Humanitarian assistance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tigray is one of the food-insecure regions with many people living under the condition of chronic hunger. Proper intervention mechanisms are vital for addressing food insecurity. Yet, food security intervention mechanisms of various levels are not researched well. Besides, previous studies have rarely addressed the objectives of food security intervention mechanisms in relation to the four pillars of food security: availability, access, utilization, and stability. Thus, this study aims to investigate the food security intervention mechanisms in the drought-prone rural areas of Tigray in relation with the major components of food security.
    UNASSIGNED: This study has employed a cross-sectional study design based on a mixed research approach with primary and secondary data. For this, 363 households from three selected drought-prone rural districts, i.e., Atsbi-wenberta, Irob, and Hintalo- wejerat were studied. Primary data were collected using questionnaires and key-informant interviews. And, secondary data were collected from relevant archives and policy documents. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively and content-wise.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings show that there were several international interventions intended to halt food insecurity sustainably through financial aid, but many of the interventions were found to be responding to humanitarian crises mainly the food shortages. Ethiopia\'s Food and Nutrition Policy, Food Security Program, Food Security Strategy, and Food Security Pack program were the food security intervention mechanisms at the national level. These interventions were found to be inconsistent with each other in their intended goals. Regionally, no food security strategy or program was found intervening to the prevailing food insecurity in Tigray. More notably, the region has no food security bureau or office that deals with food security issues of the region. At a community level, food aid, and PSNP transfers have been the usual food security intervention mechanisms. 35.6% (77,010) of the population in the study rural districts were found to be rural PSNP beneficiaries. The food aid and PSNP transfers were outrageously insufficient for the recipients to cope with food insecurity.
    UNASSIGNED: Intervention mechanisms should focus on enhancing vulnerable households\' coping and adaptive capacities to deal with food security problems. In this regard, all the food security intervention mechanisms of various levels should be integrated into the common goal of achieving food security.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, children have been adversely affected by the wide variety of impacts of SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus | COVID-19). Vulnerable children who depend on the support of education and health and social care systems were left unprotected as these systems were weakened by the pandemic. COVID-19 has exposed the already fragile situations in which many children and young people live and that thousands of children and young people would need ongoing support but remained invisible to statutory authorities. COVID-19 has also been a stark reminder of the vulnerability of individuals and societies and it has exposed deep divisions, inequalities, and injustices between different countries and groups of people. M\'Lop Tapang is a local nonprofit organization registered with the Royal Government of Cambodia. This report discusses the efforts of M\'Lop Tapang following the declaration of the COVID-19 global pandemic in early 2020, to address the local community needs; to ensure the voices of children remained heard; and to promote children\'s rights remaining a priority throughout the remainder of the pandemic.What is already known on this topicVulnerable children are dependent on remaining visible to education and health and social care systems to ensure they are safeguarded and protected.Poor safety, financial instability, unemployment, challenges to children\'s rights and displacement all have the potential to increase vulnerabilities and intensify inequalities.The COVID-19 global pandemic has widened the global lens for the nursing profession and to effect change, children\'s nurses need to think globally and act locally.What this study addsThis study provides insights into the challenges faced by children and families in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, during the early part of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19) pandemic in 2020-2021.The economic impact of COVID-19 on children and families living in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, between 2020 and 2021 is reviewed.The learning from the pragmatic and rapid interventions of M\'Lop Tapang, Sihanoukville during the early phase of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic, are of use in other countries around the world in future epidemic or pandemic situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent policy discourse on the localisation of disaster management and humanitarian assistance lacks attention to the culture, history, and traditions of the Global South. This special issue of Disasters argues that it is imperative to recognise the dynamic, interactive, contested, and negotiated nature of local knowledge. Such local knowledge saves lives by enabling responders to situate ad hoc, one-off events such as disasters in the broader and deeper context of community relationships, thereby providing more appropriate and more effective aid. Through the cases of China, Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines, this special issue examines such dynamic local knowledge using an analytical framework consisting of three manifestations of local knowledge, namely: social capital; contextual historical memories; and adaptation to new ideas. These three manifestations show the ways in which local knowledge creates local capacity, via which local, national, and international disaster respondents can centre their response coordination, and in turn, demonstrate how local capacity reformulates local knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chinese humanitarian actors have worked frequently with the Chinese diaspora in disaster-affected areas, but little, if any, research has been conducted into the important role of the diaspora in disaster response and humanitarian assistance. This paper investigates what local knowledge the Chinese diaspora has offered to humanitarian actors from the People\'s Republic of China (PRC), and how this has contributed to their effectiveness. Based on a case study of the semi-autonomous Indonesian province of Aceh in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, this paper argues that the diaspora can serve as a linchpin in local and international humanitarian action. It can do so by strengthening networks and bringing together local ethnic communities, local governments, and the PRC\'s humanitarian actors, while also offering local knowledge in the form of contextual memory. Such local knowledge may have to be fully utilised to address any underlying ethnic tensions in disaster-affected areas.
    中国の人道支援活動家たちは、災害の影響を受けた地域で華僑と頻繁に協力してきたが、災害対応や人道支援における華僑の重要な役割についての研究はほとんど行われていない。この論文は、華僑が中華人民共和国の人道支援活動家たちにどのようなローカルナレッジを提供してきたのか、そしてそれがそれらの活動家の有効性にどのように貢献したかを問うものである。中国の人道支援に焦点を当てた研究は増えているが、被災地における華僑の存在や、それが果たしている役割についてはほとんど注目されていない。この論文では、2004 年の津波後のアチェの事例に基づいて、ネットワークを強化し、地元の民族コミュニティ、地方自治体、中国の人道活動主体を結びつけることによって、華僑が地元および国際的な人道活動の基軸として機能できると論じている。 また、文脈記憶の形でローカルナレッジも提供する。災害の影響を受けた地域の根底にある民族的緊張に対処するには、そのようなローカルナレッジを最大限に活用する必要があるかもしれない。.
    中国人道主义行动者经常与受灾地区的华侨合作,但对于华侨在灾害应对和人道主义援助中的重要作用的研究却很少。本文探讨海外华侨向中华人民共和国的人道主义行动者提供了哪些本地知识,以及这些知识如何提高这些行动者的效力。越来越多的研究关注中国的人道主义援助,但灾区华侨的存在及其发挥的作用却很少受到关注。本文以 2004 年海啸过后的亚齐为例,指出侨民可以成为当地和国际人道主义行动的关键,通过加强网络,将当地族裔社区、当地政府和 PRC 人道主义行为者聚集在一起,同时以情境记忆的形式提供当地知识。必须充分利用这些当地知识来解决受灾地区潜在的种族紧张关系。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recommendations for the management of malnutrition among infants aged less than 6 months (<6 m) are based on limited evidence. This study aimed to describe the characteristics, treatment outcomes and outcome-associated factors among malnourished infants <6 m admitted at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) inpatient and ambulatory therapeutic feeding centres (ITFC and ATFC) in North-East Nigeria, 2019-2022. We conducted a descriptive analysis of the cohorts and logistic regression to measure the association between two selected outcomes-inpatient mortality and defaulting from the ambulatory programme-and possible factors associated. In total, 940 infants <6 m were admitted at ITFC. Most of them presented severe acute malnutrition and comorbidities, with diarrhoea being the most frequent. On discharge, 13.3% (n = 125) of infants were cured, 72.9% (n = 684) stabilized (referred to ATFC), 6.5% (n = 61) left against medical advice and 4.2% (n = 39) died. The median length of hospital stay was 10 days [IQR 7-14]. A hospital stay shorter than 10 days was significantly associated with inpatient mortality (aOR = 12.51, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.72-42.11, p ≤ 0.01). Among 561 infants followed up at the ATFC, only 2.8% reported comorbidities. On discharge, 80.9% (n = 429) were cured, 16.2% (n = 86) defaulted and 1.1% (n = 6) died. Male sex (aOR = 1.94, 95% CI = 1.15-3.27, p = 0.01), internally displaced status (aOR = 1.70, 95% CI = 1.05-2.79, p = 0.03) and <-3 WLZ (aOR = 1.95, 95% CI = 1.05-3.63, p = 0.03) were significantly associated with programme defaulting. Stabilization and recovery rates among malnourished infants <6 m in the studied project align with acceptable standards in this humanitarian setting. Notable defaulting rates from outpatient care should be further explored.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humanitarian assistance is hindered by a lack of strategies to optimize care delivery through research and organized networks. Distinct from global health, humanitarian assistance struggles to address its multifaceted challenges, including duplicative resources, uncoordinated communication, unregulated staff expertise and safety, financial waste, and poor-quality metrics and care delivery. Implementation science provides an exciting and underutilized approach that can be applied to address these challenges, by studying how to effectively design, implement, optimize, and scale evidence-based interventions. Though successful in well-resourced and global health systems, implementation science approaches are rare in humanitarian assistance. Adopting implementation science approaches including identifying determinants, creating accessible evidence-based intervention bundles, adapting study methodologies for the humanitarian context, and partnering with implementation experts could make these promising approaches more accessible for thousands of humanitarian actors delivering healthcare for millions of vulnerable patients worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges but also unprecedented opportunities for transportation researchers and practitioners. In this article, the major lessons and gaps in knowledge for those working in the transportation sector are identified, including the following: (1) integration between public health and transportation; (2) technology to support contact tracing and tracking of travelers; (3) focus on vulnerable, at-risk operators, patrons, and underserved members of society; (4) re-engineering of travel demand models to support social distancing, quarantine, and public health interventions; (5) challenges with Big Data and information technologies; (6) trust relationships between the general public, government, private sector, and others in disaster management; (7) conflict management during disasters; (8) complexities of transdisciplinary knowledge and engagement; (9) demands for training and education; and (10) transformative change to support community resilience. With a focus on transportation planning and community resilience, the lessons from the pandemic need to be shared and customized for different systems, services, modalities, and users. While many of the interventions during the pandemic have been based on public health, the management, response, recovery, adaptation, and transformation of transportation systems resulting from the crisis require multi-disciplinary, multi-jurisdictional communications and coordination, and resource sharing. Further research to support knowledge to action is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disaster corruption is a vexing problem, damaging state legitimacy and exacerbating human suffering. Mexico has a history of both major disasters and persistently high levels of corruption. A magnitude 7.1 earthquake in 2017 provided an opportunity to study change over time in expectations and tolerance of corruption in disaster relief. Twenty years earlier, Mexico City residents expected, on average, essentially three out of 10 hypothetical trucks loaded with humanitarian assistance to be lost to corruption but expressed near zero tolerance of such conduct. By 2018-19, Mexico City residents expected more than one-half of all relief, six out of 10 trucks, to be stolen, and could tolerate three out of 10 trucks being pilfered. Similar results were found at the national level. Hence, Mexicans appear to be giving up on the state. Addressing corruption in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian relief specifically might provide a template for improving public trust across other state institutions.
    الفساد في الأزمات مشكلة مُحيرة، فهي تضر بشرعية الدولة وتفاقم معاناة الإنسان. لدى المكسيك تاريخ في كلٍ من الكوارث الكبرى والمستويات العالية والمستمرة للفساد. قدم زلزال عام 2017 فرصة لدراسة التغير مع مرور الوقت لكلٍ من التوقعات و التسامح مع حدوث فساد في المساعدات المخصصة للكارثة. منذ عشرين سنة كان متوسط التوقع من قبل سكان مدينة مكسيكو، 3 من أصل 10 شاحنات افتراضية من المساعدات الإنسانية ستختفي بسبب الفساد، لكن أعربوا عن عدم تسامح مطلق مع هذا الفساد. بحلول عامي 2018-2019، توقع سكان مدينة مكسيكو أن أكثر من نصف المساعدات 6 من أصل 10 شاحنات ستسرق - وعبروا عن إمكانية تقبلهم لسرقة 3 من أصل 10 شاحنات مساعدات. تم الحصول على نتائج مشابهة على الصعيد الوطني. يبدو أن المكسيكيين قد فقدوا أملهم بالدولة. معالجة مشكلة الفساد وبشكل خاص ضمن التقليل من مخاطر الكارثة و العمل الإنساني يمكن أن يعين في تقديم نموذج لتحسين ثقة العامة عبر مؤسسات حكومية أخرى. كلمات مفتاحية: الفساد في الكوارث، التوقع و التقبل، المساعدات الإنسانية، المكسيك، الرأي العام.
    灾难中的腐败问题是一个非常难解决的问题,不仅损害国家的合法性而且加剧人们的痛苦。墨西哥有着遭受重大灾难和持续大量的腐败问题的历史。公2017年的地震提供了一个研究随着时间推移公众对灾难救援中的期待和容忍态度改变的机会。二十年前,平均程度上,假如有人道主义援助卡车到来,墨西哥城的居民预计十辆中的三辆因腐败而丢失,但仍表达了近乎对此类腐败行为的零容忍。到2018-2019年,墨西哥城居民预计十辆救援卡车中的六辆在途中丢失,且能够容忍十辆中有三辆被偷走。类似的结果在全国范围的调查都有体现。墨西哥人似乎对国家失去了信心。致力于解决在减轻灾难危机和人道主义纾解行动中的腐败问题,并将其作为行动模板,可以提高公众对国家其他部门的信任。 关键词:灾难腐败,期望和容忍,人道主义援助,墨西哥,公众意见.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reducing excess population mortality caused by crises due to armed conflict and natural disasters is an existential aim of humanitarian assistance, but the extent to which these deaths are averted in different humanitarian responses is mostly unknown. This information gap arguably weakens governance and accountability. This paper considers methodological challenges involved in making inferences about humanitarian assistance\'s effect on excess mortality, and outlines proposed approaches. Three possible measurement questions, each of which contributes some inferential evidence, are presented: (1) whether mortality has remained within an acceptable range during the crisis (for which different direct estimation options are presented); (2) whether the humanitarian response is sufficiently appropriate and performant to avert excess mortality (a type of contribution analysis requiring in-depth audits of the design of humanitarian services and of their actual availability, coverage and quality); and (3) the actual extent to which humanitarian assistance has reduced excess deaths (potentially the most complex question to answer, requiring application of causal thinking and careful specification of the exposure, and for which either quasi-experimental statistical modelling approaches or a combination of verbal and social autopsy methods are proposed). The paper concludes by considering possible \'packages\' of the above methods that could be implemented at different stages of a humanitarian response, and calls for investment in improved methods and actual measurement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The psychological burden of conflict-induced displacement is severe. Currently, there are 80 million displaced persons around the world, and their number is expected to increase in upcoming decades. Yet, few studies have systematically assessed the effectiveness of programs that assist displaced persons, especially in settings of extreme vulnerability. We focus on eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where myriad local armed conflicts have driven cycles of displacement for over 20 years. We conducted a within-village randomized field experiment with 976 households, across 25 villages, as part of the United Nations\' Rapid Response to Population Movements program. The program provided humanitarian relief to over a million people each year, including vouchers for essential nonfood items, such as pots, pans, cloth, and mattresses. The vouchers led to large improvements in psychological well-being: a 0.32 standard deviation unit (SDU) improvement at 6 weeks, and a 0.18 SDU improvement at 1 year. There is no evidence that the program undermined social cohesion within the village, which alleviates worries related to programs that target some community members but not others. Finally, there was no improvement in child health.





