
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the end of March 2018, an unprecedented food poisoning incident due to ingestion of the visceral balls of geoduck Panopea japonica occurred in Japan. The patient, presented with symptoms of numbness on the lips and general weakness, was diagnosed as paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). The patient immediately treated with the mechanical ventilation recovered and left the hospital after 3 days treatment. Saxitoxins (STXs) in the plasma and urinary samples collected from the patient on the first and second day after hospitalization were analyzed by ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC/MS/MS) and liquid chromatography with post-column fluorescent detection (LC/FLD). The STXs levels of 499.1 and 6.0 μg/L of STX dihydrochloride equivalent (STX·2HCl eq.) were quantitated by LC/FLD in the urinary samples on the first and second day, respectively. In addition, geoducks harvested from the same areas of the PSP causative specimens after the incident were analyzed by LC/FLD, and the results showed the level of STXs in their whole bodies of the geoducks exceeding 0.8 mg STX·2HCl eq./kg which is the maximum levels of STX in CODEX STAN 292-2008. Prominent toxins in STXs that detected in urinary and geoduck samples and identified by UHPLC/MS/MS and LC/FLD were gonyautoxin-1+4 (GTX1+4). These results concluded that the incident was the food poisoning due to STXs accumulated in the geoducks. This is the first PSP case caused by consumption of geoducks in Japan. This is also the first PSP case that causative toxins are detected in urinary samples of patients involved in PSP in Japan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel flow injection microfluidic immunoassay system for continuous monitoring of saxitoxin, a lethal biotoxin, in seawater samples is presented in this article. The system consists of a preimmobilized G protein immunoaffinity column connected in line with a lab-on-chip setup. The detection of saxitoxin in seawater was carried out in two steps: an offline incubation step (competition reaction) performed between the analyte of interest (saxitoxin or Ag, as standard or seawater sample) and a tracer (an enzyme-conjugated antigen or Ag*) toward a specific polyclonal antibody. Then, the mixture was injected through a \"loop\" of a few μL using a six-way injection valve into a bioreactor, in line with the valve. The bioreactor consisted of a small glass column, manually filled with resin upon which G protein has been immobilized. When the mixture flowed through the bioreactor, all the antibody-antigen complex, formed during the competition step, is retained by the G protein. The tracer molecules that do not interact with the capture antibody and protein G are eluted out of the column, collected, and mixed with an enzymatic substrate directly within the microfluidic chip, via the use of two peristaltic pumps. When Ag* was present, a color change (absorbance variation, ΔAbs) of the solution is detected at a fixed wavelength (655 nm) by an optical chip docking system and registered by a computer. The amount of saxitoxin, present in the sample (or standard), that generates the variation of the intensity of the color, will be directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte in the analyzed solution. Indeed, the absorbance response increased proportionally to the enzymatic product and to the concentration of saxitoxin in the range of 3.5 × 10-7-2 × 10-5 ng ml-1 with a detection limit of 1 × 10-7 ng ml-1 (RSD% 15, S N-1 equal to 3). The immunoanalytical system has been characterized, optimized, and tested with seawater samples. This analytical approach, combined with the transportable and small-sized instrumentation, allows for easy in situ monitoring of marine water contaminations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Portugal, the potent paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) have appeared irregularly since the onset of a national monitoring program for marine biotoxins in 1986. In years where high contamination levels were attained in bivalves, sporadic cases of human poisonings have been recorded, as in 1994 and 2007. The reappearance of high contamination levels led to the appearance of new cases during the autumn of 2018. This study details toxin ingestion, symptomatology and toxin elimination and metabolization in the fluids of two patients, who ingested mussels from the Portuguese southwest coast and required hospitalization due to the severity of symptoms. Toxin elimination was confirmed by ELISA in plasma and urine samples. In mussel samples, the toxin profile obtained by HPLC-FLD displayed a wide diversity of toxins, typical of Gymnodinum catenatum ingestion. However, in the urine samples, the toxin profile was reduced to B1 and dcSTX. Abundant compounds in mussels having an O-sulphate at C11, such as C1+2 and dcGTX2+3, were absent in urine. In plasma, PSTs were not detected by HPLC-FLD. Calculated toxin ingestion, resulting from consumption of an estimated 200-g portion, was in the range of 104-120 μg STX eq./kg b. w.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) events occur regularly along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast of Morocco, and have been responsible for several severe cases of human intoxication. Along the southern Atlantic coast of Morocco, aquaculture and intensive artisanal fishing practices have recently been particularly heavily impacted, and toxic species have been observed in increasing intensity and frequency. In the 1990\'s a regulatory monitoring program was established for the coastal waters off Morocco by the National Institute of Fisheries Research (INRH), to reduce the risk of intoxication with biotoxins. The regulatory monitoring is conducted weekly and includes toxic phytoplankton enumeration and identification, as well as saxitoxin (STX) analysis in seafood using the mouse bioassay (MBA). Animal testing remains the most widely used screening method for PSP toxin detection, yet its use is being reconsidered for animal-related ethical issues, as well as for practical considerations. To be able to better evaluate alternatives to animal testing, the performance of a nuclear-based radioligand-receptor binding assay (RBA) for paralytic shellfish toxins was assessed and compared with the MBA using four commercially important shellfish matrices, including cockles Cerastoderma edule, razor shells Solen marginatus, oysters Crassostrea gigas, and mussels Perna perna. Over 50 samples were collected and analysed as part of the regulatory monitoring framework including a suite of monthly samples from 2017 and all samples identified as toxic by MBA since 2011. Testing of reference material and evaluation of assay-critical parameters (e.g. slope of calibration curve, internal quality control QC and IC50) confirmed the robustness of the RBA methodology. With this RBA method, STX-like activity detected in shellfish samples ranged from 33 to 8500 μg STX equivalents per kg. RBA data were significantly correlated (P < 0.0001, Pearson r = 0.96) with the MBA-derived dataset. Importantly, the RBA method allowed for the detection and quantification of PSP toxins at levels not detectable by using the mouse bioassay. The limits of quantification of the RBA was calculated and found to be 10-fold lower than that of the MBA, respectively 35.24 ± 5.99 and 325 μg STX equivalents per kg of tissue. In addition, the RBA was easier to use and produced reliable results more rapidly than the MBA and without use of live animals. Considering the increasing risks associated with harmful algal blooms, globally and in Morocco, together with the increased development of aquaculture production and seafood consumption and the difficulties of live animal testing, these findings indicate that the RBA method is a reliable and effective alternative to the MBA method.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    During the months of January-February and May-June 2013 coinciding with the red tide occurrence in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, six episodes involving 58 cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) or saxitoxin (STX) poisoning and resulting in four deaths were reported. Many of them were intoxicated from consuming shellfish purchased from the markets, whereas others were intoxicated from eating shellfish collected from the beach. Levels of STX in shellfish collected from the affected areas were high (mean 2,920 ± 780 and 360 ± 140 µg STX equivalents/100 g shellfish meat respectively for the two periods). The count of toxic dinoflagellates (Pyrodinium bahamense var compressum) of the sea water sampled around the coast was also high (mean 34,200 ± 10,300 cells/L). Species of shellfish containing high levels of STX were Atrina fragilis, Perna viridis, and Crassostrea belcheri. The age of victims varied from 9 to 67 years. Symptoms presented were typical of PSP, such as dizziness, numbness, vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. Recommended steps to prevent or reduce PSP in future red tide season include better monitoring of red tide occurrence, regular sampling of shellfish for determination of STX level, wider dissemination of information on the danger of eating contaminated shellfish among the communities, fishermen, and fishmongers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) are common in Alaska, and result from human consumption of shellfish contaminated with saxitoxin (STX) and its analogues. Diagnosis of PSP is presumptive and based on recent ingestion of shellfish and presence of manifestations consistent with symptoms of PSP; diagnosis is confirmed by detection of paralytic shellfish toxins in a clinical specimen or food sample. A clinical diagnostic analytical method using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was used to evaluate the diagnosis of saxitoxin-induced PSP (STX-PSP) in 11 Alaskan patients using urine specimens collected between June 2010 and November 2011. Concentrations of urinary STX were corrected for creatinine concentrations to account for dilution or concentration of urine from water intake or restriction, respectively. Of the 11 patients with suspected PSP, four patients were confirmed to have STX-PSP by urine testing (24-364ng STX/g creatinine). Five patients had clinical manifestations of PSP though no STX was detected in their urine. Two patients were ruled out for STX-PSP based on non-detected urinary STX and the absence of clinical findings. Results revealed that dysphagia and dysarthria may be stronger indicators of PSP than paresthesia and nausea, which are commonly used to clinically diagnose patients with PSP. PSP can also occur from exposure to a number of STX congeners, such as gonyautoxins, however their presence in urine was not assessed in this investigation. In addition, meal remnants obtained from six presumptive PSP cases were analyzed using the Association of Official Analytical Chemists\' mouse bioassay. All six samples tested positive for PSP toxins. In the future, the clinical diagnostic method can be used in conjunction with the mouse bioassay or HPLC-MS/MS to assess the extent of STX-PSP in Alaska where it has been suggested that PSP is underreported.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe a case series of seven patients presenting to an emergency department with symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning. They developed varying degrees of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, ataxia and paresthesias after eating mussels harvested from a beach near their resort. Four patients were admitted to the hospital, one due to increasing respiratory failure requiring endotracheal intubation and the remainder for respiratory monitoring. All patients made a full recovery, most within 24 hours. The ability to recognize and identify paralytic shellfish poisoning and manage its complications are important to providers of emergency medicine.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The water-soluble toxin present in skin of Colostethus inguinalis (Dendrobatidae) was identified as tetrodotoxin by fluorometric HPLC analysis. The amount of tetrodotoxin per frog skin was estimated by HPLC, mouse toxicity, and inhibition of [3H]saxitoxin binding to brain membranes as 0.1 to 1.2 micrograms. Small amounts of anhydrotetrodotoxin and 4-epietrodotoxin also were present. Tetrodotoxin-like activity was not detected by inhibition of [3H]saxitoxin binding in other species of Colostethus nor in other dendrobatids (Aromobates, Dendrobates, Phyllobates). Tetrodotoxin-like activity was present in extracts of skin of five species of Atelopus (Bufonidae). HPLC analysis identified tetrodotoxin as the major toxic component in Atelopus spumarius and A. varius, as a minor component in A. spurrelli, and as a trace component in A. ignescens and A. zeteki. The major tetrodotoxin-like compounds in the last three species were not identified. Tetrodotoxin-like activity was not detected by inhibition of [3H]saxitoxin binding in skin extracts from three other genera of bufonids.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report serial electrophysiologic observations in a patient with acute bulbar and respiratory paralysis following ingestion of saxitoxin-contaminated clams. Prolonged distal motor and sensory latencies, slowed conduction velocities, and moderately diminished amplitudes were present at the outset. All values returned to normal over 5 days. These findings, the result of incomplete sodium channel blockade, distinguish paralytic shellfish poisoning from most other acute paralytic illnesses.





