concentrations of many PhACs may not result in individual-level responses, like mortality or growth inhibition, traditional toxicity endpoints. However, this doesn\'t imply the absence of negative effects on biota. Metabolomics offers a more sensitive approach, detecting responses at molecular and cellular levels and providing mechanistic understanding of adverse effects. We evaluated bioaccumulation and metabolic alterations in a benthic ostracod, Heterocypris incongruens, exposed to a mixture of five PhACs (carbamazepine, tiapride, tolperisone, propranolol and amlodipine) at environmentally relevant concentrations for 7 days using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The selection of PhACs was based, among other factors, on risk quotient values determined using toxicological data available in the literature and concentrations of PhACs quantified in our previous research in the sediments of the Odra River estuary. This represents a novel approach to PhACs selection for metabolomic studies that considers strictly quantitative data. Amlodipine and tolperisone exhibited the highest bioaccumulation. Significant impacts were observed in Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism, Starch and sucrose metabolism, Arginine biosynthesis, Histidine metabolism, Tryptophan metabolism, Glycerophospholipid metabolism, and Glutathione metabolism pathways. Most of the below-individual-level responses were likely nonspecific and related to dysregulation in energy metabolism and oxidative stress response. Additionally, some pharmaceutical-specific responses were also observed. Therefore, untargeted metabolomics can be used to detect metabolic changes resulting from environmentally relevant concentrations of PhACs in aquatic ecosystems and to understand their underlying mechanism.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify by in silico methods tropomyosin consensus B and T epitopes of shrimp species, house dust mites, insects, and nematodes associated with allergic diseases in tropical countries.
    METHODS: In silico analysis included tropomyosin from mites (Der p 10, Der f 10, Blo t 10), insects (Aed a 10, Per a 7, Bla g 7), shrimp (Lit v 1, Pen m 1, Pen a 1), and nematode (Asc l 3) all sequences were taken from the UniProt database. Linear IgE epitopes were predicted with AlgPred 2.0 and validated with BepiPred 3.0. MHC-II binding T cell epitopes were predicted using the IEDB server, which implements nine predictive methods (consensus method, combinatorial library, NN-align-2.3, NN- align-2.2, SMM-align, Sturniolo, NetMHCIIpan 3.1, and NetMHCIIpan 3.2) these predictions focused on 10 HLA-DR and 2 HLA-DQ alleles associated with allergic diseases. Subsequently, consensus B and T epitopes present in all species were identified.
    RESULTS: We identified 12 sequences that behaved as IgE-epitopes and B-cell epitopes, three of them: 160RKYDEVARKLAMVEA174, 192ELEEELRVVGNNLKSLEVSEEKAN215, 251KEVDRLEDELV261 were consensus in all species. Eleven peptides (T-epitopes) showed strong binding (percentile rank ≤ 2.0) to HLA-DRB1*0301, *0402, *0411, *0701, *1101, *1401, HLA-DQA1*03:01/DQB1*03:02, and HLA- DQA1*05:01/DQB1*02:01. Only two T-epitopes were consensus in all species: 167RKLAMVEADLERAEERAEt GEsKIVELEEELRV199, and 218EEeY KQQIKT LTaKLKEAEARAEFAERSV246. Subsequently, we identified 2 B and T epitope sequences and reached a consensus between species 167RKLAMVEA174 and 192ELEEELRV199.
    CONCLUSIONS: These data describe three sequences that may explain the IgE cross-reactivity between the analyzed species. In addition, the consensus B and T epitopes can be used for further in vitro investigations and may help to design multiple-epitope protein-based immunotherapy for tropomyosin-related allergic diseases.
    OBJECTIVE: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar mediante métodos in silico epítopes B y T consenso de tropomiosina de especies de camarón, ácaros del polvo doméstico, insectos y nematodos asociados a enfermedades alérgicas en países tropicales.
    UNASSIGNED: El análisis in silico incluyó tropomiosina de ácaros (Der p 10, Der f 10, Blo t 10), insectos (Aed a 10, Per a 7, Bla g 7), camarones (Lit v 1, Pen m 1, Pen a 1), y nematodo (Asc l 3). Todas las secuencias se tomaron de la base de datos UniProt. Los epítopes IgE lineales se predijeron con AlgPred 2.0 y se validaron con BepiPred 3.0. Los epítopes de células T de unión a MHC-II se predijeron utilizando el servidor IEDB, que implementa nueve métodos predictivos (método de consenso, biblioteca combinatoria, NN-align-2.3, NN-align-2.2, SMM-align, Sturniolo, NetMHCIIpan 3.1 y NetMHCIIpan 3.2). Estas predicciones se centraron en diez alelos HLA-DR y 2 HLA-DQ asociados con enfermedades alérgicas. Posteriormente, se identificaron epítopes consenso B y T presentes en todas las especies.
    RESULTS: Se identificaron 12 secuencias que se comportaron como epítopes de IgE y, también, como epítopes de células B. Tres de ellas: 160RKYDEVARKLAMVEA174, 192ELEEELRVVGNNLKSLEVSEEKAN213 y 251KEVDRLEDELV261, fueron consenso en todas las especies. Once péptidos mostraron una fuerte unión (rango percentil ≤ 2,0) a HLA-DRB1*0301, *0402, *0411, *0701, *1101, *1401 y a HLA HLA-DQA1*03:01/DQB1*03:02, o HLA-DQA1*05:01/DQB1*02:01. Solo se encontraron dos secuencias: 167RKLAMVEADLERAEERAEtGEsKIVELEEELRV199 con fuerte afinidad por HLA-DQA1*03:01/DQB1*03:02, y HLA-DQA1*05:01/DQB1*02:01. Se identificaron dos secuencias que son epítopos B y T, y son consenso entre especies: 167RKLAMVEA174 y 192ELEEELRV199.
    CONCLUSIONS: Estos datos describen tres secuencias que pueden explicar la reactividad cruzada de IgE entre las especies analizadas. Además, los epítopos B y T consenso se pueden usar para investigaciones in vitro adicionales, y pueden ayudar a diseñar inmunoterapia basada en proteínas de múltiepítopes para enfermedades alérgicas relacionadas con la tropomiosina.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We conducted a comprehensive assessment involving acute effects on 96-hour survival and biochemical parameters, as well as chronic effects on growth and reproduction spanning three generations of the marine mysid Neomysis awatschensis exposed to filtered wastewater to evaluate the potential impact of ship hull-cleaning wastewater on crustaceans. The analyzed wastewater exhibited elevated concentrations of metals, specifically zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) and metal-based antifoulants, i.e., Cu pyrithoine (CuPT) and Zn pyrithoine (ZnPT). The results revealed dose-dependent reductions in survival rates, accompanied by a notable increase in oxidative stress, in response to the sublethal values of two wastewater samples: 1) mechanically filtered using the cleaning system (MF) and 2) additionally filtered in the laboratory (LF) for 96 h. Mysids exposed to MF displayed higher mortality than those exposed to LF. Furthermore, mysids subjected to continuous exposure of 0.001% LF across three generations exhibited significant inhibition of the feeding rate, more pronounced growth retardation along with an extended intermolt duration, and a diminished rate of reproduction compared to the control. A noteworthy inhibition of the feeding rate and growth was observed in the first generation exposed only to the LF sample. However, although the reproduction rate was not significantly affected. Collectively, these findings underscore the potential harm posed by sublethal concentrations of wastewater to the health of mysid populations under consistent exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neoergasilus japonicus, a fish ectoparasite indigenous to eastern and southern Asia, has been introduced to various regions, including Europe and North and South America, where it spreads at an alarming rate. The parasite is not host-specific. It was also collected from the Vaal-Orange and Limpopo river systems in South Africa. This report describes the morphology of the wound-inflecting structures in N. japonicus and relates their morphology to the pathological effect on Tilapia sparrmanii. Host tissue with parasites attached was imbedded in resin for histological sectioning and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Additional specimens were prepared for scanning electron microscopy. Adult female parasites attach by inserting the hooked tips of the antennae into the epidermis. The maxillulae are minute but have sharp tips. The maxillae have sharp tips on the endopod and brush-like setae on the exopod. The mandibles are armed with sharp tips. These structures are used to remove the epidermis of the host and brush it into the buccal cavity. Host tissue in the intestine confirms that adult females consume host tissue leaving the dermis exposed to opportunistic diseases. The microscopic size of the parasite prevents casual observation, and its occurrence in Africa is, therefore, probably underreported.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the effect of copper pyrithione (CuPT) and zinc pyrithione (ZnPT), a set of acute (96 h-LC50) and chronic endpoints was studied in the marine mysid, Neomysis awatschensis. Based on the 1/10 NOECs and NOEC values calculated from 96 h-toxicity test, survival and growth, intermolt duration, feeding, and the number of newborn juveniles were measured by evaluating enzymatic activity of detoxification parameter glutathione S-transferase (GST) and cholinergic biomarker acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the marine mysid exposed to 96 h-NOECs of CuPT and ZnPT for four weeks across three generations. Dose-dependent decreases in survival rate monitored for four weeks were observed with age-specific sensitivity in response to the 96 h-NOECs of both antifoulants. Higher growth retardation was observed with an increase in intermolt duration and inhibition of the feeding rate in CuPT-exposed mysid compared to ZnPT-exposed mysid across generations. The numbers of newborn juveniles significantly decreased at the third generation by exposure to the 96 h-NOECs of both antifoulants. GST activity was significantly inhibited in response to 96 h-NOECs of both antifoulants, whereas AChE activity was only reduced by the 96 h-NOECs of CuPT at the third generation. These results indicate that CuPT has a higher toxicity than ZnPT and even sublethal levels of CuPT and ZnPT would have detrimental effects on the maintenance of the mysid population. Finally, consistent exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of CuPT and ZnPT can induce intergenerational toxicity in mysid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research aims to introduce a low-cost, non-commercial culture medium and optimize the operating conditions for biological chitin extraction from green tiger shrimp waste in the Persian Gulf zone. For this purpose, the two most commonly used microorganisms, Bacillus licheniformis and Lactobacillus plantarum, were obtained to deproteinize and demineralize the shrimp shells within both culture mediums using a successive two-stage process. It was found that the proposed non-commercial culture medium was more efficient than the purchased and ready-to-use commercial medium and increased deproteinization and demineralization efficiency by 9 % and 11 %, respectively. According to the optimization, which was performed using a response surface methodology based on a central composite design, the demineralization model is more complicated than the deproteinization model. The presented model predicted deproteinization and demineralization yields with good accuracy. The FTIR results revealed that shrimp shells and chitin have similar main functional groups, while the degree of acetylation of the extracted chitin was 62.26 %. SEM results illustrated the formation of microfibrils and the chitin structure\'s porosity. The XRD data showed that the crystallinity index of chitin was 93.9 %. Besides, the thermal stability of the extracted chitin, with a maximum degradation temperature of 380 °C is comparable with the literature data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), a shrimp-like marine crustacean, has become a beneficial source of high-quality animal protein. Meanwhile, a special focus has been placed on its potential sensitization issue. In this study, a 35 kDa protein was purified and identified to be Antarctic krill tropomyosin (AkTM) by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The purified TM showed a strong IgE-binding capacity to shrimp/crab-allergic patients\' sera, indicating that TM is the primary allergen in Antarctic krill. Simulated gastrointestinal digestion revealed that the digestion stability of TM to pepsin was higher than that to trypsin. The strong degranulation triggered by TM in RBL-2H3 cells suggested that AkTM has a strong sensitization capacity. The TM-sensitized BALB/c mice displayed severe anaphylactic symptoms; high levels of TM-specific IgE, sIgG1, and histamine; and increased IL-4, indicating that AkTM could provoke IgE-mediated allergic reactions. Bioinformatics prediction, indirect competition ELISA, and mast cell degranulation assay were used to map the antigenic epitopes of AkTM. Finally, nine peptides of T43-58, T88-101, T111-125, T133-143, T144-155, T183-197, T223-236, T249-261, and T263-281 were identified as the linear epitopes of AkTM. The findings may help us develop efficient food processing techniques to reduce krill allergy and gain a deeper comprehension of the allergenicity of krill allergens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three species of nannosquillid mantis shrimps, including two new species, Acanthosquilla ryukyuensis n. sp. and Acanthosquilla shoheii n. sp., are described based on specimens collected from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. The two new species resemble A. derijardi Manning, 1970, but can be distinguished from A. derijardi by the following features: 1) rostral plate anterolateral corner forms almost a right angle; 2) the distal tip of the antennular somite dorsal process reaches or slightly falls short of proximal half of rostral plate; and 3) eighth thoracic somite (= TS8) posterior margin is black medially. Furthermore, A. ryukyuensis n. sp. and A. shoheii n. sp. are easy to identify by the bifurcated lateral tooth of the telson, and by the posterodorsal pattern of the telson, respectively. In this study, molecular analyses based on partial sequences of mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal DNA, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), and the partial nuclear gene of 28S ribosomal DNA recovers these three species of Acanthosquilla and A. multifasciata (Wood-Mason, 1895) (the type species of the genus) in a single clade. The resulting trees also suggest the polyphyly of Nannosquillidae but with low nodal support. Detailed examinations of the morphological and color features and DNA barcoding results allowed us to delineate intraspecific variations and interspecific differences. The number and shape of setae under the dorsal spine of raptorial claw carpus was found to be useful in distinguishing A. shoheii n. sp. from A. derijardi and A. ryukyuensis n. sp., while combinations of the coloration of the rostral plate, posterior margin of TS8 and posterodorsal surface of telson are useful to distinguish the three species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibiotics have been detected in aquatic environment around the world. Understanding internal concentrations of antibiotics in organisms could further improve risk governance. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of seven sulfonamides, four tetracyclines, five fluoroquinolones, and five macrolides antibiotics in six fish, four crustaceans, and five mollusks species collected from Qinzhou Bay, an important part of the Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea in 2018. 19 of all the 21 target antibiotics were detectable in biota. The total concentrations of the antibiotics ranged from 15.2 to 182 ng/g dry weight in all marine organisms, with sulfonamides and macrolides being the most abundant antibiotics. Mollusks accumulated more antibiotics than fish and crustaceans, implying the species-specific bioaccumulation of antibiotics. The pH dependent partition coefficients of antibiotics exhibited significantly positive correlation with their concentrations in organisms. The ecological risk assessment suggested that marine species in Qinzhou Bay were threatened by azithromycin and norfloxacin. The annual mass loading of antibiotics from Qinzhou Bay to the coastal land area for human ingestion via marine fishery catches was 4.02 kg, with mollusks being the predominant migration contributor. The estimated daily intakes of erythromycin indicated that consumption of seafood from Qinzhou Bay posed considerable risks to children (2-5 years old). The results in this study provide important insights for antibiotics pollution assessment and risk management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Groundwater biota are crucial for the ecological functioning of subterranean ecosystems. However, while knowledge of the taxonomic diversity of groundwater invertebrates (stygofauna) is increasing, functional ecological information is still limited. Here, we investigate seldom empirically tested assumptions around stygofaunal trophic plasticity in coping with oligotrophic habitats. We focus on Barrow Island (Western Australia), an ideal natural laboratory due to the occurrence of natural oil seeps in association with aquifers. The trophic position and food source use of the endemic atyid shrimp Stygiocaris stylifera (Holthuis, 1960) were assessed via δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analysis (SIA). Background information on the environmental conditions was gathered through hydrochemical data and δ13C SIA combined with 14C data from dissolved inorganic/organic carbon and particulate organic carbon from groundwater samples. Our results indicate carbon enrichment in proximity to the natural oil seepage coupled with changes in trophic positions of S. stylifera from higher consumers/predators to biofilm grazers/decomposers. These results are consistent with an increased involvement of hydrocarbon seeps and associated microbial communities in the carbon flows and confirm potential for the trophic flexibility in stygofauna. Further investigations involving other trophic groups will help elucidate the functioning of the ecosystems at a community level.





