Range expansion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most plant phylogeographic studies in China have focused on the importance of genetic divergence and where should the shelter be located. Little attention has been paid to range expansion and recolonization routes in this region. In this study, two cpDNA fragments (psbK-psbI and trnL-F), two pairs of nuclear gene sequences (ITS and ETS), and nine pairs of SSR molecular markers were used, combined with Bayesian Skyline Plot method, gene barrier analysis, and species distribution models to explore the phylogeographical pattern, potential expansion routes and population dynamic history of Pinellia ternata from 22 population. The results showed that phylogeograhical pattern and genetic structure for P. ternata are effected by environmental heterogeneity and climate fluctuation, and it can be divided into two groups (Southwest group, Central and Eastern group) and thus there are at least two glacial refugia in China. Three expanding routes within groups were explored to contribute to the phylogeogrephic pattern of P. ternata based on the geographical distribution and network analysis of haplotypes. In a word, our study reveals repeated range expansions and inter/postglacial recolonization routes on the fragmented distribution pattern in China and resolves the refugia distributing in China and has also certain reference value for the protection of the medicinal plant P. ternata.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When biological populations expand into new territory, the evolutionary outcomes can be strongly influenced by genetic drift, the random fluctuations in allele frequencies. Meanwhile, spatial variability in the environment can also significantly influence the competition between subpopulations vying for space. Little is known about the interplay of these intrinsic and extrinsic sources of noise in population dynamics: When does environmental heterogeneity dominate over genetic drift or vice versa, and what distinguishes their population genetics signatures? Here, in the context of neutral evolution, we examine the interplay between a population\'s intrinsic, demographic noise and an extrinsic, quenched random noise provided by a heterogeneous environment. Using a multispecies Eden model, we simulate a population expanding over a landscape with random variations in local growth rates and measure how this variability affects genealogical tree structure, and thus genetic diversity. We find that, for strong heterogeneity, the genetic makeup of the expansion front is to a great extent predetermined by the set of fastest paths through the environment. The landscape-dependent statistics of these optimal paths then supersede those of the population\'s intrinsic noise as the main determinant of evolutionary dynamics. Remarkably, the statistics for coalescence of genealogical lineages, derived from those deterministic paths, strongly resemble the statistics emerging from demographic noise alone in uniform landscapes. This cautions interpretations of coalescence statistics and raises new challenges for inferring past population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution of a species reflects its ecological adaptability and evolutionary history, which is shaped by the environment and represents a dynamic area subject to anthropogenic environmental change. We used the MaxEnt algorithm to construct ecological niche models for four thrush species within the Turdus genus; T. amaurochalinus, T. chiguanco, T. falcklandii and T. rufiventris. These models were used to predict the potential geographic distributions of these species that are expanding their ranges in South America. Using occurrence records, we estimated currently occupied areas for each species. We also identified suitable habitats and projected possible areas to be colonized by the four species at continental scale. Temperature annual range had the highest influence for T. falcklandii, while human modification was the main variable explaining the distribution of the other three species. The potential distribution area ranged from 2.5 million km2 for T. falcklandii to nearly seven million km2 for T. amaurochalinus. Large proportions of suitable area remain unoccupied by all four species, being 50% for T. amaurochalinus and T. rufiventris, and about 70% for T. chiguanco and T. falcklandii. Anthropogenic disturbances, such as habitat loss and ecosystem transformation, lead to non-random species extinction and biotic homogenization, highlighting the importance of predictive models as valuable tools for informing mitigation policies and conservation strategies. Thrushes are progressively expanding their ranges, and the colonization of new habitats could bring new challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Historically, anecdotal observations support the likelihood of human-assisted invasive insect dispersal to new environments. No previous studies have investigated the ability of insects to remain attached to moving vehicles; however, such information is critical for prioritizing research, mitigation activities and understanding anthropogenic effects on biotic communities. Lycorma delicatula (White), spotted lanternfly (SLF), an invasive insect whose range is currently expanding throughout the United States, is commonly observed in urban settings and near transportation hubs. We developed a novel method to test SLF\'s ability to remain on vehicle surfaces including bonnet, nose wing, windscreen, wipers and scuttle panel using laminar wind flow from 0 to 100 ± 5 km h-1. We found all mobile life stages (nymphs and adults) could remain on the vehicle up to 100 km h-1. First instar nymphs and early season adults remained attached at significantly higher wind speeds than other stages. A brief acclimatization period prior to wind delivery increased attachment duration for all life stages except later season adults. The importance of outliers in the success of invasive species is well established. Given these results, any hitchhiking SLF could potentially establish incipient populations. This methodology will be beneficial for exploring human-assisted dispersal of other invasive arthropods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Securely dated archaeological sites from key regions and periods are critical for understanding early modern human adaptive responses to past environmental change. Here, we report new radiocarbon dates of > 42,000 cal years BP for an intensive human occupation of Gorgora rockshelter in the Ethiopian Highlands. We also document the development of innovative technologies and symbolic behaviors starting around this time. The evidenced occupation and behavioral patterns coincide with the onset and persistence of a stable wet phase in the geographically proximate high-resolution core record of Lake Tana. Range expansion into montane habitats and the subsequent development of innovative technologies and behaviors are consistent with population dispersal waves within Africa and beyond during wetter phases ~ 60-40 thousand years ago (ka).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether introduced into a completely novel habitat or slowly expanding their current range, the degree to which animals can efficiently explore and navigate new environments can be key to survival, ultimately determining population establishment and colonization success. We tested whether spatial orientation and exploratory behavior are associated with non-native spread in free-living bank voles (Myodes glareolus, N = 43) from a population accidentally introduced to Ireland a century ago. We measured spatial orientation and navigation in a radial arm maze, and behaviors associated to exploratory tendencies and risk-taking in repeated open-field tests, at the expansion edge and in the source population. Bank voles at the expansion edge re-visited unrewarded arms of the maze more, waited longer before leaving it, took longer to start exploring both the radial arm maze and the open field, and were more risk-averse compared to conspecifics in the source population. Taken together, results suggest that for this small mammal under heavy predation pressure, a careful and thorough exploration strategy might be favored when expanding into novel environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent changes in climate and human land-use have resulted in alterations of the geographic range of many species, including human pathogens. Geographic range expansion and population growth of human pathogens increase human disease risk. Relatively little empirical work has investigated the impact of range changes on within-population variability, a contributor to both colonization success and adaptive potential, during the precise time in which populations are colonized. This is likely due to the difficulties of collecting appropriate natural samples during the dynamic phase of migration and colonization. We systematically collected blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) across New York State (NY), USA, between 2006 and 2019, a time period coinciding with a rapid range expansion of ticks and their associated pathogens including Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent of Lyme disease. These samples provide a unique opportunity to investigate the population dynamics of human pathogens as they expand into novel territory. We observed that founder effects were short-lived, as gene flow from long-established populations brought almost all B. burgdorferi lineages to newly colonized populations within just a few years of colonization. By 7 years post-colonization, B. burgdorferi lineage frequency distributions were indistinguishable from long-established sites, indicating that local B. burgdorferi populations experience similar selective pressures despite geographic separation. The B. burgdorferi lineage dynamics elucidate the processes underlying the range expansion and demonstrate that migration into, and selection within, newly colonized sites operate on different time scales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Landscapes are consistently under pressure from human-induced ecological change, often resulting in shifting species distributions. For some species, changing the geographical breadth of their niche space results in matching range shifts to regions other than those in which they are formally found. In this study, we employ a population genomics approach to assess potential conservation issues arising from purported range expansions into the south Texas Brush Country of two sister species of ducks: mottled (Anas fulvigula) and Mexican (Anas diazi) ducks. Specifically, despite being non-migratory, both species are increasingly being recorded outside their formal ranges, with the northeastward and westward expansions of Mexican and mottled ducks, respectively, perhaps resulting in secondary contact today. We assessed genetic ancestry using thousands of autosomal loci across the ranges of both species, as well as sampled Mexican- and mottled-like ducks from across overlapping regions of south Texas. First, we confirm that both species are indeed expanding their ranges, with genetically pure Western Gulf Coast mottled ducks confirmed as far west as La Salle county, Texas, while Mexican ducks recorded across Texas counties near the USA-Mexico border. Importantly, the first confirmed Mexican × mottled duck hybrids were found in between these regions, which likely represents a recently established contact zone that is, on average, ~100 km wide. We posit that climate- and land use-associated changes, including coastal habitat degradation coupled with increases in artificial habitats in the interior regions of Texas, are facilitating these range expansions. Consequently, continued monitoring of this recent contact event can serve to understand species\' responses in the Anthropocene, but it can also be used to revise operational survey areas for mottled ducks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological invasion consists of spatially and temporally varying stages, accompanied by ecological and evolutionary changes. Understanding the genomics underlying invasion dynamics provides critical insights into the geographic sources and genetic diversity, contributing to successful invasions across space and time. Here, we used genomic data and model-based approaches to characterize the invasion dynamics of Hypochaeris radicata L., a noxious weed in Korea. Genetic diversity and assignment patterns were investigated using 3563 SNPs of 283 individuals sampled from 22 populations. We employed a coalescent-based simulation method to estimate demographic changes for each population and inferred colonization history using both phylogenetic and population genetic model-based approaches. Our data suggest that H. radicata has been repeatedly been introduced to Korea from multiple genetic sources within the last 50 years, experiencing weak population bottlenecks followed by subsequent population expansions. These findings highlight the potential for further range expansion, particularly in the presence of human-mediated dispersal. Our study represents the first population-level genomic research documenting the invasion dynamics of the successful worldwide invader, H. radicata, outside of Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Vaupés River stands out as one of the few within the Amazon basin due to its numerous rapids. These riverine fast-flowing sections not only provide habitat to highly specialized fishes but also function as natural barriers hindering the movement of fish along its course. During a fish-collecting expedition in the lower Vaupés River basin in Colombia, 95 species were registered belonging to 30 families and seven orders. Despite recent inventories in the region, our comprehensive sampling efforts particularly focused on the rapids and associated rheophilic fauna, allowing us to contribute the first records of four fish species in Colombia (Mylopluslucienae Andrade, Ota, Bastos & Jégu, 2016, Tometesmakue Jégu, Santos & Jégu, 2002, also first record of the genus, Leptodoraspraelongus (Myers & Weitzman, 1956), and Eigenmanniamatintapereira Peixoto, Dutra & Wosiacki, 2015) and six presumably undescribed species (i.e., Jupiaba sp., Moenkhausia sp., Phenacogaster sp., Bunocephalus sp., Hemiancistrus sp., and Archolaemus sp.). In this study, a commented list of the ichthyofauna of these environments is presented, as well as a photographic catalog of fish species integrated into the CaVFish Project - Colombia.





