
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphogenesis from cells to tissue gives rise to the complex architectures that make our organs. How cells and their dynamic behavior are translated into functional spatial patterns is only starting to be understood. Recent advances in quantitative imaging revealed that, although highly heterogeneous, cellular behaviors make reproducible tissue patterns. Emerging evidence suggests that mechanisms of cellular coordination, intrinsic variability and plasticity are critical for robust pattern formation. While pattern development shows a high level of fidelity, tissue organization has undergone drastic changes throughout the course of evolution. In addition, alterations in cell behavior, if unregulated, can cause developmental malformations that disrupt function. Therefore, comparative studies of different species and of disease models offer a powerful approach for understanding how novel spatial configurations arise from variations in cell behavior and the fundamentals of successful pattern formation. In this chapter, I dive into the development of the vertebrate nervous system to explore efforts to dissect pattern formation beyond molecules, the emerging core principles and open questions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All plant cells are encased by walls, which provide structural support and control their morphology. How plant cells regulate the deposition of the wall to generate complex shapes is a topic of ongoing research. Scientists have identified several model systems, the epidermal pavement cells of cotyledons and leaves being an ideal platform to study the formation of complex cell shapes. These cells indeed grow alternating protrusions and indentations resulting in jigsaw puzzle cell shapes. How and why these cells adopt such shapes has shown to be a challenging problem to solve, notably because it involves the integration of molecular and mechanical regulation together with cytoskeletal dynamics and cell wall modifications. In this review, we highlight some recent progress focusing on how these processes may be integrated at the cellular level along with recent quantitative morphometric approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The carpel is a fascinating structure that plays a critical role in flowering plant reproduction and contributed greatly to the evolutionary success and diversification of flowering plants. The remarkable feature of the carpel is that it is a closed structure that envelopes the ovules and after fertilization develops into the fruit which protects, helps disperse, and supports seed development into a new plant. Nearly all plant-based foods are either derived from a flowering plant or are a direct product of the carpel. Given its importance it\'s no surprise that plant and evolutionary biologists have been trying to explain the origin of the carpel for a long time. Before carpel evolution seeds were produced on open leaf-like structures that are exposed to the environment. When the carpel evolved in the stem lineage of flowering plants, seeds became protected within its closed structure. The evolutionary transition from that open precursor to the closed carpel remains one of the greatest mysteries of plant evolution. In recent years, we have begun to complete a picture of what the first carpels might have looked like. On the other hand, there are still many gaps in our understanding of what the precursor of the carpel looked like and what changes to its developmental mechanisms allowed for this evolutionary transition. This review aims to present an overview of existing theories of carpel evolution with a particular emphasis on those that account for the structures that preceded the carpel and/or present testable developmental hypotheses. In the second part insights from the development and evolution of diverse plant organs are gathered to build a developmental hypothesis for the evolutionary transition from a hypothesized laminar open structure to the closed structure of the carpel.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells within developing tissues rely on morphogens to assess positional information. Passive diffusion is the most parsimonious transport model for long-range morphogen gradient formation but does not, on its own, readily explain scaling, robustness and planar transport. Here, we argue that diffusion is sufficient to ensure robust morphogen gradient formation in a variety of tissues if the interactions between morphogens and their extracellular binders are considered. A current challenge is to assess how the affinity for extracellular binders, as well as other biophysical and cell biological parameters, determines gradient dynamics and shape in a diffusion-based transport system. Technological advances in genome editing, tissue engineering, live imaging and in vivo biophysics are now facilitating measurement of these parameters, paving the way for mathematical modelling and a quantitative understanding of morphogen gradient formation and modulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intercalation allows cells to exchange positions in a spatially oriented manner in an array of diverse processes, spanning convergent extension in embryonic gastrulation to the formation of tubular organs. However, given the co-occurrence of cell intercalation and changes in cell shape, it is sometimes difficult to ascertain their respective contribution to morphogenesis. A well-established model to analyse intercalation, particularly in tubular organs, is the Drosophila tracheal system. There, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling at the tip of the dorsal branches generates a \'pulling\' force believed to promote cell elongation and cell intercalation, which account for the final branch extension. Here, we used a variety of experimental conditions to study the contribution of cell elongation and cell intercalation to morphogenesis and analysed their mutual requirements. We provide evidence that cell intercalation does not require cell elongation and vice versa. We also show that the two cell behaviours are controlled by independent but simultaneous mechanisms, and that cell elongation is sufficient to account for full extension of the dorsal branch, while cell intercalation has a specific role in setting the diameter of this structure. Thus, rather than viewing changes in cell shape and cell intercalation as just redundant events that add robustness to a given morphogenetic process, we find that they can also act by contributing to different features of tissue architecture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is not clear how simple genetic changes can account for the coordinated variations that give rise to modified functional organs. Here, we addressed this issue by analysing the expression and function of regulatory genes in the developing tracheal systems of two insect species. The larval tracheal system of Drosophila can be distinguished from the less derived tracheal system of the beetle Tribolium by two main features. First, Tribolium has lateral spiracles connecting the trachea to the exterior in each segment, while Drosophila has only one pair of posterior spiracles. Second, Drosophila, but not Tribolium, has two prominent longitudinal branches that distribute air from the posterior spiracles. Both innovations, while considered different structures, are functionally dependent on each other and linked to habitat occupancy. We show that changes in the domains of spalt and cut expression in the embryo are associated with the acquisition of each structure. Moreover, we show that these two genetic modifications are connected both functionally and genetically, thus providing an evolutionary scenario by which a genetic event contributes to the joint evolution of functionally inter-related structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual selection and the mechanisms involved in sperm competition have not been greatly explored in ladybird beetles. The present study was conducted to investigate the processes of sperm competition and the role of mate guarding behaviour in its regulation in ladybird beetles. We investigated these questions in polyandrous females of the ladybird, Menochilus sexmaculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) using a phenotypic marker (typical and intermediate morph) to assess paternity of offspring; to determine sperm competition. We conducted two double mating experiments: (i) complete first and second matings, and (ii) disrupted first and complete second matings each using homomorphic and heteromorphic pairing in alternation. Males which mated last were found to sire up to 72% of the offspring produced, indicating last male sperm precedence. Morph itself, independent of mating order, did not have a significant effect on proportion of offspring sired. Paternity share of the last male was negatively associated with mating duration of the first male; mating duration of the first male being indicative of mate guarding. This therefore indicates that prolonged matings by first males are essentially examples of post-copulatory mate guarding to prevent last male sperm precedence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how a functional organ can be produced from a small group of cells remains an outstanding question in cell and developmental biology. The developing compound eye of Drosophila has long been a model of choice for addressing this question by dissecting the cellular, genetic and molecular pathways that govern cell specification, differentiation, and multicellular patterning during organogenesis. In this review, the author focussed on cell and tissue morphogenesis during fly retinal development, including the regulated changes in cell shape and cell packing that ultimately determine the shape and architecture of the compound eye. In particular, the author reviewed recent studies that highlight the prominent roles of transcriptional and hormonal controls that orchestrate the cell shape changes, cell-cell junction remodeling and polarized membrane growth that underlie photoreceptor morphogenesis and retinal patterning.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Discoid lateral meniscus is common in children. Arthroscopic partial resection is indicated in symptomatic cases generally achieving satisfactory results.
    METHODS: We present a case of an incomplete discoid lateral meniscus of the right knee in an 11 year-old boy, treated with arthroscopic partial resection, which developed a re-growth of the remnant, restoring the pre-operative incomplete discoid shape. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report about re-growth of a discoid meniscus after surgery. Debate still exists regarding the etiology of a discoid meniscus. Some authors proposed it is the persistence of the normal stage during fetal development. However, most other authors believe it is anomalous and arises through variant morphogenesis. The re-growth of the discoid lateral meniscus following surgery in this patient seems to prove this latter theory. The residual growth of the knee involves also the lateral meniscus and that may have contributed to restoring the meniscus to the previous condition.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report demonstrates discoid meniscal re-growth in a child. The growth spurt may have an impact on meniscal regeneration. Re-growth of the discoid lateral meniscus in our patient favors the hypothesis of variant morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The PAR clan of polarity regulating genes was initially discovered in a genetic screen searching for genes involved in asymmetric cell divisions in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Today, investigations in worms, flies and mammals have established PAR proteins as conserved and fundamental regulators of animal cell polarization in a broad range of biological phenomena requiring cellular asymmetries. The human homologue of invertebrate PAR-4, a serine-threonine kinase LKB1/STK11, has caught attention as a gene behind Peutz-Jeghers polyposis syndrome and as a bona fide tumour suppressor gene commonly mutated in sporadic cancer. LKB1 functions as a master regulator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and 12 other kinases referred to as the AMPK-related kinases, including four human homologues of PAR-1. The role of LKB1 as part of the energy sensing LKB1-AMPK module has been intensively studied, whereas the polarity function of LKB1, in the context of homoeostasis or cancer, has gained less attention. Here, we focus on the PAR-4 identity of LKB1, discussing the weight of evidence indicating a role for LKB1 in regulation of cell polarity and epithelial integrity across species and highlight recent investigations providing new insight into the old question: does the PAR-4 identity of LKB1 matter in cancer?





