
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research focusing on \'stout-bodied\' typhlotanaids collected from several sites around Iceland and adjacent N Atlantic region has resulted in the description of 15 species new to science, as well as the creation of eight new genera. Typhlotanais eximius Hansen, 1913 is redescribed and transferred to a new genus, while Typhlotanais crassus and Peraeospinosus adipatus are transferred to the genus Larsenotanais. The morphological and the molecular data were combined to consolidate and confirm the validity of the results obtained from both approaches. The polyphyletic nature of the Typhlotanaidae and its serious of its taxonomic diversity are emphasized, although molecular analysis reveals that the \'stout-bodied\' Typhlotanaidae form monophyletic clade. Depth and temperature are identified as the main environmental parameters determining the distribution of this group of Typhlotanaidae. Several species are clearly associated with the shelf and upper bathyal of Iceland. The Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge is shown to be a distinct zoogeographical barrier for typhlotanaids inhabiting the deeper slope and abyssal regions around Iceland.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibiotics have been detected in aquatic environment around the world. Understanding internal concentrations of antibiotics in organisms could further improve risk governance. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of seven sulfonamides, four tetracyclines, five fluoroquinolones, and five macrolides antibiotics in six fish, four crustaceans, and five mollusks species collected from Qinzhou Bay, an important part of the Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea in 2018. 19 of all the 21 target antibiotics were detectable in biota. The total concentrations of the antibiotics ranged from 15.2 to 182 ng/g dry weight in all marine organisms, with sulfonamides and macrolides being the most abundant antibiotics. Mollusks accumulated more antibiotics than fish and crustaceans, implying the species-specific bioaccumulation of antibiotics. The pH dependent partition coefficients of antibiotics exhibited significantly positive correlation with their concentrations in organisms. The ecological risk assessment suggested that marine species in Qinzhou Bay were threatened by azithromycin and norfloxacin. The annual mass loading of antibiotics from Qinzhou Bay to the coastal land area for human ingestion via marine fishery catches was 4.02 kg, with mollusks being the predominant migration contributor. The estimated daily intakes of erythromycin indicated that consumption of seafood from Qinzhou Bay posed considerable risks to children (2-5 years old). The results in this study provide important insights for antibiotics pollution assessment and risk management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predicting the export price of shrimp is important for Vietnam\'s fisheries. It not only promotes product quality but also helps policy makers determine strategies to develop the national shrimp industry. Competition in global markets is considered to be an important factor, one that significantly influences price. In this study, we predicted trends in the export price of Vietnamese shrimp based on competitive information from six leading exporters (China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Ecuador, and Chile) who, alongside Vietnam, also export shrimp to the US. The prediction was based on a dataset collected from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (May-1995 to May-2019) that included price, required farming certificates, and disease outbreak data. A super learner technique, which combined 10 single algorithms, was used to make predictions in selected base periods (3, 6, 9, and 12 months). It was found that the super learner obtained results in all base periods that were more accurate and stable than any candidate algorithms. The impacts of variables in the predictive model were interpreted by a SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis to determine their influence on the price of Vietnamese exports. The price of Indian, Thai, and Chinese exports highlighted the advantages of being a World Trade Organization member and the disadvantages of the prevalence of shrimp disease in Vietnam, which has had a significant impact on the Vietnamese shrimp export price.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporary waters are common environments found in physical and biological substrates. Among them, some bromeliads species are known to hold water in their tanks, in a habitat called phytotelmata. Phytotelmata serve as habitats for several organisms, from bacteria and protists to arthropods and anurans. Peritrich ciliates are often found as epibionts on aquatic invertebrates in these environments. Here, we report two cases of epibiosis involving Lagenophrys sp. attached to ostracods (Elpidium spp.) and Rhabdostyla sp. colonizing hydrachnid mites in the tanks of two bromeliad species. In our analysis, we measured the frequency of epibiosis considering the presence of both basibiont and epibiont in the samples. The results shown a significant difference between Elpidium sp. and Lagenophrys sp. compared to hydrachnid mites and Rhabdostyla sp. (87.5% and 19%, respectively), supported by the Kruskal-Walis test (p = 0.0003, Chi-square = 9.687). These reports are important since the knowledge of phytotelmata communities from tropical and subtropical areas is incipient, although it has been increasing over the last years. It also shows that epibiosis doesn\'t always represent a beneficial relationship. These two epibiosis systems found in bromeliad tanks raise questions about organism\'s dispersal throughout other phytotelmata and other temporary water habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Groundwater biota are crucial for the ecological functioning of subterranean ecosystems. However, while knowledge of the taxonomic diversity of groundwater invertebrates (stygofauna) is increasing, functional ecological information is still limited. Here, we investigate seldom empirically tested assumptions around stygofaunal trophic plasticity in coping with oligotrophic habitats. We focus on Barrow Island (Western Australia), an ideal natural laboratory due to the occurrence of natural oil seeps in association with aquifers. The trophic position and food source use of the endemic atyid shrimp Stygiocaris stylifera (Holthuis, 1960) were assessed via δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analysis (SIA). Background information on the environmental conditions was gathered through hydrochemical data and δ13C SIA combined with 14C data from dissolved inorganic/organic carbon and particulate organic carbon from groundwater samples. Our results indicate carbon enrichment in proximity to the natural oil seepage coupled with changes in trophic positions of S. stylifera from higher consumers/predators to biofilm grazers/decomposers. These results are consistent with an increased involvement of hydrocarbon seeps and associated microbial communities in the carbon flows and confirm potential for the trophic flexibility in stygofauna. Further investigations involving other trophic groups will help elucidate the functioning of the ecosystems at a community level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Body organization within arthropods is enormously diverse, but a fusion of segments into \"functional groups\" (tagmatization) is found in all species. Within Tetraconata/Pancrustacea, an anterior head, a locomotory thorax region, and a posterior, mostly limbless tagma known as the abdomen is present. The posterior-most tagma in crustaceans is frequently confused with the malacostracan, for example, decapod pleon often misleadingly termed abdomen, however, its evolutionary and developmental origin continues to pose a riddle, especially the completely limbless abdomen of the \"entomostracan morphotype\" (e.g., fairy shrimps). Since the discovery of Hox genes and their involvement in specifying the morphology or identity of segments, tagmata, or regions along the anteroposterior axis of an organism, only a few studies have focused on model organisms representing the \"entomostracan morphotype\" and used a variety of dedicated Hox genes and their transcription products to shine light on abdomen formation. The homeotic genes or the molecular processes that determine the identity of the entomostracan abdomen remain unknown to date. This study focuses on the \"entomostracan morphotype\" representative Derocheilocaris remanei (Mystacocarida). We present a complete overview of development throughout larval stages and investigate homeotic gene expression data using the antibody FP6.87 that binds specifically to epitopes of Ultrabithorax/Abdominal-A proteins. Our results suggest that the abdomen in Mystacocarida is bipartite (abdomen I + abdomen II). We suggest that the limbless abdomen is an evolutionary novelty that evolved several times independently within crustaceans and which might be the result of a progressive reduction of former thoracic segments into abdominal segments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many invertebrate species inhabit coastal areas where loads of plastic debris and microplastics are high. In the current case study, we exemplarily illustrate the principal processes taking place in the Atlantic ditch shrimp, Palaemon varians, upon ingestion of microplastics. In the laboratory, shrimp readily ingested fluorescent polystyrene microbeads of 0.1-9.9 µm, which could be tracked within the widely translucent body. Ingested food items as well as micro-particles cumulate in the stomach where they are macerated and mixed with digestive enzymes. Inside the stomach, ingested particles are segregated by size by a complex fine-meshed filter system. Liquids and some of the smallest particles (0.1 µm) pass the filter and enter the midgut gland where resorption of nutrients as well as synthesis and release of digestive enzymes take place. Large particles and most of the small particles are egested with the feces through the hindgut. Small particles, which enter the midgut gland, may interact with the epithelial cells and induce oxidative stress, as indicated by elevated activities of superoxide dismutase and cellular markers of reactive oxygen species. The shrimp indiscriminately ingest microparticles but possess efficient mechanisms to protect their organs from overloading with microplastics and other indigestible particles. These include an efficient sorting mechanism within the stomach and the protection of the midgut gland by the pyloric filter. Formation of detrimental radical oxygen species is counteracted by the induction of enzymatic antioxidants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Expression of sexual dimorphism is recognised in various fossil groups of molluscs such as the Ammonoidea, an extinct group of shelled cephalopods. During the Mesozoic, the best-documented sexual dimorphic examples are seen in the Jurassic superfamily Perisphinctoidea. It is usually expressed by distinct adult size and apertural modifications between the antidimorphs. Putative males (otherwise referred to as microconch) are small in size and develop lappets at the end of the shell while the females (macroconch) are larger and bear a simple peristome. Dubious cases are, however, known in that superfamily, which often relate to taxonomic biases or lack of diagnostic characters, and some others expose ontogenetic anomalies illustrated by \'sex reversals\' in the shell morphology and ornamentation.
    The discovery of two specimens of the Callovian Aspidoceratidae Peltoceras athleta (Phillips), having both female and male features, questions the significance and causes of \'sex reversals\' in the Ammonoidea. The two specimens have started with the macroconch ontogeny of Peltoceras athleta and show an apparent change toward maleness in the adult, as illustrated by their rounded whorl section, ribs retroversion, fading of the tubercles and lappets typical of the microconchs. Few other cases of female-to-male, as well as male-to-female \'sex reversal\', are known in the fossil record, all belonging to the Jurassic Perisphinctoidea (families Perisphinctidae or Aspidoceratidae). Since all Jurassic Perisphinctoidea are strictly gonochoristic, these \'sex reversals\' are pathological in nature and are herein referred to as a new forma-type pathology: namely \"forma hermaphrodita\".
    In the absence of any clear evidence of injury or parasitism, we hypothesize that such \"forma hermaphrodita\" individuals illustrate pathologic cases of intersexuality. Little is known about the ammonoid soft parts, and it is not possible to determine which internal sexual organs occur in specimens having both male and female external shell features. Abnormal feminisation and/or masculinisation also occur in modern cephalopods, the latter also grouping only gonochoric species. This phenomenon is similarly illustrated by a change in the adult body size and a mixing of both female and male structures. In that case, intersexuality is either advantageous in the population or caused sterility. The causes of intersexuality are not clearly established but environmental pollutants are evoked in modern cephalopods because they act as endocrine disrupters. \'Sex reversals\' and/or non-functional reproductive abnormalities have also been caused by endocrine disrupters in various gonochoric gastropods species, but infestation, genetic abnormalities, temperature fluctuations or viruses are multiple causes, which can stimulate or inhibit neural-endocrinal activity by direct gonadal influence, and ultimately lead to feminisation or masculinisation in fishes, isopods, crustaceans, and gastropods as well. Regardless of whether \"forma hermaphrodita\" is due to an exogenic or endogenic cause, the record of intersex Perisphinctoidea in the Jurassic can be explained by the ready recognition of dimorphic pairs, and the easy collection of large and sufficiently preserved fossil palaeopopulations in which intersex specimens have statistically more chance to be found.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the majority of species and genus names in Decapoda Crustacea, the author(s) of the name equate with the author(s) of the work. In a relatively small number of cases, however, the author(s) of the name are either a subset of the authors of the work or are not an author on the work-a phenomenon herein termed \"innies\". We demonstrate that these two categories should be differentially interpreted according to Articles 50.1 and 50.1.1 of the ICZN Code. To promote stability in cited authorship of historical names, it is proposed that 1) if the author(s) of the name are also an author on the work, these should be universally accepted as \"innies\", irrespective of any further explanation in the text (including a mere attribution following the taxon name); and 2) that if the author(s) of the name are not an author(s) of the work, these should only be considered as \"innies\" if a more expansive explanation is given in the text, not merely an attribution of authorship to the taxon name.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although knowledge of the bioactive compounds produced by species inhabiting coastal waters is increasing, little is known about the bioactive potential produced by marine species occupying deeper habitats with high biodiversity and productivity. Here, we investigate about the bioactive potential of molecules produced by species that inhabit the crinoid beds, a poorly known essential fish habitat affected by trawling, wherein large amounts of commercial and noncommercial species are discarded. Based on a trawl survey conducted in 2019, 14% of the 64 species discarded on crinoid beds produce molecules with some type of bioactive potential, including; soft corals (Alcyonium palmatum); tunicates (Ascidia mentula); bony fish, such as horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus); European hake (Merluccius merluccius); and chondrichthyans, such as small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). In addition, 16% of the discarded species had congeneric species that produce compounds with bioactive potential, indicating that such species might also possess similar types of bioactive molecules. Molecules with antioxidant, antitumour, antihypertensive, and antibacterial properties were the most frequent, which could provide the basis for future research aiming to discover new marine-based drugs and compounds for other human uses. Among all species or genera that produce compounds with bioactive potential, 68% presented medium or high vulnerability to trawling. Results show that the discarded catch contains many species, which produce different bioactive compounds that represent an added-value resource. These results highlight the importance of manage properly crinoid beds, to ensure that species that produce molecules with bioactive potential inhabiting these habitats are protected.






