
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saxitoxin (STX), an exceptionally potent marine toxin for which no antidote is currently available, is produced by methanogens and cyanobacteria. This poses a significant threat to both shellfish aquaculture and human health. Consequently, the development of a rapid, highly sensitive STX detection method is of great significance. The objective of this research is to create a novel approach for identifying STX. Therefore, amplified luminescent proximity homogeneous assay (AlphaLISA) was established using a direct competition method based on the principles of fluorescence resonance energy transfer and antigen-antibody specific binding. This method is sensitive, rapid, performed without washing, easy to operate, and can detect 8-128 ng/mL of STX in only 10 min. The limit of detection achieved by this method is as low as 4.29 ng/mL with coefficients of variation for the intra-batch and inter-batch analyses ranging from 2.61% to 3.63% and from 7.67% to 8.30%, respectively. In conclusion, our study successfully establishes a simple yet sensitive, rapid, and accurate AlphaLISA method for the detection of STX which holds great potential in advancing research on marine biotoxins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacterial biodiversity and potential toxicity in coastal lagoons have barely been studied despite these transitional water systems being very important in conservation and for the preservation of economic resources. Most of these transitional systems have been affected by eutrophication, and climate change will severely affect them by promoting cyanobacteria growth, especially in Mediterranean areas. This study aims to characterize the diversity of epipelic and epiphytic cyanobacteria species in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon and their potential for toxins production (microcystins and saxitoxins). Strains were isolated and genetically identified. Toxins were extracted and quantified by LC/MS-MS. All the taxa belong to the former Oscillatoriales. The presence of Nodosilinea and Toxifilum is reported for the first time for Spanish waters, but Pseudanabaena, Phormidium, Geitlerinema and Synechococcus also formed part of benthic mats. All the strains contained Microcystin-YR (MC-YR), but saxitoxin (STX) was present only in the extracts of Nodosilinea and Pseudanabena. MC-LY, MC-LW and [D-Asp3] MC-LR were detected in the extracts of Synechococcus and MC-LF in Toxifilum, but at concentrations that did not permit quantification. Toxins production by epipelic and epiphytic strains in coastal lagoons may represent a hazard, but also an opportunity to obtain potentially interesting compounds that should be further studied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dinoflagellate species that form some of the most frequent toxic blooms are also bioluminescent, yet the two traits are rarely linked when studying bloom development and persistence. P. bahamense is a toxic, bioluminescent dinoflagellate that previously bloomed in Florida with no known record of saxitoxin (STX) production. Over the past 20 years, STX was identified in P. bahamense populations. The goal of this study was to examine toxin dynamics and associated molecular mechanisms in spatially and temporally distinct P. bahamense populations from the Indian River Lagoon, FL. SxtA4 is a key gene required for toxin biosynthesis. SxtA4 genotype analysis was performed on individual cells from multiple sites. Cell abundance, toxin quota cell-1, and sxtA4 and RubisCo (rbcL) transcript abundance were also measured. There was a significant negative correlation between cell abundance and toxin quota cell-1. While the sxtA4+ genotype was dominant at all sites, its frequency varied, but it occurred at 90-100% in many samples. The underlying mechanism for toxin decrease with increased cell abundance remains unknown. However, a strong, statistically significant negative correlation was found between stxA4 transcripts and the sxtA4/rbcL ratio, suggesting cells make fewer sxtA4 transcripts as a bloom progresses. However, the influence of sxtA4- cells must also be considered. Future plans include bioluminescence measurements, normalized to a per cell basis, at sites when toxicity is measured along with concomitant quantification of sxtA4 gene and transcript copy numbers as a means to elucidate whether changes in bloom toxicity are driven more at the genetic (emergence of sxtA4- cells) or transcriptional (repression of sxtA4 in sxtA4+ cells) level. Based on the results of this study, a model is proposed that links the combined traits of toxicity and bioluminescence in P. bahamense bloom development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we report a multiplexed platform for the simultaneous determination of five marine toxins. The proposed biosensor is based on a disposable electrical printed (DEP) microarray composed of eight individually addressable carbon electrodes. The electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles on the carbon surface offers high conductivity and enlarges the electroactive area. The immobilization of thiolated aptamers on the AuNP-decorated carbon electrodes provides a stable, well-orientated and organized binary self-assembled monolayer for sensitive and accurate detection. A simple electrochemical multiplexed aptasensor based on AuNPs was designed to synchronously detect multiple cyanotoxins, namely, microcystin-LR (MC-LR), Cylindrospermopsin (CYL), anatoxin-α, saxitoxin and okadaic acid (OA). The choice of the five toxins was based on their widespread presence and toxicity to aquatic ecosystems and humans. Taking advantage of the conformational change of the aptamers upon target binding, cyanotoxin detection was achieved by monitoring the resulting electron transfer increase by square-wave voltammetry. Under the optimal conditions, the linear range of the proposed aptasensor was estimated to be from 0.018 nM to 200 nM for all the toxins, except for MC-LR where detection was possible within the range of 0.073 to 150 nM. Excellent sensitivity was achieved with the limits of detection of 0.0033, 0.0045, 0.0034, 0.0053 and 0.0048 nM for MC-LR, CYL, anatoxin-α, saxitoxin and OA, respectively. Selectivity studies were performed to show the absence of cross-reactivity between the five analytes. Finally, the application of the multiplexed aptasensor to tap water samples revealed very good agreement with the calibration curves obtained in buffer. This simple and accurate multiplexed platform could open the window for the simultaneous detection of multiple pollutants in different matrices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paralytic shellfish poisoning is an important concern for mollusk fisheries, aquaculture, and public health. In Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula, such toxicity has been monitored for a long time using mouse bioassay. Therefore, little information exists about the precise toxin analogues and their possible transformations in diverse mollusk species and environments. After the change in the European PSP reference method, a refinement of the Lawrence method was developed, achieving a 75% reduction in chromatogram run time. Since the beginning of 2021, when this refinement Lawrence method was accredited under the norm UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025, it has been used in the area to determine the toxin profiles and to estimate PSP toxicity in more than 4500 samples. In this study, we have summarized three years of monitoring results, including interspecific, seasonal, and geographical variability of PSP toxicity and toxin profile. PSP was detected in more than half of the samples analyzed (55%), but only 4.4% of the determinations were above the EU regulatory limit. GTX1,4 was the pair of STX analogs that produced the highest toxicities, but GTX2,3 was found in most samples, mainly due to the reduction of GTX1,4 but also by the higher sensitivity of the method for this pair of analogs. STX seems to be mainly a product of biotransformation from GTX2,3. The studied species (twelve bivalves and one gastropod) accumulated and transformed PSP toxins to a different extent, with most of them showing similar profiles except for Spisula solida and Haliotis tuberculata. Two seasonal peaks of toxicity were found: one in spring-early summer and another in autumn, with slightly different toxin profiles during outbreaks in relation to the toxicity during valleys. In general, both the total toxicity and toxin profiles of the southernmost locations were different from those in the northern part of the Atlantic coast and the Cantabrian Sea, but this general pattern is modified by the PSP history of some specific locations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium is known to form harmful algal blooms (HABs) and produces saxitoxin (STX) and its derivatives (STXs) that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in humans. Cell growth and cellular metabolism are affected by environmental conditions, including nutrients, temperature, light, and the salinity of aquatic systems. Abiotic factors not only engage in photosynthesis, but also modulate the production of toxic secondary metabolites, such as STXs, in dinoflagellates. STXs production is influenced by a variety of abiotic factors; however, the relationship between the regulation of these abiotic variables and STXs accumulation seems not to be consistent, and sometimes it is controversial. Few studies have suggested that abiotic factors may influence toxicity and STXs-biosynthesis gene (sxt) regulation in toxic Alexandrium, particularly in A. catenella, A. minutum, and A. pacificum. Hence, in this review, we focused on STXs production in toxic Alexandrium with respect to the major abiotic factors, such as temperature, salinity, nutrients, and light intensity. This review informs future research on more sxt genes involved in STXs production in relation to the abiotic factors in toxic dinoflagellates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Drinking Water Directive (EU) 2020/2184 includes the parameter microcystin LR, a cyanotoxin, which drinking water producers need to analyze if the water source has potential for cyanobacterial blooms. In light of the increasing occurrences of cyanobacterial blooms worldwide and given that more than 50 percent of the drinking water in Sweden is produced from surface water, both fresh and brackish, the need for improved knowledge about cyanotoxin occurrence and cyanobacterial diversity has increased. In this study, a total of 98 cyanobacterial blooms were sampled in 2016-2017 and identified based on their toxin production and taxonomical compositions. The surface water samples from freshwater lakes throughout Sweden including brackish water from eight east coast locations along the Baltic Sea were analyzed for their toxin content with LC-MS/MS and taxonomic composition with 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Both the extracellular and the total toxin content were analyzed. Microcystin\'s prevalence was highest with presence in 82% of blooms, of which as a free toxin in 39% of blooms. Saxitoxins were found in 36% of blooms in which the congener decarbamoylsaxitoxin (dcSTX) was detected for the first time in Swedish surface waters at four sampling sites. Anatoxins were most rarely detected, followed by cylindrospermopsin, which were found in 6% and 10% of samples, respectively. As expected, nodularin was detected in samples collected from the Baltic Sea only. The cyanobacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with the highest abundance and prevalence could be annotated to Aphanizomenon NIES-81 and the second most profuse cyanobacterial taxon to Microcystis PCC 7914. In addition, two correlations were found, one between Aphanizomenon NIES-81 and saxitoxins and another between Microcystis PCC 7914 and microcystins. This study is of value to drinking water management and scientists involved in recognizing and controlling toxic cyanobacteria blooms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study assessed the effective use of biochar for the adsorption of two potent HAB toxins namely, Microcystin-LR (MCLR) and Saxitoxin (STX) through a combination of dosage, kinetic, equilibrium, initial pH, and competitive adsorption experiments. The adsorption results suggest that biochar has excellent capabilities for removing MCLR and STX, with STX reporting higher adsorption capacities (622.53-3507.46 µg/g). STX removal required a minimal dosage of 0.02 g/L, while MCLR removal needed 0.4 g/L for > 90%. Similarly, a shorter contact time was required for STX removal compared to MCLR for > 90% of toxin removed from water. Initial pH study revealed that for MCLR acidic conditions favored higher uptake while STX favored basic conditions. Kinetic studies revealed that the Elovich model to be most suitable for both toxins, while STX also showed suitable fittings for Pseudo-First Order and Pseudo-Second Order in individual toxin systems. Similarly, for the Elovich model the most suited kinetic model for both toxins in presence of each other. Isotherm studies confirmed the Langmuir-Freundlich model as the best fit for both toxins. These results suggest adsorption mechanisms including pore filling, hydrogen bonding, π-π interactions, hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic attraction, and dispersive interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to optically stimulate and inhibit neurons has revolutionized neuroscience research. Here, we present a direct, potent, user-friendly chemical approach for optically silencing neurons. We have rendered saxitoxin (STX), a naturally occurring paralytic agent, transiently inert through chemical protection with a previously undisclosed nitrobenzyl-derived photocleavable group. Exposing the caged toxin, STX-bpc, to a brief (5 ms) pulse of light effects rapid release of a potent STX derivative and transient, spatially precise blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels (NaVs). We demonstrate the efficacy of STX-bpc for parametrically manipulating action potentials in mammalian neurons and brain slice. Additionally, we show the effectiveness of this reagent for silencing neural activity by dissecting sensory-evoked swimming in larval zebrafish. Photo-uncaging of STX-bpc is a straightforward method for non-invasive, reversible, spatiotemporally precise neural silencing without the need for genetic access, thus removing barriers for comparative research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saxitoxin (STX) represents a marine toxin of significant concern due to its deleterious implications for aquatic ecosystems and public food safety. As a potent paralytic agent, the role of STX in obstructing voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) is well-characterized. Yet, the mechanistic details underlying its low-dose toxicity remain largely enigmatic. In the current study, zebrafish embryos and larvae were subjected to subchronic exposure of graded STX concentrations (0, 1, 10, and 100 μg/L) until the 7th day post-fertilization. A tactile stimulus-based assay was employed to evaluate potential behavioral perturbations resulting from STX exposure. Both behavioral and transcription level analyses unveiled a compromised tactile response, which was found to be associated with a notable upregulation in the mRNA of two distinct VGSC isoforms, specifically the scn8aa/ab and scn1Laa/ab transcripts, even at the minimal STX dose. Notably, exposure to this lowest STX concentration also resulted in alterations in the transcriptional patterns of pivotal genes for cholinergic and GABAergic pathways, including ache and gabra1. Furthermore, STX induced a marked decrease in the levels of the neurotransmitter GABA. Our findings underscore that prolonged low-dose STX exposure during early development can significantly compromise the tactile response behavior in zebrafish. This study reveals that chronic low-dose STX exposure of developing zebrafish alters neurotransmission pathways that converge on altered tactile behavior.





