
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgical simulators are crucial in early craniofacial and plastic surgical training, necessitating synthetic materials that accurately replicate tissue properties. Recent critiques of our lab\'s currently deployed silicone surrogate have highlighted numerous areas for improvement. To further refine our models, our group\'s objective is to find a composition of materials that is closest in fidelity to native oral mucosa during surgical rehearsal by expert craniofacial surgeons. Fifteen platinum silicone-based surrogate samples were constructed with variable hardness and slacker percentages. These samples underwent evaluation of tactile sensation, hardness, needle puncture, cut resistance, suture retention, defect repair, and tensile elasticity. Expert craniofacial surgeon evaluators provided focused qualitative feedback on selected top-performing samples for further assessment and statistical comparisons. An evaluation revealed surrogate characteristics that were satisfactory and exhibited good performance. Sample 977 exhibited the highest performance, and comparison with the original surrogate (sample 810) demonstrated significant improvements in critical areas, emphasizing the efficacy of the refined composition. The study identified a silicone composition that directly addresses the feedback received by our team\'s original silicone surrogate. The study underscores the delicate balance between biofidelity and practicality in surgical simulation. The need for ongoing refinement in surrogate materials is evident to optimize training experiences for early surgical learners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organogenesis occurs in the uterus under low oxygen levels (4%). Preterm birth exposes immature newborns to a hyperoxic environment, which can induce a massive production of reactive oxygen species and potentially affect organ development, leading to diseases such as necrotizing enterocolitis. The β3-adrenoreceptor (β3-AR) has an oxygen-dependent regulatory mechanism, and its activation exerts an antioxidant effect. To test the hypothesis that β3-AR could protect postnatal ileal development from the negative impact of high oxygen levels, Sprague-Dawley rat pups were raised under normoxia (21%) or hyperoxia (85%) for the first 2 weeks after birth and treated or not with BRL37344, a selective β3-AR agonist, at 1, 3, or 6 mg/kg. Hyperoxia alters ileal mucosal morphology, leading to increased cell lipid oxidation byproducts, reduced presence of β3-AR-positive resident cells, decreased junctional protein expression, disrupted brush border, mucin over-production, and impaired vascularization. Treatment with 3 mg/kg of BRL37344 prevented these alterations, although not completely, while the lower 1 mg/kg dose was ineffective, and the higher 6 mg/kg dose was toxic. Our findings indicate the potential of β3-AR agonism as a new therapeutic approach to counteract the hyperoxia-induced ileal alterations and, more generally, the disorders of prematurity related to supra-physiologic oxygen exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: While inflammatory and immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in peripheral blood are extensively described, responses at the upper respiratory mucosal site of initial infection are relatively poorly defined. We sought to identify mucosal cytokine/chemokine signatures that distinguished coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity categories, and relate these to disease progression and peripheral inflammation.
    METHODS: We measured 35 cytokines and chemokines in nasal samples from 274 patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Analysis considered the timing of sampling during disease, as either the early (0-5 days after symptom onset) or late (6-20 days after symptom onset) phase.
    RESULTS: Patients that survived severe COVID-19 showed interferon (IFN)-dominated mucosal immune responses (IFN-γ, CXCL10, and CXCL13) early in infection. These early mucosal responses were absent in patients who would progress to fatal disease despite equivalent SARS-CoV-2 viral load. Mucosal inflammation in later disease was dominated by interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-10, IFN-γ, and IL-12p70, which scaled with severity but did not differentiate patients who would survive or succumb to disease. Cytokines and chemokines in the mucosa showed distinctions from responses evident in the peripheral blood, particularly during fatal disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: Defective early mucosal antiviral responses anticipate fatal COVID-19 but are not associated with viral load. Early mucosal immune responses may define the trajectory of severe COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute infections cause local and systemic disorders which can lead in the most severe forms to multi-organ failure and eventually to death. The host response to infection encompasses a large spectrum of reactions with a concomitant activation of the so-called inflammatory response aimed at fighting the infectious agent and removing damaged tissues or cells, and the anti-inflammatory response aimed at controlling inflammation and initiating the healing process. Fine-tuning at the local and systemic levels is key to preventing local and remote injury due to immune system activation. Thus, during bacterial sepsis and Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), concomitant systemic and compartmentalized pro-inflammatory and compensatory anti-inflammatory responses are occurring. Immune cells (e.g., macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and T-lymphocytes), as well as endothelial cells, differ from one compartment to another and contribute to specific organ responses to sterile and microbial insult. Furthermore, tissue-specific microbiota influences the local and systemic response. A better understanding of the tissue-specific immune status, the organ immunity crosstalk, and the role of specific mediators during sepsis and COVID-19 can foster the development of more accurate biomarkers for better diagnosis and prognosis and help to define appropriate host-targeted treatments and vaccines in the context of precision medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to investigate the expression and motor modulatory roles of several mechano-sensitive channels (MSCs) in human ureter. Human proximal ureters were obtained from eighty patients subjected to nephrectomy. Expression of MSCs at mRNA, protein and functional levels were examined. Contractions of longitudinal ureter strips were recorded in organ bath. A fluorescent probe Diaminofluoresceins was used to measure nitric oxide (NO). RT-PCR analyses revealed predominant expression of Piezo1 and TRPV2 mRNA in intact ureter and mucosa. Immunofluorescence assays indicate proteins of MSCs (Piezo1/Piezo2, TRPV2 and TRPV4) were mainly distributed in the urothelium. Ca2+ imaging confirmed functional expression of TRPV2, TRPV4 and Piezo1 in cultured urothelial cells. Specific agonists of Piezo1 (Yoda1, 3-300 μM) and TRPV2 (cannabidiol, 3-300 μM) attenuated the frequency of ureteral contractions in a dose-dependent manner while the TRPV4 agonist GSK1016790A (100 nM-1 μM) exerted no effect. The inhibitory effects of Piezo1 and TRPV2 agonists were significantly blocked by the selective antagonists (Dooku 1 for Piezo1, Tranilast for TRPV2), removal of the mucosa, and pretreatment with NO synthase inhibitor L-NAME (10 μM). Yoda1 (30 μM) and cannabidiol (50 μM) increased production of NO in cultured urothelial cells. Our results suggest that activation of Piezo1 or TRPV2 evokes NO production and release from mucosa that may mediate mechanical stimulus-induced reduction of ureter contractions. Our findings support the idea that targeting Piezo1 and TRPV2 channels may be a promising pharmacological strategy for ureter stone passage or colic pain relief.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nasopharyngeal carriage of staphylococci spreads potentially pathogenic strains into (peri)oral regions and increases the chance of cross-infections. Some laboratory strains can also move rapidly on hydrated agar surfaces, but the biological relevance of these observations is not clear. Using soft-agar [0.3% (wt/vol)] plate assays, we demonstrate the rapid surface dispersal of (peri)oral isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis and closely related laboratory strains in the presence of mucin glycoproteins. Mucin-induced dispersal was a stepwise process initiated by the passive spreading of the growing colonies followed by their rapid branching (dendrites) from the colony edge. Although most spreading strains used mucin as a growth substrate, dispersal was primarily dependent on the lubricating and hydrating properties of the mucins. Using S. aureus JE2 as a genetically tractable representative, we demonstrate that mucin-induced dendritic dispersal, but not colony spreading, is facilitated by the secretion of surfactant-active phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs) in a process regulated by the agr quorum-sensing system. Furthermore, the dendritic dispersal of S. aureus JE2 colonies was further stimulated in the presence of surfactant-active supernatants recovered from the most robust (peri)oral spreaders of S. aureus and S. epidermidis. These findings suggest complementary roles for lubricating mucins and staphylococcal PSMs in the active dispersal of potentially pathogenic strains from perioral to respiratory mucosae, where gel-forming, hydrating mucins abound. They also highlight the impact that interspecies interactions have on the co-dispersal of S. aureus with other perioral bacteria, heightening the risk of polymicrobial infections and the severity of the clinical outcomes.
    OBJECTIVE: Despite lacking classical motility machinery, nasopharyngeal staphylococci spread rapidly in (peri)oral and respiratory mucosa and cause cross-infections. We describe laboratory conditions for the reproducible study of staphylococcal dispersal on mucosa-like surfaces and the identification of two dispersal stages (colony spreading and dendritic expansion) stimulated by mucin glycoproteins. The mucin type mattered as dispersal required the surfactant activity and hydration provided by some mucin glycoproteins. While colony spreading was a passive mode of dispersal lubricated by the mucins, the more rapid and invasive form of dendritic expansion of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis required additional lubrication by surfactant-active peptides (phenol-soluble modulins) secreted at high cell densities through quorum sensing. These results highlight a hitherto unknown role for gel-forming mucins in the dispersal of staphylococcal strains associated with cross-infections and point at perioral regions as overlooked sources of carriage and infection by staphylococci.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary non-cutaneous melanoma is a rare type of melanoma that occurs mostly on mucosal surfaces. The head and neck region is the most common site for these melanomas. The following cases described herein include patients diagnosed with primary non-cutaneous melanomas. The locations included the parotid gland (one case), the submandibular gland (one case), and the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (three cases). Among these patients, one patient developed lymph node metastasis and one patient had distant metastasis. Treatment included endoscopic surgery (one case), endoscopic surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy (one case), open surgery (one case), and palliative chemotherapy (one case). One patient refused to receive treatment. After treatment, one patient had local recurrence. A local and distant recurrence was noted in one case. This report aims to describe clinical features, treatment options, and prognosis of primary non-cutaneous melanomas of the head and neck.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: Colonic mucosal pseudolipomatosis is a rare and benign endoscopic finding with distinct macroscopic and histological characteristics. Case series: We observed a form of unprecedented colitis in eight patients in a 3-month period. Operators have found, during colonoscopy, flat or slightly raised whitish-yellow plaques, in the colonic mucosa of all patients. Histological examination concluded to pseudolipomatosis. After investigation, the disinfectant machine was found to have technical malfunctioning of the rinse cycle of the endoscope during this period. No other cases were observed after the machine was fixed. Conclusion: Pseudolipomatosis is more an endoscopically induced lesion than a true pathological condition. A careful check of the disinfection process should be carried out when such lesions are detected.
    Pseudolipomatosis is a rare and harmless condition that can occur in various parts of the digestive system. It looks like flat or slightly raised whitish or yellow patches mixed with normal gut tissue. Under a microscope, it appears as empty spaces in the tissue layer. We found several cases during colonoscopy over a 3-month period, likely caused by the disinfectant used on the endoscope. Finding these lesions should prompt careful inspection of the disinfection procedure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crohn\'s disease (CD) is a subtype of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by transmural disease. The concept of transmural healing (TH) has been proposed as an indicator of deep clinical remission of CD and as a predictor of favorable treatment endpoints. Understanding the pathophysiology involved in transmural disease is critical to achieving these endpoints. However, most studies have focused on the intestinal mucosa, overlooking the contribution of the intestinal wall in Crohn\'s disease. Multi-omics approaches have provided new avenues for exploring the pathogenesis of Crohn\'s disease and identifying potential biomarkers. We aimed to use transcriptomic and proteomic technologies to compare immune and mesenchymal cell profiles and pathways in the mucosal and submucosa/wall compartments to better understand chronic refractory disease elements to achieve transmural healing. The results revealed similarities and differences in gene and protein expression profiles, metabolic mechanisms, and immune and non-immune pathways between these two compartments. Additionally, the identification of protein isoforms highlights the complex molecular mechanisms underlying this disease, such as decreased RTN4 isoforms (RTN4B2 and RTN4C) in the submucosa/wall, which may be related to the dysregulation of enteric neural processes. These findings have the potential to inform the development of novel therapeutic strategies to achieve TH.





