• 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Preoperative oral carbohydrate loading is a component of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of preoperative oral carbohydrate loading on postoperative clinical outcomes in spinal surgery patients.
    METHODS: This is a prospective case-control study.
    METHODS: This study was conducted with patients who underwent spinal surgery from October 1, 2020 to October 1, 2021 in a neurosurgery clinic of an education and research hospital. The intervention group (n = 46) ingested 800 mL oral carbohydrate drinks at least 8 hours before surgery. The postoperative clinical outcomes were nausea, vomiting, antiemetic and analgesic drug medication, inflammation, and bleeding. The first flatus and defecation time, oral intake time, mobilization time, and length of stay in hospital were assessed postoperatively. Adverse events were monitored up to 24 hours postoperatively. The control group (n = 46) underwent routine fasting protocols.
    RESULTS: Lower rates of vomiting and bleeding during and after surgery and earlier defecation time and first mobilization time were determined in the intervention group, and the difference compared with the control group was statistically significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative oral carbohydrate loading is a nonpharmacological intervention that has a positive effect on postoperative clinical outcomes in patients who underwent spinal surgery and should be included in the enhanced recovery after surgery protocol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 has caused high morbidity and mortality in vulnerable people, such as those affected by chronic diseases, and case-management nurses (CMNs) are reference professionals for their health care and management. The objective of this study is to better understand the discourse, experiences, and feelings about the professional performance of CMNs during the pandemic. A qualitative study was conducted by conducting semi-structured interviews with CMNs (n = 31) from the province of Seville (Spain) and performing a narrative discourse analysis. The Atlas Ti 6.2 software program was used. Two categories were defined: 1. CMNs\' competencies (76 verbatim testimonies); and 2. Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (61 verbatim testimonies). This study was granted due permission by the Research Ethics Committee belonging to the University of Seville, under protocol code: 1139-N-22. The pandemic caused an increase in CMNs\' workload, and they had to assume their usual care tasks for vulnerable populations in addition to simultaneously prioritizing assistance in nursing homes. We can highlight CMNs\' adaptation to the pandemic situation and to these new requirements in the context of their significant social commitment to the advanced practice of the profession, a commitment that is closely related to leadership. We should also indicate that interpersonal relationships were improved, and that there was technological progress. Some CMNs mentioned an increase in their workload and reported experiencing burnout syndrome. We conclude that CMNs\' management of health care during the pandemic has been extraordinary, especially in regard to the most vulnerable populations of patients, including individuals with chronic diseases and institutionalized older adults, a fact that has been valued by the institutions and by society in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past few decades, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have revolutionized the fields of nursing and patient healthcare management. This scoping review and the accompanying case studies shed light on the extensive scope and impact of ICT in these critical healthcare domains. The scoping review explores the wide array of ICT tools employed in nursing care and patient healthcare management. These tools encompass electronic health records systems, mobile applications, telemedicine solutions, remote monitoring systems, and more. This article underscores how these technologies have enhanced the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of clinical information, contributing to improved patient care. ICT revolution has revitalized nursing care and patient management, improving the quality of care and patient satisfaction. This review and the accompanying case studies emphasize the ongoing potential of ICT in the healthcare sector and call for further research to maximize its benefits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Up to 50% of antibiotic prescriptions for upper respiratory infections (URIs) are inappropriate. Clinical decision support (CDS) systems to mitigate unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions have been implemented into electronic health records, but their use by providers has been limited.
    OBJECTIVE: As a delegation protocol, we adapted a validated electronic health record-integrated clinical prediction rule (iCPR) CDS-based intervention for registered nurses (RNs), consisting of triage to identify patients with low-acuity URI followed by CDS-guided RN visits. It was implemented in February 2022 as a randomized controlled stepped-wedge trial in 43 primary and urgent care practices within 4 academic health systems in New York, Wisconsin, and Utah. While issues were pragmatically addressed as they arose, a systematic assessment of the barriers to implementation is needed to better understand and address these barriers.
    METHODS: We performed a retrospective case study, collecting quantitative and qualitative data regarding clinical workflows and triage-template use from expert interviews, study surveys, routine check-ins with practice personnel, and chart reviews over the first year of implementation of the iCPR intervention. Guided by the updated CFIR (Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research), we characterized the initial barriers to implementing a URI iCPR intervention for RNs in ambulatory care. CFIR constructs were coded as missing, neutral, weak, or strong implementation factors.
    RESULTS: Barriers were identified within all implementation domains. The strongest barriers were found in the outer setting, with those factors trickling down to impact the inner setting. Local conditions driven by COVID-19 served as one of the strongest barriers, impacting attitudes among practice staff and ultimately contributing to a work infrastructure characterized by staff changes, RN shortages and turnover, and competing responsibilities. Policies and laws regarding scope of practice of RNs varied by state and institutional application of those laws, with some allowing more clinical autonomy for RNs. This necessitated different study procedures at each study site to meet practice requirements, increasing innovation complexity. Similarly, institutional policies led to varying levels of compatibility with existing triage, rooming, and documentation workflows. These workflow conflicts were compounded by limited available resources, as well as an implementation climate of optional participation, few participation incentives, and thus low relative priority compared to other clinical duties.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both between and within health care systems, significant variability existed in workflows for patient intake and triage. Even in a relatively straightforward clinical workflow, workflow and cultural differences appreciably impacted intervention adoption. Takeaways from this study can be applied to other RN delegation protocol implementations of new and innovative CDS tools within existing workflows to support integration and improve uptake. When implementing a system-wide clinical care intervention, considerations must be made for variability in culture and workflows at the state, health system, practice, and individual levels.
    BACKGROUND: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04255303; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04255303.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease (FUMHD) is a rare and severe variant of pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta, characterized by a rapid onset of painful, necrotic skin lesions and systemic symptoms. The diagnosis of FUMHD is complex, hinging on the clinical presentation, histopathological findings, and exclusion of other severe dermatoses. The key diagnostic criteria include sudden development of ulceronecrotic papules and plaques, fever, and evidence of systemic disease. Due to the rarity of FUMHD, there is no consensus on optimal treatment, reflecting a significant gap in the dermatological practice.
    UNASSIGNED: This report details a multimodal approach tailored to our 13-year-old patient, incorporating systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressive therapy, and intensive supportive care. The strategy was designed to address the acute and aggressive nature of the disease while mitigating potential systemic complications. The report emphasizes on the intricate, multi-layered care required to manage FUMHD, illustrating the challenges and considerations in treating this complex condition. It underscored the necessity of a personalized, comprehensive care plan that extends beyond medical intervention to include psychological and social support. The outcome of our patient was encouraging, with a marked reduction in cutaneous manifestations and improvement in systemic symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: It was found that prevention and care of skin injuries and complications, as well as the protection of patient\'s mental state during the development of the disease, are very important. Therefore, early diagnosis, prompt treatment, close monitoring of infection indicators, and specialized care are essential to improve the prognosis of patients with FUMHD.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Presented is the case of a nurse who had 4 occupational exposures to potentially infectious material between December 2020 and June 2022. In 2 of the cases, the source patient was unknown, so pharmacological HIV post-exposure prophylaxis was implemented (in 1 of these cases, the nurse developed weakness and increased dyspeptic symptoms, necessitating a change in the antiretroviral medications used). During the interview collection, the nurse reported that multiple exposures to potentially infectious material are common in her work environment, but most of these are not reported. This is supported by the results of several studies devoted to the problem of non-reporting of occupational exposures by health care workers. However, there is significant discrepancy in the results of these studies, which may be due to different methods. The authors of this article believe that after 10 years since the entry into force of the regulation of the Minister of Health standardizing procedures for dealing with injuries caused by sharp instruments used in the provision of health care services, a serious problem remains of non-reporting of cases by employees (resulting in a lack of post-exposure prophylaxis). The authors call for the introduction of a nationwide reporting system. There is also a need to increase the importance of prophylaxis of stabbings and to improve the quality of training of medical personnel in post-exposure prophylaxis procedures. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2024;75(2):173-179.
    Opisano przypadek pielęgniarki, u której między grudniem 2020 r. a czerwcem 2022 r. czterokrotnie wystąpiła ekspozycja zawodowa na materiał potencjalnie zakaźny. W 2 przypadkach pacjent źródłowy był nieznany, więc wdrożono farmakologiczną profilaktykę poekspozycyjną HIV (w jednym z tych przypadków u pielęgniarki wystąpiło osłabienie i nasilone objawy dyspeptyczne, co spowodowało konieczność zmiany stosowanych leków przeciwretrowirusowych). W czasie zbierania wywiadu pielęgniarka zgłosiła, że wielokrotne ekspozycje na materiał potencjalnie zakaźny są powszechne w jej środowisku pracy, jednak większość z nich nie jest raportowana. Potwierdzają to wyniki kilku badań poświęconych problemowi niezgłaszania przypadków ekspozycji zawodowych przez pracowników ochrony zdrowia. Ich wyniki są znacząco rozbieżne, co może wynikać z różnej metodyki. Autorzy niniejszego artykułu uważają, że po 10 latach od wejścia w życie rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia ujednolicającego procedury postępowania po zranieniu ostrymi narzędziami używanymi przy udzielaniu świadczeń zdrowotnych poważnym problemem pozostaje niezgłaszanie przypadków przez pracowników (skutkiem tego jest brak profilaktyki poekspozycyjnej). Autorzy postulują wprowadzenie ogólnopolskiego systemu raportowania. Konieczne jest również zwiększenie znaczenia profilaktyki zakłuć oraz poprawa jakości szkolenia personelu medycznego w zakresie procedur profilaktyki poekspozycyjnej. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2024;75(2):173–179.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The elderly are one of the main groups at risk of contracting COVID-19. Using Parse\'s human becoming in practice can lead to important changes in a person\'s health. This study aimed to apply this theory in caring of an elderly patient with spontaneous pneumothorax following COVID-19.
    UNASSIGNED: This research was a case study which was conducted in 2023 in Guilan (Iran). This study was conducted based on the three principles of Parse\'s theory (meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence) using Purposive sampling. Nursing interventions were performed based on the PRISM model (presence, respect, information, services, and movement). The data analysis was done based on the qualitative analysis-synthesis process of Parse\'s research methodology (2011).
    UNASSIGNED: Findings based on the first principle of Parse\'s theory showed that the meaning of COVID-19 changed from \"lethal\" to \"curable disease\". In the second principle, the paradoxes of \"disbelief/shock-active participation for recovery\", \"despair-hope\", and \"ignorance- searching for knowledge\" were identified. According to the third principle, the patient and her daughter had learned how to take the path of transcendence and deal with disease conflicts and create the necessary change in dealing with paradoxes.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that Parse\'s theory could be used to improve health status and deal with paradoxes in elderly patients suffering from spontaneous pneumothorax. It is suggested that this theory will be used in future studies in the care of other patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A key role of nurses working in long-term care homes (LTCHs) is to promote the involvement of care partners in end-of-life (EOL) care. However, studies on the involvement of care partners in EOL care in LTCHs have focused on care planning and decision-making. While care partners can participate in other ways, it\'s unclear how they are currently involved in EOL care by staff.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to explore the involvement of care partners in the EOL care of an older adult living in a LTCH.
    METHODS: A qualitative case study was conducted. Data was collected from a sample of four nurses and three care partners, using sociodemographic questionnaires, individual semi-structured interviews, documents pertaining to the LTCH\'s philosophy for EOL care, and a field diary.
    RESULTS: The results of a thematic analysis showed the broad scope of care partners\' possible involvement, including contributing to care, obtaining information, and being present. As there was some variation in care partners\' desire to be involved, nurses seemed to rely on them to convey their wishes. To promote this involvement, some strategies aimed at health professionals and managers were suggested.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results can guide improvement in clinical practices and raise awareness on the EOL care experiences of care partners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: During the 1990-2000, Kazakhstan experienced a decline in the number of healthcare professionals working in rural areas. Since 2009, the national government has been implementing financial incentives to encourage healthcare professionals to relocate to rural areas. This study aims to investigate the temporal and spatial patterns in the distribution of the rural healthcare workforce and evaluate the impact of this incentive scheme.
    METHODS: Interrupted Time Series Analysis using ARIMA models and Difference in Differences analyzes were conducted to examine the impact of the incentive scheme on the density of different categories of the healthcare workforce in rural Kazakhstan in the period from 2009 to 2020.
    RESULTS: There was a significant increase in the number of rural healthcare professionals from 2009 to 2020 in comparison to the period from 1998 to 2008. However, this increase was less pronounced in per capita terms. Moreover, a decline in the density of internists and pediatricians was observed. There is substantial variation in the density of rural nurses and physicians across different regions of Kazakhstan. The incentive scheme introduced in 2009 by the government of Kazakhstan included a one-time allowance and housing incentive. This scheme was found to have contributed insignificantly to the observed increase in the number of rural healthcare professionals.
    CONCLUSIONS: Future research should be undertaken to examine the impact made by the incentive scheme on other medical subspecialties, particularly primary practitioners. Addressing the shortage of healthcare workers in rural areas is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Aside from financial incentives, other policies could be considered to increase relocation and improve the retention of healthcare professionals in rural areas.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The nursing shortage is a multi-causal phenomenon that affects all countries and currently a global concern. The shortage of nurses jeopardizes the sustainability of health systems and the population health outcomes. Spain has historically had no difficulties in attracting new generations of nurses. The shortage of nurses is caused by the precarious working conditions and lack of professional development that have led to episodes of high international migration and abandonment of the profession. In this paper we focus on the evolution of different indicators of the working conditions of non-specialist nurses, who make up the bulk of the profession. These indicators allow us to analyse the abandonment of the profession, the duration of contracts, their full-time or part-time dedication and the excessive hiring. We have analysed the effect of COVID-19 and the labour reform on these indicators. COVID-19 reduced the abandonment of the profession and is currently at its lowest level, it has also accelerated the need to improve working conditions by increasing the percentage of permanent contracts and reducing the multiplicity of contracts in the same month. The labour reform has helped reduce the percentage of temporary contracts until reaching around 80% of the total contracts, and has reduced the number of nurses in Spain with more than one contract in the same month to below 3000 nurses on a sustained basis.





