
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Specimens of a caligid copepod (Siphonostomatoida) were found on the gills of the hairfin lookdown Selenebrevoortii (Gill) (Carangidae) from off Mazatlán, Sinaloa (north-western Mexico). This material represents a new species of Caligus, C.selenecola sp. nov., and is assigned to the diaphanus species group. Within this group, only C.kapuhili Lewis, 1967, C.laticaudus Shiino, 1960, C.macrurus Heller, 1865, and C.selenecola sp. nov., have been described with a reduced outer spine 1 on the second exopodal segment of leg 1. These four species can be readily separated by the relative length of the abdomen, and the presence/absence of a process on the myxal area of the female maxilliped, the sternal furca, the postantennal process, and the spiniform process on the basal antennary segment. A full description of the new species is given with some comments on Caritustolii Rangnekar, 1984.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine pollution caused by heavy metals has emerged as a significant environmental concern, garnering increased attention in recent years. The accumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of marine organisms poses substantial threats to both marine ecosystems and human populations that rely on seafood as a primary food source. Fish and crustaceans are effective biomonitors for assessing heavy metal contamination in aquatic environments. In this study, we determined the concentrations of several heavy metals, including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), and tin (Sn), in four fish species (Mugil cephalus, Mugil capito, L. aurata, and Morone labrax) and five crustacean species (S. rivulatus, Cerastoderma glaucum, Paratapes undulatus, R. decussatus, Callinectes sapidus, and Metapenaeus Stebbingi) from Temsah Lake during both winter and summer seasons. To evaluate the potential ecological and health risks associated with consuming these fish and crustacean species, we calculated the metal pollution index (MPI), weekly intake (EWI), target hazard quotient (THQ), and carcinogenic risk (CR) values. The results revealed a noticeable increase in metal levels during the summer compared to winter in the studied samples. Moreover, the concentration of heavy metals in the muscles of the species generally exceeded those in the liver and gills. The MPI values indicated that Morone labrax exhibited the highest values during winter, while L. aurata showed the highest values during summer. Mugil cephalus demonstrated the lowest MPI values in both seasons. The EWI values for the studied metals were found to be lower than the corresponding tolerable weekly intake (TWI) values. Additionally, under average exposure conditions, the THQ and HI data were generally below one for most study species in the area. The calculated CR values for investigated metals in the studied species indicated acceptable carcinogenic risk levels. Therefore, this suggests that consuming studied species within Temsah lake does not present any potential health hazards for consumers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biology of extinct animals is usually reconstructed from external morphological characters and comparison with present-day analogues. Internal soft organs are very rarely preserved in fossils and require high-tech approaches for visualization. Here, we report the internal anatomy of a female and male of the ~ 162 Myr-old lobster Eryma ventrosum from the Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Konservat-Lagerstätte in France using X-ray synchrotron tomography. The Erymidae is an extinct, species-rich, widespread and ecologically important Mesozoic family of decapod crustaceans. Our investigation revealed the anatomy of the locomotory, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, digestive, nervous and sensory, and reproductive systems at a resolution resembling low-magnification histology. Particularly notable is the detailed preservation of the small brain and the fragile hepatopancreas, the main metabolic organ of decapods that decays rapidly post-mortem. The remarkable preservation shows that the internal anatomy of Eryma ventrosum is closer to that of Nephropidae (clawed lobsters) than Astacidae (freshwater crayfish), their closest living relatives based on skeletal morphology. The microanatomy of the gonads and hepatopancreas indicates that the two specimens investigated were a young, well-nourished female and male prior to sexual maturity. The analysis of the soft anatomy reveals remarkable conservatism over 160 Myr and offers new insights into feeding, reproduction, life history and lifestyle of an important component of the macrozoobenthos of Middle Jurassic seas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sampling groundwater biodiversity is difficult because of limited access and issues with species identification. Environmental DNA (eDNA) provides a viable alternative to traditional sampling approaches, however limited knowledge of the abundance and fate of DNA in groundwater hinders the interpretation of data from these environments. Groundwater environments are dark and have lower oxygen concentrations and microbial activity than surface waters. Consequently, assumptions about DNA fate in surface ecosystems may not apply to groundwaters. Here, we test the longevity and transport of eDNA in groundwater within a static microcosm and a flow-through mesocosm. A variety of invertebrates were placed within a mesocosm and microcosm to enable DNA shedding, and then removed. DNA persisted for up to 5 weeks after their removal in the static experiment and was detected between 9 and 33 days in the flow-through experiment. Sediments and water both proved important for eDNA detection. Crustacean DNA was detected sporadically and unpredictably, whereas non-crustacean DNA was detected more frequently despite their lower densities. We suggest that detecting crustaceans poses a challenge to utilising eDNA approaches for stygofauna monitoring. This is confounded by the scarcity of sequences for stygofauna in reference databases. Further research is needed before eDNA alone can be routinely employed for stygofauna detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rotenone, as a common pesticide and insecticide frequently found in environmental samples, may be present in aquatic habitats worldwide. Exposure to low concentrations of this compound may cause alterations in the nervous system, thus contributing to Parkinsonian motor symptoms in both vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the effects of chronic exposure to low doses of rotenone on the activity of neurotransmitters that govern motor functions and on the specific molecular mechanisms leading to movement morbidity remain largely unknown for many aquatic invertebrates. In this study, we analyzed the effects that rotenone poisoning exerts on the activity of dopamine (DA) and acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis enzymes in the central nervous system (CNS) of Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (de Haan, 1835), and elucidated the association of its locomotor behavior with Parkinson\'s-like symptoms. An immunocytochemistry analysis showed a reduction in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the median brain and the ventral nerve cord (VNC), which correlated with the subsequent decrease in the locomotor activity of shore crabs. We also observed a variation in cholinergic neurons\' activity, mostly in the ventral regions of the VNC. Moreover, the rotenone-treated crabs showed signs of damage to ChAT-lir neurons in the VNC. These data suggest that chronic treatment with low doses of rotenone decreases the DA level in the VNC and the ACh level in the brain and leads to progressive and irreversible reductions in the crab\'s locomotor activity, life span, and changes in behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spiny lobsters (Decapoda: Palinuridae) in the genus Panulirus are targets of lucrative fisheries globally and have relevant ecological functions in tropical and subtropical environments. Only a few, but increasing, number of genetic and genomic resources exist for them. Nuclear and mitochondrial genome assemblies can provide insights into their phylogenetic relationships and support fishery management strategies in species that are heavily exploited. Herein, using Illumina short reads whole genome sequencing, we assembled the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of a total of 14 species. Genomic DNA was extracted from specimens deposited at Clemson University Crustacean Collection and sequenced in a HiSeq X Ten system. The number of paired-end (PE) reads generated for the different studied species varied between 219,917,346 in P. argus and 70,215,423 in P. cygnus. Nuclear and mitochondrial genomes were \'de novo\' assembled. Nuclear genomes ranged between 1,624,400,357 bp in P. guttatus and 935,571,898 bp in P. cygnus with scaffold numbers varying between 466,583 in P. versicolor and 852,228 in P. longipes. Mitochondrial genomes varied between 15,613 bp and 15,768 bp in P. pascuensis and P. versicolor, respectively. The totality of the short reads, nuclear, and mitochondrial genome assemblies are available at NCBI\'s GenBank.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clam shrimps are a group of freshwater crustaceans who prospered during the Late Triassic. They were abundant in lacustrine sedimentary records of continental basins distributed throughout Pangea during this time. However, they show significant taxonomic differences between the clamp shrimp faunas from the rift basins of central Pangea and the southern Gondwanan basins. In this contribution, we show new fossil clam shrimp assemblages from the lacustrine sedimentary successions of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (the Bocas and Montebel formations), providing information on the Late Triassic species that inhabited the northwestern Gondwana basins. This study demonstrates that the basins of northwestern Gondwana shared Norian clamp shrimp species with rift basins of central Pangea and differed in their faunas with the basins of the southern portion of Gondwana. In addition, the Late Triassic clam shrimps paleobiogeographic distribution reflects the dispersal of this fauna throughout fluvial-lacustrine environments established in the rift valleys along the central Pangea. Therefore, the rift valleys produced during the early fragmentation of central Pangea could have acted as corridors for dispersion. Simultaneously, rift valleys also provided paleobiogeographic barriers that isolated the central Pangea clam shrimp faunas from southern Gondwana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Balancing selection is an evolutionary process that maintains genetic polymorphisms at selected loci and strongly reduces the likelihood of allele fixation. When allelic polymorphisms that predate speciation events are maintained independently in the resulting lineages, a pattern of trans-species polymorphisms may occur. Trans-species polymorphisms have been identified for loci related to mating systems and the MHC, but they are generally rare. Trans-species polymorphisms in disease loci are believed to be a consequence of long-term host-parasite coevolution by balancing selection, the so-called Red Queen dynamics. Here we scan the genomes of three crustaceans with a divergence of over 15 million years and identify 11 genes containing identical-by-descent trans-species polymorphisms with the same polymorphisms in all three species. Four of these genes display molecular footprints of balancing selection and have a function related to immunity. Three of them are located in or close to loci involved in resistance to a virulent bacterial pathogen, Pasteuria, with which the Daphnia host is known to coevolve. This provides rare evidence of trans-species polymorphisms for loci known to be functionally relevant in interactions with a widespread and highly specific parasite. These findings support the theory that specific antagonistic coevolution is able to maintain genetic diversity over millions of years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report new data on non-indigenous invertebrates from the Mediterranean Sea (four ostracods and 20 molluscs), including five new records for the basin: the ostracods Neomonoceratina iniqua, Neomonoceratina aff. mediterranea, Neomonoceratina cf. entomon, Loxoconcha cf. gisellae (Arthropoda: Crustacea)-the first records of non-indigenous ostracods in the Mediterranean-and the bivalve Striarca aff. symmetrica (Mollusca). Additionally, we report for the first time Electroma vexillum from Israel, and Euthymella colzumensis, Joculator problematicus, Hemiliostraca clandestina, Pyrgulina nana, Pyrgulina microtuber, Turbonilla cangeyrani, Musculus aff. viridulus and Isognomon bicolor from Cyprus. We also report the second record of Fossarus sp. and of Cerithiopsis sp. cf. pulvis in the Mediterranean Sea, the first live collected specimens of Oscilla galilae from Cyprus and the northernmost record of Gari pallida in Israel (and the Mediterranean). Moreover, we report the earliest records of Rugalucina angela, Ervilia scaliola and Alveinus miliaceus in the Mediterranean Sea, backdating their first occurrence in the basin by 3, 5 and 7 years, respectively. We provide new data on the presence of Spondylus nicobaricus and Nudiscintilla aff. glabra in Israel. Finally, yet importantly, we use both morphological and molecular approaches to revise the systematics of the non-indigenous genus Isognomon in the Mediterranean Sea, showing that two species currently co-occur in the basin: the Caribbean I. bicolor, distributed in the central and eastern Mediterranean, and the Indo-Pacific I. aff. legumen, at present reported only from the eastern Mediterranean and whose identity requires a more in-depth taxonomic study. Our work shows the need of taxonomic expertise and investigation, the necessity to avoid the unfounded sense of confidence given by names in closed nomenclature when the NIS belong to taxa that have not enjoyed ample taxonomic work, and the necessity to continue collecting samples-rather than relying on visual censuses and bio-blitzes-to enable accurate detection of non-indigenous species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The marine isopod family Acanthaspidiidae Menzies, 1962 (Asellota, Janiroidea) has global distribution from shelf to hadal depth. The majority of species has been recorded from relatively deep waters and the Southern Hemisphere. To date, 36 species have been described in the family belonging to three genera: Ianthopsis Beddard, 1886; Iolanthe Beddard, 1886; and Mexicope Hooker, 1985.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, a new species of Mexicope is described from Maltese waters, adding a fourth species to the genus. It is the first member of the family reported from the Mediterranean Sea. The new species can be recognised by the unique combination of the following characters: cephalothorax with pre-ocular spine large and pointed anterolaterally, rostral projection blunt, eyes reduced; pereonal sternites each with one ventral spine; pereonite two lateral margins with single projection; pleotelson posterior apex long, projecting to approximately half of the length of the uropod protopod; pleopods I distolateral lobes projecting beyond distomedial lobes, apices curved and pointed laterally; uropod exopod length approximately 0.5 endopod length. An identification key to the species of Mexicope is presented and the generic diagnoses of Ianthopsis and Mexicope are compared, discussed and revised.





