root architecture

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protists are important key players in the microbial loop and influence their environment by grazing, which leads to the return of nutrients into the soil and reduces pathogen pressure on plants. Specifically, protists on and around plant roots are important for plants\' development and growth. For this study, the fourth most important crop in the world, Hordeum vulgare, was selected. Seeds of H. vulgare were inoculated with Acanthamoeba castellanii alone or with additional soil bacteria at the beginning and during the experiment. The germination of the seeds and the growth of the plants in pouches were monitored over 3 weeks. No differences were found in leaf growth, root growth, root and leaf nitrogen content or ammonia content of the liquid from the pouches. In contrast, the relative increase in root and leaf dry weight showed a small difference compared to the controls. The results of this experiment demonstrated that seed inoculation with A. castellanii alone or with additional unidentified soil bacteria did not have a major effect on the growth and development of barley. Nevertheless, small changes in plant development were detected, indicating that A. castellanii should be considered for further investigation of co-inoculations with plant growth-promoting bacteria and additional nutrients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibit phenotypic variations in specific environments and growth conditions. However, this variation has not been explored after seed osmopriming treatments. The natural variation in biomass production and root system architecture (RSA) was investigated across the Arabidopsis thaliana core collection in response to the pre-sawing seed treatments by osmopriming, with and without melatonin (Mel). The goal was to identify and characterize physiologically contrasting ecotypes.
    RESULTS: Variability in RSA parameters in response to PEG-6000 seed osmopriming with and without Mel was observed across Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes with especially positive impact of Mel addition under both control and 100 mM NaCl stress conditions. Two ecotypes, Can-0 and Kn-0, exhibited contrasted root phenotypes: seed osmopriming with and without Mel reduced the root growth of Can-0 plants while enhancing it in Kn-0 ones under both control and salt stress conditions. To understand the stress responses in these two ecotypes, main stress markers as well as physiological analyses were assessed in shoots and roots. Although the effect of Mel addition was evident in both ecotypes, its protective effect was more pronounced in Kn-0. Antioxidant enzymes were induced by osmopriming with Mel in both ecotypes, but Kn-0 was characterized by a higher responsiveness, especially in the activities of peroxidases in roots. Kn-0 plants experienced lower oxidative stress, and salt-induced ROS accumulation was reduced by osmopriming with Mel. In contrast, Can-0 exhibited lower enzyme activities but the accumulation of proline in its organs was particularly high. In both ecotypes, a greater response of antioxidant enzymes and proline accumulation was observed compared to mechanisms involving the reduction of Na+ content and prevention of K+ efflux.
    CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to Can-0, Kn-0 plants grown from seeds osmoprimed with and without Mel displayed a lower root sensitivity to NaCl-induced oxidative stress. The opposite root growth patterns, enhanced by osmopriming treatments might result from different protective mechanisms employed by these two ecotypes which in turn result from adaptive strategies proper to specific habitats from which Can-0 and Kn-0 originate. The isolation of contrasting phenotypes paves the way for the identification of genetic factors affecting osmopriming efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) is one of the most detrimental viral pathogens of grapevines worldwide but no information is available on its effect on the root system architecture (RSA) of plant hosts. We used two wildtype GFLV strains and their single amino acid mutants to assess RSA traits in infected Nicotiana benthamiana and evaluate transcriptomic changes in host root gene expression in replicated time course 3\'RNA-Seq experiments. Mutations targeted the multi-functional GFLV-encoded protein 1EPol*/Sd, a putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and determinant of foliar symptoms in N. benthamiana plants.
    RESULTS: Plant infection with wildtype GFLV strain GHu and mutant GFLV strain F13 1EPol G802K, both carrying a lysine in position 802 of protein 1EPol*/Sd, resulted in a significantly lower number of root tips (-30%), and a significantly increased average root diameter (+ 20%) at 17 days post inoculation (dpi) in comparison with roots of mock inoculated plants. In contrast, the RSA of plants infected with wildtype GFLV strain F13 and mutant GFLV strain GHu 1EPol K802G, both carrying a glycine in position 802 of protein 1EPol*/Sd, resembled that of mock inoculated plants. Modifications of RSA traits were not associated with GFLV titer. Root tissue transcriptome analysis at 17 dpi indicated dysregulation of pattern recognition receptors, plant hormones, RNA silencing, and genes related to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). For wildtype GFLV strain GHu, RSA modifications were correlated with an abundant accumulation of ROS in the pericycle of primary roots at 7 dpi and the duration of vein clearing symptom expression in apical leaves. Dysegulation of a hypersensitive response was an overarching gene ontology found through enrichment analyses of 3\'RNA-Seq data.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings revealed the causative role of lysine in position 802 of protein 1EPol*/Sd in a novel RSA phenotype during viral infection and documented GFLV-N. benthamiana interactions at the root level based on (i) antiviral response, (ii) receptor mediated production of ROS, and (iii) hormone regulation. A correlation between above and below ground symptoms was reported for the first time in plants infected with wildtype GFLV strain GHu. Further work is warranted to test whether the modified RSA of a plant host might impact GFLV acquisition and transmission by the ectoparasitic dagger nematode Xiphinema index.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in genetic modification (GM) techniques have generated huge interest in improving nutrient utilization, maximizing nutrient uptake, and conserving soil in the pursuit of sustainable agriculture. Unfortunately, little is still known about the recent advancements in the application of GM tactics to enhance each of these areas. This review explores the latest GM strategies intended to support soil conservation, maximize nutrient uptake, and improve nutrient utilization in farming, highlighting the critical roles that soil health and nutrient management play in sustainable farming. GM strategies such as improving the efficiency of nutrient uptake through enhanced root systems and increased nutrient transport mechanisms are well discussed. This study suggests that addressing potential obstacles, such as ethical and regulatory concerns, is a necessity for long-term sustainability applications of GM technologies to raise agricultural yields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Understanding how trees develop their root systems is crucial for the comprehension of how wildland and urban forest ecosystems plastically respond to disturbances such as harvest, fire, and climate change. The interplay between the endogenously determined root traits and the response to environmental stimuli results in tree adaptations to biotic and abiotic factors, influencing stability, carbon allocation, and nutrient uptake. Combining the three-dimensional structure of the root system, with root morphological trait information promotes a robust understanding of root function and adaptation plasticity. Low Magnetic Field Digitization coupled with AMAPmod (botAnique et Modelisation de l\'Architecture des Plantes) software has been the best-performing method for describing root system architecture and providing reliable measurements of coarse root traits, but the pace and scale of data collection remain difficult. Instrumentation and applications related to Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) have advanced appreciably, and when coupled with Quantitative Structure Models (QSM), have shown some potential toward robust measurements of tree root systems. Here we compare, we believe for the first time, these two methodologies by analyzing the root system of 32-year-old Pinus ponderosa trees.
    RESULTS: In general, at the total root system level and by root-order class, both methods yielded comparable values for the root traits volume, length, and number. QSM for each root trait was highly sensitive to the root size (i.e., input parameter PatchDiam) and models were optimized when discrete PatchDiam ranges were specified for each trait. When examining roots in the four cardinal direction sectors, we observed differences between methodologies for length and number depending on root order but not volume.
    CONCLUSIONS: We believe that TLS and QSM could facilitate rapid data collection, perhaps in situ, while providing quantitative accuracy, especially at the total root system level. If more detailed measures of root system architecture are desired, a TLS method would benefit from additional scans at differing perspectives, avoiding gravitational displacement to the extent possible, while subsampling roots by hand to calibrate and validate QSM models. Despite some unresolved logistical challenges, our results suggest that future use of TLS may hold promise for quantifying tree root system architecture in a rapid, replicable manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In crops like wheat, terminal drought is one of the principal stress factors limiting productivity in rain-fed systems. However, little is known about root development after heading, when water uptake can be critical to wheat crops. The impact of water-stress on root growth was investigated in two wheat cultivars, Scout and Mace, under well-watered and post-anthesis water stress in three experiments. Plants were grown outside in 1.5-m long pots at a density similar to local recommended farming practice. Differences in root development were observed between genotypes, especially for water stress conditions under which Scout developed and maintained a larger root system than Mace. While under well-watered conditions both genotypes had shallow roots that appeared to senesce after heading, a moderate water stress stimulated shallow-root growth in Scout but accelerated senescence in Mace. For deep roots, post-heading biomass growth was observed for both genotypes in well-watered conditions, while under moderate water stress, only Scout maintained net growth as Mace deep roots senesced. Water stress of severe intensity affected both genotypes similarly, with root senescence at all depths. Senescence was also observed above ground. Under well-watered conditions, Scout retained leaf greenness (i.e. stay-green phenotype) for slightly longer than Mace. The difference between genotypes accentuated under moderate water stress, with rapid post-anthesis leaf senescence in Mace while Scout leaf greenness was affected little if at all by the stress. As an overall result, grain biomass per plant (\'yield\') was similar in the two genotypes under well-watered conditions, but more affected by a moderate stress in Mace than Scout. The findings from this study will assist improvement in modelling root systems of crop models, development of relevant phenotyping methods and selection of cultivars with better adaptation to drought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Improvement of root architecture is crucial to increasing nutrient acquisition.
    UNASSIGNED: Two pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different concentrations of urea ammonium nitrate solution (UAN) and ammonium polyphosphate (APP) on lettuce root architecture and the relationship between roots and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) absorption.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that lettuce yield, quality, and root architecture were superior in the APP4 treatment compared to other P fertilizer treatments. The N480 treatment (480 mg N kg-1 UAN) significantly outperformed other N treatments in terms of root length, root surface area, and root volume. There were significant quantitative relationships between root architecture indices and crop uptake of N and P. The relationships between P uptake and root length and root surface area followed power functions. Crop N uptake was significantly linearly related to the length of fine roots with a diameter of <0.5 mm.
    UNASSIGNED: The length of fine roots played a more prominent role in promoting N absorption, while overall root size was more important for P absorption. APP has a threshold of 9.3 mg P kg-1 for stimulating the root system. Above this threshold, a rapid increase in root absorption of P. UAN can promote extensive growth of fine roots with a diameter less than 0.5 mm. Applying appropriate rates of APP and limiting UAN application to less than 400 mg N kg-1 can improve root architecture to enhance N and P absorption by lettuce. These results highlight a new possibility to improve nutrients use efficiency while maintaining high yields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: On tropical regions, phosphorus (P) fixation onto aluminum and iron oxides in soil clays restricts P diffusion from the soil to the root surface, limiting crop yields. While increased root surface area favors P uptake under low-P availability, the relationship between the three-dimensional arrangement of the root system and P efficiency remains elusive. Here, we simultaneously assessed allelic effects of loci associated with a variety of root and P efficiency traits, in addition to grain yield under low-P availability, using multi-trait genome-wide association. We also set out to establish the relationship between root architectural traits assessed in hydroponics and in a low-P soil. Our goal was to better understand the influence of root morphology and architecture in sorghum performance under low-P availability.
    RESULTS: In general, the same alleles of associated SNPs increased root and P efficiency traits including grain yield in a low-P soil. We found that sorghum P efficiency relies on pleiotropic loci affecting root traits, which enhance grain yield under low-P availability. Root systems with enhanced surface area stemming from lateral root proliferation mostly up to 40 cm soil depth are important for sorghum adaptation to low-P soils, indicating that differences in root morphology leading to enhanced P uptake occur exactly in the soil layer where P is found at the highest concentration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Integrated QTLs detected in different mapping populations now provide a comprehensive molecular genetic framework for P efficiency studies in sorghum. This indicated extensive conservation of P efficiency QTL across populations and emphasized the terminal portion of chromosome 3 as an important region for P efficiency in sorghum. Increases in root surface area via enhancement of lateral root development is a relevant trait for sorghum low-P soil adaptation, impacting the overall architecture of the sorghum root system. In turn, particularly concerning the critical trait for water and nutrient uptake, root surface area, root system development in deeper soil layers does not occur at the expense of shallow rooting, which may be a key reason leading to the distinctive sorghum adaptation to tropical soils with multiple abiotic stresses including low P availability and drought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The goal of this research is to enhance the quality of cucumber seedlings grown in greenhouses by experimenting with various soilless culture mediums (CMs) and the application of pistachio wood vinegar (WV). The experimental setup was designed as a factorial experiment within a randomized complete block design (RCBD), in greenhouse conditions featuring three replications to assess the effects of different culture media (CMs) and concentrations of pistachio wood vinegar (WV) on cucumber seedling growth. Cucumber seeds were planted in three CMs: coco peat-peat moss, coco peat-vermicompost, and date palm compost-vermicompost mixed in a 75:25 volume-to-volume ratio. These were then treated with pistachio WV at concentrations of 0, 0.5, and 1%, applied four times during irrigation following the emergence of the third leaf.
    RESULTS: The study revealed that treating seedlings with 0.5% WV in the date palm compost-vermicompost CM significantly enhanced various growth parameters. Specifically, it resulted in a 90% increase in shoot fresh mass, a 59% increase in shoot dry mass, an 11% increase in root fresh mass, a 36% increase in root dry mass, a 65% increase in shoot length, a 62% increase in leaf area, a 25% increase in stem diameter, a 41% increase in relative water content (RWC), and a 6% improvement in membrane stability index (MSI), all in comparison to untreated seedlings grown in coco peat-peat moss CM. Furthermore, chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoid levels were 2.3, 2.7, 2.6, and 2.7 times higher, respectively, in seedlings treated with 0.5% WV and grown in the date palm compost-vermicompost CM, compared to those treated with the same concentration of WV but grown in coco peat-peat moss CM. Additionally, the Fv/Fm ratio saw a 52% increase. When plant nutrition was enhanced with the date palm compost-vermicompost CM and 1% WV, auxin content rose by 130% compared to seedlings grown in coco peat-peat moss CM and treated with 0.5% WV.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that using 0.5% WV in conjunction with date palm compost-vermicompost CM significantly betters the quality of cucumber seedlings, outperforming other treatment combinations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadmium (Cd) and drought stresses are becoming dominant in a changing climate. This study explored the impact of Cd and Cd + drought stress on durum wheat grown in soil and sand at two Cd levels. The physiological parameters were studied using classical methods, while the root architecture was explored using non-invasive neutron computed tomography (NCT) for the first time. Under Cd + drought, all the gas exchange parameters were significantly affected, especially at 120 mg/kg Cd + drought. Elevated Cd was found in the sand-grown roots. We innovatively show the Cd stress impact on the wheat root volume and architecture, and the water distribution in the \"root-growing media\" was successfully visualized using NCT. Diverse and varying root architectures were observed for soil and sand under the Cd stress compared to the non-stress conditions, as revealed using NCT. The intrinsic structure of the growing medium was responsible for a variation in the water distribution pattern. This study demonstrated a pilot approach to use NCT for quantitative and in situ mapping of Cd stress on wheat roots and visualized the water dynamics in the rhizosphere. The physiological and NCT data provide valuable information to relate further to genetic information for the identification of Cd-resilient wheat varieties in the changing climate.





