
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basement membrane (BM) is an extracellular matrix that plays important roles in animal development. A spatial heterogeneity in composition and structural properties of the BM provide cells with vital cues for morphogenetic processes such as cell migration or cell polarization. Here, using the Drosophila egg chamber as a model system, we show that the BM becomes heterogeneous during development, with a reduction in Collagen IV density at the posterior pole and differences in the micropattern of aligned fiber-like structures. We identified two AdamTS matrix proteases required for the proper elongated shape of the egg chamber, yet the molecular mechanisms by which they act are different. Stall is required to establish BM heterogeneity by locally limiting Collagen IV protein density, whereas AdamTS-A alters the micropattern of fiber-like structures within the BM at the posterior pole. Our results suggest that AdamTS proteases control BM heterogeneity required for organ shape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A simple machine is a basic of device that takes mechanical advantage to apply force. Animals and plants self-assemble through the operation of a wide variety of simple machines. Embryos of different species actuate these simple machines to drive the geometric transformations that convert a disordered mass of cells into organized structures with discrete identities and function. These transformations are intrinsically coupled to sequential and overlapping steps of self-organization and self-assembly. The processes of self-organization have been explored through the molecular composition of cells and tissues and their information networks. By contrast, efforts to understand the simple machines underlying self-assembly must integrate molecular composition with the physical principles of mechanics. This primer is concerned with effort to elucidate the operation of these machines, focusing on the \"problem\" of morphogenesis. Advances in understanding self-assembly will ultimately connect molecular-, subcellular-, cellular- and meso-scale functions of plants and animals and their ability to interact with larger ecologies and environmental influences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphogenesis is a physical process that sculpts the final functional forms of tissues and organs. Remarkably, the lungs of terrestrial vertebrates vary dramatically in form across species, despite providing the same function of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide. These divergent forms arise from distinct physical processes through which the epithelium of the embryonic lung responds to the mechanical properties of its surrounding mesenchymal microenvironment. Here we compare the physical processes that guide folding of the lung epithelium in mammals, birds, and reptiles, and suggest a conceptual framework that reconciles how conserved molecular signaling generates divergent mechanical forces across these species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The salivary gland undergoes branching morphogenesis to elaborate into a tree-like structure with numerous saliva-secreting acinar units, all joined by a hierarchical ductal system. The expansive epithelial surface generated by branching morphogenesis serves as the structural basis for the efficient production and delivery of saliva. Here, we elucidate the process of salivary gland morphogenesis, emphasizing the role of mechanics. Structurally, the developing salivary gland is characterized by a stratified epithelium tightly encased by the basement membrane, which is in turn surrounded by a mesenchyme consisting of a dense network of interstitial matrix and mesenchymal cells. Diverse cell types and extracellular matrices bestow this developing organ with organized, yet spatially varied mechanical properties. For instance, the surface epithelial sheet of the bud is highly fluidic due to its high cell motility and weak cell-cell adhesion, rendering it highly pliable. In contrast, the inner core of the bud is more rigid, characterized by reduced cell motility and strong cell-cell adhesion, which likely provide structural support for the tissue. The interactions between the surface epithelial sheet and the inner core give rise to budding morphogenesis. Furthermore, the basement membrane and the mesenchyme offer mechanical constraints that could play a pivotal role in determining the higher-order architecture of a fully mature salivary gland.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The patterning cascade model of crown morphogenesis has been studied extensively in a variety of organisms to elucidate the evolutionary history surrounding postcanine tooth form. The current research is the first to use a large modern human sample to examine whether the crown configuration of lower deciduous and permanent molars aligns with expectations derived from the model. This study has two main goals: 1) to determine if metameric and antimeric pairs significantly differ in size, accessory trait expression, and relative intercusp spacing, and 2) assess whether the relative distance among early-forming cusps accounts for observed variation in accessory cusp expression.
    METHODS: Tooth size, intercusp distance, and morphological trait expression data were collected from 3D scans of mandibular dental casts representing participants of the Harvard Solomon Islands Project. Paired tests were utilized to compare tooth size, accessory trait expression, and relative intercusp distance between diphyodont metameres and permanent antimeres. Proportional odds logistic regression was implemented to investigate how the odds of greater accessory cusp expression vary as a function of the distance between early-developing cusps.
    RESULTS: Comparing paired molars, significant differences were identified for tooth size and cusp 5 expression. Several relative intercusp distances emerged as important predictors of cusp 6 expression, however, results for cusp 5 and cusp 7 did not match expected patterns. These findings support previous quantitative genetic results and suggest the development of neighboring crown structures represents a zero-sum partitioning of cellular territory and resources. As such, this study contributes to a better understanding of the foundations of deciduous and permanent molar crown variation in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanosensitive Piezo channels regulate cell division, cell extrusion, and cell death. However, systems-level functions of Piezo in regulating organogenesis remain poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that Piezo controls epithelial cell topology to ensure precise organ growth by integrating live-imaging experiments with pharmacological and genetic perturbations and computational modeling. Notably, the knockout or knockdown of Piezo increases bilateral asymmetry in wing size. Piezo\'s multifaceted functions can be deconstructed as either autonomous or non-autonomous based on a comparison between tissue-compartment-level perturbations or between genetic perturbation populations at the whole-tissue level. A computational model that posits cell proliferation and apoptosis regulation through modulation of the cutoff tension required for Piezo channel activation explains key cell and tissue phenotypes arising from perturbations of Piezo expression levels. Our findings demonstrate that Piezo promotes robustness in regulating epithelial topology and is necessary for precise organ size control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germ cells (GCs) serve as indispensable carriers in both animals and plants, ensuring genetic continuity across generations. While it is generally acknowledged that the timing of germline segregation differs significantly between animals and plants, ongoing debates persist as new evidence continues to emerge. In this review, we delve into studies focusing on male germ cell specifications in plants, and we summarize the core gene regulatory circuits in germ cell specification, which show remarkable parallels to those governing meristem homeostasis. The similarity in germline establishment between animals and plants is also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extraction of museum DNA from a unique collection of samples of the \"Crocidura pergrisea\" species complex, which comprises local endemics of Central and West Asia, allowed us to determine their inter- and intragroup relationships. The first step of this study was the re-evaluation of heavily damaged type specimens of C. armenica via a microcomputed-tomography-based cybertaxonomic approach (CTtax), which enabled a precise description of the species\' morphology; three-dimensional models of the cybertypes were made available through the MorphoBank Repository. We developed the \"AProMaDesU\" pipeline on the basis of five requirements for micro-CT-based cyber-datasets in relation to mammalian collections. Our second step was a combination of several meticulous approaches to morphological investigation against a background of a cytb-based phylogeny, which helped us to make a taxonomic decision about the status of species of the \"pergrisea\" group, e.g., C. arispa, C. armenica, and C. serezkyensis, when the morphological results were partly incongruent with the molecular phylogeny. Nevertheless, under two assumptions, our findings preserved a separate species-level status of C. serezkyensis and C. arispa. In addition, we restored the species-level status of C. armenica. This taxonomic decision is based on our morphospace analysis, which revealed unique craniomandibular shape transformations within the rocky shrews that helped them with the transition to a new area of morphospace/trophic niches and consequently separated them from the other analyzed Crocidura groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Focusing on the opposing ways of thinking of philosophers and scientists to explain the generation of form in biological development, I show that today\'s controversies over explanations of early development bear fundamental similarities to the dichotomy of preformation theory versus epigenesis in Greek antiquity. They are related to the acceptance or rejection of the idea of a physical form of what today would be called information for the generating of the embryo as a necessary pre-requisite for specific development and heredity. As a recent example, I scrutinize the dichotomy of genomic causality versus self-organization in 20th and 21st century theories of the generation of form. On the one hand, the generation of patterns and form, as well as the constant outcome in development, are proposed to be causally related to something that is \"preformed\" in the germ cells, the nucleus of germ cells, or the genome. On the other hand, it is proposed that there is no pre-existing form or information, and development is seen as a process where genuinely new characters emerge from formless matter, either by immaterial \"forces of life,\" or by physical-chemical processes of self-organization. I also argue that these different ways of thinking and the research practices associated with them are not equivalent, and maintain that it is impossible to explain the generation of form and constant outcome of development without the assumption of the transmission of pre-existing information in the form of DNA sequences in the genome. Only in this framework of \"preformed\" information can \"epigenesis\" in the form of physical and chemical processes of self-organization play an important role.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many studies on memory emphasize the material substrate and mechanisms by which data can be stored and reliably read out. Here, I focus on complementary aspects: the need for agents to dynamically reinterpret and modify memories to suit their ever-changing selves and environment. Using examples from developmental biology, evolution, and synthetic bioengineering, in addition to neuroscience, I propose that a perspective on memory as preserving salience, not fidelity, is applicable to many phenomena on scales from cells to societies. Continuous commitment to creative, adaptive confabulation, from the molecular to the behavioral levels, is the answer to the persistence paradox as it applies to individuals and whole lineages. I also speculate that a substrate-independent, processual view of life and mind suggests that memories, as patterns in the excitable medium of cognitive systems, could be seen as active agents in the sense-making process. I explore a view of life as a diverse set of embodied perspectives-nested agents who interpret each other\'s and their own past messages and actions as best as they can (polycomputation). This synthesis suggests unifying symmetries across scales and disciplines, which is of relevance to research programs in Diverse Intelligence and the engineering of novel embodied minds.





