
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pheochromocytoma rarely presents with unexplained hypokalaemia, although there are some case reports in the literature. The mechanism behind this could be the increased cellular potassium uptake promoted by beta-2-adrenoreceptor hyperactivation and insulin resistance. We present the case of a 68-year-old hypertensive female patient with a unilateral adrenal mass discovered on angio-CT and typical signs of adrenergic hyperstimulation (hypertensive crisis, headache, and sweating) associated with multiple arrhythmic episodes but with normal plasma and urinary catecholamine levels. During the work-up for hormonal hypersecretion and the cessation of anti-aldosterone medication, the patient presented resistant hypokalaemia. Due to uncorrectable hypokalaemia, we were unable to perform hormonal investigations for primary hyperaldosteronism and referred the patient for laparoscopic adrenalectomy. The histological diagnosis revealed left pheochromocytoma. Postoperatively, the patient experienced rebound hyperkalaemia. In a patient with a unilateral adrenal mass and hypokalaemia, besides primary hyperaldosteronism and adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent hypercortisolism, a possible pheochromocytoma should be ruled out as well by the clinician before surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary hypokalaemic periodic paralysis during pregnancy has been rarely reported. Four pregnant women with the acute onset of flaccid paralysis presented between January 2018 and December 2021. Focussed history and physical examination helped an appropriate radiological and laboratory investigation plan to be made. All women recovered within 4-7 days of potassium supplementation. Supplemental potassium continued until delivery. A pain management plan with continuous epidural infusion helped in avoiding stress-induced hypokalaemia. None of the women developed an episode of muscle weakness during the intervening period. In conclusion, a focussed history and targeted laboratory investigation are needed to diagnose primary hypokalaemic periodic paralysis. Early administration of oral or intravenous potassium is crucial in improving fetomaternal outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: A 10-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat was presented with an abdominal mass, associated renal failure, chronic vomiting, anorexia and progressive polyuria/polydipsia lasting for 3 weeks. Clinical examination and initial blood work revealed azotaemia, hypokalaemia and hypertension. Abdominal ultrasound showed an adrenal mass with a diameter of 3 cm near the right kidney. High serum aldosterone suggested primary hyperaldosteronism. Surgery enabled identification of the mass and its excision along with the right adrenal gland. Histologically, carcinoma of the adrenal cortex was diagnosed. Postoperatively, an increase in serum creatinine and potassium, along with a low serum aldosterone, led to a diagnosis of hypoaldosteronism. Mineralocorticoid therapy for 6 months was necessary, resulting in clinical and biological improvement.
    UNASSIGNED: To our knowledge, this case describes the longest-lasting reported secondary hypoaldosteronism in a cat, after unilateral adrenalectomy for an adrenal carcinoma with hyperaldosteronism.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Congenital chloride diarrhoea (CCD) is an autosomal recessive condition that causes secretory diarrhoea and potentially deadly electrolyte imbalances in infants because of solute carrier family 26 member 3 (SLC26A3) gene mutations.
    METHODS: A 7-month-old Chinese infant with a history of maternal polyhydramnios presented with frequent watery diarrhoea, severe dehydration, hypokalaemia, hyponatraemia, failure to thrive, metabolic alkalosis, hyperreninaemia, and hyperaldosteronaemia. Genetic testing revealed a compound heterozygous SLC26A3 gene mutation in this patient (c.269_270dup and c.2006 C > A). Therapy was administered in the form of oral sodium and potassium chloride supplements, which decreased stool frequency.
    CONCLUSIONS: CCD should be considered when an infant presents with prolonged diarrhoea during infancy, particularly in the context of maternal polyhydramnios and dilated foetal bowel loops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Early detection, monitoring, and managing adverse events (AEs) are crucial in optimising treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the incidence, factors, management, and impact of AEs on treatment outcomes in MDR-TB patients.
    UNASSIGNED: This study reviewed the medical records of 275 MDR-TB patients at Fatimah Jinnah Institute of Chest Diseases in Quetta, Pakistan. Patient information was collected using a designed data collection form. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests examined the difference in AEs occurrences based on patients\' characteristics. Multiple binary logistic regression identified factors associated with unsuccessful outcomes, with statistical significance set at a p-value < 0.05.
    UNASSIGNED: Almost all patients (99.6%) experienced at-least one AE (median = 4/patient, interquartile range:3-6). The most common were GI disturbance (95.3%), arthralgia (80.4%), body pain and headache (61.8%), ototoxicity (61.4%), psychiatric disturbance (44%), hypokalaemia (40.4%), dermatological reactions (26.2%) and hypothyroidism (21.5%). AEs led to treatment modification in 7.3% patients. Educated patients, those with a history of TB treatment, previous use and resistance to any second-line drug had significantly higher number of AEs. A total of 64.0% were declared cured, 3.6% completed treatment, 19.6% died and 12.7.9% were lost to follow-up. Patients\' age of 41-60(OR = 9.225) and >60 years(OR = 23.481), baseline body weight of 31-60 kg(OR = 0.180), urban residence(OR = 0.296), and experiencing ototoxicity (OR = 0.258) and hypothyroidism (OR = 0.136) were significantly associated with unsuccessful treatment outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: AEs were highly prevalent but did not negatively impact treatment outcomes. Patients at higher risk of developing AEs and unsuccessful outcomes should receive special attention for its early management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Hypokalaemia (K+<3.5 mmol/L) is observed in 20% of hospitalised patients. Previous studies have often dealt with the symptoms, prevalence and risk factors in hospitalised patients. Very few studies have dealt with hospital-induced hypokalaemia. The aim was to determine the incidence, predisposing risk factors and prognosis of patients developing hypokalaemia after admission.
    UNASSIGNED: A prospective observational study was performed for two months. Patients with at least two potassium values after admission and normal K values at admission were considered for inclusion. Clinical features, diagnoses, laboratory reports and treatment details, including antibiotics, were noted.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 653 patients were studied; 138 (21.1%) developed hypokalaemia. Diabetes, ischaemic heart disease (IHD), heart failure, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, chronic liver disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were the most associated comorbidities. Urea, creatinine, transaminases and neutrophilia at admission differed significantly between those with and without hypokalaemia groups. Most patients developed mild hypokalaemia (78.2%). Hypokalaemia developed mostly on the second (22.4%) and third (24.6%) days of hospitalisation. Antibiotics were used in 60% of patients. The potassium values returned to normal within 2.5 ± 1.9 days. Three patients subsequently developed hyperkalaemia.
    UNASSIGNED: Patients admitted under general medicine mostly developed mild hypokalaemia, even if they had multiple risk factors for developing hypokalaemia. Inpatient hypokalaemia had an incidence of 21%. An overwhelming majority (~88%) had at least one risk factor. Hypokalaemia was not attributed to causing mortality in any patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potassium (K) is an essential mineral that is necessary for normal cell and membrane function and for maintaining both fluid balance and acid-base balance. Potassium is furthermore very important for normal excitation, for example in nerves and muscle. It is widely available in several food products, with the most important dietary sources being potatoes, fruits, vegetables, cereal and cereal products, milk and dairy products, and meat and meat products. Potassium deficiency and toxicity is rare in healthy people, but dietary potassium is associated with other health outcomes. Results from observational studies have shown that a potassium intake above 3500 mg/day (90 mmol/day) is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. Similarly, intervention studies provide evidence that this level of potassium intake has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, particularly among persons with hypertension and in persons with a high sodium intake (>4 g/day, equivalent to >10 g salt/day).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bevezetés: A káliumzavarok előfordulása a sürgősségi osztályokon számottevő, ami jelentős morbiditással és mortalitással jár. Célkitűzés: A kutatás célja, hogy bemutassa a dyskalaemiák prevalenciáját hazai sürgősségi betegellátó osztályon, a kialakulás és a kezelés körülményeit, befolyásoló tényezőit. Módszer: Keresztmetszeti, retrospektív vizsgálatot végeztünk, anonim módon. A minta, nem véletlenszerű mintavételi módszert követően, a Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Hetényi Géza Kórház-Rendelőintézet Sürgősségi Betegellátó Osztályán 2021. szeptember és december között jelentkező, hypo- (n1 = 130) vagy hyperkalaemiával (n2 = 70) diagnosztizált páciensekből állt (n = 200). A kapott adatokat leíró és matematikai statisztikai számításokkal (khi2-próba, kétmintás t-próba, ANOVA és korrelációanalízis) értékeltük ki, SPSS 22.0 szoftver segítségével (p<0,05). Eredmények: A hypokalaemia hajlamosító tényezői közé tartozott a női nem (p<0,001) és a magasvérnyomás-betegség (p = 0,04). A középsúlyos hypokalaemiás páciensek 60%-a diagnosztizált hypertoniás volt (p = 0,003). A hyperkalaemiás állapotokhoz az emelkedettebb vércukorértékek (p<0,001), a diabetes mellitus (p<0,001) és a krónikus vesebetegség volt köthető (p<0,001). Minél súlyosabb volt a káliumeltérés mértéke, annál nagyobb valószínűséggel voltak jelen kórjelző diagnosztikus EKG-eltérések, melyek hyperkalaemia esetén 48,6%-ban fordultak elő (p<0,001). A prezentációs panaszok tekintetében a fulladással jelentkezők esetében volt a legmagasabb a szérumkáliumszint (p<0,001). Az életmentő beavatkozásra szoruló betegek többsége súlyos hypokalaemiával bírt (p<0,001). A hyperkalaemia, illetve a hypokalaemia gyakran járt kórházi felvétellel, míg ritkábban halálozással. Következtetés: Mindenképpen hasznos lenne a dyskalaemiás állapotok kezelésére egységes irányelvek kidolgozása, amelyek nagymértékben növelhetik a betegbiztonságot, és megkönnyíthetik a klinikus döntési helyzetét kritikus szituációkban. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(5): 183–191.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sjögren\'s syndrome (SS) is a systemic chronic autoimmune disorder that classically affects the exocrine glands. Only 15% of the patients with primary SS (pSS) develop extraglandular symptoms involving the lungs, kidneys, joints, nervous system, and skin. Hypokalaemic paralysis is a rare presentation. The most common cause of hypokalaemia is distal renal tubular acidosis. The prevalence of clinically significant lung involvement in pSS is 9-20 %. Primary SS is an indolent disease leading to increased morbidity and poor quality of life. We present a case of a 40-year-old female with severe hypokalaemic paralysis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, and lung involvement as the initial presentation of catastrophic pSS without sicca symptoms. The course of hospitalisation was complicated by ventilator-associated pneumonia. She was managed with broad spectrum antibiotics, five sessions of plasma exchange and alternate-day haemodialysis followed by oral glucocorticoids and intravenous cyclophosphamide. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of catastrophic presentation of pSS with a favourable outcome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bartter syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance, resulting in impaired salt reabsorption and clinical manifestations such as low/normal blood pressure and extracellular fluid volume depletion. Multiple abnormalities of the electrolytes, including decreased potassium as well as chloride levels and, in some instances, hypomagnesemia, are its defining features. Metabolic alkalosis, hypokalaemia, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia, together with adequate renal function, are all components of the Bartter-like syndrome. It is associated with certain antibiotics and antineoplastic drugs. We report a case of traumatic brain injury with pneumothorax who was on treatment on colistin and presented with metabolic disturbance.





