Range expansion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most plant phylogeographic studies in China have focused on the importance of genetic divergence and where should the shelter be located. Little attention has been paid to range expansion and recolonization routes in this region. In this study, two cpDNA fragments (psbK-psbI and trnL-F), two pairs of nuclear gene sequences (ITS and ETS), and nine pairs of SSR molecular markers were used, combined with Bayesian Skyline Plot method, gene barrier analysis, and species distribution models to explore the phylogeographical pattern, potential expansion routes and population dynamic history of Pinellia ternata from 22 population. The results showed that phylogeograhical pattern and genetic structure for P. ternata are effected by environmental heterogeneity and climate fluctuation, and it can be divided into two groups (Southwest group, Central and Eastern group) and thus there are at least two glacial refugia in China. Three expanding routes within groups were explored to contribute to the phylogeogrephic pattern of P. ternata based on the geographical distribution and network analysis of haplotypes. In a word, our study reveals repeated range expansions and inter/postglacial recolonization routes on the fragmented distribution pattern in China and resolves the refugia distributing in China and has also certain reference value for the protection of the medicinal plant P. ternata.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the determinants of the range expansion of invasive alien species is crucial for developing effective prevention and control strategies. Nevertheless, we still lack a global picture of the potential factors influencing the invaded range expansion across taxonomic groups, especially for the world\'s worst invaders with high ecological and economic impacts. Here, by extensively collecting data on 363 distributional ranges of 19 of world\'s worst invasive terrestrial vertebrates across 135 invaded administrative jurisdictions, we observed remarkable variations in the range expansion across species and taxonomic groups. After controlling for taxonomic and geographic pseudoreplicates, model averaging analyses based on generalized additive mixed-effect models showed that species in invaded regions having climates more similar to those of their native ranges tended to undergo a larger range expansion. In addition, as proxies of propagule pressure and human-assisted transportation, the number of introduction events and the road network density were also important predictors facilitating the range expansion. Further variance partitioning analyses validated the predominant role of climate match in explaining the range expansion. Our study demonstrated that regions with similar climates to their native ranges could still be prioritized to prevent the spread of invasive species under the sustained global change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Northward expansions of bird distributions have been commonly observed in the Northern Hemisphere, likely as a result of climate change. The causes and ecological impacts of such range shifts have received extensive attention, but studies on the process of range shifts are still relatively scarce. The Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler (Horornis fortipes) has expanded northward from 35° N to 40° N during the past decade. In this study, we collated 77 records of the species beyond its traditional distribution during the past ten years from citizen science data. Most of the new records were from northeast of its traditional distribution, including the North China Plain, Taihang Mountains, and Taishan Mountain, and a few records from the northern margin of the Qinling Mountains and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We concluded that the Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler has bred in this new area in at least six sites. The newly established populations are assumed to belong to the subspecies H. f. davidianus, which can be divided into eastern and western dialect groups based on differences in songs. Song recordings from 10 males from Beijing and its adjacent areas were collected. Bayesian analysis based on the acoustic traits indicated that these males were most likely from the western dialect area, with a posterior probability of 99.975%. Combining topographical data with the habitat preference of the species, we inferred that these individuals spread northeastward from the Qinling Mountains to Taihang Mountains, and further along the Yanshan Mountains. This study is a case study of the distribution expansion of a bird species, which reflects the dynamics of a species in the early stage of its northward expansion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central oscillator is believed to be the key mechanism by which plants adapt to new environments. However, impacts from hybridization, the natural environment, and human selection have rarely been assessed on the oscillator of a crop. Here, from clearly identified alleles at oscillator loci (OsCCA1/LHY, OsPRR95, OsPRR37, OsPRR59, and OsPRR1) in ten diverse genomes of Oryza sativa, additional accessions, and functional analysis, we show that rice\'s oscillator was rebuilt primarily by new alleles from recombining parental sequences and subsequent 5\' or/and coding mutations. New alleles may exhibit altered transcript levels from that of a parental allele and are transcribed variably among genetic backgrounds and natural environments in RIL lines. Plants carrying more expressed OsCCA1_a and less transcribed OsPRR1_e flower early in the paddy field. 5\' mutations are instrumental in varied transcription, as shown by EMSA tests on one deletion at the 5\' region of highly transcribed OsPRR1_a. Compared to relatively balanced mutations at oscillator loci of Arabidopsis thaliana, 5\' mutations of OsPRR37 (and OsCCA1 to a less degree) were under negative selection while those of OsPRR1 alleles were under strong positive selection. Together, range expansion of Asian rice can be elucidated by human selection on OsPRR1 alleles via local flowering time-yield relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid diversification of a group is often associated with exploiting an ecological opportunity and/or the evolution of a key innovation. However, how the interplay of such abiotic and biotic factors correlates with organismal diversification has been rarely documented in empirical studies, especially for organisms inhabiting drylands. Fumarioideae is the largest subfamily in Papaveraceae and is mainly distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Here, we used one nuclear (ITS) and six plastid (rbcL, atpB, matK, rps16, trnL-F, and trnG) DNA sequences to investigate the spatio-temporal patterns of diversification and potential related factors of this subfamily. We first present the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Fumarioideae to date. The results of our integrated molecular dating and biogeographic analyses indicate that the most recent common ancestor of Fumarioideae started to diversify in Asia during the Upper Cretaceous, and then dispersed multiple times out of Asia in the Cenozoic. In particular, we discover two independent dispersal events from Eurasia to East Africa in the late Miocene, suggesting that the Arabian Peninsula might be an important exchange corridor between Eurasia and East Africa in the late Miocene. Within the Fumarioideae, increased speciation rates were detected in two groups, Corydalis and Fumariinae. Corydalis first experienced a burst of diversification in its crown group at ∼ 42 Ma, and further accelerated diversification from the mid-Miocene onwards. During these two periods, Corydalis had evolved diverse life history types, which could have facilitated the colonization of diverse habitats originating from extensive orogenesis in the Northern Hemisphere as well as Asian interior desertification. Fumariinae underwent a burst of diversification at ∼ 15 Ma, which temporally coincides with the increasing aridification in central Eurasia, but is markedly posterior to the shifts in habitat (from moist to arid) and in life history (from perennial to annual) and to range expansion from Asia to Europe, suggesting that Fumariinae species may have been pre-adapted to invade European arid habitats by the acquisition of annual life history. Our study provides an empirical case that documents the importance of pre-adaptation on organismal diversification in drylands and highlights the significant roles of the synergy of abiotic and biotic factors in promoting plant diversification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The louse flies of the genus Lipoptena spp. (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) are obligate blood-feeding species and potential vectors of several pathogens. These ectoparasites are known for their potential harm to wild animals. This review summarized the recent research on Lipoptena spp.\'s role as potential vectors of pathogens and the impact of climate change on their distribution. The review focused on the biological characteristics, medical and veterinary significance, rapid geographic expansion, and challenges in controlling Lipoptena spp. Finally, we provided some considerations for future research on the Lipoptena spp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The amount of bacterial diversity present on many surfaces is enormous; however, how these levels of diversity persist in the face of the purifying processes that occur as bacterial communities expand across space (referred to here as range expansion) remains enigmatic. We shed light on this apparent paradox by providing mechanistic evidence for a strong role of fungal hyphae-mediated dispersal on regulating bacterial diversity during range expansion. Using pairs of fluorescently labeled bacterial strains and a hyphae-forming fungal strain that expand together across a nutrient-amended surface, we show that a hyphal network increases the spatial intermixing and extent of range expansion of the bacterial strains. This is true regardless of the type of interaction (competition or resource cross-feeding) imposed between the bacterial strains. We further show that the underlying cause is that flagellar motility drives bacterial dispersal along the hyphal network, which counteracts the purifying effects of ecological drift at the expansion frontier. We finally demonstrate that hyphae-mediated spatial intermixing increases the conjugation-mediated spread of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance. In conclusion, fungal hyphae are important regulators of bacterial diversity and promote plasmid-mediated functional novelty during range expansion in an interaction-independent manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the growing concern over the ecological impacts of non-native species, exploring these species\' expansion edge and distribution patterns and their driving factors is important for developing suitable management measures. Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, a non-native plant that was introduced to China in the 1990s, has spread from southern Hebei Province, where it first took root, to the surrounding regions and has become one of the most notorious invasive weeds in northern China. Based on 15 years (2006-2021) of extensive field investigations, the spatial distribution of sampling and occurrence points were mapped in the recently expanded region of F. bidentis\' population. Then, nearest neighbor analysis is used to characterize the spatial pattern differences between samplings and occurrences. An exponential decay function was used to elucidate the driving factors contributing to the presence and absence of F. bidentis. Our results demonstrated an effective random sampling setup, a heterogeneous spatial distribution of F. bidentis, and a multi-regional independent aggregation distribution pattern (p < .01). There were significant spatial correlations between the aggregation areas of plant occurrence points and the locations of roads and construction sand distribution centers. These findings suggest that human activities involving major roads and construction sand distribution centers were driving factors contributing to this long-distance dispersal and spatially discontinuous distribution patterns. The presence of these patchy distribution patterns has important implications for ongoing efforts to manage populations of non-native species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ecological niche concept has provided insights into various areas in ecology and biogeography. Although there remains much controversy regarding whether species niches are conserved across space and time, many recent studies have suggested that invasive species conserve their climatic niche between native and introduced ranges; however, whether the climatic niche of cultivated invasive species, whose niches are strongly affected by human activities, are conserved between native and introduced ranges remains unclear. Additionally, the range dynamics of invasive species in their native and introduced regions have not been extensively studied. Here, we investigated the niche and range dynamics of Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), a globally cultivated invasive tree, using ecological niche models and niche dynamic analyses. The most important factors affecting the niche changes between native and introduced Tasmanian blue gum were max temperature of the warmest month and precipitation of the wettest month. The climate niche was not conserved between introduced and native range Tasmanian blue gum; moreover, the niche area of the former was ca. 7.4 times larger than that of the latter, as introduced Tasmanian blue gum could survive in hotter, colder, wetter, and drier climates. In addition, the potential range of introduced Tasmanian blue gum was ca. 32 times larger than that of its native counterpart. Human introduction and cultivation may play a key role in the niche and range expansion of introduced Tasmanian blue gum. Given that small increases in niche area can result in large range expansions, the niche expansion of an invasive species could be used to evaluate invasion risk, which might even be more sensitive than range expansions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current strategies to improve the throughput of continuous directed evolution technologies often involve complex mechanical fluid-controlling system or robotic platforms, which limits their popularization and application in general laboratories. Inspired by our previous study on bacterial range expansion, in this study, we report a system termed SPACE for rapid and extensively parallelizable evolution of biomolecules by introducing spatial dimensions into the landmark phage-assisted continuous evolution system. Specifically, M13 phages and chemotactic Escherichia coli cells were closely inoculated onto a semisolid agar. The phages came into contact with the expanding front of the bacterial range, and then comigrated with the bacteria. This system leverages competition over space, wherein evolutionary progress is closely associated with the production of spatial patterns, allowing the emergence of improved or new protein functions. In a prototypical problem, SPACE remarkably simplified the process and evolved the promoter recognition of T7 RNA polymerase (RNAP) to a library of 96 random sequences in parallel. These results establish SPACE as a simple, easy to implement, and massively parallelizable platform for continuous directed evolution in general laboratories.





