History, Ancient

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite their ubiquity, Mesolithic lithic tools given as funerary offerings have rarely been studied in detail. Whereas personal ornaments (e.g. beads, pendants) are commonly interpreted as markers of social identity and status, archaeologists have struggled to understand the stone tools, commonly regarded as \"utilitarian\" items. As a result, this class of grave goods has not received the same level of attention, leaving a significant gap in our understanding of Mesolithic mortuary behaviours. Our research challenges long-lasting perceptions of lithic tools as strictly utilitarian objects and draws on studies of one of the most substantial stone axe funerary collections from one of the largest Stone Age cemeteries in Europe-Zvejnieki, Latvia. Evidence suggests the selection of unused axes as grave offerings, while unusual wear traces on an axe found in a female grave (no 57) raises questions about its use in the burial rites. Using a multi-proxy approach, we compare life histories of axes placed in burials to those recovered from contemporary, nearby settlement contexts. Finally, a strong correlation between axes and women and children at Zvejnieki challenges gendered stereotypes of stone tools, historically regarded as possessions of the adult male members of Stone Age societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, ancient healing traditions cast a profound shadow, offering insights and inspirations that resonate with modern medical practice. This paper explores the enduring influence of shamanic and Hippocratic healing traditions on contemporary healthcare, examining their contributions to holistic health approaches, diagnostic techniques, and ethical standards. The Hippocratic emphasis on observation, clinical experience, and ethical principles laid the foundation for modern Western medicine, while shamanic practices highlight the importance of spiritual and psychological dimensions in healing. The comparative analysis reveals both commonalities and distinctions among various ancient practices, such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and indigenous healing systems, emphasizing their holistic understanding of health and the use of natural remedies. Cross-cultural exchanges, from the Silk Road to the Islamic Golden Age and beyond, facilitated the integration and dissemination of medical knowledge, enriching global medical traditions. The paper also discusses the impact of these ancient practices on contemporary healthcare systems, highlighting the resurgence of holistic and integrative medicine, the validation and incorporation of herbal remedies, and the challenges of cultural appropriation and scientific validation. By embracing the wisdom of ancient healing traditions and fostering collaboration between traditional and modern medicine, contemporary healthcare can enhance therapeutic options, promote patient-centered care, and address global health challenges with a more inclusive and compassionate approach. This integration holds promise for the future of healthcare, benefiting individuals and communities worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xuezheng Quanji(«») written by Sun Guangyu, a doctor in the Ming Dynasty, is the first known book on blood disorders in China. The book mainly deals with bleeding. The book begins with a collection of the Neijing and the treatises of the sages, focusing on systematically summarizing the theories and experiences of the past dynasties in the treatment of bleeding, interspersed with Sun\'s own opinions.The main part discusses four types of bleeding, summarizing Sun\'s profound experience in clinical practice, and many of his personal creative opinions.In terms of causes,Sun believed that there are three causes of bleeding and more due to heat. In terms of treatment,he opposed the abuse of bitter cold and attached great importance to nourishing yin and strengthening kidney and proposed four treatment methods of dispelling stasis, nourishing Yin and suppressing Yang, regulating Qi and blood, and tonifying deficiency. He advocated that bleeding should not be treated quickly, and emphasized that the disease should be judged according to the bleeding location and bleeding color to use herbs flexibly.Special attention should be paid to daily life care during and after illness as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans processed gypsum for their everyday use at least 7000 years ago. They have been using fixed limb methods for fracture treatment for nearly 5000 years. Hippocrates recognized the importance of the splint and the \"roller bandage\" for fracture treatment, and made the bandage hard by adding wax, pitch, lard or resin to the multi-layer cloth bandage, but not gypsum. Arabian physician El Zahrawi (936 -1013) also described a clay glue mixture, and flour and egg white as fracture fixation materials. From 970, Persian physician Muwafak used gypsum as the exclusive material for fracture fixation. The rudimentary form of modern plaster bandages was developed in the mid-19th century and spread widely after that, using methods from the Russian Pyrogov by soaking canvas in a gypsum slurry and Dutchman Massson wrapped gypsum powder in cotton cloth strips.
    人类加工和使用石膏并用于建筑和生活用具中至少有7 000年的历史。而将石膏用于骨折固定,首次文献记载是在公元970年,波斯医师穆瓦法克用石膏浆浇注的方法固定小腿骨折。虽然从希波克拉底时代开始,在欧洲大陆、埃及、中国等地区,先后有在绷带上添加蜡、沥青、油脂或树脂,以及粘土胶混合物、面粉和蛋清等物质使绷带变硬的方法,但均不能像石膏那样快速硬化。直到19世纪中期,分别由俄国的皮罗戈夫用帆布浸泡在石膏浆中的方法,以及荷兰的马西森用布条包夹石膏粉的方法,才形成了现代石膏绷带的雏形,并迅速在全世界推广。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The theory of Huatuo Jiaji (EX-B 2) is the representative of the knowledge construction of ancient anatomy, reflecting the academic thought of Huatuo\'s school. Through deeply analyzing the classic theory of acupuncture and its cultural and historical materials, it is believed that the five-body constituents are the structural basis of Huatuo Jiaji (EX-B 2), qi and blood are the material one, while biaoben (the sites where meridian qi gathers and diffuses) and qijie (the common pathways through which meridian qi gathers) indicate its functions. Huatuo Jiaji (EX-B 2) reveals the rules of the transverse distribution of meridian points and the relevant indications, providing the theoretic foundation for acupuncture treatment. It highlights the importance of the anatomical knowledge in acupuncture effect and proposes a new idea for establishing an effective classification system of meridian points.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic), combined with the Huangdi Mingtang Jing JiJiao (Compilation and Correction of Yellow Emperor\'s Mingtang Classic) and unearthed Tianhui Yijian (Tianhui Medical Bamboo Slips), it is recognized that the therapeutic indications of Fenglong (ST 40) were recorded repeatedly in many medical works of the Qin and Han dynasties; and the treatments mostly focus on \"upward reversion of qi \". In Huangdi Mingtang Jing (Yellow Emperor\'s Mingtang Classic), a part of symptoms were re-described textually, which affects the understanding on the indications of Fenglong (ST 40) in the medical works of the later generations. On the basis of the construction of phlegm theory in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the scholars of Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties had placed the emphasis on the relationship between phlegm and qi movement. In acupuncture works by Dou Hanqing, Fenglong (ST 40) was selected in treatment of phlegm dampness and phlegm-induced asthma, which is also based on the pathogenesis, \"upward reversion of qi \", rather than \"phlegm\" itself. This view can be understood by the proof of \"reducing Zusanli (ST 36) for eliminating wind\". The relationship between Fenglong (ST 40) and phlegm was emphasized in Yulong Ge (Jade Dragon Verse) and Zhenfang Liuji (Six Sets of Acupuncture Methods), after which, the understanding, \" Fenglong (ST 40), the key point for phlegm disorders\", had been formed gradually since the Ming dynasty. The formation and evolution of the therapeutic indications of Fenglong (ST 40) are influenced comprehensively by the errors in textual duplication, cultural background, changes in the term expressions of disorders, and the clinical experience of medical practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Few studies have combined the analysis of use-wear traces, traceology, and the proteomic taxonomic identification method Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS). Traceology provides information on the usage, in this case, of bone artefacts, while ZooMS allows for taxonomic identifications where diagnostic features are otherwise gone. The approaches therefore offer complementary information on bone artefacts, allowing for insights into species selection strategies in bone tool manufacture and their subsequent use. Here we present a case study of 20 bone artefacts, mainly bone points, from the Early Neolithic cave site of Coro Trasito located on the southern slope of the Central Pyrenees. Hitherto, studies on Early Neolithic bone artefacts from the Iberian Peninsula have suggested based on morphological assessments that Ovis aries/Capra hircus constituted the majority of the bone material selected for bone tool production. However, the taxonomic identification in this study suggests that, at this site, Cervidae was selected equally to that of O. aries/C. hircus. Furthermore, bone artefacts made from Cervidae specimens seem to be utilised in a wider range of artefact types compared to O. aries/C. hircus. Coro Trasito\'s bone artefact species composition is probably site-specific to some degree, however, morphological assessments of bone artefacts might not be representative and could be biased towards certain species. Therefore, research on bone artefacts\' usage could possibly gain new insights by implementing ZooMS in combination with traceology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of our article is to highlight the history of pain management. The multidisciplinary team (MDT) concept in confronting pain was first conceptualized by the Hippocratics, and has evolved through time and become a trend in medicine over recent decades. Documentary research was conducted to unveil the story of the evolution of MDTs. From the early 1950\'s the idea of an MDT approach to deal with various types of pain was sporadically introduced in medicine. Studies encouraged health institutions to support this concept by providing health professionals with training, alongside the necessary facilities and resources. Specialized care programs started with Dame Cicely Mary Strode Saunders as one of the pioneers. CONCLUSIONS: Team work and continuous interdisciplinary treatment of pain have rendered MDTs essential for health systems. Barriers in flexibility, information flow and personal issues give rise to the need for better organization and training. Pain and terminal disease palliation call for MDTs, and educated leaders to run them. Present and future health MDTs are considered necessary in all medical fields.





