
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing occurrence of saxitoxins in freshwaters is becoming a concern for water treatment facilities owing to its structural properties which make it resistant to oxidation at pH < 8. Hence, it is crucial to be able to monitor these toxins in surface and drinking water to protect public health. This review aims to outline the current state of knowledge related to the occurrence of saxitoxins in freshwaters and its removal strategies and provide a critical assessment of the detection methods to provide a basis for further development. Temperature and nutrient content are some of the factors that influence the production of saxitoxins in surface waters. A high dose of sodium hypochlorite with sufficient contact time or activated carbon has been shown to efficiently remove extracellular saxitoxins to meet the drinking water guidelines. While HILIC-MS has proven to be a powerful technology for more sensitive and reliable detection of saxitoxin and variants after solid phase extraction, ELISA is cost-effective and easy to use and is used by Ohio EPA for surveillance with a limit of detection of 0.015 μg/L. However, there is a need for the development of cost-effective and sensitive techniques that can quantify the variants of saxitoxin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium is known to form harmful algal blooms (HABs) and produces saxitoxin (STX) and its derivatives (STXs) that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in humans. Cell growth and cellular metabolism are affected by environmental conditions, including nutrients, temperature, light, and the salinity of aquatic systems. Abiotic factors not only engage in photosynthesis, but also modulate the production of toxic secondary metabolites, such as STXs, in dinoflagellates. STXs production is influenced by a variety of abiotic factors; however, the relationship between the regulation of these abiotic variables and STXs accumulation seems not to be consistent, and sometimes it is controversial. Few studies have suggested that abiotic factors may influence toxicity and STXs-biosynthesis gene (sxt) regulation in toxic Alexandrium, particularly in A. catenella, A. minutum, and A. pacificum. Hence, in this review, we focused on STXs production in toxic Alexandrium with respect to the major abiotic factors, such as temperature, salinity, nutrients, and light intensity. This review informs future research on more sxt genes involved in STXs production in relation to the abiotic factors in toxic dinoflagellates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eutrophicated waters frequently support bloom-forming cyanobacteria, many of which produce potent cyanobacterial toxins (cyanotoxins). Cyanotoxins can cause adverse health effects in a wide range of organisms where the toxins may target the liver, other internal organs, mucous surfaces and the skin and nervous system. This review surveyed more than 100 studies concerning the cardiovascular toxicity of cyanotoxins and related topics. Over 60 studies have described various negative effects on the cardiovascular system by seven major types of cyanotoxins, i.e. the microcystin (MC), nodularin (NOD), cylindrospermopsin (CYN), anatoxin (ATX), guanitoxin (GNTX), saxitoxin (STX) and lyngbyatoxin (LTX) groups. Much of the research was done on rodents and fish using high, acutely toxin concentrations and unnatural exposure routes (such as intraperitoneal injection), and it is thus concluded that the emphasis in future studies should be on oral, chronic exposure of mammalian species at environmentally relevant concentrations. It is also suggested that future in vivo studies are conducted in parallel with studies on cells and tissues. In the light of the presented evidence, it is likely that cyanotoxins do not constitute a major risk to cardiovascular health under ordinary conditions met in everyday life. The risk of illnesses in other organs, in particular the liver, is higher under the same exposure conditions. However, adverse cardiovascular effects can be expected due to indirect effects arising from damage in other organs. In addition to risks related to extraordinary concentrations of the cyanotoxins and atypical exposure routes, chronic exposure together with co-existing diseases could make some of the cyanotoxins more dangerous to cardiovascular health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are increasing and becoming a worldwide concern as many bloom-forming cyanobacterial species can produce toxic metabolites named cyanotoxins. These include microcystins, saxitoxins, anatoxins, nodularins, and cylindrospermopsins, which can adversely affect humans, animals, and the environment. Different methods to assess these classes of compounds in vitro and in vivo include biological, biochemical, molecular, and physicochemical techniques. Furthermore, toxic effects not attributable to known cyanotoxins can be observed when assessing bloom material. In order to determine exposures to cyanotoxins and to monitor compliance with drinking and bathing water guidelines, it is necessary to have reliable and effective methods for the analysis of these compounds. Many relatively simple low-cost methods can be employed to rapidly evaluate the potential hazard. The main objective of this mini-review is to describe the assessment of toxic cyanobacterial samples using in vitro and in vivo bioassays. Newly emerging cyanotoxins, the toxicity of analogs, or the interaction of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins with other toxicants, among others, still requires bioassay assessment. This review focuses on some biological and biochemical assays (MTT assay, Immunohistochemistry, Micronucleus Assay, Artemia salina assay, Daphnia magna test, Radionuclide recovery, Neutral red cytotoxicity and Comet assay, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), Annexin V-FITC assay and Protein Phosphatase Inhibition Assay (PPIA)) for the detection and measurement of cyanotoxins including microcystins, cylindrospermopsins, anatoxin-a, saxitoxins, and nodularins. Although most bioassay analyses often confirm the presence of cyanotoxins at low concentrations, such bioassays can be used to determine whether some strains or blooms of cyanobacteria may produce other, as yet unknown toxic metabolites. This review also aims to identify research needs and data gaps concerning the toxicity assessment of cyanobacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this critical review was to provide a comprehensive summary of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) producing species and knowledge gaps in detecting PSTs in drinking water resources, with a focus on recent development of PSTs monitoring methods and tools for drinking water monitoring. PSTs, which are also called Saxitoxins (STXs), are a group of neurotoxins not only produced by marine dinoflagellates but also freshwater cyanobacteria. The presence of PSTs in freshwater has been reported from all continents except Antarctica. PSTs in poisoned sea food such as shellfish, molluscs and crustaceans may attack the nerve system after consumption. The high incidences of PSTs occurring in drinking water sources showed another route of potential human exposure. A development of simple and fast screening tools for drinking water surveillance of PSTs is needed. Neurotoxins produced by freshwater cyanobacteria are understudied relative to microcystin and little study is done around PSTs in drinking water monitoring. Some fast screening methods exist. The critical issues for using them in water surveillance, particularly matrix effect and cross-reactivity are summarized, and future research directions are high-lighted. We conclude that monitoring routines at drinking water resources should start from species level, followed by a profound screening of toxin profile. For practical monitoring routine, fast screening methods should be combined with highly sensitive and accurate analytical methods such as liquid chromatography/liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/LC-MS). A thorough understanding of toxin profile in source water is necessary for screening tool selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) poses a serious health threat in Alaska and prevents effective utilization of shellfish resources by subsistence and recreational harvesters. Substantial economic losses also affect shellfish growers during PSP events. The toxins responsible for PSP are produced by dinoflagellates in the genus Alexandrium. Despite the persistent threat posed by PSP and the long history of shellfish toxicity research, there is still confusion concerning the Alexandrium species that cause PSP in Alaska. The primary objective of this study was to identify the toxic Alexandrium species present in Alaska and to develop polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for use in screening phytoplankton and sediment samples. Before developing the PCR assays for this study, we evaluated published assays and many were not adequate because of primer dimer formation or because of cross-reactivity. Rather than continue to grapple with the uncertainty and inadequacy of published assays, we developed new assays for the Alexandrium species most likely to be present in Alaska. Only Alexandrium fundyense Group I and A. ostenfeldii were identified from four sampling regions from southeast Alaska to Kodiak Island, indicating that these two species are widely distributed. PCR assays for these two species were converted to quantitative (q)PCR format for use in monitoring programs. During the course of this study, we realized that a systematic evaluation of all published (~150) Alexandrium species-specific assays would be of benefit. Toward this objective, we collated published Alexandrium PCR, qPCR, and in situ hybridization assay primers and probes that targeted the small-subunit (SSU), internal transcribed spacer (ITS/5.8S), or D1-D3 large-subunit (LSU) (SSU/ITS/LSU) ribosomal DNA genes. Each individual primer or probe was screened against the GenBank database and Alexandrium gene sequence alignments constructed as part of this study. These data were used to identify a suite of species-specific Alexandrium assays that can be recommended for evaluation by the global harmful algal bloom community.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxic cyanobacteria are a concern worldwide because they can adversely affect humans, animals, and ecosystems. However, neurotoxins produced by freshwater cyanobacteria are understudied relative to microcystin. Thus, the objective of this critical review was to provide a comprehensive examination of the modes of action, production, fate, and occurrence of the freshwater neurotoxins anatoxin-a and saxitoxin as they relate to human, animal, and ecosystem health. Literature on freshwater anatoxin-a and saxitoxin was obtained and reviewed for both laboratory and field studies. Current (2020) research identifies as many as 41 anatoxin-a producing species and 15 saxitoxin-producing species of freshwater cyanobacteria. Field studies indicate that anatoxin-a and saxitoxin have widespread distribution, and examples are given from every continent except Antarctica. Human and animal health concerns can range from acute to chronic. However, few researchers studied chronic or sublethal effects of freshwater exposures to anatoxin-a or saxitoxin. Ecosystem health also is a concern, as the effects of toxicity may be far reaching and include consequences throughout the food web. Several gaps in knowledge were identified for anatoxin-a and saxitoxin, including triggers of production and release, environmental fate and degradation, primary and secondary exposure routes, diel variation, food web effects, effects of cyanotoxin mixtures, and sublethal health effects on individual organisms and populations. Despite the gaps, this critical review facilitates our current understanding of freshwater neurotoxins and thus can serve to `` guide future research on anatoxin-a, saxitoxin, and other cyanotoxins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin responsible for countless human intoxications and deaths around the world. The distribution of TTX and its analogues is diverse and the toxin has been detected in organisms from both marine and terrestrial environments. Increasing detections seafood species, such as bivalves and gastropods, has drawn attention to the toxin, reinvigorating scientific interest and regulatory concerns. There have been reports of TTX in 21 species of bivalves and edible gastropods from ten countries since the 1980\'s. While TTX is structurally dissimilar to saxitoxin (STX), another neurotoxin detected in seafood, it has similar sodium channel blocking action and potency and both neurotoxins have been shown to have additive toxicities. The global regulatory level for the STX group toxins applied to shellfish is 800 μg/kg. The presence of TTX in shellfish is only regulated in one country; The Netherlands, with a regulatory level of 44 μg/kg. Due to the recent interest surrounding TTX in bivalves, the European Food Safety Authority established a panel to assess the risk and regulation of TTX in bivalves, and their final opinion was that a concentration below 44 μg of TTX per kg of shellfish would not result in adverse human effects. In this article, we review current knowledge on worldwide TTX levels in edible gastropods and bivalves over the last four decades, the different methods of detection used, and the current regulatory status. We suggest research needs that will assist with knowledge gaps and ultimately allow development of robust monitoring and management protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms are increasing in frequency and cyanotoxins have become an environmental and public concern in the U.S. and worldwide. In this Review, the majority of reported studies and developments of electrochemical affinity biosensors for cyanotoxins are critically reviewed and discussed. Essential background information about cyanobacterial toxins and electrochemical biosensors is combined with the rapidly moving development of electrochemical biosensors for these toxins. Current issues and future challenges for the development of useful electrochemical biosensors for cyanotoxin detection that meet the demands for applications in field freshwater samples are discussed. The major aspects of the entire review article in a prescribed sequence include (i) the state-of-the-art knowledge of the toxicity of cyanotoxins, (ii) important harmful algal bloom events, (iii) advisories, guidelines, and regulations, (iv) conventional analytical methods for determination of cyanotoxins, (v) electrochemical transduction, (vi) recognition receptors, (vii) reported electrochemical biosensors for cyanotoxins, (viii) summary of analytical performance, and (ix) recent advances and future trends. Discussion includes electrochemical techniques and devices, biomolecules with high affinity, numerous array designs, various detection approaches, and research strategies in tailoring the properties of the transducer-biomolecule interface. Scientific and engineering aspects are presented in depth. This review aims to serve as a valuable source to scientists and engineers entering the interdisciplinary field of electrochemical biosensors for detection of cyanotoxins in freshwaters.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies of recreational waters and blue-green algae supplements (BGAS) demonstrated co-occurrence of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) and cyanotoxins, presenting exposure risk. The authors conducted a systematic literature review using a GRADE PRISMA-p 27-item checklist to assess the evidence for toxigenicity of AFA in both fresh waters and BGAS. Studies have shown AFA can produce significant levels of cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxin in fresh waters. Toxicity studies evaluating AFA-based BGAS found some products carried the mcyE gene and tested positive for microcystins at levels ≤ 1 μg microcystin (MC)-LR equivalents/g dry weight. Further analysis discovered BGAS samples had cyanotoxins levels exceeding tolerable daily intake values. There is evidence that Aphanizomenon spp. are toxin producers and AFA has toxigenic genes such as mcyE that could lead to the production of MC under the right environmental conditions. Regardless of this ability, AFA commonly co-occur with known MC producers, which may contaminate BGAS. Toxin production by cyanobacteria is a health concern for both recreational water users and BGAS consumers. Recommendations include: limit harvesting of AFA to months when toxicity is lowest, include AFA in cell counts during visible blooms, and properly identify cyanobacteria species using 16S rRNA methods when toxicity levels are higher than advisory levels.






