Ussing chamber

Ussing 室
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) are activated by proteolysis of the α and γ subunits at specific sites flanking embedded inhibitory tracts. To examine the role of α subunit proteolysis in channel activation in vivo, we generated mice lacking the distal furin cleavage site in the α subunit (αF2M mice). On a normal Na+ control diet, no differences in ENaC protein abundance in kidney or distal colon were noted between wild-type (WT) and αF2M mice. Patch-clamp analyses revealed similar levels of ENaC activity in kidney tubules, while no physiologically relevant differences in blood chemistry or aldosterone levels were detected. Male αF2M mice did exhibit diminished ENaC activity in the distal colon, as measured by amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (ISC). Following dietary Na+ restriction, WT and αF2M mice had similar natriuretic and colonic ISC responses to amiloride. However, single-channel activity was significantly lower in kidney tubules from Na+-restricted αF2M mice compared with WT littermates. ENaC α and γ subunit expression in kidney and distal colon were also enhanced in Na+-restricted αF2M vs. WT mice, in association with higher aldosterone levels. These data provide evidence that disrupting α subunit proteolysis impairs ENaC activity in vivo, requiring compensation in response to Na+ restriction. KEY POINTS: The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is activated by proteolytic cleavage in vitro, but key questions regarding the role of ENaC proteolysis in terms of whole-animal physiology remain to be addressed. We studied the in vivo importance of this mechanism by generating a mouse model with a genetic disruption to a key cleavage site in the ENaC\'s α subunit (αF2M mice). We found that αF2M mice did not exhibit a physiologically relevant phenotype under normal dietary conditions, but have impaired ENaC activation (channel open probability) in the kidney during salt restriction. ENaC function at the organ level was preserved in salt-restricted αF2M mice, but this was associated with higher aldosterone levels and increased expression of ENaC subunits, suggesting compensation was required to maintain homeostasis. These results provide the first evidence that ENaC α subunit proteolysis is a key regulator of channel activity in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After oral administration, the intestine is the first site of drug absorption, making it a key determinant of the bioavailability of a drug, and hence drug efficacy and safety. Existing non-clinical models of the intestinal barrier in vitro often fail to mimic the barrier and absorption of the human intestine. We explore if human enteroid monolayers are a suitable tool for intestinal absorption studies compared to primary tissue (Ussing chamber) and Caco-2 cells. Bidirectional drug transport was determined in enteroid monolayers, fresh tissue (Ussing chamber methodology) and Caco-2 cells. Apparent permeability (Papp) and efflux ratios for enalaprilat (paracellular), propranolol (transcellular), talinolol (P-glycoprotein (P-gp)) and rosuvastatin (Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP)) were determined and compared between all three methodologies and across intestinal regions. Bulk RNA sequencing was performed to compare gene expression between enteroid monolayers and primary tissue. All three models showed functional efflux transport by P-gp and BCRP with higher basolateral to apical (B-to-A) transport compared to apical-to-basolateral (A-to-B). B-to-A Papp values were similar for talinolol and rosuvastatin in tissue and enteroids. Paracellular transport of enalaprilat was lower and transcellular transport of propranolol was higher in enteroids compared to tissue. Enteroids appeared show more region- specific gene expression compared to tissue. Fresh tissue and enteroid monolayers both show active efflux by P-gp and BCRP in jejunum and ileum. Hence, the use of enteroid monolayers represents a promising and versatile experimental platform to complement current in vitro models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drug metabolism in the intestinal wall affects bioavailability of orally administered drugs and is influenced by age. Hence, it is important to fully understand the drug metabolizing capacity of the gut to predict systemic exposure. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of enteroids as a tool to study CYP3A4/5 -mediated metabolism in both children and adults. Bioconversion of midazolam, a CYP3A4/5 model substrate, was studied using enteroid monolayers as well as tissue explants in the Ussing chamber, both derived from pediatric [median (range age): 54 weeks (2 days - 13 years), n = 21] and adult (n = 5) tissue. Caco-2 cellular monolayers were employed as controls. In addition, mRNA expression of CYP3A4 was determined in enteroid monolayers (n = 11), tissue (n = 23) and Caco-2 using RT-qPCR. Midazolam metabolism was successfully detected in all enteroid monolayers, as well as in all tissue explants studied in the Ussing chamber, whereas Caco-2 showed no significant metabolite formation. The extracted fraction of midazolam was similar between enteroid monolayers and tissue. The fraction of midazolam extracted increased with age in enteroid monolayers derived from 0 to 70 week old donors. No statistically significant correlation was observed in tissue likely due to high variability observed and the smaller donor numbers included in the study. At the level of gene expression, CYP3A4 increased with age in tissues (n = 32), while this was not reflected in enteroid monolayers (n = 16). Notably, asymmetric metabolite formation was observed in enteroids and tissue, with higher metabolite formation on the luminal side of the barrier. In summary, we demonstrated that enteroids can be used to measure CYP3A4/5 midazolam metabolism, which we show is similar as observed in fresh isolated tissue. This was the case both in children and adults, indicating the potential of enteroids to predict intestinal metabolism. This study provides promising data to further develop enteroids to study drug metabolism in vitro and potentially predict oral absorption for special populations as an alternative to using fresh tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Using ultraprocessed food (UPF) to replace traditional feed ingredients offers a promising strategy for enhancing food production sustainability.
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact of salty and sugary UPF on gut microbiota, amino acids uptake, and serum analytes in growing and finishing pig.
    METHODS: Thirty-six Swiss Large White male castrated pigs were assigned to 3 experimental diets: 1) standard (ST), 0% UPF; 2) 30% conventional ingredients replaced by sugary (SU) UPF; and 3) 30% conventional ingredients replaced by salty (SA) UPF. The next-generation sequencing was used to characterize the fecal microbiota. Transepithelial electrical resistance and the active uptake of selected amino acids in pig jejuna were also evaluated. Data were enriched with measurements of fecal volatile fatty acids and serum urea, minerals, and insulin. All data analyses were run in R v4.0.3. The packages phyloseq, vegan, microbiome, and microbiomeutilities were used for microbiota data analysis. The remaining data were analyzed by analysis of variance using linear mixed-effects regression models.
    RESULTS: The UPF did not affect fecal microbiota abundance or biodiversity. The Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio remained unaffected. SU-induced increase in the Anaerostipes genus suggested altered glucose metabolism, whereas SA increased the abundance of CAG-352 and p-2534-18B. No effects on fecal volatile fatty acids were observed. Assumptions of UPF negatively affecting small intestinal physiology were not supported by the measurements of transepithelial electrical resistance in pigs. Active amino acids uptake tests showed potential decrease in L-glutamate absorption in the SA compared with the SU diet. Blood serum analysis indicated no adverse effects on urea, calcium, magnesium, or potassium concentration but the SU group resulted in a lower blood serum insulin concentration at the time of blood collection.
    CONCLUSIONS: When incorporated at 30% into a standard growing finishing diet for pigs, UPF does not have detrimental effects on gut microbiota, intestinal integrity, and blood mineral homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant extracts are increasingly recognized for their potential in modulating (postprandial) blood glucose levels. In this context, root extracts are of particular interest due to their high concentrations and often unique spectrum of plant bioactives. To identify new plant species with potential glucose-lowering activity, simple and robust methodologies are often required. For this narrative review, literature was sourced from scientific databases (primarily PubMed) in the period from June 2022 to January 2024. The regulatory targets of glucose homeostasis that could be modulated by bioactive plant compounds were used as search terms, either alone or in combination with the keyword \"root extract\". As a result, we present a comprehensive methodological toolbox for studying the glucose homeostasis modulating properties of plant extracts and its constituents. The described assays encompass in-vitro investigations involving enzyme inhibition (α-amylase, α-glucosidase, dipeptidyl peptidase 4), assessment of sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 activity, and evaluation of glucose transporter 4 translocation. Furthermore, we describe a patch-clamp technique to assess the impact of extracts on KATP channels. While validating in-vitro findings in living organisms is imperative, we introduce two screenable in-vivo models (the hen\'s egg test and Drosophila melanogaster). Given that evaluation of the bioactivity of plant extracts in rodents and humans represents the current gold standard, we include approaches addressing this aspect. In summary, this review offers a systematic guide for screening plant extracts regarding their influence on key regulatory elements of glucose homeostasis, culminating in the assessment of their potential efficacy in-vivo. Moreover, application of the presented toolbox might contribute to further close the knowledge gap on the precise mechanisms of action of plant-derived compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytochemicals and tryptophan (Trp) metabolites have been found to modulate gut function and health. However, whether these metabolites modulate gut ion transport and serotonin (5-HT) metabolism and signaling requires further investigation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of selected phytochemicals and Trp metabolites on the ion transport and 5-HT metabolism and signaling in the ileum of mice in vitro using the Ussing chamber technique. During the in vitro incubation, vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) reduced (p < 0.05) the short-circuit current, and 100 μM chlorogenic acid (CGA) (p = 0.12) and perillic acid (PA) (p = 0.14) had a tendency to reduce the short-circuit current of the ileum. Compared with the control, PA and N-acetylserotonin treatment upregulated the expression of tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (Tph1), while 100 μM cinnamic acid, indolelactic acid (ILA), and 10 μM CGA or indoleacetaldehyde (IAld) treatments downregulated (p < 0.05) the mRNA levels of Tph1. In addition, 10 μM IAld or 100 μM ILA upregulated (p < 0.05) the expression of monoamine oxidase A (Maoa). However, 10 μM CGA or 100 μM PA downregulated (p < 0.05) Maoa expression. All selected phytochemicals and Trp metabolites upregulated (p < 0.05) the expression of Htr4 and Htr7 compared to that of the control group. VMA and CGA reduced (p < 0.05) the ratios of Htr1a/Htr7 and Htr4/Htr7. These findings may help to elucidate the effects of phytochemicals and Trp metabolites on the regulation of gut ion transport and 5-HT signaling-related gut homeostasis in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the context of modern aquaculture, the effort to reduce the reliance on fishmeal/marine ingredients in fish diets has led to the exploration of plant-based protein sources as potential substitutes, a dietary shift that disrupts the bile acid profile in fish. Therefore, bile salts are being sought as additives. However, artificially increased intestinal levels of bile acids may significantly impact mucosal function. Therefore, here, we explored the regulatory role in the intestine of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) of (i) chenodeoxycholic acid (CDC), (ii) a mixture formed by two bile acids, 3% cholic acid and 97% deoxycholic acid (MIX), and (iii) a conjugated bile salt sodium taurocholate (TC) in Ussing chambers with the epithelial voltage clamp technique. We tested the bile salts in a 50-500 μg/ml concentration range, and all of them promoted ion absorption. Yet, clear concentration-dependent and more pronounced effects on the ion transport were observed in the posterior intestine. On the other hand, bile salts had no or minor effects on tissue resistance. However, there are indications that the MIX could have adverse effects at high concentrations (500 μg/ml), promoting a threefold increase in tissue permeability measured using FITC-dextran (4 kD) regardless of the intestinal region, thus suggesting an alteration in intestinal permeability at high bile salt concentrations. The findings from our study emphasize the importance of considering intestinal function when contemplating the possible use of a particular bile salt as a dietary supplement. It appears that bile salts, whether acting individually or in combination, play a pivotal role in orchestrating nutrient absorption by influencing the function of epithelial ion transport. However further research is needed to fully grasp the region-dependent nuances of bile salt effects on ion transport and the ultimate consequences for nutrient absorption in the context of fish aquaculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Labrafac™ MC60 (glycerol monocaprylocaprate) is a lipid-based excipient used in oral formulations as a solubiliser. Due to the high proportions of established permeability enhancers, caprylate (C8) and caprate (C10), in Labrafac™ MC60, we hypothesised that it might behave as an intestinal permeation enhancer. We therefore evaluated this using two paracellular markers (ex vivo) and insulin (in vivo) as model molecules. Ex vivo studies were conducted in isolated muscle-stripped rat colonic mucosae mounted in Ussing chambers. Apical addition of Labrafac™ MC60 (8, 12, and 16 mg/ml) enhanced the apparent permeability coefficients (Papp) of [14C] mannitol and FITC-dextran 4 kDa (FD4) across colonic mucosae. Similar effects were observed in isolated jejunal mucosae, but at higher concentrations (40 mg/ml). The enhancing capacity of Labrafac™ MC60 was transient due to reversibility of reductions in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) upon wash-out and effects on fluxes were molecular weight-dependent (MW) as suggested by fluxes of a set of high MW FITC-dextrans. The permeability enhancing effects of Labrafac™ MC60 ex vivo were maintained in the presence of simulated intestinal fluids, FaSSIF and FaSSCoF, in both jejunal and colonic mucosae, respectively. Following intra-intestinal regional instillations to rats, the relative bioavailability of 50 IU/kg insulin ad-mixed with Labrafac™ MC60 was 5 % in jejunum (40 mg/ml) and 6 % in colon (8 mg/ml). When Labrafac™ MC60 was combined with PEG-60 hydrogenated castor oil (1 % v/v), this further increased the bioavailability of insulin to 8 % in jejunum. Absorption enhancement was also maintained in the presence of FaSSIF in jejunal instillations. Histology after 120 min exposure to Labrafac™ MC60 in vivo for both jejunum and colon was similar to untreated control. Labrafac™ MC60 therefore acts as a non-damaging intestinal permeation enhancer for macromolecules and can be considered as another excipient in screening programmes to develop orally administered macromolecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ussing chamber is a tool for analyzing drug absorption. We investigated whether the Ussing chamber can be used to analyze the process from digestion to absorption of protein in the gastrointestinal tract. Mixtures containing infant formula, whole cow\'s milk, processed soy milk, enteral nutrition, or human breast milk, were placed in the apical membrane side equipped with Caco-2 cells. After the addition of first pepsin then pancreatin, samples from the apical and basal membranes were collected. Infant formula showed the highest digestibility and absorption rate. This may be attributed to the presence of whey protein, which is rapidly digested and absorbed. The digestion and absorption of human breast milk showed different results in each donor, suggesting that digestion and absorption may vary among individuals. We concluded that the Ussing chamber can continuously analyze the process from digestion to absorption of proteins in the gastrointestinal tract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescently labelled compounds are often employed to study the paracellular properties of epithelia. For flux measurements, these compounds are added to the donor compartment and samples collected from the acceptor compartment at regular intervals. However, this method fails to detect rapid changes in permeability. For continuous transepithelial flux measurements in an Ussing chamber setting, a device was developed, consisting of a flow-through chamber with an attached LED, optical filter, and photodiode, all encased in a light-impermeable container. The photodiode output was amplified and recorded. Calibration with defined fluorescein concentration (range of 1 nM to 150 nM) resulted in a linear output. As proof of principle, flux measurements were performed on various cell lines. The results confirmed a linear dependence of the flux on the fluorescein concentration in the donor compartment. Flux depended on paracellular barrier function (expression of specific tight junction proteins, and EGTA application to induce barrier loss), whereas activation of transcellular chloride secretion had no effect on fluorescein flux. Manipulation of the lateral space by osmotic changes in the perfusion solution also affected transepithelial fluorescein flux. In summary, this device allows a continuous recording of transepithelial flux of fluorescent compounds in parallel with the electrical parameters recorded by the Ussing chamber.





