
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An array of evidence shows how the presence of implicit bias in clinical encounters can negatively impact provider-patient communication, quality of care and ultimately contribute to health inequities. Reflexive practice has been explored as an approach to identify and address implicit bias in healthcare providers, including medical students. At the Lausanne School of Medicine, a clinically integrated module was introduced in 2019 to raise students\' awareness of gender bias in medical practice using a reflexivity and positionality approach. The purpose of this study is to describe the gender bias that were identified by medical students, analysing their types, places and modes of emergence during a clinical encounter. It further explores how positionality supported students\' reflection on the way in which social position modulates their relationship to patients.
    METHODS: As part of the teaching activity, medical students individually reflected on gender bias in a specific clinical encounter by answering questions in their electronic portfolio. The questionnaire included a section on positionality. We qualitatively analysed the students\' assignments (n=76), applying a thematic analysis framework.
    RESULTS: Medical students identified and described gender biases occurring at different moments of the clinical encounter (anamnesis (i.e. patient history), physical exam, differential diagnosis, final management). They causally associated these biases with wider social phenomena such as the gendered division of labour or stereotypes around sexuality and gender. Analysing students\' reflections on how their position influenced their relationship with patients, we found that the suggested exercise revealed a major contradiction in the process of medical enculturation: the injunction to be neutral and objective erases the social and cultural context of patients and impedes an understanding of gender bias.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gender biases are present in the different steps of a clinical consultation and are rooted in broader gendered social representations. We further conclude that the tension between a quest for objectivity and the reality of social encounters should be made explicit to students, because it is constitutive of medical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lived experience researchers draw on their lived and living experiences to either lead on or inform research. Their personal experiences are relevant to the research topic and so they must manage the interplay of their health and healthcare experiences with the research, population, and data they work with, as well as the more general challenges of being a researcher. Lived experience researchers must navigate these dilemmas in addition to queries over their competency, due to issues relating to intersectionality and epistemic injustice. This justifies a motivation to better understand the experiences of lived experience researchers and develop appropriate and personalised supervision based on their preferences and needs.
    METHODS: Q methodology was used to identify a collection of identity-related issues that impact lived experience researchers during PhD research in the context of the UK. These issues were presented in the form of 54 statements to 18 lived experience researchers to prioritise as topics to explore in supervision.
    RESULTS: It was found that lived experiences researchers could be grouped into three distinct factors following an inverted factor analysis: Factor 1: Strengthening my identity, skills, growth, and empowerment; Factor 2: Exploring the emotional and relational link I have with the research and Factor 3: Navigating my lived and professional experiences practically and emotionally. The findings suggest that there may be three types of lived experience researchers, each with different needs from supervision, suggesting the population is heterogeneous.
    CONCLUSIONS: The research identified a deeper understanding of the needs of lived experience researchers and highlights the importance of personalised supervision according to the individual needs of the researcher and their preferences for supervision. The findings reinforce the importance of integrating a clinical dimension into supervision to support the needs of all lived experience researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coproduction of public policy involves bringing together technical experts, practitioners, and people with lived experience of that policy to collaboratively and deliberatively codesign it. Coproduction can leverage different ways of knowing and evaluative perspectives on a policy area to enhance the legitimacy and efficaciousness of policymaking. This article argues that researcher reflexivity is crucial for getting the most out of coproduction ethically and epistemically. By reflecting on our positionality, habitus, and biases, we can gain new insights into how we affect the research design, production and analysis of data, and communication of findings. This reflexivity helps to disrupt power dynamics that underly research and policymaking, helping to realise the radical potential of coproduction to democratise practice, empower citizens, and make research more relational. We demonstrate the value of reflexivity through an analysis of our work coproducing a theory of thriving in financial hardship in partnership with the UK national anti-poverty charity Turn2us. We contextualise our advocacy for reflexivity within the practical realities of advancing coproduction in the UK today.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we draw on an example of heuristic inquiry - (Re)imagining becoming a physiotherapist: a phenomenological approach - to illustrate the role that reflexivity and representation can play in physiotherapy research outcomes and the meaning they might have for moving the profession forward. Qualitative research in physiotherapy tends to acknowledge reflexivity as a route to objectivity by making researcher biases overt, yet the debate about data representation (a researcher\'s decision-making about how data are represented in a text) barely feature. This contrasts with qualitative research in other fields, including other health professions, where matters of representation (i.e., how knowledge is conveyed) are routinely debated and contested. Reflexivity, in fact, is much more than being transparent. Together with representation, reflexivity helps to position both the voices of participants and researchers within the research. The heuristic inquiry described in this paper offers new insights about learning to be a physiotherapist; it challenged assumptions about care in physiotherapy practice and it changed the first researcher\'s identity and practice. These insights were generated through the synergies between reflexivity and representation, and we argue that physiotherapy research has an opportunity to be more expansive by taking a commitment to reflexivity and representation more seriously.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, the authors develop a model of psychoanalytic clinical reasoning as the inferential process by which analytic therapists are able to arrive at an understanding of the clinical material. Starting from Bion\'s theory of functions, the authors propose that a \"function\" can be thought of as a condition-action sequence that analytic therapists implicitly use to respond to certain configurations of elements in the material by executing conceptual or reflective operations. To investigate the main families of functions that are used by analytic therapists in everyday practice, the authors used an interpersonal process recall procedure based on supervision sessions from a theoretically heterogeneous group of participants. A consensual procedure was developed to identify operations, spell out the underlying functions, and group functions into families. Twelve families of functions were identified that appear to be used by analytic therapists regardless of their schools of thought. The authors call them the \"operators\" of psychoanalytic clinical reasoning. According to the operators model, the process of psychoanalytic clinical reasoning consists in the chaining together of operations using functions from different families. A specific collection of \"clinical reasoning styles\" seems to be interwoven in this process. Different avenues open up for research, clinical practice, and training.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Learning from innovations that fail is imperative for innovations that succeed. The theoretical underpinnings for this innovative framing are reflexivity, transformative unlearning, and intelligent failure. This framework proposes a definition of \"transformative governance\" as governance that creates structural equities. Governments rebuilding their economies after the COVID-19 pandemic seek equitable green transformations; that are gendered, structural, and sustainable, learning from the implemented gender-sensitive responses (hereafter referred to as policy innovations). This paper argues that transformative practices, beliefs, values, assumptions, policies, and systematic learnings are complementary to post-crisis transformations. The aim is to promote systematic learnings from innovation governance failure regarding energy policy through the analysis of COVID-19 practices and the unlearning of policy innovation beliefs, values, and assumptions that are not transformative. I ask: how gender-equitable, structurally equitable, and green-transformative were the COVID-19 policy innovations? The study\'s approach is qualitative and situated within the constructivist research paradigm. It uses reflexive thematic analysis combined with innovative coded policy narrative and a transformative index-matching technique, to identify the gap within transformative interventions. The study included 58 policy innovations (n = 58) collected from the UNDP, KPMG, government reports, and news flashes from the three most populous nations in sub-Sahara Africa: Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa. The study found that policy innovations were inequitable in terms of gender, structure, and sustainability whereas the derived transformative pathways are equitable and gender-transformative, structurally transformative, and green-transformative. The rationales behind a transformative approach to policy reflect the systemic failures across key areas: market dynamics, research and development, and green transformation. Policy innovators can align transformative pathways for innovative governance that implements transformative energy policy. To address the needs of multiple fragile and vulnerable identities, the derived post-pandemic framework is an intersectional plan with 10 policy learning pillars. The plan includes local energy transformation and reinforcement of energy justice components, such as the localization of the energy industry, community power, and social norms, including Ubuntu, which translates to \"I am because we are.\" Reengagement in global supply chains requires South-South trade relations to be restrategized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aims to contribute to the analysis of expectations and belief reversals in a evolutionary and complexity economics framework. It formulates its analysis in terms of the concept of reflexivity, drawing on the ideas regarding reflexivity in financial markets of George Soros, and lays out a model of how a financial cycle expresses a systematic pattern of interacting feedback effects. The paper develops this analysis as a complex interaction between sets of heterogeneous expectations derived from the behavior of reflexive economic agents. Positive and negative feedback phases in a cycle are distinguished and associated with boom and bust stages of that cycle. A central role is played by agents\' beliefs and judgments underlying their expectations, and how those beliefs and judgments in uncertain circumstances are changeable and subject to abrupt reversals which can manifest themselves in \"Minsky moments.\" The paper argues that agents\' belief reversals result from their misconceptions about causal processes in booms and upswings, a misconception that reflects their tendency to think causally in terms of negative feedback patterns rather than positive ones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article examines reflexive practice among young creative workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, during COVID-19. Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed a series of relentless and overlapping crises across the Indonesian archipelago. In urban centres across Indonesia, the arts and creative sectors are among the key economic sectors severely afflicted by the pandemic. COVID-19 implies a lot more than the loss of income and livelihoods. Mobility restrictions, gig cancellations, venue closures, all entail the loss of connections, opportunities, and creative outlets. Yet despite such uncertain conditions, young creative workers remain reflexively creative in order to survive in everyday life. Building upon interviews and focus-group discussions with young creative workers in Yogyakarta, we found three modes of temporality-based reflexive practice: waiting, doing something and re-learning, which represent young creative workers\' active responses manifested in the practical and contradictory relationship to the diverse possibilities within hierarchical and heterogenous cultural fields in a pandemic era characterised by regular ruptures. The analysis of the data below contributes to the literature on reflexivity and habitus among young creative workers in a time of pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article examines a recent research project that explored the lived experiences of 5 final year social work students in Scotland who graduated during the coronavirus pandemic. The project used Photovoice as the primary data collection method, followed by a 3 hour long online focus group where the participants and the researcher worked collaboratively to identify themes for further analysis. The findings demonstrated that while the data collected by participants through the photographs and captions were highly personal to each participant, there were recurring themes that connected all of them which were identified broadly as; (dis)connection, closure and identity - all of which were discussed in great detail in a virtual focus group after the data was collected. This article focusses predominantly on the Photovoice method adopted for the study and how this was an effective method for participatory research. This article also focusses on how the pandemic affected the transitionary period between the participants\' identity shift from students to professionals. This study followed the principles of Participatory Action Research which meant that participants and the researcher worked together to cultivate and analyse the data collected and the findings that are discussed here reflect this collaborative process. As this report is being written, numerous new studies, reports and predictions as to the pandemics impact on our collective mental health emerge daily and so it is hoped that this project will serve as a small time stamp as to how the pandemic impacted this small group of students in Scotland and will honour their stories, creating a lasting space for them to be heard among the ever-increasing bombardment of news.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scholars have long grappled with the ways in which unequal power relations influence the creation and circulation of international social work knowledge. I outline a robust postcolonial theoretical framework to elucidate complexities of global knowledge and power and extend possibilities for considering such questions of epistemic justice. Drawing on my own research with service providers in Nepal, I suggest three analytic strategies to apply postcolonial insights in international social work research: reflexivity, critical discourse analysis, and postcolonial translation. Postcolonial theory and the strategies provided support social work researchers to comprehend, generate, and disseminate knowledge that can disrupt colonial assumptions.





