
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a prerequisite for the success of embryo development, embryonic genome activation (EGA) is an important biological event in which zygotic gene products in the embryo are activated to replace maternal-derived transcripts. Although EGA has been extensively studied in a large number of vertebrates and invertebrates, there is a lack of information regarding this event in crustacean crab. In this study, the timing of EGA was confirmed by examining a transcriptomic dataset of early embryonic development, including mature oocytes and embryos through six early developmental stages, and signaling pathways associated with EGA were identified in the mud crab, S. paramamosain. The comprehensive transcriptomic data identified a total of 53,915 transcripts from these sequencing samples. Notable transcriptomic change was evident at the 1-cell stage, indicated by a 36% transcript number shift and a reduction in transcript fragment length, compared to those present in the mature oocytes. Concurrently, a substantial increase in the expression of newly transcribed transcripts was observed, with gene counts reaching 3485 at the 1-cell stage, indicative of the onset of EGA. GO functional enrichment revealed key biological processes initiated at the 1-cell stage, such as protein complex formation, protein metabolism, and various biosynthetic processes. KEGG analysis identified several critical signaling pathways activated during EGA, including the \"cell cycle,\" \"spliceosome,\" \"RNA degradation\", and \"RNA polymerase\", pathways. Furthermore, transcription factor families, including zinc finger, T-box, Nrf1, and Tub were predominantly enriched at the 1-cell stage, suggesting their pivotal roles in regulating embryonic development through the targeting of specific DNA sequences during the EGA process. This groundbreaking study not only addresses a significant knowledge gap regarding the developmental biology of S. paramamosain, especially for the understanding of the mechanism underlying EGA, but also provides scientific data crucial for the research on the individual synchronization of seed breeding within S. paramamosain aquaculture. Additionally, it serves as a reference basis for the study of early embryonic development in other crustacean species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predation pressure influences animal behaviour in relation to feeding, exposure to predators and habitat use. In the presence of a predator, prey usually decreases feeding and activity, avoiding predation-risk areas. This study evaluated the visual effects of a predator fish (red-bellied piranha Pygocentrus nattereri) on the behaviour and habitat use of Macrobrachium jelskii prawn. It was hypothesized that prawns would modify their behaviour in the presence of a predator, decreasing their general activity (foraging and locomotion) and seeking shelter more frequently. Twenty behavioural tests were carried out without and with the presence of a predator using five different M. jelskii individuals per trial. Behavioural data were collected using scan sampling with instantaneous recording of behaviours every 15seconds during 5minutes in each trial. The presence of the predator caused prawns to decrease their locomotion and feeding and increase environment exploration and predator inspection. Prawns used the shelter more frequently when the predator was present. Red-bellied piranha elicited anti-predator behaviour in M. jelskii. The patterns observed suggested that the most common anti-predatory behaviours exhibited by M. jelskii are beneficial as they reduce vigilance and active anti-predation strategies, such as escape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shrimp consumption is in great demand among the seafood used globally. However, this expansion has resulted in the substantial generation and disposal of shrimp shell waste. Through literature search, it has been observed that since 2020, global scholars have shown unprecedented interest in shrimp shell waste and its chitin/chitosan. However, these new insights lack corresponding and comprehensive summarization and analysis. Therefore, this article provides a detailed review of the extraction methods, applications, and the latest research developments on chitin/chitosan from shrimp shells, including micro-nano derivatives, from 2020 to the present. The results indicate that chemical extraction remains the primary technique for the extraction and preparation of chitin/chitosan from shrimp shells. With further refinement and development, adjusting parameters in the chemical extraction process or employing auxiliary techniques such as microwave and radiation enable the customization of target products with different characteristics (e.g., deacetylation degree, molecular weight, and degree of acetylation) according to specific needs. Additionally, in pursuit of environmentally friendly, efficient, and gentle extraction processes, recent research has shifted toward microbial fermentation and green solvent methods for chitin/chitosan extraction. Beyond the traditional antibacterial, film-forming, and encapsulation functionalities, research into the applications of chitosan in biomedical, food processing, new materials, water treatment, and adsorption fields is gradually deepening. Chitin/chitosan derivatives and their modified products have also been a focal point of research in recent years. However, with the rapid expansion, the future development of chitin/chitosan and its derivatives still faces challenges related to the unclear mechanism of action and the complexities associated with industrial scale-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fast technological advances of molecular tools have enabled us to uncover a new dimension hidden within parasites and their hosts: their microbiomes. Increasingly, parasitologists characterise host microbiome changes in the face of parasitic infections, revealing the potential of these microscopic fast-evolving entities to influence host-parasite interactions. However, most of the changes in host microbiomes seem to depend on the host and parasite species in question. Furthermore, we should understand the relative role of parasitic infections as microbiome modulators when compared with other microbiome-impacting factors (e.g., host size, age, sex). Here, we characterised the microbiome of a single intermediate host species infected by two parasites belonging to different phyla: the acanthocephalan Plagiorhynchus allisonae and a dilepidid cestode, both infecting Transorchestia serrulata amphipods collected simultaneously from the same locality. We used the v4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA prokaryotic gene to identify the hemolymph bacterial community of uninfected, acanthocephalan-infected, and cestode-infected amphipods, as well as the bacteria in the amphipods\' immediate environment and in the parasites infecting them. Our results show that parasitic infections were more strongly associated with differences in host bacterial community richness than amphipod size, presence of amphipod eggs in female amphipods, and even parasite load. Amphipods infected by acanthocephalans had the most divergent bacterial community, with a marked decrease in alpha diversity compared with cestode-infected and uninfected hosts. In accordance with the species-specific nature of microbiome changes in parasitic infections, we found unique microbial taxa associating with hosts infected by each parasite species, as well as taxa only shared between a parasite species and their infected hosts. However, there were some bacterial taxa detected in all parasitised amphipods (regardless of the parasite species), but not in uninfected amphipods or the environment. We propose that shared bacteria associated with all hosts parasitised by distantly related helminths may be important either in helping host defences or parasites\' success, and could thus interact with host-parasite evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Specimens of a caligid copepod (Siphonostomatoida) were found on the gills of the hairfin lookdown Selenebrevoortii (Gill) (Carangidae) from off Mazatlán, Sinaloa (north-western Mexico). This material represents a new species of Caligus, C.selenecola sp. nov., and is assigned to the diaphanus species group. Within this group, only C.kapuhili Lewis, 1967, C.laticaudus Shiino, 1960, C.macrurus Heller, 1865, and C.selenecola sp. nov., have been described with a reduced outer spine 1 on the second exopodal segment of leg 1. These four species can be readily separated by the relative length of the abdomen, and the presence/absence of a process on the myxal area of the female maxilliped, the sternal furca, the postantennal process, and the spiniform process on the basal antennary segment. A full description of the new species is given with some comments on Caritustolii Rangnekar, 1984.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present review highlights the chitin/chitosan as biopolymers that are promising for biomedical research development. Our goal was to assess the potential for practical use of these biopolymers and to summarize information on traditional and innovative technologies for their production and purification. The widespread occurrence of chitin and chitosan in nature as well as the unique chemical and biological properties of chitosan are reasons of growing interest in the use of the latter in several pharmaceutical fields. The main stages of chitin extraction and its further modification into chitosan are deproteinization, demineralization, deacetylation, and the main methods of chitosan purification are filtration, dialysis and reprecipitation. The profitability of the production of chitin/chitosan from crustaceans and edible mushrooms is approximately at the same level. The cost of mushroom products can be reduced by using agricultural or forestry waste as nutrient substrates. This makes the use of fungi as sources of chitin/chitosan in forested regions a rather promising issue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study assessed the hydrochar production potential of fish and crustacean waste from 8 marine species (Scomber japonicus, Trichiurus lepturus, Larimichthys polyactis, Trachurus trachurus, Paralichthys olivaceus Litopenaeus vannamei, Portunus trituberculatus, and Penaeus monodon) through hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of their waste fractions. The impact of reaction temperature (200 - 240°C), fixed residence time (5 h), and water-to-biomass ratio (7) on HTC was analyzed. The results showed that hydrochar yields varied between fish (15.1 - 21.5 %) and crustaceans (36.9 - 69.3 %). The elemental composition and surface properties of the hydrochar were influenced by reaction temperature, as indicated by the pH point of zero charge. The adsorption capacity of hydrochar was tested for methylene blue (MB, 2.7 - 10.8 mg/g) and methyl orange (MO, 5.9 - 9.2 mg/g), with MO showing higher adsorption, except for Scomber japonicus, Larimichthys polyactis, and Trachurus trachurus. These findings highlight the significant potential for converting marine waste into valuable hydrochar, contributing to waste management and sustainable resource utilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine pollution caused by heavy metals has emerged as a significant environmental concern, garnering increased attention in recent years. The accumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of marine organisms poses substantial threats to both marine ecosystems and human populations that rely on seafood as a primary food source. Fish and crustaceans are effective biomonitors for assessing heavy metal contamination in aquatic environments. In this study, we determined the concentrations of several heavy metals, including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), and tin (Sn), in four fish species (Mugil cephalus, Mugil capito, L. aurata, and Morone labrax) and five crustacean species (S. rivulatus, Cerastoderma glaucum, Paratapes undulatus, R. decussatus, Callinectes sapidus, and Metapenaeus Stebbingi) from Temsah Lake during both winter and summer seasons. To evaluate the potential ecological and health risks associated with consuming these fish and crustacean species, we calculated the metal pollution index (MPI), weekly intake (EWI), target hazard quotient (THQ), and carcinogenic risk (CR) values. The results revealed a noticeable increase in metal levels during the summer compared to winter in the studied samples. Moreover, the concentration of heavy metals in the muscles of the species generally exceeded those in the liver and gills. The MPI values indicated that Morone labrax exhibited the highest values during winter, while L. aurata showed the highest values during summer. Mugil cephalus demonstrated the lowest MPI values in both seasons. The EWI values for the studied metals were found to be lower than the corresponding tolerable weekly intake (TWI) values. Additionally, under average exposure conditions, the THQ and HI data were generally below one for most study species in the area. The calculated CR values for investigated metals in the studied species indicated acceptable carcinogenic risk levels. Therefore, this suggests that consuming studied species within Temsah lake does not present any potential health hazards for consumers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamic properties of neural systems throughout life can be hijacked by so-called manipulative parasites. This study investigated changes in the brain chemistry of the amphipod Gammarus fossarum in response to infection with two trophically-transmitted helminth parasites known to induce distinct behavioral alterations: the bird acanthocephalan Polymorphus minutus and the fish acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus tereticollis. We quantified brain antioxidant capacity as a common marker of homeostasis and neuroprotection, and brain total protein, on 72 pools of six brains. We analyzed the concentration of serotonin (5HT), dopamine (DA) and tyramine in 52 pools of six brains, by using ultrafast high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (UHPLC-ECD). Brain total protein concentration scaled hypo-allometrically to dry body weight, and was increased in infected gammarids compared to uninfected ones. The brain of gammarids infected with P. minutus had significantly lower total antioxidant capacity relative to total proteins. Infection with P. tereticollis impacted DA level compared to uninfected ones, and in opposite direction between spring and summer. Brain 5HT level was higher in summer compared to spring independently of infection status, and was decreased by infection after correcting for brain total protein concentration estimated from dry whole-body weight. The potential implication of 5HT/DA balance in parasite manipulation, as a major modulator of the reward-punishment axis, is discussed. Taken together, these findings highlight the need to consider both brain homeostatic and/or structural changes (antioxidant and total protein content) together with neurotransmission balance and flexibility, in studies investigating the impact of parasites on brain and behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biology of extinct animals is usually reconstructed from external morphological characters and comparison with present-day analogues. Internal soft organs are very rarely preserved in fossils and require high-tech approaches for visualization. Here, we report the internal anatomy of a female and male of the ~ 162 Myr-old lobster Eryma ventrosum from the Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Konservat-Lagerstätte in France using X-ray synchrotron tomography. The Erymidae is an extinct, species-rich, widespread and ecologically important Mesozoic family of decapod crustaceans. Our investigation revealed the anatomy of the locomotory, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, digestive, nervous and sensory, and reproductive systems at a resolution resembling low-magnification histology. Particularly notable is the detailed preservation of the small brain and the fragile hepatopancreas, the main metabolic organ of decapods that decays rapidly post-mortem. The remarkable preservation shows that the internal anatomy of Eryma ventrosum is closer to that of Nephropidae (clawed lobsters) than Astacidae (freshwater crayfish), their closest living relatives based on skeletal morphology. The microanatomy of the gonads and hepatopancreas indicates that the two specimens investigated were a young, well-nourished female and male prior to sexual maturity. The analysis of the soft anatomy reveals remarkable conservatism over 160 Myr and offers new insights into feeding, reproduction, life history and lifestyle of an important component of the macrozoobenthos of Middle Jurassic seas.





